Kethal , to Technology in Microsoft starts bundling Windows 11 with its 'PC optimizer' app in some regions

So does it disable telemetry, remove Edge, remove all the crap from the start menu, and stop presenting Web results in start menu search?

InEnduringGrowStrong , to Technology in Microsoft starts bundling Windows 11 with its 'PC optimizer' app in some regions avatar

This is the same kind of thing I'd expect when a once nice android app gets bought out by a company like tencent.
Bundle a battery manager and RAM optimizer bs in the file browser or something, fill it with ads, maybe they could have microtransactions for some of the "features".

tal , avatar

When Oxygen Not Included was purchased by Tencent, they added some data-mining functionality (as far as I know, opt-in for in-game content, so not the worst, but still). I'd have been less-willing to buy a copy if I'd known that it'd wind up down the road having that happen to it.

I'm a little concerned about the broader prospect of software from one entity being sold to someone, then down the line, that entity going under, and in an always-online world, being a conduit for new updates with less-desirable software with the access granted the earlier one. This wasn't historically a problem when software was sold offline on physical media.

For Android, at least there's some level of app isolation, but on the PC, apps aren't isolated.

autonomoususer ,

Only possible with anti-libre software, never nice.

InEnduringGrowStrong , avatar

Yea, I'm still stuck on Windows at work for the foreseeable future as I don't control that too much.
Otherwise, for personal stuff that I do control, they really can get fucked.

My wife had never used any desktop OS other than Windows before, but I switched her to Pop!_OS and it's gone fine. Certainly not any worse than between 2 Windows versions, but at least now there's no bullshit and things are actually customizable. (Her words)

pfr , to Technology in Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining avatar

The solution will be for have developers to fully support Linux. I'd date to say they the majority of people still using windows are doing so because they're gamers. While Linux has done what it can to support gaming, it's now up to the game Devs to build games that run on Linux

balder1991 ,

Except that if Windows 11 market-share is bad, Linux on the desktop is even worse.

vinyl ,

Alright i hope you can figure out that solution because of the shit show that is the linux development community.

rikonium , to Technology in Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining

They pivoted from serving the user to serving themselves. I still don't know what big improvements have been made to 11 other than another coat of paint, some LLM features searching for a problem and the odd feature like that Android subsystem that's being cancelled. Modern Standby is still being pushed which would rule out most new Windows laptops for me.

It's not like I want something revolutionary, just a number of quality of life things would be nice without feeling like I'm fighting the machine. If I could search images on my machine with OCR like iOS Photos I would be over the moon but noone's seemed to want to copy that.

normalexit , to Technology in Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining

I would much rather pay for windows than become the product with ads, AI, and analytics.

Luckily this is coming at a time where I can run nearly everything on Linux that I previously needed Windows for (with the exception of a handful of games in my steam library)

FrostKing , to Technology in Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining

Recently built a new PC and clean installed Nobara Linux. It's so much... Better. In every way, except for compatibility—and even that's not close to as bad as people say it is. Granted, I had used mostly open source programs before (still quite disappointed that Playnite isn't available on Linux, I do miss that) but I'm using mostly the same software. The pre-done compatibility fixes etc. that the Nobara team has done (huge props to them!) has made it far easier than i even expected. It really is getting to the point that I want a major laptop/PC manufacturer to ship with a polished, user friendly Linux distro, and get the ball rolling.

btaf45 ,

It really is getting to the point that I want a major laptop/PC manufacturer to ship with a polished, user friendly Linux distro, and get the ball rolling.

Chromebooks are sort of like that. They are very user friendly and allow you to access Linux shells. The only problem is that you can't get root access without developer mode.

FrostKing ,

I forgot about Chromebooks—granted, I don't really think of those as what I mean. I don't generally think that "user friendly = restricted and less control", though I'm sure others would disagree. I don't think of Chromebooks as real mainstream Linux.

Oh, and the steam deck has done this I believe, though I don't own one so I don't know how restricted that is either.

Vraylle , (edited ) to Technology in Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining avatar

I've been using Windows since version 3.1. My rig isn't cutting edge but is still plenty good, so naturally it isn't supported for an upgrade to 11. The AI spyware in 11 is just another reason not to switch to it even if I could. Once 10 hits end of life, I'm putting Mint on it.

fpslem ,

Same, although I may not wait that long, I'm looking at a new PC build and I can't justify a Windows OS nowadays, particularly since Steam on LInux is working relatively well for the (admittedly modest) games I like to play.

Moody , to Technology in Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining

Love how this is posted when I literally just got done trashing my os(win11) earlier this week and decided to move back to windows 10. Now I run windows 10 stripped of garbage using ntlite. It's been so much better.

FiniteBanjo , to Technology in Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining

If anybody is planning to dig their own mass grave then I recommend Windows 10 LTSC Enterprise. Notice it comes in two flavors: vanilla or IoT, I don't think IoT should be used unless you actually need it because it can be less secure.

That aside, Linux is cool. Maybe try out some of the new distros before committing to yar-har-dery.

carlytm , avatar

IoT is supported until January 2032, while standard LTSC is only supported until January 2027, which only, like, an extra year or so of support over regular Windows 10. I've never heard anything about IoT being less secure but I'm far from being an expert lol.

FiniteBanjo ,

That's fair, but in general I don't think windows is much of a long term option. The main reason IoT has more vulnerabilities is that it has more endpoints, so if you properly secure everything with credential you should in theory have no problems, but it's statistically much much more vulnerable.

thesporkeffect , to Technology in Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining


FiniteBanjo ,

TBH part of the problem is that Microsoft's revenue is only 12% from Windows, and I imagine its profit is lower because it involves a lot of maintaining like antivirus and hardware compatibility than some of their other products.

Basically, they can afford to fuck around with Windows OS and still expect to beat quarterly projections (which they did, again.)

thesporkeffect ,


Soggytoast ,

Nice picture. Really wild to think that search advertisements (only Bing?) is only 2% under Xbox/gaming related, considering they own so many studios now. Also surprising that the gaming segment is so small

FiniteBanjo , (edited )

You gotta think that with all of the world's resource procurement, logistics, manufacturing, distribution, sales, financing, and metrics for every employee and wages, and every outcome compared to every projection, the use of computers is so much bigger than a couple of rich countries with a limited demographic playing video games. If anything, 8% is kind of impressive.

xia , to Technology in Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining
lemmyingly , to Technology in Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining

Regardless of OS, I'd like to see actual user numbers with stats like this because a percentage oversimplifies the landscape.

Have people moved away from (uninstalled) Windows 11 or have people just bought computers with a different OS/older version of Windows on it. To me, these tell a different tale.

MystikIncarnate , to Technology in Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining

I work with Windows as a requirement of my job, I'm in IT and I'm constantly in and out of the bowels of the operating system. I have a lot of thoughts on this stuff.

My first thought is, stop moving everything around. Even in Windows 10, if you're using an older version, say 1804, and you switch to a newer version, say 22H2, stuff is moved all over the place. It makes it super hard to direct someone blindly to the control they need to click to get something done. You're making my job much harder than it needs to be. Stop it. There's no reason to move this crap around.

To bring out my grumpy old man routine: back in my day, if you wanted to do anything, you went to the control panel. Everything you needed was there. Now it's in settings, no wait, clicking on this settings option for that thing now launches an appx thing that, surprisingly (/s) is broken.

Too many damn times have I tried to open their damned settings app or the new defender security appx dialog simply crashes. The solution is almost always dkim online repair. Well, if it needs repair so damn much, how about you just repair it for me as part of system maintenance? The fuck.

Windows 11 is a special form of suffering. Right clicking on a file and.... What the fuck is this? I basically click on "more settings" every time I right click. And the changes to the settings application.... Don't get me started.

Also, why in the fuck do we have copilot installed by default now? You're an operating system, stay in your goddamned lane.

The only good thing I can say about Windows 11 is that it has really good security. So good that I frequently have trouble doing routine things. Today, I was trying to run a PowerShell script and it told me some bullshit error, which is pretty common for PowerShell. After googling the error, the recommendation was to change the execution policy. I went to do that at an administrative PowerShell prompt and it told me that I didn't have access to change it. While running as the administrator. Yay. Shit is broken again. Fuck me I guess. I'm off to unfuck my less than five month old new work system because Microsoft can't get their shit straight.

Customization options do not and cannot help me. 90% of the time I'm working on someone else's computer, so I have to fucking deal with the default behavior because I'm not going to change it for 500+ users whom I support. I'm pretty sure I'd get more than a few complaints. So I have to fucking deal with whatever hairbrained decision Microsoft made about what should be default.

Windows 10 had its own share of bullshit. One of my most common annoyances was the way the OS decided to install fucking candy crush, every fucking time a new user logged into the goddamned computer. It's like playing whack-a-mole, but not fun and filled with uninstalls. I hope Microsoft made some good money on that brand deal, because I sure paid for it with my frustration.

After all of this, I keep finding myself in the fucking registry, and thank God that's one thing that hasn't been fucked over by their new UI team. I keep having to fix dumb issues by injecting registry keys so I can not deal with the stupid UI all the goddamned time. It's hacky, and I'm happier for it.

I could keep going. Pretty much every decision they've made in the past 5 years has been some measure of bad. The only thing I've agreed with them doing is finally ending internet explorer. Begrudgingly, edge is better, but not by a lot, IMO.

The last thing I'll say is that the tpm bullshit is going to give me an aneurysm. Having a TPM at Windows install usually prompts the system to activate bitlocker. Bitlocker itself isn't bad, but it's fucking terrible when windows does this shit and doesn't really inform the user about it. Nobody knows that they need to back up their goddamned bitlocker recovery keys, so inevitably, when something goes wrong (we're talking about Windows here, something will go wrong) and the system stops booting, you need the fucking bitlocker recovery key to do anything. Your option, if you can call it that, if you can't get the recovery key, is to format all of your shit, and reinstall from scratch. I know several people who have lost a lot of work and irreplaceable files, like pictures, because bitlocker fucked them over and they had no idea it was even running.

Sorry about your loss, but all those family photos you saved that don't exist anywhere else are locked behind basically uncrackable encryption, get fucked, I guess.

I'm going to cut this rant off. Needless to say I'm pretty tired of Microsoft's bullshit. Make an operating system. That's what people want. That's it. We shouldn't need "debloat" scripts to fix your nonsense. Gah.

SilverFlame ,

I recently had to reinstall windows on a coworker's laptop because it wouldn't boot (hard drive is probably failing). I couldn't even format the drive because bitlocker was bit locking and the only way to turn it off is through the control panel (again, PC would not boot). I ended up having to delete the entire partition so I could reformat and install.

MystikIncarnate ,

I usually do that anyways. As soon as it's like, "which partition do you want to install to?" I'm like, nope! And delete all the partitions. Just install to the drive.

The windows installer is so retarded with this kind of thing that I make it basically impossible to do wrong. If I have another drive in the system, I unplug it before I install windows, then plug it back in after windows is installed. I want it to see one drive and only one drive and I want it to install to that drive and nothing else. Not a partition, not a specific location, just the drive.

PresidentCamacho ,

This 100%

Windows is in a permanent state of shitification, it feels to be like they have sales driving development. Every year Windows applications make more and more stupid fucking decisions with how stuff functions. You can't target a specific folder to save a word doc without 5 clicks to get to the fucking file explorer. You now left click to fix spelling instead of right click in outlook. None of this shit makes sense. They keep fucking around with how stuff operates for seemingly no rhyme or reason and all it's doing is pissing off seasoned users. I know the devs aren't this fucking brain dead which is how I get to "sales must be driving" mentality. Because sales people tend the be the worst fucking people to make decisions on shit,they're good at charming people, they should stick to that.

MystikIncarnate ,


I could not give any fucks if they want to cram this shit into the crap home version. I don't use it and anyone who does, probably would rather have a more inexpensive version that's been subsidized by all the crap they've piled into the OS. Sure. Whatever.

But this crap is present in the professional, and enterprise versions, this shit still persists. Like, these are versions that are twice or three times as expensive and still, full of shit; just as bad as the cheap home version.


The constant stupid UI changes are just icing on this shit filled cake. Why are we moving everything around? Sure, you want to create a less "ugly" control panel, ok that's fine, but why the fuck did you make it borderline impossible to do something as simple as change your network IP address? I don't even try anymore, I just go find the og control panel and load up network and sharing center or something. If you're going to change it, at least make it as functional as the old one, or don't fucking do it at all.

InformalTrifle ,

I went back from Windows 11 to Windows 10 as 11 was too buggy on my system (maybe because I bypassed some checks for TPM because my motherboard was too old).

I cannot understand at all this move from control panel to settings thats half baked in 10 and presumably even worse in 11. It’s not an improvement and makes things difficult to find

MystikIncarnate ,

The only improvement I can find with the windows 11 settings is account administration. Linking to a Microsoft account or adding authentication methods or something, is pretty decent. Everything else, just makes me want to tear my head off of my body and throw it across the room.

Kevnyon , avatar

I'm gonna upgrade my setup at some point, so thanks for this. I didn't realize they had some bullshit like bitlocker in there, definitely going to disable that because I cannot lose some files.

MystikIncarnate ,

I try to speak the gospel of backing up your bitlocker recovery key to anyone who will listen without their eyes glazing over.

You can turn it off, if you're okay with going without encryption; if it's a mobile computer, like a laptop or something, encryption is a good idea, so just back up the key in a safe place, even just emailing it to yourself and you're all set.

The bullshit is that the bitlocker dialog won't save a file that contains your recovery key, to the drive that's encrypted; my recommendation is to "print" it to a PDF, which you can save anywhere you want. Once you have it, attach it to an email and send it to yourself, or toss it in your Google drive or whatever.

Full disk encryption is, IMO, a great thing to have, but to rugpull people by just enabling it and not giving them the information to secure access to their data, or even really inform them that it's on, is complete fucking horse shit.

Kevnyon , avatar

I don't know how much I'll need it on a desktop that's strictly used by me, but I see your point nevertheless. The fact that its turned on by default without user knowledge and that the key is not automatically safely accessible is... That is a whole other level of dogshit, that's just insane honestly. I'd definitely save it to drive and a stick to be sure, that's a good one.

MystikIncarnate ,

I agree, there's pretty limited usefulness to keep it enabled on a desktop. Unless you're at risk of someone walking off with it, like your desktop is in a fairly public area, or you live in an area where robberies/burglaries are not rare, I don't know that there's much value in it. You also have to think about what data you're realistically keeping on your PC. Is it something that if that were to become public information, would that be a problem?

Like, if you have pictures of yourself in blackface or nudes or something, maybe think about it... But if you're just using your PC to play games and browse the web, it's probably not very important to encrypt it. Even if someone takes it and looks through all your data, they probably won't find anything of value (to someone else) beyond whatever money they can get for the hardware.

It's a very personal choice, and with higher risk devices like laptops, I would say, just turn on the FDE, back up the recovery keys and forget about it. Desktops, meh. Up to you.

KrapKake ,

I very much enjoyed your rant. Would subscribe.

K0W4LSK1 , avatar

Idk if you love or hate windows but I hope your job switches to linux for your sanity lol I would be going crazy. Just reading your rant gave me anxiety

MystikIncarnate ,

I appreciate that. I don't think my users would tolerate Linux. Maybe MacOS, but I would quit if that happened.

Windows has some very terrible traits, but it's something I've worked with and on for the last ~20 years. I see all the warts. I have no delusions about it, but it's something I know extremely well as a result.

perdvert ,

I like how the settings for daylight savings just fucking disappeared on my kid's laptop and I had to edit the registry to get the setting to show up and correct the time.

MystikIncarnate ,

Oh. I have one for this. I support people from several timezones, so to help myself, I set up a couple of additional clocks in Windows, so I could keep track of what time it is for the user, since most people are bad at thinking outside of their local timezone.

Well, I'm in a timezone that uses DST, and when it started for my timezone this year, all of my clocks changed. Every last one of them are now wrong, since the actual timezones they are for don't do DST.

Gg windows.

spacemanspiffy , to Technology in Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining

I don't know what to make of these sort of stats anymore. Just this morning I read something saying more people adopted Win 11 in the past month than use Linux.

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

Honestly I see a lot of these stats as circle jerking and just used as fodder to push a narrative.

In my tech circle, most of us own all of them. Like 10% only Linux, 10% only windows, 10% only Mac, then 70% Mac/windows/Linux. So 🤷‍♀️

PanArab , to Technology in Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining

As someone who uses both daily I prefer the shell of Windows 11.

Psythik ,

I prefer Windows 11 for its superior HDR support. No other OS even comes close to making HDR as easy as 11 does.

GaMEChld ,

Don't know why you got down voted for that. HDR might be the only reason I use 11.

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