Kichae , to Canada in Why the price of milk in Canada has increased

I'm sure what the NatPo has to say about this is honest and in good faith.

DeathbringerThoctar , to Canada in Why the price of milk in Canada has increased

Because the rent went up on Galen Weston Jr's castle?

AnotherDirtyAnglo , to Canada in Growing number of Canadians are moving abroad due to lack of affordability: McGill study

I actually talked to my GF about fucking off from Canada in the next 5 years... Not because we can't afford it, but because I'm close to retirement, and I'm sick of working for a living.

Kichae , to Canada in Growing number of Canadians are moving abroad due to lack of affordability: McGill study

The US isn't the best baseline here, what with their infamous attitude that anywhere and everywhere else is unworthy of them.

BlameThePeacock ,

There's a ton of other reasons why the US is a bad baseline.

A) They let in far fewer immigrants per capita in the first place

B) The US collects incoming taxes on foreign income for it's citizens, even if you lived outside the US while you earned it.

C) In some cases it's harder for US citizens to work or live abroad. For example working holiday visas are only available to Americans in a handful of countries, where Canada has agreements with more than a dozen countries.

AnotherDirtyAnglo ,

And let's not forget their famous ignorance of world geography, and their inability to find the USA on an unlabelled map. "Who wants to do a road trip to Europe?" "Which country is Africa again?"

Showroom7561 , to Canada in Growing number of Canadians are moving abroad due to lack of affordability: McGill study

A new report lends insight into Canadians who leave the country, estimated to number around four million in 2016, or about 11 per cent of the population according to Statistics Canada.

More than one in ten people in a single year?

I don't think I know a single person in all my life who moved out of Canada.

Are they all movie stars or millionaires?

pbjamm , avatar

Seriously. Moving to a new country is GD EXPENSIVE. This is not something you can just do on a whim unless you are quite well to do. That is assuming that the other country even wants you.

avidamoeba , avatar

This sounds really sus.

DerisionConsulting ,

I have met a large number of Canadians who have left the country, and they were not super well off. But no where near 1 in 10

They were mostly people who became citizens, then returned to the place they were born for one reason or another.

Sometimes it's realizing that the grass isn't greener, sometimes it someone "back home" gets sick, sometimes it a relationship they have in Canada goes away for one reason or another.

sbv ,

The rest of the article seems to be talking about Canadians living abroad. So only a few tens of thousands have to leave annually to get to that total amount. I think that first sentence is just poorly written.

Thinking of the number folks I know who went to the US for retirement, work, or to get married, it seems possible.

cyborganism ,

You'd be surprised how many people working in tech have moved to the US. And I can assume other professionals as well. You get MUCH better pay and cheaper cost of living than in Canada.

AnotherDirtyAnglo ,

Yeah, the only people I know who have permanently left Canada had some tax-related issues they didn't want to deal with, so moved to Central America. The only other Canadians I know who moved to Europe were people who came from Europe, had their kids here, then went back.

nik282000 , to Canada in Growing number of Canadians are moving abroad due to lack of affordability: McGill study avatar

If you're going to live in a country that is going to sell you out, at least make it one with nice weather.

Altofaltception , to Canada in Growing number of Canadians are moving abroad due to lack of affordability: McGill study

As long as we're replacing them faster than they can leave, right? /S

Omega_Haxors , to Canada in International student’s video on getting free food in Canada unleashes anger and abuse: ‘Please die’

If your response to someone getting their basic needs met is "they shouldn't get their basic needs met" instead of "why do I have to work so much to meet my needs" than you are a fascist and your utter lack of basic human decency is your answer as to why things are that way.

some_guy , to Canada in International student’s video on getting free food in Canada unleashes anger and abuse: ‘Please die’

The university has responded to backlash as well. “The online abuse directed at our student is malicious and harmful,” it said in a statement to the Record. “We are providing the student with the necessary support.”

Prajapati confirmed as much, telling the Star that help from the school, including counselling, is what’s getting him through this. He called it a “strong pillar” of support for him.

Good on the school for defending him. Unfortunate that they'd need to.

atro_city , to Canada in International student’s video on getting free food in Canada unleashes anger and abuse: ‘Please die’

It soon emerged that he had only worked there as an intern last fall, a 17-week contract that ended in December and didn’t pay $98,000 a year. The website Moneycontrol also reported that he is on a student visa and can’t even work full-time in Canada.

People will believe anything online. They just want to get riled up.

I think the bigger story here though is that food banks are necessary in Canada.

some_guy ,

It's a school program, not a food bank.

Meanwhile, the “food bank” to which the student was referring was revealed to be a university program and not a public food bank. And it echoed much of what he was saying in the video that got people so riled up.

On the website for the program, which is run by the Laurier Students’ Public Interest Research Group and Martin Luther University College, it notes: “If you are experiencing marginal, moderate or severe food insecurity, our program is for you to come and take what you need.”

It adds: “Take as much as you need. We do not limit how much students take because we don’t know how much you need. However, please keep in mind that the supplies we have must be shared amongst many.”

atro_city ,

It's a food bank by the uni for uni students. Regardless, students shouldn't even require something like that in Canada. There's a deeper problem.

phoenixz ,

Not only are they necessary, they can now barely keep up with demand. Prices have soared, leaving many people behind not able to make a living anymore.

FunderPants , to Canada in International student’s video on getting free food in Canada unleashes anger and abuse: ‘Please die’

It's been my experience that international students are more at risk of insecurity due to outdated regulations on the amount of money they must have, increasing costs all around, and restrictions on their ability to work and for their spouse to work.

Combine that with social media culture and communication challenges and we get situations like this, I work with a number of students from India and they speak English well, but differently from a long term Canadian. Often, the english is more direct in word choice and more... bombastic or sales oriented. Combine that with social media presence and you are bound to get culture clash.

So instead of using a more Canadian culturally appropriate phrase, like "here is where to turn when in need" or "this helps me afford rent", many will just be less cautious and might say "here is how I save hundreds of bucks" or "here is how I get free food".

That it turns out this guy was struggling like many others, and trying to help people like him is honestly no surprise to me.

penquin , avatar

This is true. As an immigrant myself, I have struggled with expressing my thoughts for the longest time. Different cultures and different ways of learning English. Trying to translate my thoughts from my own language to English often comes out either rude, or just wrong. I've learned to take moments before expressing my thoughts and then also explain just in case. I also throw in a disclaimer when I meet new people, especially at work. I'm getting better. It gets better with time. I feel bad for him. People on the internet are just brutal.

Greg , avatar

I'm an immigrant from Australia and I remember having to change my word choices even though Canada and Australia are nearly culturally identical. It must be a lot more work coming from less culturally similar places.

eezeebee , avatar

This is interesting to me. Do you have any examples of how you would word something differently in Australia compared to Canada?

baconisaveg ,

Well, they really don't like it when you call them a cunt here.

sin_free_for_00_days , to Canada in BDC employees paid over $250 million in bonuses since 2019: documents

That comes out to abnout $87,000 per employee. I'm sure those lower pay scale employees who really appreciated that were happy to get...oh, wait. What's that? Of that amount, a total of $11,276,700 was handed out as bonuses to BDC’s top 10 executives. of course, give money to those that least need it. Yay capitalism.

prodigalsorcerer ,

Of that amount, a total of $11,276,700 was handed out as bonuses to BDC’s top 10 executives.

Is that a problem? $11M out of a pool of $250M doesn't seem ridiculous. That still leaves over $80,000 per employee.

sin_free_for_00_days ,

I think $1 million bonuses are unconscionable.

Also, $11 million to the top 10 vampires. It's not like from that point on it was all shared equally. I wonder what was left after the rest of the worthless executives got their blood money. Nope, shit like that is always in favor of further wealth distribution from the lowers.

grue , to Not The Onion in Poster of 'homoerotic' Jesus unleashes chaos

The cropped pic in the article is useless; here's a more illustrative one:

Randomgal ,

I think the problem is that some men look at hot Jesus and feel... Funny. But they are Christian men... So it MUST be the image that's not just erotic but homo-erotic. It is the image that's giving them a semi, nothing to do with them, at all.

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