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On Tone Policing

I'd like to draw everyone's attention to one of our first philosophical documents- the core principles document, "What is (and isn't) Beehaw". I'm going to zero in on a small portion in the middle of the first part here, because a recent discussion in the LGBTQ+ space got charged and, in a way, where a larger educational or...

t3rmit3 ,

Also, if you do choose to comment something, and you see that the discussion it spawns is not being productive, or is negatively affecting the overall tone in the post, you can always delete or edit it down.

Sometimes the person you're commenting to is not in a mood or headspace for even a good-faith discussion, even if they're not actually venting, even though in another case someone else may have been open to discuss the point, and you can always gracefully retract a comment, or bow out of the discussion.

t3rmit3 ,


"GNU Laughably-Insecure Manipulator Prohibit Sexy Energy"?

t3rmit3 ,

Thing we're unnecessarily shoehorning AI into : Charging a battery

t3rmit3 , (edited )

He's doing the classic anti de-colonization argument of, "well sure we got here illegally, but it would be mean to kick us out now, you'd basically be 'colonizing' us in reverse!"

It's like a home invader saying they chased you out, so they live there now, and now it's you invading their home!

And then of course calling 70 years "ancient history" LMFAO. Guess my dad is "ancient history"!

t3rmit3 ,

You left out the 'N' and the 'tscape Navigator'

Why is Nikki Haley scrawling genocidal messages on Israeli bombs? | Moustafa Bayoumi ( www.theguardian.com )

...on Tuesday, the former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley was all over social media for a picture taken of her during a visit to Israel. In the picture, Haley – the one Republican who had been frequently lauded for her smarts on foreign policy – is seen squatting down in front of a row of Israeli artillery...

German carmaker Volkswagen says forced labour in one of its sub-supplier's plants in China was not identified as 'no full supply chain transparency exists' ( www.hrw.org )

- Volkswagen (VW) in 2023 commissioned a deeply flawed audit at a plant in China's Xinjiang province operated by a subsidiary of Volkswagen’s joint venture with SAIC, a Chinese state-owned carmaker....

t3rmit3 ,

VW can demand transparency (e.g. access to supply chain facilities by 3rd party auditors) as a prerequisite to doing business with a partner company. It is absolutely standard to demand that business partners have had 3rd party audits to prove they comply with laws and regulations. This is not some insane ask, this is everyday stuff in the business world.

If a company can't or won't get an auditor to validate that they comply with PCI-DSS, for instance, they're not going to be signed on for processing payment card information by other companies.

And slave labor is a tad bit worse than retaining too many data fields in a credit card for too many days.

t3rmit3 ,

They all could manage that, as they are already managing similar attestation requirements from suppliers e.g. ISO 9000-family controls.

Going Dark: The war on encryption is on the rise. Through a shady collaboration between the US and the EU. ( mullvad.net )

Under the slogan ‘Think of the children’, the European Commission tried to introduce total surveillance of all EU citizens. When the scandal was revealed, it turned out that American tech companies and security services had been involved in the bill, generally known as ‘Chat Control’ – and that the whole thing had been...

t3rmit3 ,

The EU has been good on privacy against other actors. The EU is very bad when it comes to personal privacy from its constituent governments.

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it ( www.theguardian.com )

On the issue of Gaza, Biden is dramatically out of touch with the voters he needs to win re-election. If he will not be moved by morality to stop his support of this war, he should be moved by vulgar self-interest. Gaza is not a distant foreign conflict: it is an urgent moral emergency for large swaths of voters. Biden will lose...

t3rmit3 , (edited )

instead of pushing this narrative that it’s Biden’s fault

But... it is his fault? His job is to represent his constituents, which he's not doing. He's literally refusing to do his job as an elected representative. That you think it's the electorate's job to align with a President (and thus, a failing on their part not to) is antithetical to Democracy.

Here's an interesting hypothetical for you:

How close would Biden need to be to Trump, before you wouldn't vote for him? What issues would he need to change his stance on? I'm not saying he's close, I'm interested to know which of your personal values are red-lines?

If the answer is, "nothing, so long as he is at all better than Trump", then we're never going to see eye-to-eye, because to me at that point your rhetoric is incapable of combating our current slide towards fascism (just as I believe Biden is). If there are red-lines for you, then ask yourself why your personal red-lines are more important or valid than the people who you're shaming for saying he's crossed theirs.

Sadly, I suspect that the answer for many Democrats is the same as it is for Republicans; they'll only stand up to the party once they are personally harmed by the party's policies.

Car makers BMW, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) and Volkswagen (VW) used parts made by supplier with links to Chinese forced labour, U.S. probe says ( www.bbc.com )

BMW, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) and Volkswagen (VW) used parts made by a supplier on a list of firms banned over alleged links to Chinese forced labour, a US congressional report has said....

t3rmit3 ,

Weird question, but what does your username mean?

t3rmit3 ,

Hmm, this kind of reminds me of something else recently, where an invaded populace was having all their critical infrastructure and supplies targeted in order to make it impossible to continue living there (i.e. leave or die)...

t3rmit3 ,

Wow, that didn't take much prodding... xD

t3rmit3 ,

"Google, how do I calculate the circumference of a sphere?"

"Sign up for online math classes with University of Arizona today!"

The Hill: US Army intel officer resigns in protest of US-Israel policy; IDF abuse of Gazan prisoners exposed ( thehill.com )

A segment on The Hill that cites The Intercept and Democracy Now, and calls out the media downplaying credible accusations of IDF mistreatment of prisoners, including prior to Oct 7? Did I wake up in upside-down world today?

t3rmit3 ,

You might want to rethink your source for this. Fox is not even remotely credible. They regularly publish false information and then bury retractions. They're just the propaganda arm of the GOP.

Here is an Associated Press article on the inflation misinformation Biden is pushing.

t3rmit3 ,

Nothing bizarre about that, right wing chuds have had those "if you don't love America, LEAVE", and, "if this flag offends you, I'll help you pack" shirts and bumper stickers for ages.

Just the usual "obedience as patriotism" shtick that bootlickers do.

t3rmit3 ,

The real question is, is that air defense only against UAVs and missiles, or does it also apply to manned aircraft?

t3rmit3 ,

I don't think they mean overcoming Hamas, given that it's not Hamas who are executing the war crimes right now.

t3rmit3 ,

Why would current fascists write a book paralleling Hitler's rise to power about their own successful rise to power?

t3rmit3 ,

They literally cannot defeat Hamas. Not only are they not all located in Gaza, but murdering so many civilians makes the civilians want to strike back at Israel, which means more recruits.

This is not about defeating Hamas, this is about constructing a famine in order to drive Palestinians from Gaza (i.e. ethnic cleanse Gaza).

Active Clubs: A new far-right threat to democratic elections ( www.aljazeera.com )

With a network of decentralised cells in most states in the United States and European Union member countries, the Active Clubs movement has blended far-right extremism with mixed martial arts (MMA). By presenting a more palatable image to the public and combining its extremist ideology with exercise, fitness and MMA training,...

t3rmit3 OP ,

But don't worry; this won't change Biden's mind about Israel either.

t3rmit3 ,

My s.o. and I were discussing tests for animal intelligence being too anthropocentric, and we've both come to the conclusion (based on more recent work in the field that is getting better at trying to assess an animal's intelligence on its own grounds, rather than our's) that there's going to be a major existential reckoning as this field progresses, because so many people do not realize the extent to which animals reason, think, and feel. If we ever reach the point of truly being able to understand what animals are thinking, we're likely going to be horrified at what we've been doing to them (even more than many of us already are).

t3rmit3 , (edited )

First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with... the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom...

  • Martin Luther King Jr.

“Dissent is essential for democracy,” Biden said at the White House. “But dissent must never lead to disorder.”

He largely sidestepped protesters’ demands, which have included ending U.S. support for Israeli military operations. Asked after his remarks whether the demonstrations would prompt him to consider changing course, Biden responded with a simple “no.”

I'm sure college-age voters are going to love that...

"Hey, do you care about what young voters want?" "No."

t3rmit3 , (edited )

To clarify as another Beehaw user, are "fascist" and "felon" in fact being objected to here, or only the use of "fuck" as a noun/name?

I easily understand the latter as name-calling, as it's purely an invective, but the former 2 don't make sense to me as being violations of Bee Nice.

That seems to be veering into the realm of toxic positivity, if we can't call a person doing fascistic things a fascist, or a person doing felonious things a felon.

t3rmit3 , (edited )

I want to be clear that I am being completely sincere when I ask, does this mean that saying "Joe Biden is acting like a fascist autocrat", is ok, but applying it as a title, as in "Joe Biden the Fascist Autocrat" is not?

If so, I will hew to that distinction, but I want to be perfectly clear about the actual expectations; if the former is also an issue, I would like to know that now.

I understand that the Spirit of the Rules is meant to avoid generally drawing these kind of hard lines, because that allows bad-actors to attack community members and at-risk groups by toeing the line of rules, but Joe Biden is neither a community member nor part of an at-risk group, and being required to Bee Nice to Joe Biden as though he were (going off of a Spirit of the Rules interpretation), feels uncomfortably close to not being allowed to criticize the arguably single most powerful and advantaged person in the world (especially since he is currently being criticized for the harm he's doing to at-risk groups).

Some US officials say in internal memo Israel may be violating international law in Gaza ( www.reuters.com )

Some senior U.S. officials have advised Secretary of State Antony Blinken that they do not find "credible or reliable" Israel's assurances that it is using U.S.-supplied weapons in accordance with international humanitarian law, according to an internal State Department memo....

t3rmit3 ,

They've chosen their side, and it's not that of truth or the US citizenry, it's as a propaganda mouthpiece for the leaders of the US/Israeli war machine.

t3rmit3 ,

I legit have been considering buying a minidisc player, just for the sheer cool factor of them. Sometimes truly special form is lost as function evolves.

t3rmit3 ,

It's only crazy as long as everyone else treats it as such. When there are also monied interests on board with it, it becomes serious and dangerous.

t3rmit3 ,

With Thursday’s party-line vote, the FCC redefined internet service as similar to legacy telephone lines, a sweeping move that comes with greater regulatory power over the broadband industry.

Leading FCC officials have said restoring net neutrality rules, and reclassifying ISPs under Title II of the agency’s congressional charter, would provide the FCC with clearer authority to adopt future rules governing everything from public safety to national security.

“Broadband is a telecommunications service and should be regulated as such,” said Justin Brookman, director for technology policy at Consumer Reports. “The Title II authority will ensure that broadband providers are properly overseen by the FCC like all telecommunications services should be.

“These 400-plus pages of relentless regulation are proof positive that old orthodoxies die hard,” said Jonathan Spalter, CEO of USTelecom, a trade association representing internet providers.

My god the fucking irony. The trade association made up of Broadband ISPs, arguing that they shouldn't be regulated as Telecom providers, is literally called... USTelecom.

"Don't treat us like ducks!" said the trade association representative from USDucks.

Israel Attack on Iran Is What World War III Looks Like ( theintercept.com )

But this, in fact, is what actual war looks like these days: Sometimes it’s a volley of 300 missiles and drones, and sometimes it is lean, targeted, and carried out covertly. Gone are the days of vast conquering armies and conventional military confrontations between two parties. So long as experts, the government, and the...

t3rmit3 OP ,

Everyone in the world (except for Russia, with their 'special operation' euphemism) recognizes the invasion of Ukraine as a war. People are still pretending that Israel bombing targets inside Iran and Iranian military units in other countries, and Iran launching a large-scale missile strike against Israel, isn't a war. It's no longer a proxy war, it's a direct conflict, but because people are still stuck in exactly that mode of thinking- that 'war' means artillery and troops and taking ground- people are treating this as something else.

I don't think the author is correct that war won't still look like the WW1/2 paradigm of conflicts as well, but as of right now there are 16 countries involved in the Israel/Iran not-war:

Direct involvement:

  • Israel
  • Iran
  • US
  • UK
  • Syria
  • Iraq
  • Jordan
  • Yemen
  • Lebanon

Logistical involvement (including intelligence sharing and air defense deployment):

  • Kuwait
  • UAE
  • KSA
  • Qatar
  • Oman
  • Djibouti
  • Bahrain

I think the salient point is that the US's insistence that they/we're not yet in a war is a lie designed to both avoid blame being put where it belongs (Israel's genocide of Palestinians, and the US's involvement, that kicked this all off), and to temper calls for more action to stop the war, which will require stopping Israel in Gaza.

By calling for preventing a war, the US is attempting to blame future actions, whereas if they acknowledge we're already in a war, they'd have to admit that it's because of actions that already took place, and the US wants desperately to make Iran the bad guys here, and claim this has nothing to do with Israel doing war crimes both in Gaza and in Lebanon.

t3rmit3 ,

How do we welcome these contributions while lowering risk?

Why do the people using LLMs to modify a project need to make a PR back to the remote branch? Why can't they keep their 'weird' contributions on their own personal fork and use as they like?

If the answer is that they don't have the knowledge to build the app in order to test if the code works before submitting a PR, they shouldn't be submitting a PR in the first place. Code contributions come with an expectation of due diligence on the part of the submitter, to ensure that their code is not breaking anything or introducing obvious bugs and vulns (and of course, that it even works at all).

Democratizing coding means making the knowledge of how to do it more readily and freely-available, not having a computer spit out something that someone doesn't understand, and then telling that person, "congratulations, you're a code contributor".

People are submitting LLM generated code they don’t understand right now. How do we protect repos?

By not accepting PRs that do not properly meet contribution guidelines, like having tests that provide reasonable code coverage, etc.

t3rmit3 ,

your landlord (the provider) takes care of all the maintenance

this is a dirty lie :P

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