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helpImTrappedOnline , (edited )

In wow, I was a death knight gnome in a raid (dungeon finder so it was easy mode). I think it was one of the early warlords of dreanor raids.
Anyways 95% of group wiped, but me and the other tank (a paladin) plus a healer (revived with gnomish army knife - which has a huge chance of failure) managed to survive for what felt like 5 minutes. Really upset the dead folks who just wanted us to wipe and start again.

Unfortuanlty we didn't have enough DPS and hit the beserk timer and that was the end of that.

I also loved using the multi-target death grip skill, normally it sucks every mob to your target, great for CC.

I read you can set your self as target with a macro, so I'd run into the middle of a room and yank everything to me in one go. Super handy when mobs came in from behind and targeted the healer - I just sucked them all in into the stabbing party.

helpImTrappedOnline , (edited )

Yup, looking back it was definitly a dick move, but it was fun.

Also it was a legitamite attempt, the boss was almost dead...just not dead of enough two tanks with dungeon finder gear could finish the job.

iOS keyboards that don't censor "bad words"

Does anyone have any recommendations for alternate keyboard apps on iOS that don’t censor my less-than-polite speech? Having to type certain words out letter by letter is annoying enough since swipe texting won’t spell them out. And lately it seems like even after I type that stuff out, autocorrect will still go back and...

helpImTrappedOnline , (edited )

I like Typefinity. (I have only used it on iPad, don't own an iPhone)

A no nonsense ios keyboard with a number row!

Privacy wise, they claim to not collect anything.
It's not FOSS and also not free. One time $5. 100% worth it.

There's not too much visual customization, but a few themes that include dark, light and few colorful themes.
For keyboard settings, there's everything you'd expect from a keyboard - not too much, but enough to disable things you might not want like click sounds and adjust autocorrect.

For the part you asked about;
Playing around with swipe, it doesn't seem to work with curse words.

Honestly, thats probably a good thing. Its better for you and these keybaords' PR to lean on the side of caution (It could also be requirement from Apple - idk)
You wouldn't want it to mistake "the duck sits on the birch log" for "the fuck shits on the bitch log".

Manually typing out bad words has no issues with autocorrection set to max. I normally leave it on "suggestions only" and just use the autofill suggestions as I type big words.
Overall the swipe works, I don't normally use it, but I was able to "swipe" a few simple sentences. I can't give you a definitivite answer to "is it good", I type everything like a caveman.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Music streaming has proven this for years now, all the major brands have massive collections that make its super easy to pay and listen to just about anything.

Early Netflix proved this when everything was readily available for an affordable pricre.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

This sounds like a great spot for scammers to flood for maximum visabilty. It'll be too much effort to moderate, so creators will just disable them (if they can) or this will be shut down in about (checks YouTube's history of dealling with scammers) 3.5 years.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Would a compromise be to simply archive them but not make them freely availible until they enter public domain.

For more current book; if they are out of print then they can be made availbe for limited loan, like any other digital library.
If a digital copy is avalible for purchase from the original publisher/author, than its not fair game. Unless they come to an agreement, perhaps add supported for freely accessing a book otherwise available for purchase.

If they got rid of the download option, it would make it much more difficult to just use a DRM stripping tool (a friend told me about these terrible pirating tools, I certently don't know how to use then).
A lot of digital libraies have a dedicated app that you can only view content from. Utilize whatever anti-screen capture systems banks and Netflix use to protect from simply taking screen shots. Make is easier to access the books legitimatly than it is to pirate them.

Lastly, don't just make everything freely availible next time there's a world crisis.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

This raises an excellent point not considered. This goes for all texts as well if the other person uses the "your phone" app. Discord, matrix, signal, telegram etc are all compromised by this existing on a system.

Will my browser's "private mode" be respected or it is going to store every inappropriate thing I search?

Are password managers safe? How about bank security questions? How often are those actaully obfuscated. The last 4 digits of social security numbers are usually unobfuscated, which is also what a lot of intuitions (stupidly) use to verify your ID over the phone. What if I want to look at the PDF of my tax documents?

What if my HR manager has this enabled and starts viewing PDFs containing private information about employees, payroll data, finances and whatever else is sellable on the dark web.

How about govermnet data? Sure maybe the pentagon IT staff will completely block it, but what about local gov committee ABC that's collecting voter information?

That type of data is valuable enough that it will be targeted regardless of what protection MS attempts. Based on the fact they didnt bother encytping the data from the start, my faith is low.

The implications of this are insane.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

This isn't new at all. Apple has been consistent with long term updates for a while.

iPhones have been getting at least 5 major annual updates sense the iPhone 4. The average is 6 updates.

If anything, it gets to a point where the old hardware can barley handle the newer OS.

This is the equivalent of them promising to be called Apple in 5 years - it changes absolutly nothing.

Edit: thinking about it, this gives them an excuse to reduce the number of years they support phones. Instead of 6-7, can we now expect that to become only 5 years?

This could be a huge loss disguised as a win

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Am I just missing it, or is there no list of of these infected apps on the posted article or the reference the article links to.
To me, that is the most important information.

helpImTrappedOnline , (edited )

Not sure about the future of WSL, but WSA (android) has been discontinued.

It's not really a suprise seeing as they partnered with Amazon for the app store, no side load support and as far as I know they didn't really mention it anywhere in the actuall OS, so few knew about it.

(Oh and when I tried it, getting it to work for just one app took way more effort than it should have)

Linus Tech Tips (LTT) release investigation results on former accusations ( )

There were a series of accusations about our company last August from a former employee. Immediately following these accusations, LMG hired Roper Greyell - a large Vancouver-based law firm specializing in labor and employment law, to conduct a third-party investigation. Their website describes them as “one of the largest...

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Nothing will.
They want to see LTT fail because they made a few bad mistakes.
These are the same people on the relationship forms who say "break up" at the slightest negative.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

You mean the ones that failed multiple model years because the ribbon was too short?

helpImTrappedOnline , (edited )

The headline/title needs to be extended to include the rest of the sentence

"and then sent them to a minor"

Yes, this sicko needs to be punished.
Any attempt to make him the victim of " the big bad government" is manipulative at best.

Edit: made the quote bigger for better visibility.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Simulated crimes aren't crimes.

If they were, any one who's played games is fucked. I'm confident everyone who has played went on a total ramapage murdering the townfolk, pillaging their houses and blowing everything Minecraft.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Sure is. I report the ones I come across as clickbait or missleading title, explaining the parts left out...such as this one where those 7 words change the story completely.

Whoever made that headline should feel ashamed for victimizing a grommer.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Basically if I want to create ...
(I'll use a different example for obvious reasons, but I'm sure you could apply it to the topic)

... "an image of a miniature denium airjet with Taylor Swift's face on the side of it", the AI generators can despite no such thing existing in the training data.
It may take multiple attempts and effort with the text prompt to get exactly what you're looking for, but you could eventually get a convincing image.

AI takes loads of preexisting data on airplanes, T.Swift, and denium to combine it all into something new.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Nor do I believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, or the Easter bunny.

How we supposed to get people to switch to Linux with this guy spouting nonsense? /s

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Large capacity drives are good for backups, especially if you're backing a lot of media, such as a DVD/Bluray collection.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

So they're protective of their OWN media libraries, but when its customers libraries "fuck em"

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Not sure what kind they are, but Pearls Olives are great.

Dont like things like Greek olives.

Green olives are gross most of the time, but I dont mind them on a pizza with a bunch of other toppings.

helpImTrappedOnline , (edited )

I think you're missing the point.

The google service that is being used for the airtag alert is one of the main ones google uses to track you. Many privacy conscious individuals have disabled this service.

Now the choice is

A) disable service to prevent google from spying on you, but risk being tracked by an airtag.

B) keep the service to prevent being tracked by an airtag, but also allow google to spy on you.

Its a loose-loose scenario.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

"Oh no they crushed a bunch of random things and it represents the descturction of culture"
What a joke

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it won't slowly be added over the next 5-10 years.

Making Laws/rules doesn't need to wait for a bad to happen.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Anybody else come here curious about actual 12ft ladder alternatives and why they wouldn't work on sites anymore?

helpImTrappedOnline ,

While I like the idea, unfortuanlty, that is bad for the environment. We are better off driving them into recycling plants to put the battieires and other materials towards something useful.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

They're a solution looking to solve a problem that already has a well established better solution.
The modern smart phone and voice assistats have been around for 14+ years....

For all these Ai devices can currently accomplish, our budget $200 phones can do an unmeasurable amount more.

If anyrhing, they should be focusing on the voice assistant aspect - "Hey google, add nearest gas station to my trip" "Here's a list of gas stations (I know you're driving but please review this list and select one using the tiny select button)" {presses button} "Please enable location data analytics to continue"

helpImTrappedOnline ,

If you take them at face value, 1-3 sound like positive goals - I know they've been complelty twisted into terrible shit.

Here's what I belive they should be.

  1. I don't care what kind of family you have (lgbtq++ or not), but children need to raised properly. While there's a million ways to do it, the "ipad" kid isn't one of them. To me "Centerpeice" means creating an economy/socity where people actually want to raise kids again - from better living wages, reduce the cost of good, housing costs, proper heath care, and work schedules that allow the parents to actually raise the kid. A stay-at-home parent should be optional for the family, thats not so easily acomplished in today's economy
  2. There's certently an issue with our goverment administration, from the billions unaccounted for at the pentagon to the town not-elected sherrifs/officals who have zero accountability. That has to be fixed.
  3. Defend the boarder, only let people in legally, and don't let randoms from any where in the world. If people really are sneaking in by the truck load like they say - what's stopping someone with a major crimal record of violence from enterering the nation and attacking people. Inaddtion, if we're going to do major humanitarian projects to help refuges, we need to focus on our own homeless and struggling citizens as well.
  4. Take religion out of the conversation. But, for the most part we do have a lot of freedoms - if you can afford them. In theory, you can live where ever you like, work where ever you like, marry whom you like, and say what you like.
    In practice, it's difficult to break generational poverty. People can't move because they need the money to support their family.
    Let's sat your pop was making enough money for your whole family 10 years ago, but now your pop got sick and can't work, you and your siblings still in school, and your mom is struggling to find anything more than $10/hour because minimum in her state is still $7.25. Government aid is doing just enough for you to keep pop alive, you to eat and keep the house for now. Be careful if drop out of school to start working full time, they'll drop the aid by double whatever you make so you loose the house if you work, but can't save for anything if you don't work.

Not really sure where I was going with 4...but that needs to be fixed.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Was the 6 the one with 3D Touch? If so, you actually lost a feature.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Seems we're both right.

The 6 and 6s had 3d touch, while 10 has Force Touch

helpImTrappedOnline ,

The point is you know its an official app and not some scam or independently ran group posing as an official government app

Who cares if they outsourced the development? The point is they have an app, and the badge tells you its legit (assuming we can trust the badge and its not trivial to trick google into giving any app the badge).

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Those bots are misclanious tools people have developed, such as the one for YouTube to Piped links.

OP is talking about spam bots that won't be kind enough to tell us they are bots.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Too bad win 12 is on track to break the streak.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

I'm not going to ask you to go into personal details, but I will attempt to understand by competly guessing.

You said most movies bother you and its something to do with sensitivity, so I'm guessing its a visual sensitivity that makes the constant flickering or movement on screen terrible for you???

If thats the case, I could see how The Incredibles 2003 CG, many bright and dark scene, unstable movment in pretty much evety scense from the fire, underwater, everything in the jungle, and the robots fights can be unsettling.

That or you're actually a villain. Most movies bother you because the villains loose. Incredibles was particually hard because the villan lost big time. Just a guess.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Seems like they're on track to break the streak with Windows 12.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Make it so we can walk the streets without getting mugged.

Ask: How do you handle your résumés?

Usually I rely on my network & haven’t needed this kind of document in ages, but I’ve been tasked with creating a résumé for myself. I’ve grown more privacy-conscious every year & I think it’s weird that we are expected to give out so much information about ourselves to companies that lie about their culture & don’t...

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Maybe they are pretentious and applying to a pretentious inistute of prestige. Any resume without an é is immediately burnt in a fancy fireplace and the applicant is shunned from the pretentious society forever.
Its possible, right?

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Netgaurd does not require root.

It can run as a VPN, to funel and block unwanted WiFi or data usage from apps. Lots of settings and options per app to block WiFi and/or data. You can also set it so an app will allowed only if the screen is on (good for weather, lemmy or email updates)

As for gmail, it sounds like that would be setting within gmail, however I just briefly looked and did not see it. Personally I switched to K-9 email, it works great for me.
I wonder if gmail follows the system data saver or something stupid (If you happen to have that on)?

helpImTrappedOnline ,

I think the other person doesn't word it well.
First, the fighting isn't the main plot of the story, its more about everything in between.
The MCs are powerful, but still need to be careful in their fights. or they will die.

The story doesn't want dragon ball fights that are 20 chapters long, or have an impassible monster that de-rail the goal for 20 more chapters. Their obsticals are more about the world and people they interact with.

The magic combat system is pretty well thought out, but not complex.

The MC basically has lots of mana. That's their "op" trait. They developed a stragedy to spam cast the basic damage spell.

I'm making up some numbers here to kind of paint a picture of how this "basic spell" work.

Attack spell =

  • 1 second cast time
  • 1 damage to defence spell
  • 10/10 damage to unprotected person. (Can do 9/10 depending on what the plot needs)
  • Can be cast in a variety of directions. (I.e it's not a gun, its a targeted missle)
  • cost more mana than the defence spell.

Defence spell =

  • .5 second cast
  • Can absorb 100 hits
  • low mana cost for small area over a short period of time, high cost to do "full coverege". Its essentially a sheild they move around and resize to block attacks as they come. Fully protecting yourself burns too much mana and you'd lose.

For most hitting the defence spell a hundred times is a stupid stratagy, so everyone came up with different spells that break through it in a few hits.

Out MC instead trained the basic spell so much, they can cast it 20 times a second over a long period of time. This forces the opponent to burn mana trying to maintain defence. The opponent is overwhelmed and get hit. However the stratagy only works if they back the openent into a postion where they can't counterattack or have a buddy attack MC from behind.

helpImTrappedOnline ,

Pretty much, yes, but infinate isn't quite true.

(The magic system isn't DnD, so I'm spending way too much time making up a lot of shit here to give a general idea that no one really asked for. (And because its fun to brutely mash one magic system into another)).

Let's say your average mid to high level mage has 100x spell slots (and for now assume all other stats are also equal). In this system, there are no spell levels. Instead, more complex spells require more slots to be used at once.

The basic defence and attack spell are 1 to 10. 1 defence spell blocks 10 basic attacks. However, you can't attack and defend at the same time, and 1 defence is only for a small area. Full 360° coverage would cost a lot of slots per second. You conserve slots by precicly blocking the opponents spells as they come.

To break the defence you need to to be able to hit it really hard and follow up before they can cast more defence or counter attack. To do more damage in a spell, it costs more slots.
This is where things like the other stats, skills, refelx time, unique spells, and combat stratagy become deciding factors in fights. Slot count also varies, a young mage might start of with one slot, but can become a very high level mage with 300 slots.

MC has 200 slots to start with and trained to get a very fast cast per second rate for both basic attack and defence. They are so proficient in the spell, it's the equivelent effort of you or me walking.

While MC's magic mistle does little damage, they can cast the spell 20 times in a second from multiple directions. This forces opponents to use up all their slots to defend until they run out or get overwhelmed by the numbers. The only defence is to do 360 defence, which can't be maintained for long. (For simplicity sake, assume all the magic is a one shot kill. If you don't defend or dodge, you die).

To make things more fun, MC has no idea they are insanly strong because their only reference growing up was their mentor who has the 5000 slot cheat code.

Yes, I am over thinking this. And yes, I should be sleeping right now.

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