
@[email protected]

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Cryophilia ,

Jesus fuck I would hate to work with you. At my job there's a lot of teams working on a lot of projects with very tight deadlines, and if every request had to be routed through managers it would take 10x as long. When we ask people from other teams directly for help, "I'm sorry I'm too busy right now" is a perfectly acceptable response because we've all been there. We don't need our managers to act like playground referees.

We're all intelligent and capable workers and we get paid well to take initiative and solve things without running to mommy.

Cryophilia ,

If you ever read Socrates, most of his questions are just giving you the answer and then saying "doesn't that make sense?"

Cryophilia ,

Only in the beginning. Part of the excellence of the OT was seeing him grow from whiny kid to self-confident man.

Cryophilia ,

They're not supposed to be likeable, they're supposed to be entertaining.

Cryophilia ,

First, imagine you're a horny 13 year old girl. Then you'll get the appeal.

Cryophilia ,


Cryophilia ,

Where I live, is very difficult to get permits to knock down an old building and build a new one. So, builders will "renovate" by knocking down everything but a single wall and then building a new structure around it.

I can imagine people using that to get around the "made with ai" label. I just touched it up!

Men are from Mars...

Disclaimer: This meme may include negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then, and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, I want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it, and spark a conversation to create a more inclusive future together.

Cryophilia ,

I'm not some dude's sock puppet, I just tend to downvote comments from people who have giant sticks up their ass and aren't even enjoying it.

Cryophilia ,

Was she the one who later killed herself in part because of how terrible it was to be a man for that period of time?

Cryophilia ,

Some of them are labeled incorrectly.

Which ones? No one knows!

Cryophilia ,

Cool, thanks for the info, I never really looked into it

Cryophilia ,

You've got a stick up your ass because you insisted on feeling insulted. Take a 100mg chill pill and call me in the morning.

Cryophilia ,

I dunno, you sound pretty insulted.

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  • Cryophilia OP ,

    I live in San Francisco, so A LOT

    We're HERE, we're QUEER, and we're FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE

    (disclaimer: I'm actually not gay, just an Ally(tm) )

    Cryophilia OP ,

    Fiending every day. It's so tough.

    Sometimes I'll drive by Starbucks just to stare at the logo

    Cryophilia OP ,

    Updated post description

    Cryophilia OP ,

    2009 was amazing for anyone who happened to have the cash. We haven't seen a dip like that since (except a few months in 2020)

    Cryophilia OP ,

    My current planned retirement age is 63, but I don't plan on taking social security until 70 if I can

    Cryophilia OP ,

    Seems like there's very few people in my situation on lemmy, and moreover based on the comments it seems like most people don't even know any people in my situation, so maybe people are curious.

    Cryophilia OP ,


    Edit: but originally from one of the 3rd world hellhole poverty stricken deep-red areas prior to moving to California

    Cryophilia OP ,

    The Deep South

    Cryophilia OP ,

    They've been proud of me for my whole career growth

    Cryophilia OP ,

    That's awesome

    Cryophilia OP ,

    No. I just realized there's not a lot of people in my situation on lemmy. Maybe people are curious.

    Edit: besides, I know a huge portion of that success was luck, and who brags about being lucky?

    Cryophilia OP ,

    Didn't finish college. I started a degree like 15 years ago but a stipulation of my scholarship was that I didn't get a job (to better focus on school work) but the scholarship wasn't enough for me to live on. I pretty much hated college, felt like everyone else was having fun and making friends but no one wanted to be friends with someone who had literally no money.

    There was a college bar I went to sometimes when I could scrounge up enough for a beer, and they had a tip jar with a note on it that said "who cares? It's your parent's money!"

    I was pretty bitter about it for a long time.

    My current job will pay for me to take classes, I just haven't had time yet.

    Cryophilia OP ,

    12 hours a day, 3 to 5 days a week. I used to work 70 hours a week when I was just getting started in California, this was like 2016.

    I only invest in broad market-based index funds. Boring, but very profitable. I was involved in the very first GME hype and managed to sell at the top, made about $90k doing that. But that's the only time I've ever tried that type of meme-based investing. Gold/physical assets are crap. Crypto is a crapshoot. VTSAX makes you good money. It's not get-rich-quick, it's get-rich-slow, and it works.

    Cryophilia OP ,


    Cryophilia OP ,

    It's super industry dependent. But I also have had very little success applying to jobs myself. I put my resume on sites and let recruiters come to me.

    In my experience, and in order of usefulness:

    1. Live where there are jobs. Less relevant for work-from-home style industries, but if you have to physically be somewhere to do your job, you have a huge leg up if you live somewhere that industry is booming.

    2. Have very good social skills. I do prep for the technical portion of interviews, but I happen to be very good at conversing and small talk and I can make people like me. That's huge, in any industry.

    3. Be happy with your current job. That's not always in your control, but it makes the whole process way easier and less stress free and more lucrative. You can easily walk away from a job that tries to lowball you.

    4. Keep an eye on market trends. I left an industry because I knew a slate of new laws would cause an industry downturn. You can't always get this right, but be willing to pivot to similar industries with transferable skills.

    I have heard and seen that networking is massive, but honestly I'm shit at networking. If you have the skills to keep a web of contacts that you can draw on to get a better job, definitely do that.

    And the other commenter is right. HCOL areas are financially worth it if you can stand living with roommates (because that mitigates the housing portion). If you can save 5% of your paycheck, 5% of $200k is a lot more than 5% of 50k.

    Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( )

    Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

    Cryophilia ,

    Fried chicken is difficult to make at home due to the cookware and temperatures involved. It's also a LOT of cooking oil, so it doesn't really make sense unless you're frying a LOT of chicken.

    Cryophilia ,

    Invulnerability. To age, sickness, death, anything that could physically harm me. I want to live forever.

    Or barring that, telekinesis.

    Cryophilia ,
    Cryophilia ,

    Skill issue

    I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity ( )

    How stupid do you have to be to believe that only 8% of companies have seen failed AI projects? We can't manage this consistently with CRUD apps and people think that this number isn't laughable? Some companies have seen benefits during the LLM craze, but not 92% of them. 34% of companies report that generative AI specifically...

    Cryophilia ,

    Fuck you for wasting my time with bullshit job descriptions then

    Cryophilia ,

    English your second language? Phrases that seem common to natives may seem off to those who learned English later in life. 'Tis a silly language.

    Cryophilia ,

    That's terrifying

    Cryophilia ,

    The real story here is how terms of parole are often ridiculous and contribute heavily to our high recidivism rate. Not to mention stripping away rights.

    Cryophilia ,

    I've never understood people who are happy to give their biometrics to fucking PayPal and every other random company. Just use a password for everything.

    Cryophilia ,

    Nothing stopping them

    Stop using biometrics for everything, that'll help

    Cryophilia ,

    I 100000% guarantee there is a backdoor that allows someone (at least the nsa, probably various companies) to get that data.

    Cryophilia ,

    I wasn't referring to the parole officers per se, just the parole stipulations. For example, a common one is that you must be employed. But then you also must make your regularly scheduled meetings with your parole officer, which are scheduled during working hours. The parole board will determine your address (usually as a stipulation of release, usually with family) but the parole office will be on the other side of the city. Public transit is unreliable, if you miss your bus you go to prison.

    I had a friend of a friend who was getting released to a halfway house. Never saw the light of day. When they released his clothes to him, that he got arrested in seven years previously, they found Marijuana seeds in the pockets. Not bud, seeds. That's a parole violation, instant back to prison for 3 more years, minimum. The parole officer who was there told me about it (was also the officer of my friend, who I was giving a ride to).

    Cryophilia ,

    But there’s some kind of crazy disconnect that fuels American support for Israel.

    Lemmy is stupid, so you shouldn't pay attention to popular lemmy theories. But you've got it wrong too.

    Christians need Israel to exist in order for their prophecy to be fulfilled. That's the reason for the vast majority of the support Israel gets in the US. They don't care about Israel as a state, or Jews, or anything else. It's just a practical matter. One of the preconditions for the End Times is Israel existing.

    Cryophilia ,

    Damn, it's a shame that you - who are clearly so much smarter and more knowledgeable than everyone involved - aren't running things. Surely no armchair general would ever second guess your approach to handling complex international diplomacy.

    I'm glad at least someone has it all figured out, if only Biden would reach out to you personally.

    Cryophilia ,

    I don’t know who you’re talking about

    The fuck you don't lmao

    What the fuck is this gaslighting bullshit. "Tankies? Never heard of em"

    Cryophilia ,

    You probably only think that because you've gone out of your way to exclude them from your life. They still very much exist. They're a majority of people who care about the middle east in any way.

    and I don’t think they are in charge of the State Department

    Anything that popular has sway with the government.

    Cryophilia ,

    That's not what I said, gaslighter

    Cryophilia ,

    Literally not my words, dumbass

    Cryophilia ,

    The 2nd has nothing to do with anything in this conversation. You just non sequitur'd it into the conversation.

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