palestine group

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mondoweiss , avatar

Holocaust survivors say using the Holocaust to justify genocide in Gaza and repress student protest on college campuses is an insult to the Holocaust's memory.

@palestine @israel

maddad , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel

When holocaust survivors call whats happening in Gaza a Genocide...
It is a Genocide.

faab64 ,

Is it okay to hate that person or it makes me Anti semitic?

How can anyone be that disgustingly inhumane? It's an innocent kid for gods sake.
PS. By the way the account wasn't suspended or limited after such disgusting comment.

@palestine @israel

gogowitsch , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel
From a strategic/moral/societal perspective, hate on groups should never be an answer, ever. I wish we could break that cycle.

You feel what you feel. No need for external validation.

faab64 OP ,

@gogowitsch Are you for real? Did you even read what I wrote?

Is it okay to hate that person or it makes me Anti semitic?

Your ridiculous BS respond to my post is a typical of assholes who think you have a moral pedestal to stand on when watching such disgusting comment from a pro-Israeli monster and all you have to say is to try to lecture me about your wishful gumbaya crap.

Sherifazuhur , avatar

Forensic investigation reveals Hind Rajab's car was hit with 355 bullets and finds it "not plausible" that the Israeli tank couldn't see children inside the car @israel @palestine

KawaTora , avatar

@Sherifazuhur @israel @palestine
I remember, over a decade ago, I read about IDF soldiers, in a watchtower over one of the apartheid ghettos where they keep Palestinians as prisoners in their own country, got bored and were shooting Palestinian kids at a school. They were not punished. Of course they saw this little kid. They like killing kids. It's sport for them.

Sherifazuhur , avatar

Detained Gaza man in 'horrifying' state after release by Israel @israel @palestine

Sherifazuhur OP , avatar
faab64 ,
mu , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel
in all caps, Release the 9400 Palestinian hostages
under a gold cage with 3 faces looking out of a black room

plink , avatar
plink OP , avatar

@messaroundmarx @palestine @israel
I thought it was a gift, since I asked for it that way. Maybe it expired, since I selected it a few days ago.
Sorry about that, and thanks for creating another alternative.

messaroundmarx , avatar

@palestine @israel

plink , avatar

Opposes Rebuilding ’s Internet Access Because Terrorists Could Go Online

Israel destroyed much of Gaza’s internet infrastructure. A proposal to rebuild it was watered down after and protests.


@palestine @israel

MMRnmd , avatar

It's like everyday brings its new obnoxious Israeli decision.

Why restore water supply then, since Hamas fighters drink water ?

@palestine @israel

Infoseepage , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel They just don't want the world to see their atrocities. It is that simple. They control the borders and who can go in and out. They want to be able to kill with even more impunity.

mondoweiss , avatar

There are now two different visions in Israeli politics for how the war should progress. Netanyahu would have the war continue without end, while Gantz would accept a ceasefire but find a pretext to resume the fighting once the captives are released.

@palestine @israel

Eraya , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel This is just insanity, how do these people just murder everyone, hate everyone and get to do whatever they want to anyone. They attack everyone and NO ONE does the right thing. They are a cancer to the word. Zionists need to be eradicated as they have done to so many others, they are just the worst and need to go back to german and poland where they are now accepted gleefully

Ronial ,

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel

There's no "war", it ended shortly after the 7 October. There's just a unilateral massacre since they started to bomb Gaza.

oatmeal , avatar

/ Dear Amazon and Google Executives …

[…] We’re heeding the call from over 1000 and workers to rise up against the contract, known as Project Nimbus. Technology should be used to bring people together, not enable , ethnic cleansing, and settler-colonialism. Following in the footsteps of those who fought to divest from apartheid South Africa and won, it’s our responsibility to rise up in support of Palestinian freedom. The Amazon and Google execs who signed this contract can still choose to be on the right side of history.

Demand Amazon & Google stop doing business with Israeli apartheid & powering the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza


zorg , avatar

@oatmeal @israel @palestine

Seems to be from 2021 ...

oatmeal OP , avatar

@zorg yes indeed .. I was prompted by this news report about STEM students petition, but forgot to include it :(

Over 1,100 STEM students and young workers from 120+ universities have signed a pledge to boycott Google and Amazon by refusing to take jobs or internships until the companies end their involvement in Project Nimbus, a $1.2 billion contract providing cloud computing services to the Israeli government. The pledge, organized by No Tech for Apartheid, aims to pressure Google and Amazon to divest from Project Nimbus, which critics argue enables Israeli apartheid and violence against Palestinians.

@israel @palestine

mondoweiss , avatar

A brutal, nine-hour, multi-agency police assault against unarmed protesters at UC Santa Cruz shows the university would rather use violence against its own students than address demands to divest from genocide.

@palestine @israel

Kierkegaanks , avatar

@israel @palestine @mondoweiss The money cattle must stfu and just pay

nickj , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel UC Santa Cruz - one for prospective students to avoid

Sherifazuhur , avatar

Notice: Magnificent scenes from the reconstruction of houses in Gaza,

Israel does not and will not understand this connection between Palestinians and their homeland 🇵🇸 @palestine @israel

radiofreearabia , avatar

@Sherifazuhur @palestine @israel

Zionists are afraid to go back to the settlements in the Galilee and Gaza Envelope despite all the advanced defenses and military advantage.

Palestinians are risking death and famine to go back to their homes in the North of Gaza Strip.

شتان بين الثرى والثريا

oatmeal , avatar

/ American Immigration Authorities to Israelis: Have You Committed War Crimes?

Requests by Israelis for a "Green Card" are being delayed due to an in-depth investigation into their military service: "The interviewer was very curious about my weapon skills and wanted to know details about my reserve duty in Gaza", "I travel to the US so often, I've never experienced such bullying", "It feels like they copied questions from the office of the Chief Prosecutor in The Hague"​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

These probing and questions seem to be aimed at investigating whether the person being questioned may have been involved in any war crimes or unethical uses of force during their military service. The tone and framing suggests the immigration authorities have serious concerns they are trying to scrutinize very carefully.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

For example:

Have you ever actually used weapons or explosives? If so: What kinds of weapons or explosives did you use? How did you use the weapons or explosives? In how many cases did you use weapons or explosives? How frequently did you use weapons or explosives?; Did you ever discharge a weapon and/or explosive against another person? If so, please detail the circumstances for doing so, and explain why you discharged a weapon and/or explosive against another person/other people.

Note: take with a grain of salt, given the source's tendency toward sensationalism and accusations of discrimination/antisemitism, even when the scrutiny may be reasonably warranted given the serious nature of potential war crimes, or a routine. The article is not based on any meaningful research work, and seems to be a collection of anecdotal first hand reports (with the obligatory “product placement” of a specific legal service provider.)



ruikubla , avatar

@oatmeal @israel @palestine the only question that matters is "do you support the actual Israel government?", if the answer is yes "you are an accomplice in genocide and crimes against humanity, fuck off".

JSharp1436 , avatar

@oatmeal @israel @palestine

I can't imagine why.....

peter_link , avatar

Asking for feedback
The phrase "From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free" has caused a lot of confusion - some of it genuine and some caused by willful manipulation.

I'm trying to come up with a graphic that can get across what most of those supporting Palestinian freedom mean by it - not expulsion of Jews but freedom and equality for all living there.

Below is a graphic that might end up on a t-shirt.

Let me know what you think of it.


@palestine @israel

DropBear , avatar

I've been trying to figure that out @peter_link
The Zionist hasbara is that any attempt to prevent them being the Master Race from the river to the sea is antisemitic. Of course, if they succeed in that, they'll move on to "Greater Israel".
@palestine @israel

simon_brooke , avatar

@peter_link @palestine @israel I don't think you can cut through this controversy with good will, since most of those engaging in it are bad faith actors.

I also think that, however desirable it might be, a one state solution in is now impossible.

argumento , avatar

@DropBear @palestine @israel

So basically you believe in colonialism, and that the indigenous population shouldn't be allowed to decide their own fate.

DropBear , avatar

Quite the opposite @argumento
To paraphrase article 12 of the Jerusalem Declaration; from the river to the sea, all should live in peace - as equals.

For centuries, Muslims, Christians and Jews shared Palestine. Then the Zionists arrived. They insisted on being the Master Race. That's the problem.
@palestine @israel

faab64 ,

Genocide Joe is walking in the footsteps of Ronald Reagan.

The last time didn't go very well for Americans.

Last time 70000 Lebanese lost their lives during Israeli occupation. And it gave birth to what is now Hezbollah who fought for almost 2 decades to kick out Israeli invadors.

How many will die this time?

@palestine @israel

tzafrir , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

The funny thing about the Hezbolla is that it did not lift a finger to oppose the Syrian occupation forces in Lebanon (1976-2006). The Syrians were finally kicked out of Lebanon by a coalition of forces that the Hezbollah opposed.

Captain_Jack_Sparrow , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

The USA hasn't learnt a fucking thing. They just want a perpetual war in the Middle East, in order to keep their own weapons factories busy.
The Fascist Zionist State of Israel is happy to recieve those weapons and use them for warcrimes and genocide against their neighbours.

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