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GeriatricGardener , avatar

“Obviously it’s Hamas’ fault Netanyahu blocked hostage deals to save his own skin”

by LauraK in Normal Island News on Substack

@palestine @israel

“Israel was given the October 7th blueprints two years earlier by spies in Gaza and those plans were studied by the IDF who described the coming invasion as ‘the biggest threat the Israeli Defence Forces are facing’. The IDF then decided to stop monitoring Hamas radio traffic (and banned civilians from doing so) because they saw this as a waste of effort. This is because they had more important things to focus on like monitoring western Twitter accounts for wrong-think. As you can see, Israel had its priorities in order.”


“I guess we’ll never know how failed to see the October 7th attacks coming and the IDF failed to mount a proper response for hours, but Benjamin Netanyahu has suggested the attacks were a gift from god and explained Israel would never have been allowed to eliminate Hamas if they’d not taken place.”

mojala , avatar

@GeriatricGardener @paninid @palestine @israel What a shitshow. I knew some of the mentioned things but all together pretty damning stuff. And all of it is ok for the leaders.

mondoweiss , avatar

Palestine has ignited our planetary consciousness once again, and it is the student movement that refuses to let genocide become our new normal. They know that the fight for Palestine is a fight for us all.

@palestine @israel

vruz , avatar

@cozymel @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

How many times did Americans stop a war before? That's the unusual thing, and it would be nice if you were able to see it. Now that a few people are doing something principled and decent in the US for the first time in many decades, do you believe it's the time for nitpicking about the framing? Or did I misread you and you're just creating unnecessary controversy for the sake of it? Let me know.

cozymel , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel because this user blocked me before I could reply, I'll post a screenshot and reply here: it's important to highlight the inaccuracy in the framing because too many people believe the copacetic, whitewashed version of Western history and repeat falsehoods like "this isn't who we are" when this is exactly who they are, and those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Ignoring the fact that the root causes of this genocide are systemic and structural is at best digging one's head in the sand and at worst complicity in a long string of genocides by the western hegemony.

Sherifazuhur , avatar

Muhammad Shehadeh (on X) It's been 48 hours since Israel murdered Gaza's water & environment chief engineer along with 4 municipality officials while they were working to restore the water supply to the famine-stricken northern Gaza.

Not even a single passing mention of this in any mainstream media
@palestine @israel

Valvoline , avatar

@Sherifazuhur @palestine @israel it is a war.. We all expect people to die.. Sadly that is the inevitable result when terrorists take over a region. I hope Isreal can bring lasting peace.

reaperjudge , avatar

@Valvoline @Sherifazuhur @palestine @israel it's what happens when TWO opposing groups of terrorists fight over the same land and one has the protection from consequences by a world power like the US

mondoweiss , avatar

It is unconscionable for Israel to participate in the 2024 Paris Olympics. Israel should be suspended from international sports organizations and events until it ends its grave violations of international law.

@palestine @israel

JizzelEtBass , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel Definitely agree, if Nazi Germany eas barred from the Olympics then so too should all states practicing active and adjudicated Genocide

Thebratdragon , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel should be suspended from everything.

faab64 ,

Full list of companies profitting from Israeli apartheid

@palestine @israel

samuelmumm , avatar

@faab64 @AutisticMumTo3

That's the democratic spirit.

samuelmumm , avatar


Btw: why lets hamas the hostages not free?

mondoweiss , avatar

During a military raid on Jenin, Israeli soldiers strapped an injured Palestinian civilian to the front of a military jeep and paraded him through the street as a human shield. He was eventually handed over to Palestinian medical teams.

@palestine @israel

Captain_Jack_Sparrow , avatar
Heidentweet , avatar

@Captain_Jack_Sparrow @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

There are also online groups where defenders of Israel are paid per interaction.

faab64 ,

: 69% of school buildings housing displaced people in the Gaza Strip were exposed to Israeli bombardment or were directly damaged.

This is a new low in any war in recent history.
Any other country would have been subject to countless sanctions, global condemnations and even blockades, but not Israel.

@palestine @israel

AlfredJH , avatar

Human rights en war rights are violated a lot in this world. some is said this is not good, but only a little is done to solve it.
@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , avatar

The current American threats to sanction the ICC could spell the death of International Law. Whatever little hope people had for a just international system will disappear.

@palestine @israel

GM7077 , avatar
mondoweiss , avatar

A new bill in Congress would extend some U.S. military benefits to the estimated 20,000 Americans currently carrying out the Gaza genocide as members of the Israeli military.

@palestine @israel

MarvClowder , avatar
Mrw , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel jesus fucking christ

does that include the “we will invade the Hague if you’re charged with war crimes” clause?

because they’ve committed a lot of war crimes

nus , avatar

Casual reminder: Sometimes disguises itself as .

Case in point: is a Hitlerite. She's made this clear since 2019 when she said initially " just wanted to make Germany great."

She was fired from the because she was too extreme even for them.

And here's , recently fired from the Hill, jumping on her stream to discuss how criticizing Israel gets you canned.

@liveposting @israel @palestine

nus OP , avatar

The top comment from 8 days ago, with 2.9k likes, displays the really clearly.

Today, this comment has been scrubbed from the video so I had to reconstruct it from a live stream (so that's why it looks pretty janky).

@liveposting @israel @palestine

km , avatar

@nus @liveposting @israel @palestine

>Sometimes disguises itself as .

sometimes it disguises itself as

>The Israeli government's alleged collaboration with antisemitic politicians abroad has been criticized as a manifestation of Zionist antisemitism, in that it seeks to highlight Jew-hatred in order to provide further incentive for Jewish immigration to Israel. In this context, anti-Zionists have criticized the Zionist movement's alleged complicity with or capitulation to antisemitism since it gained traction in the 19th century, and some anti-Zionists have also categorized Zionism as a form of antisemitism. The Austrian-Jewish anti-Zionist writer Karl Kraus regarded antisemitism as the "essence" of the Zionist movement and used the label "Jewish antisemites" to describe Jews who identified as Zionists.

faab64 ,

We don't have many journalists in the world today. What we have are stenographers and propagandists.

Most of them are pen for hire rather than reporters who question everything and go beyond covers and distractive propaganda.

What most reporters do these days is just copy and paste from each other or just print what they were doing handled to.

Many of them don't speak any foreign language and are heavily dependent on information from sources online

@palestine @israel

km , avatar
km , avatar

@faab64 @clawfulneutral @israel @palestine

everything their Globalist Corporate masters don't like is automatically branded as Disinformation and Conspiracy Theories

faab64 ,

This is the new on a global level.

Fascism is spreading and their victims are Palestinians.

@palestine @israel

GeriatricGardener , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

An indicator, if any is needed, of the toxic influence that the is able to exert over not just governments but grassroots and civil society organisations internationally!

Money talks and these organisations justifiably fear that, if they show any support for Palestinians, their funding will be cut off! It’s incredibly pernicious and, when (hopefully) the future equivalent of the Nuremberg trials are held, imo the influence of the Lobby in enabling the genocide must be investigated and its leaders brought to trial!

clawfulneutral ,

@faab64 "journalists" later: why doesn't anyone trust the ???? 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 @israel @palestine

appassionato , avatar

The Palestinian Ministry of Education says:

430 high school students have been killed in Gaza.
12,500 students have been wounded.
350 teachers have been killed.
286 out of 307 school buildings are damaged.


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  • DropBear , avatar

    Thank you @KaBKaBKa for conceding that Israeli Zionism is genocidal racism. The answer to your question is quite clear in my answer. You're evidently too deeply programmed to see it.

    Israel doesn't have a "right" to exist. To paraphrase article 12 of the Jerusalem Declaration:
    all should live together in peace in the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea
    as equals

    People who claim to be Jewish (and whether Israelis are Jewish is contested) are entitled to live in peace in those lands. They ought not, however, aspire be the Master Race of those lands. That fundamental of Israeli Zionism endangers Jews worldwide.


    KaBKaBKa , avatar

    @DropBear @prasoon @appassionato @palestine @israel For me, there is a big difference between genocide and expulsion. And not all Israelis are nationalists or dream of a master race. Nevertheless, even the peaceful Israelis there will not be able to live in peace if the Palestinians do not get their own state. A joint state is absolutely illusory. And even if there are two states and peace, Hamas or its successors will continue to attack Israel.

    mondoweiss , avatar

    Holocaust survivors say using the Holocaust to justify genocide in Gaza and repress student protest on college campuses is an insult to the Holocaust's memory.

    @palestine @israel

    maddad , avatar

    @mondoweiss @palestine @israel

    When holocaust survivors call whats happening in Gaza a Genocide...
    It is a Genocide.

    faab64 ,

    Is it okay to hate that person or it makes me Anti semitic?

    How can anyone be that disgustingly inhumane? It's an innocent kid for gods sake.
    PS. By the way the account wasn't suspended or limited after such disgusting comment.

    @palestine @israel

    gogowitsch , avatar

    @faab64 @palestine @israel
    From a strategic/moral/societal perspective, hate on groups should never be an answer, ever. I wish we could break that cycle.

    You feel what you feel. No need for external validation.

    faab64 OP ,

    @gogowitsch Are you for real? Did you even read what I wrote?

    Is it okay to hate that person or it makes me Anti semitic?

    Your ridiculous BS respond to my post is a typical of assholes who think you have a moral pedestal to stand on when watching such disgusting comment from a pro-Israeli monster and all you have to say is to try to lecture me about your wishful gumbaya crap.

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