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Sizzler , in Rise of drug-resistant superbugs could make Covid pandemic look ‘minor’, expert warns

It's only a personal anecdote but I've heard of places such as Dubai where antibiotics are available without prescription and there is no advice/reminder to finish the course, so people stop when they feel better leading to higher chances of antibiotic-resistant strains surviving.

Not much we can do to stop that behaviour, but remember to finish your antibiotics if you are prescribed them.

stoy ,

Yep, scorched earth protocol

loopy , avatar

I can also confirm two countries in South America that allow this as well.

ThrowawayPermanente , in Women live more years in ill-health than men, finds gender health gap study

Do women experience more years in poor health because they're living longer than men, and those extra years are all while they're older and poor health is much more common?

kandoh ,

I can only speak anecdotally, but almost all the women in my life have some sort of chronic health issue. Weird stuff too like blisters on their wrists during their period, or a slanted cervix causing pain during sex.

9point6 , in Psychiatrists aren't fulfilling the social contract that subsidized their training

Hey America, got any good news about how things are going over there?

Because it's looking past the point where you should be in the streets by now

doingthestuff ,

Can't take time to riot when you've got to get to your 2nd job.

ArmokGoB ,

You wouldn't need to work a second job if you rioted.

doingthestuff ,

How confident are you in that? On a scale of 1-10? I'm definitely not a 10.

ArmokGoB ,

10. The police aren't going to be enforcing unpaid rent if they're trying to fight off armed rioters.

doingthestuff ,

Yeah I'm buying, it's my only hope for a partial retirement. It has also been a money pit. I have no savings or retirement funds. The bank will 100% take it if I miss a few payments.

ArmokGoB ,

The bank can say whatever they want, but enforcing it is a different matter.

Doolbs , in I Started Taking a Walk Every Morning. Here's What Happened to My Health | The Art of Manliness

There's nothing like going for a walk in the morning--or in the evening--if you can do it.

I used to work away from home all the time. It was either twenty or thirty day at a a time with no days off for twelve hours a day. When I got home I would always go out at sunrise and go for a three to five mile walk.

Those walks made me get out of that bullshit job I had.

Plus, I saw all kinds of wildlife every morning. I was living in Spokane, WA at the time, and I think raccoons own that town.

CarbonatedPastaSauce , in Blisters from sunburn. Does it look bad?

Aloe Vera gel will help with the pain.

Don’t do this again. Your risk of skin cancer goes up with every bad sunburn.

logi ,

Aloe Vera now and every 3 hours for a week. Apply lots. Apply it often.

It does more than just help with the pain and partially repairs the damage done.

And thanks for the reminder to reapply on my knees from the surprise sunny bike ride yesterday.

CarbonatedPastaSauce ,

It's always those little spots you don't think about. 😂

DarkNightoftheSoul , in Blisters from sunburn. Does it look bad? avatar

wear sunscreen

Broken_Monitor , in New research shows gas stove emissions contribute to 19,000 deaths annually

I keep seeing this pop up lately like its news. Its so obvious. How do people not realize that combustion of nearly everything creates carcinogens? It’s like cigarettes all over again. If you take something thats already bad for you, light it on fire, then inhale what that creates, what are the chances that its now not bad for you?

RobotToaster , in New research shows gas stove emissions contribute to 19,000 deaths annually avatar


What doesn't cause cancer in California?

NotMyOldRedditName ,

Hopefully the stickers plastered to everything saying may cause cancer.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Everything has a does-response curve that, at one or both extreme, will kill you. Oxygen, water, nitrogen, pizza, everything. Since 1986, California has had a reporting law on the books with a very steep financial fine, so it's cheaper to slap a sticker on any product that may contain those chemicals than to run the risk of the fine. For things like furniture/matresses/clothes, it's usually off-gassing of flame retardants. Most foods have been exposed to herbicides/pesticides/fertilizers or are packaged in something that would qualify. Building materials are chock full of carcinogenic.

We're fairly good at keeping everything to safe doses for the general population, and making companies tell consumers about the crap isn't a bad thing. Think about it loke nutrition labels... most people don't care, but if you have a dietary restriction or an allergy, it's pretty helpful to know what's in it before you buy and eat it.

TachyonTele ,

My favorite is when that warning is on sunglasses

idiomaddict , in Cannabis compound’s neuroprotective properties revealed — could be key to treating Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

I’m pretty sure all the times I smoked out of a crushed soda can in high school still counteracts any benefit, but it’s good to know that wasn’t necessarily a double whammy (pending more definitive research)

dogsnest , avatar

!Updateme="when idiomaddict is 70"

idiomaddict ,

With my family, I give it until my mid fifties, lol. Check back in twenty years

Bonesince1997 , in A new Covid variant has taken over, and experts predict a small summer wave

Hospitals aren't even required to post covid data anymore, per the CDC.

TonyTonyChopper , avatar

thanks Obama

Fades , in FDA bans food additive found in citrusy sports drinks and sodas

Why do these fuckers get to just shove literally anything out there and only pull it once a regulatory body forces it out??? (BTW thanks Supreme Court for neutering said regulatory body 🖕)

WHY aren’t we forcing all this shit to be proven safe first

Clent ,

That's how these chemicals have always operated.

They can do whatever they want until it's proven harmful. Time after time they've done internal studies showing the shit is toxic and they bury it.

Never any criminals charges, maybe some financial compensation after long court battle but never more than they profit.

Capitalism only works by externalizing these costs. They want you to believe, need you to believe it's not a zero sum game but it's not. It's just these externalities.

Monetary policy doesn't get to defy the laws of the universe, profit doesn't come from the ether.

We pay with our health and our lives.

And it's never acceptable to say this is not a good system, we have to propose an immediate alternative or we're pigeonholed as a communist or whatever the capitalist limited mind is stuck on. Like a Christian assuming one either worships Christ or Satan because it's unfathomable to choose neither. We are living through a capitalist inquisition.

geekwithsoul , avatar

The best part:

In 1970, the FDA had concluded that its use in food was not generally recognized as safe because of toxicity concerns

So they knew it was likely not safe, gave the food manufacturers 50 years to find a substitute and then banned it.

return2ozma OP , avatar

That part. Holy crap! Talk about profit over human life.

someguy3 , in First case of highly pathogenic avian influenza transmitted from cow to human confirmed


piefedderatedd , in First person to receive a genetically modified pig kidney transplant dies nearly 2 months later

Saw this article in local newspapers today with one notable exception. Found it in another article linked in the above apnews article.

The most ambitious attempt so far came in January, when doctors at the University
of Maryland Medical Center transplanted a pig heart into a dying 57-year-old.
David Bennett survived for two months, evidence that xenotransplantation was at
least possible. But initial testing missed that the organ harbored an animal virus.
What caused Bennett’s new heart to fail and whether that virus played any role still
isn’t known, the Maryland researchers recently reported in the New England Journal of

prettybunnys , in Living near a busy airport can make you sick, new study finds

I’ll tell you that Iive under the flight path of an airport and even though I rarely notice the planes during the day I definitely notice them at 5am when my body wakes up because of the rumbling I can’t even hear.

The airport is probably 20 miles away.

It’s actually awful.

YarHarSuperstar , avatar

Pretty much same here. I live a bit closer than you and the rumbling is so much louder than I expected

HaywardT , in New research shows gas stove emissions contribute to 19,000 deaths annually
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