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Jimmyeatsausage ,

Yeah, this definitely feels like a doctrine and training problem. I can't even imagine a scenario where the US or NATO lost half of any platform like that. Pearl Harbor, maybe? I remember how huge a deal it was when we found out our body armor and APCs sucked in 2001, and that was nothing like losing every missile ship.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

And they'll still be the most experienced combat troops Putin can field. At least they get lots of practice marching up and down the square.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

That means something totally different in Louisiana than you intended...

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Seems like the sort of thing people should know about a central tenet of a pillar of their identity...

Jimmyeatsausage ,

LLMs are not general AI. They are not intelligent. They aren't sentient. They don't even really understand what they're spitting out. They can't even reliably do the 1 thing computers are typically very good at (computational math) because they are just putting sequences of nonsense (to them) characters together in the most likely order based on their training model.

When LLMs feel sentient or intelligent, that's your brain playing a trick on you. We're hard-wired to look for patterns and group things together based on those patterns. LLMs are human-speech prediction engines, so it's tempting and natural to group them with the thing they're emulating.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Less good than helping the shooter before they went over the Rubicon...I think that's the point.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

That's my biggest problem with the whole "burn it all down" mindset so many people espouse on this platform. If we burn down society, we aren't gonna magically have a utopia. We're still, at best, the same as folks during the so-called dark ages. Likely, we still basically tribal hunter-gatherers, and the only reason we have any semblance of modern life is because we put so much work into maintaining and improving it generation by generation.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

My guess is you still die in Russian prison, just more slowly and painfully.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Sometimes, you just wanna punch yourself in the dick. It won't fix your problems, but it'll make em feel less important for a few minutes.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

My understanding is most odd us do have these patterns, we just can't see them.


Jimmyeatsausage ,

I'm not smart enough regarding macroeconomics to know the right answer, but I feel like there has to be a solution that makes home ownership affordable for new entrants into the market without causing the value of existing homes to tank so hard and fast that we end up with a 2008-style crash again. I'm pretty confident that getting large-scale corporate investment out of the picture is part of the solution, and I don't care if the method involved there hurts the corpos pretty bad. Maybe an oppressive rent-control scheme that makes keeping the properties untenable for corporate owners, forcing them to want to sell as fast (and therefore as cheaply) as they can. I don't know what zoning laws are like in Canada (compared to here in the US), but I think merging zoning for low- and mid-density residential such that suburban NIMBYs can't block multi-family units from being build is another necessary step. As far as everyday folks who bought into the housing system, I'd like to see them as protected from the fallout as possible, especially since (at least the US) government has been all-too-happy to let home ownership replace pensions as the primary way people are "supposed" to retire.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

There's a pretty big gap "making it on the news to raise awareness for your cause" and "mastabatory shitposting on social media"

dude isn't sneaking video evidence of wrongdoing out of a factory farm... just photoshopping bad dentures on sharks.

I agree that any movement needs both friendly and provocative advocacy to affect change, but the only thing these types of posts accomplish is helping OP feel superior.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

This is pure pedantry, but the e-bike was actually invented sometime between 1895 and 1987 (depending on the source).

They definitely weren't popular until the 21st century, but the idea's been around a long time (just like electric cars).

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information ( futurism.com )

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Role a d20 and d4. If the d20 result is less than the caster's wisdom saving throw, collect <d4 result> lemonade (healing item). Otherwise, the caster must pass a constitution saving throw or become blinded and silenced from lemon juice in the face and mouth.

ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study ( gizmodo.com )

The research from Purdue University, first spotted by news outlet Futurism, was presented earlier this month at the Computer-Human Interaction Conference in Hawaii and looked at 517 programming questions on Stack Overflow that were then fed to ChatGPT....

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Same here. It's good for writing your basic unit tests, and the explain feature is useful getting for getting your head wrapped around complex syntax, especially as bad as searching for useful documentation has gotten on Google and ddg.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Have you considered the possibility that you're a computer?

Jimmyeatsausage ,

What would be better is polluting the software with invalid but still plausible constraints, so the chips would seem OK and might work for days or weeks but would fail in the field... especially if these chips are used in weapon systems or critical infrastructure.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

I have, completely by accident and with no significant effort on my part, gone 40 years without mass murdering. It almost just happens on its own.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

It's a pretty big presumption that Elon Musk is providing transparent and accurate information to consumers about a technology he's hoping to sell. While I'd agree with the premise normally, he's kind of a known bad actor at this point. I'm a pretty firm believer in informed consent for this kinda stuff, I just don't see much reason to trust Musk is willing to fully inform someone of the limitations, constraints or risks involved in anything he has a personal stake in. If you aren't informed, you can't provide consent.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Yeah, Trump certainly helped stabilize the area by moving the Embassy. And that mid-east peace plan his SIL got paid $2 billion for was worth every cent.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Everything has a does-response curve that, at one or both extreme, will kill you. Oxygen, water, nitrogen, pizza, everything. Since 1986, California has had a reporting law on the books with a very steep financial fine, so it's cheaper to slap a sticker on any product that may contain those chemicals than to run the risk of the fine. For things like furniture/matresses/clothes, it's usually off-gassing of flame retardants. Most foods have been exposed to herbicides/pesticides/fertilizers or are packaged in something that would qualify. Building materials are chock full of carcinogenic.

We're fairly good at keeping everything to safe doses for the general population, and making companies tell consumers about the crap isn't a bad thing. Think about it loke nutrition labels... most people don't care, but if you have a dietary restriction or an allergy, it's pretty helpful to know what's in it before you buy and eat it.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Because, through science, we are constantly improving our understanding of the world, including our bodies. Sometimes, that means things we used to think were safe or acceptable no longer are. We used to shit in buckets and throw it out the window in the morning right next to where the butcher was carving up a carcass on the street. We used to have parties when a kid got sick, so all the kids in the neighborhood got sick at the same time. Recently, we learned more about the impact of the compounds released and their concentrations when we burn natural gas in a confined area.

My understanding is that, while we knew about the compounds released by gas stoves, we either didn't know how high the concentrations were or didn't know enough about the dangers those concentrations could present. Of course, the reactionaries blow it out of proportion and a statement like "Gas stoves might not be safe without adequate ventilation" becomes "THEY'RE GONNA TAKE YOUR STOVE BY FORCE" just like how "cattle produce a lot more greenhouse gases than we thought" became "THEY'RE MAKING BURGERS ILLEGAL!"

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Wasn't a lecture... I just assumed you were asking in good faith, so I explained why it's a "new" concern and why some people seem so angry about it. Of course we can all have our own opinions...an opinion would be "I'll keep my gas stove for now because I'm not concerned about the additional risk" or "I'm switching immediately because I AM concerned." Saying it's a conspiracy by green energy companies isn't an opinion, it's just misinformation.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Do the debates, and reveal the results of the drug test (taken by both candidates) DURING the debate. Let's do this shit like Maury.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

The best would be if he actually wasn't Baron's father...turns out Melania had a side piece, too.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

As long as at least 1 other person in the country is still voting, "not voting" will never invalidate the system. There's no quorum that has to be met. If only 7 ballots get cast in your state, then all the votes go to the guy that got 4. All you've done by refusing to participate is give the make the other voices louder.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

"Even the babies are being born now... completely nude! It's unimaginable"

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Per-swipe ads on phones. Free tier: every 5 swipes, regardless of app, full screen unskippable ads (content saved to devices locally so airplane mode doesn't stop it). Then you pay more to increase the number of swipes you get between ads.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

I'd rather have a 100km particle collider than an aircraft carrier.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Nothing. It's a pretty fantasy. Best I think we can hope for is a few monopolies busted up so some little guys can break into the market. That'll buy us about 20 years until those little guys have become the new Googles and Microsofts and Apples, and then we start over. We need to entirely rewrite how we do antitrust assessments to account for both vertical and horizontal monopolistic behaviors (a vertical monopoly is a company that controls the entire supply chain where a horizontal one controls the market and customer base. Historically, the US has been more concerned with horizontal monopolies.) It'd be great if we could come up with a better measure of consumer choice that we currently use. If you have the choice between 2 ISPs but they both charge the same amount for the same service, you don't really have a choice there...at least not a meaningful one.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Neither does mine, but I'm still doing it. Worst cae, the popular vote being very far from the electoral college results highlights some of the absurdity in the system, which is a vital part of accumulating support for changing the system. Best case, I don't understand the political landscape of my state as well as I think I do, and I contribute to it turning blue, even for a single election.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

You really don't need anything near as complex as AI...a simple script could be configured to automatically close the issue as solved with a link to a randomly-selected unrelated issue.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

I mean, the equation isn't wrong given that AI basically becomes a rounding error and can be safely ignored.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

I think there was an implicit premise (intentional or not) in your statement about there being no natural way to let kids develop, and that's what they were commenting on.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

"If they aren't already terrorists, I'll terrorize them until they are."

Jimmyeatsausage ,

What do they mean I can't pay in qubluds?!? What else would I pay with?

Jimmyeatsausage ,

It's not so much about the puppies. It's killing anything that doesn't respect your authority. It could be a puppy, a kitten, a rabbit, a minority, anything...the important thing is that your unearned status is protected through fear and force.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

If you think that's what's happening, you've been in an echo chamber yourself.

Jimmyeatsausage ,
Jimmyeatsausage ,

Did you read the whole article? Newsweek misrepresented the results by leaving out other answers that clearly demonstrate the vast majority think Hamas is a terrorist organization and the Oct 7th attacks were terroristic and genocidal in intent. The sample size was far too small. You'll notice they didn't even tell you what the actual question asked was. There's a big difference between "do you support Hamas" and "do you support the Palestinian government" or "do you support Palestinian efforts to defend against Israeli attacks?" Surveys in general, and especially ones on politically decisive ideas, are notoriously easy to skew based on subtle differences in how you word questions. I'd recommend you be very suspicious of any report on a survey that doesn't tell you what was actually asked.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

I'm still amazed that Prigozhen lasted as long as he did after playing chicken with Putin like that...I don't think things would have gotten materially better if he'd finished his march but it's hard to imagine it getting worse (at least outside of Russia).

Jimmyeatsausage ,

They also have to keep their launchers at a safe enough distance from Russian weapon systems...so 50 miles behind Russian lines is likely at least 100 miles from the target...right at the edge of the range you mentioned.

Jimmyeatsausage ,


I've never seen the Eiffle Tower IRL, but that doesn't change the fact that it exists.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

I worked at McDonald's for quite a while as a teen. A regular hamburger patty there is 1/10 lb and a quarter pounder is...as you might suspect 1/4 lb. That would make an adult deer weight between 80 - 200 lbs.

The average weight of an adult male whitetail deer is 203 lb (maximum, 405 lb). The average weight of a female is about 155 lb (maximum, 218 lb).

I don't recall receiving any training on the weight of the condiments or buns, but I'd suspect they weight slightly more than the small patty amd slightly less than the larger one, so let's assume 1/5 lb. That changes our original 80 - 200 lb range to be 240 - 360 which is a little too heavy.

In conclusion, hamburgers are a shit measurement, but if you had a mix of 800 child-size and adult-sized burgers and you hit it with your truck, it would do a similar amount of damage as hitting a deer.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

It's OK to call anyone not aligned with the Republican Party a Nazi, because it's important that words have no real meaning. Once words have no meaning, the ideas behind them fade as well. This is double plus ungood.

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