gravitas_deficiency ,

Libertarians want all the benefits of libertarianism AND socialism, but they don’t want to pay for any of it.

That’s it. That’s the entirety of the political belief.

Dasus ,

"Bb-but.. I w-wanna.. !"

BrianTheeBiscuiteer ,

Or they delude themselves into thinking everyone will pay their fair share voluntarily, forgetting that rich people exist who don't give a fuck about the common good.

oxideseven ,

So... Taxes?


Libertarians want freedom from government force. They want to be able to fund healthcare by choice. They want the freedom to not have taxes being used to send weapons oversees. Libertarians are for social and economic freedom.

Valmond ,

Until they get a tooth ache I guess.

Is it morally right to make you pay ten times more when you need it (at the dentist /hospital/...) because you didn't want to pay before?


I'm not sure what you are implying. An individual can pay for insurance or not. They are free to choose. Or they can pay for the entire cost upfront when problems arise.

Valmond ,


So I pay my taxes for decades, and you don't?

Just going to the doctor for the first time at say 30 (imagining you started working at 20 but "decide" to not pay taxes) would cost you houndred of thousands of missed back pays before you get let into the building.

Is that your libertarian thing? Or do you think you just would never go to the doctor/hospital/dentist/need an ambulance ride, ... ?

Or worse, you get it basically free?

gravitas_deficiency ,

Libertarians are, to an individual, categorical idiots who don’t seem to have the mental capacity to seriously and rigorously analyze and understand what a true “free-for-all” hypercapitalist society would imply. They just want to not pay taxes.


There is no need to be rude. OP asked for libertarian views.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Yeah, but libertarians are antisocial asshole idiots by simple virtue of the fact that they think libertarianism is a viable concept. It’s just not, nor will it ever be going forward.

I can put it another way: I find the ideology offensive and societally caustic in the extreme. We do not live in a vacuum. We live in a society (in a literal sense - not going for the meme here). To pretend that we don’t is incredibly dumb.

masquenox ,

Libertarians want freedom from government force.

So where were you "libertarians" when BLM and other leftists were calling to defund and abolish the police?

Shardikprime ,

Probably defending their shops from BLM rioters

masquenox ,

Just be honest about how badly you want to see black people lynched in the streets, white supremacist.

Don't hide behind dog-whistles.

Shardikprime ,

Man whatever drugs you on, pass them

masquenox ,

I'm not doing white supremacism sprinkled with liberal handwringing - so curb your enthusiasm.

Shardikprime ,

At this point it's hard to tell

masquenox ,

Only for white supremacists who don't get sarcasm - you know... like you?

Shardikprime ,

I think you are just deliriously deluded, but whatever floats your goat

masquenox ,

Says the white supremacist.

DMBFFF , avatar

Did Stalin do white supremacism when the USSR was the first country to recognize Israel?

masquenox ,

Go ask a tankie.

DMBFFF , avatar

Aren't you a tankie?

DMBFFF , avatar

I don't.

non-socialist ≠ necessarily racist

DMBFFF , avatar

The police can use a bit of de-funding; also wp:Waukesha Christmas parade attack.

masquenox ,

They want state-enforced socialism for themselves and crushing capitalist competition for all the people they feel are "beneath" them.

In that sense, you are correct.

Fedizen ,

Money Babies.

intensely_human ,

How childishly reductive. I can’t believe this got upvoted.

gamermanh , avatar

How childishly reductive

Just like libertarian talking points!

Cuberoot ,

I'm not a Libertarian, but I sympathize with some of their economic viewpoints -- significantly more so than tends to be welcome here. Unlike some of you, I don't speak to the motives and attitudes of all libertarians, only my own. I'm not a Republican. I don't smoke pot. I did vote for Jo Jorgensen in 2020. I do give a flying fuck about liberty. I don't confirm or deny being a myopic cunt.

Oddly enough, I do support some form of public healthcare. I'm well aware that most libertarians don't. A hundred years ago, maybe even 50 years ago, I wouldn't have either. The problem is that medical science has advanced to where a free market insurance model doesn't work as well as it used to. Health insurance used to be a luxury when lung cancer would kill a rich man almost as quickly as it killed a poor man. That's no longer the case, and the costs have accelerated to where the treatment can bankrupt an uninsured middle class man.

The real sinker however is pre-existing conditions. You can't insure a house that's already on fire, and we don't ask homeowners policies to do so. Waiting periods for costly conditions sometimes almost work, except for patients born a pre-existing medical condition. If the insurer had the choice, they'd just refuse to write the policy, even if treatment is cost-effective from a public policy standpoint.

So I support free market solutions where they exist. Health insurance may be one of the few situations where it doesn't.

constnt ,

I always assumed it was impossible for a free market to exist in healthcare. One important tenant of a free market is being able to freely enter and exit the market at will. Exiting the healthcare market is impossible. You can't reasonably choose to leave the market when life is forcing you to engage in it, or choosing to leave the market would lead to death. It's the equivalent of having a gun put to your head.

Hacksaw ,

Exactly. To me all the basics of life, the bottom tiers of Maslow's pyramid can't be privatised. Healthcare, utilities, education, infrastructure, social safety nets, you need those things as a PREREQUISITE to participation in the market. The market can't provide its own prerequisites. If you don't provide these things you simply cannot have a competitive free market in the first place.

vinylshrapnel , (edited )

Famous libertarian Friedrich Hayek supported universal basic income. As a libertarian myself, I always ask myself: “Will this make people more free?” If the answer is yes, then I support it because that’s what true libertarianism is. In the case of UBI and universal healthcare, both of those would unequivocally make people more free. People will be more free to choose a profession they like rather than one that merely keeps a roof over their heads. America already has a form of limited universal healthcare. It just happens to be restricted to the military and maybe some other government servants. Those members don’t have to worry about their healthcare and it allows them to focus their attention on more important matters, as their healthcare needs are met. Clearly the government has seen that universal healthcare is beneficial.

The sovereign citizens and the right wingers masquerading as Libertarians have given the ideology a bad name.

RGB3x3 ,

I recently got out of the military and it's been a complete shock how bad the private healthcare system is. So much red tape, so many charges, so much money being spent on both ends: to the insurance company, again to the insurance company (copays), and then to the provider when the insurance company won't cover things.

With Tricare? "Hey doc, I need this med for my migraines." "Alright, here you go." No charge.

The American health system is a complete scam keeping people under the boot of their employers and of the for-profit insurance companies.

whotookkarl , avatar

If anarchists are often misunderstood I'd imagine libertarians even more so. Both philosophies advocate for the lack of a state, splitting between preference towards the community/collective vs individual, and are often misinterpreted to mean every thing the state does or should provide today can't exist without it.

SwingingKoala , avatar

Famous libertarian Friedrich Hayek supported universal basic income

That's a lie people love to repeat. Hayek was in favor of helping people who needed help, he explicitly was against money for freeloaders.

r3df0x ,

I'm not a libertarian, but from what I've seen of their positions on this, they don't think that it's possible in an effective way. There's two possible versions: the government pays for everything, or there's public and private health care. A lot of countries have both, which is probably the best option since driving out competition is going to make everything go to crap.

The problem is that there are some arrangements that simply can't work or the existing system would implode in the transition.

There are also a lot of people who don't want to pay because someone who refused to get insurance for years finally decided to sign up for public health care because they suddenly got a serious health problem. In some possible arrangements, it would be necessary to force people to have health insurance, which is its own rabbit hole.

Son_of_dad ,

Do they not realize that universal health care has been done successfully and at a lower cost than privatized healthcare, in many other countries? Seems like a weak argument when there's so much proof against it

r3df0x ,

I want there to be a viable public option that exists. The alternative would be to require that everyone get coverage.

jorp ,

medical practitioners competing with each other isn't how medicine advances

r3df0x ,

If there's no competition, then providers can just make up any price that they want and the government has to pay it.

When there's an entirely planned economy, there's no possibility for alternatives to be created.

jorp ,

when a huge multinational corporation worth more than the GDP of many nations organizes their resources using a plan decided by executives, and starts to vertically integrate to control their supply chain, and reaps the cost savings, that's just good capitalism.

No organization that's publicly owned could ever vertically integrate and make efficient use of resources, no, you need a dictatorship where the wealthiest have all the power for that kind of thing to work

The reason markets trend toward monopoly is that it's so ineffective

Fedizen ,

"The problem is that there are some arrangements that simply can’t work or the existing system would implode in the transition."

can you even cite a real world example of this or is this another runaway hypothetical?

John_McMurray ,

Honestly it's just an ethical stance against forcing one to pay for another, emphasis on force.

Son_of_dad ,

We all pay for it when a child with potential gets sick and dies because their parents couldn't afford health care.
We all pay in one way or another when health care bankrupts a family.
We are all going to pay for it anyways, and if someone in a worse financial position than you needs health care and your taxes can provide that, you're garbage if you feel you're being forced or you're mad cause a poor person got medicine with your taxes.

John_McMurray , (edited )

No. I'm a Canadian that actually knows what socialized programs like healthcare do to a country. It's not great. Socialized medicine is one of the major of the hundred little cuts impoverishing Canadians. Mississippi and Alabama have higher per capita average income and personal wealth than the richest Canadian province, before and after taxes. Despite the huge amount of wealth transfer to the government for reallocation, they inevitably start acting like its their money, wasted in ridiculous ways aside from the original point, a bureaucratic mafia forms intent on nothing but its own continuance, and then you've Canadians denied health insurance either formally (I'm not allowed to have it because I've not a fixed address in the province I pay income tax, but i can't just not pay taxes either) or informally by denial of needed care (that's the common one). I do have American health insurance. I spend 5 months a year in the states, acquiring insurance was as simple as paying for it.

Son_of_dad ,

I'm not being impoverished by universal health care, I'm being impoverished by corporation and those "free market" fucks who are anti union, anti workers, and pro fascism.

John_McMurray ,

Sure you are lil buddy.

Son_of_dad ,

Insults are a sure sign that your argument was destroyed and you can't handle it

John_McMurray ,

Just keep telling yourself that

Fedizen ,

so is it unethical for society to take care of orphans?

John_McMurray ,

Fuck them orphans. (Completely irrelevant amd illogical appeals to emotion will be treated as seriously as deserved)

Fedizen ,

Orphans are real and a serious issue. A large percentage of homeless people today are people who went through the US foster system.

Children whose parents are A) unable B) unwilling or C) dead ... all become society's problem to feed and house and you've basically said that its unethical to do so.

John_McMurray ,

Stay on topic

FireTower , avatar

Tldr non partisan answer:
Libertarian philosophy favors negative rights over positive rights.

Negative rights oblige others to not impede (like not censoring free speech).

Positive rights oblige others to provide something (like healthcare).

JayDee ,

I imagine it's a "negative liberty vs positive liberty" conundrum.

American libertarianism seems to consistently skew towards negative liberty, which is complete autonomy to anything but without any power or resources. I believe this predilection came from Ayn Rand and Reaganism, and that It now manifests mostly as anarchocapitalist sentiments.

I'm a bigger fan of positive liberty - possessing the resources and power to do what you desire within a constrained system.

Unfortunately we live in a society which provides neither. The amazing results of constant compromise.

r3df0x ,

The problem is defining what acceptable positive rights involves. There are people who think that having to "work to survive" is somehow a major human rights abuse. I don't think that anyone should be entitled to not have to work unless they are severely disabled and can't work. At the same time, expecting people to work multiple jobs is corporate oppression.


I really like your answer but to me this is what motivated me towards libertarianism. We have been voting between two parties that both are authoritarian in different ways and the result stinks. Let's try the other half of the compass for a change. If government sucks then don't vote for more government to fix the corrupt system. Vote to limit government and give power back to the people.

bluGill ,

Because someone needs to be enslaved to provide universial health care. If even one person wants to opt out, no matter how wrong their reason you if you allow don't allow it they are enslaved. (note that there have been many different systems of slavery, but even the best still remones choice from someone). as such I prefer other options if they exist.

There are other options and so I oppose universial health care. Do not confuse that with approving of the system we have.

bostonbananarama ,

Because someone needs to be enslaved to provide universial health care. If even one person wants to opt out, no matter how wrong their reason you if you allow don't allow it they are enslaved.

Congratulations, you just said the dumbest thing I've read on the Internet in a very long time. That's impressive!

I pay for the military, for roads, for schools, for police, for fire departments...and I can't opt out of any of that. So am I already a slave? If so, then I might as well get some healthcare out of the deal.

If I'm not already a slave then universal healthcare isn't making me a slave either. No one would be forcing you to use your healthcare either.

bluGill ,

You are a slave and should opt out of those things.

Your proble is you know what is and cannot imangine what could be.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Libertarians are people who imagine living in their idea of personal, fictional, utopia. Their utopia is one where they pay for only what they want, nobody else gets any of their money, corporations will do no harm, and somehow, magically, they have all the conveniences of modern life.

They just completely ignore that their miserly financial outlook undoes centuries of understanding that an educated society reduces poverty, crime, and unrest, hence the need for public education. Corporations still cause environmental ruin and poison the land, sea, and air…as if giving them minimal or free rein would improve that. Usually their solution to anyone intruding on their ideal world is to shoot them, no need to pay for cops.

In other words, they’re all about their Liberty to do what ever they want. Their version of liberty for you is “You’re free to sink, swim, or die on your own.” They just assume they’ll always be fine or have enough money to do whatever they need. No need to chip in for anyone els’s health care if a) they can’t pay for their own or b) they have their money to pay for theirs, and you’re not getting any of it.

r3df0x ,

Libertarians are the right wing version of 20 year old socialists who want free stuff and have no understand of what really drives and motivates people.

I tend to lean left but I'm incredibly disappointed with the state of the political landscape.

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

Libertarians are, typically, just republicans who dont want the label or baggage, at least from every single one I've ever seen or interacted with.

r3df0x ,

In my experience, libertarians tend to be extremely moderate conservatives who don't want to submit to God.

tiefling ,

Libertarians are Republicans that smoke weed. They are identical at their core.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

I disagree. Libertarians are more evil and stupider than Republicans.

Republicans are pretty awful all round, yes. But have you tried selfishness-extreme, our new flavor? Now with less self-awareness!

RBWells ,

Disclaimer, I am not a libertarian by a long shot.

But - there is a difference between freedom to and freedom from. I think in general libertarians believe in freedom to, not freedom from. So you are free to yell, but not free from noise. You are free to walk in traffic, not free from being run over.

It almost makes sense, I don't think people should be free from seeing things that offend them, right? Or free from consequences. So no, they don't think freedom from sickness is a right.

makyo ,

You're right especially in that it almost makes sense - the only people I've seen who are more allergic to nuance than libertarians are Trumpists

udon ,

You will know the answer if you look more specific at what exactly different people understand as "liberty"

derf82 ,

Libertarians only care about 2 things: lowest taxes possible and legal weed, and they would gladly sacrifice the latter in favor of the former. Anything else is nothing more than lip service.

Universal healthcare means taxes, and that is the one thing Libertarians hate above all. Never mind that it would be cheaper than private insurance. They relish in the fact they can skip buying insurance, and if they get hurt, ERs are required to treat them anyway.

A_cook_not_a_chef ,

That's not fair. They also really care about getting rid of age of consent laws!

barsquid ,

I think there are roughly three subgenres of libertarian; the two you identify (wants hierarchy with warlords and wants public heroin use without jail time) but then there is also a third group that has focused a lot of rage on age of consent laws for some reason.


Libertarian care about maximizing social and economic liberties. Liberty being defined as freedom from authority. Taxes are forced on citizens so libertarians generally want to limit taxes to a minimum. I see no reason to believe that universal healthcare would be cheaper than insurance. The government is an inefficient monopoly where private insurance companies have to compete for the lowest rates.

PyroNeurosis ,

I see no reason to believe that universal healthcare would be cheaper than insurance.

Private health insurance still has a "profit margin" that boards are legally bound to. The public system removes that line item.


Profit margins are to keep a company out of debt and ensure it can grow as technology advances. Government would still need to pay employees and keep up with tech. But your right, government does need to avoid debt because it can just print money but that leads to inflation. There is no way to make cost just disappear.

derf82 ,

You want to maximize liberty, but have a funny way of showing it. Libertarians vote for the most authoritarian they can, as long as they will cut taxes. Even if that means banning abortion, keeping marijuana prohibition, forcing religion on children in schools, supporting civil forfeiture, preventing people from choosing sustainable energy, and so much more.

As has famously been said, taxes are the price we pay for civilized society. The non-aggression principle I believe is absolute bullshit. Libertarian would happily screw over anyone, claiming they are simply exercising their personal liberty. They couldn’t care any less about the well being of anyone else but themselves. Absolute barbarians if you ask me. Personally, I’m happy to get good services for my taxes, and not see my money go to a greedy asshole CEO. Sure, politicians are also greedy assholes, but at least the people can vote them out.

It would cost less because a single entity, costing much less overhead. Also, a single entity would have far more buying power. Almost every doctor would have to accept them, eliminating out-of-network costs. And we wouldn’t have hundreds of overpaid executives that pat themselves on the back with multimillion dollar bonuses for denying sick people coverage. And we can see it in action. Most industrialized countries already have some form of universal healthcare, and they all cost less per capita. People that actually have universal healthcare generally love it. And don’t talk to me about waiting lists. I’ve been on plenty of waiting lists right here, and lots of people can’t even get on them because they can’t afford the care they need.

Competition simply does not work in the healthcare market. When people are sick, they are limited typically to one option. And it has inelastic demand, so changing prices don’t change demand, and thus hospitals and doctors can charge whatever. The system, built on the economic principles libertarians espouse, is god-awful.

eatthecake ,

How is having numerous private companies all concerned with billing in any way efficient? Imagine if everyone was covered and the money and time and intelligence used to decide how much they pay and how much you pay went towards actual healthcare. The whole existence of health insurance is an inefficiency.

Octavio ,

Libertarians don’t give a flying fuck about liberty. It is an authoritarian movement that aims to eliminate any force standing in the way of their organizing society into a rigid hierarchy predicated upon wealth. A government that is answerable to the people is a countervailing force against the formation (or re-formation I suppose) of such a system. That was indeed the whole reason such a government was invented in the first place.

ShepherdPie ,

I don't think it's quite so organized as this mindset leads to extremely self-absorbed and selfish people who arent good at organizing en masse. Multiple times now, libertarians have tried to form their own communities on land and sea and it always falls apart once they actually try to form the communities as it just turns into government rules and taxes like we have now. They don't even want to live by their own group's authority.

barsquid ,

I'm really upset that the coinbro boat didn't actually get to set sail. That article was insane. Reading it was like watching a pilot episode to one of the finest shows ever conceived, then learning the show got canceled.

r3df0x ,

Libertarians are political extremists who hate anything related to the government but don't care about being oppressed by private businesses, or they think that it simply won't happen in their utopia. Libertarians are everything they hate about the woke left, only applied to the government.

CouncilOfFriends ,

My anecdotal experience is 'temporarily embarrassed millionaires' lean Libertarian and imagine they'll be young and healthy until they're old and wealthy.

Jayb151 ,

Actually, education and health are the 2 things I think the government should take care of in a serious way. That said, I still Believe people should be able to pay for alternative education or health care if they wish, I just think I should never see a bill for either of those two ever. Especially for children. Wtf are we doing if we as a society cannot afford for children to be healthy or educated?

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

the issue is that everyone needs to have equal opportunity.

Is it okay for parents to purposefully give their kids a worse opportunity for education and health than every other American? (I know homeschooling is a controversial topic, but sadly the vast majority are just dumb as a box of bricks religious nut jobs)

Jayb151 ,

I'm sorry, I genuinely don't understand the question of, is it right to give a worse education. Are you saying that homeschool is worse? Sorry not trying to deter from the topic, but I might just not be reading it right.

I will say this in response though, I don't agree that everyone should be given a completely equal opportunity. What I do think is that everyone should be given a very superior baseline of opportunity.

Chasing completely equal opportunity seen like a fools errand. But we really should be putting education and health first, unfortunately we just don't.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,
  1. homeschooling: absolutely, because of the quality of the vast number of 'teachers' (in the USA). You should read about how batshit insane they are. And lets not get started on the rampant child abuse.

  2. it sounds like you're trying to confuse equality and equity. But yes, same baseline = equal baseline, which is not what they're getting in the slave states.

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