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ShepherdPie ,

Beavis and Butthead is another similar example. Some group of people have done their best to recreate it digitally in a torrent called the King Turd edition.

ShepherdPie ,

Much like my witnessing PETA protestors screaming in the face of little children with a bullhorn because they happened to be waiting in line for the circus. I can support removing elephants from a life of circus performing, but I absolutely cannot stand PETA (for this and other reasons like euthanizing people's pets).

ShepherdPie ,

Yeah this is totally selfish and just brings attention to them while harming their supposed cause.

ShepherdPie ,

I don't know if the euthanasia stories are true, but I witnessed the screaming into bullhorns personally as I was also waiting in the line with my kid.

ShepherdPie ,

$1000-$2000 cars are the $500 beaters from 10+ years ago. I wouldn't say most people are looking in this price range and they're usually on their last leg and the cheapest option for a car. There are cellphones that cost more than this now.

ShepherdPie ,

Those "more affordable foreign cars" are only priced that low because the Chinese government is subsidizing them so much, which is only temporary and lasts just as long as it takes to put their competitors out of business.

This is a race to the bottom just like states giving trillion dollar corporations billions in tax breaks as an incentive to move to their state. At the end of the day, it just harms everyone and should be avoided, which is why the US and EU are putting tariffs on Chinese EVs. They're still free to sell them at the real cost and actually compete with everyone else.

ShepherdPie ,

You're literally describing every new car now, whether EV or ICE.

ShepherdPie , (edited )

There's the Nissan Leaf, Chevy Bolt/Spark, Mini Cooper EV, Hyundai Kona/Ioniq 6, Fiat 500e and more. These qualify for subsidies if purchased new plus all the gas savings make them decently affordable or you can always buy them used as most people do.

Most people are going for the midrange models like the Model Y, Model 3, Ioniq 5, etc though since it's not really ideal to buy the 'worst' version of something when making a large purchase. People want more range, space, and features. Even with ICE cars, the subcompacts sell/sold pretty poorly.

ShepherdPie ,

If you go to and test your Plex port does it show as open?

Your new ISP might have CG-NAT meaning you don't get your own IPv4 address and can't be connected to directly.

Also stream a movie from your phone while connected to cellular data and then check that stream on the Plex admin screen to see what it says. IIRC the Plex Relay is fixed at 1mbps

ShepherdPie ,

She wants to fuck with him but is to cowardly to do it to his face.

ShepherdPie ,

I find this a bit odd as you make it seem as if ordering is a complicated process that takes some thought and planning. The whole draw of McDonalds is that you get the exact same food wherever you may be and their options are fairly limited. Ham/cheeseburger, chicken burger, fish sandwich, or nuggets is pretty much your array of options.

I personally dislike the ordering screens as they make the process way to drawn out. Let me just pick a #1, the size, and the drink and be done with it in 3 taps. Last time I used one, it wanted me to basically build my own meal as if I was ordering Dominoes online and building my own pizza.

ShepherdPie ,

Same here. I also don't see the issue with it. It. Very much fits the vibe of DS9 and TNG and gave us some very iconic characters.

ShepherdPie ,

It's definitely TVDB screwing with your results. This is what everyone uses for their TV databases (along eith TMDB for movies) and these issues happen occasionally. Unfortunately, the people that run it are major pricks and refuse to ever edit things like this. They'd rather ban users for asking than listen to reason.

ShepherdPie ,

Seems almost universally praised from what I've seen. With the loss of DSC, I can't see them dumping another show with nothing in the works.

ShepherdPie ,

Seriously and they also spent months working on it that could have been used to actually deliver some aide.

ShepherdPie ,

Batteries can show good voltage on a multimeter but then drop immediately once a load is applied if they're failing.

ShepherdPie ,

I don't have a recommendation for a tester, but after about a decade of vaping and dealing with 18650s, I will say it can be beneficial to keep batteries paired together (on devices that require more than one cell) during their lifespan so that you don't have one sagging from old age while the other is still performing well. This probably isn't as big of an issue on normal electronics that don't have a massive current load like an ecig, but something to keep in mind. I typically never break up a pair but when I used to have several pairs of batteries, I would just use a sharpie to mark a full set "A" or "1" while the next set is "B" or "2" to avoid mixing them up.

ShepherdPie ,

Kinda hard with a "one size fits all" smartphone market in terms of both size and features.

ShepherdPie ,

Oh yeah? Seems you dropped the "people have different needs and experiences" point pretty quick. This reads like someone who has their identity wrapped up in the purchases that they make and can't handle someone criticizing multinational corporations.

ShepherdPie ,

Death is a plausible ending to any day for everyone, though.

ShepherdPie ,

For me the first season was arguably one of the worst. I didn't start enjoying it until around S3 with the time jump, but it's been hit or miss since then. I just can't stand how, for lack of a better word, sappy the show can be with the constant "cut to crewperson's face giving an approving nod while Burnham gives a motivational, whispered speech backed by heartwarming music." It all seems so over the top, lazy, and gimmicky. Rather than write better stories, they want to pull on your heartstrings with cheap tropes to keep people watching.

ShepherdPie ,

Yes it can also be argued that stupid short-term gains like this can lead to less revenue in the long run which isn't doing your fiduciary duty.

ShepherdPie ,

The reason it's called that is so when you're buying the car, you can read "full self driving", the salesman can call it "full self driving", and then you can get excited and think you're getting full self driving and pay stupid amounts of money for an iPhone on wheels.

Who exactly are you describing here? Like someone who's been living under a rock for the past 5+ years and thinks cars just drive themselves now, but who also has $50k-$100k to drop on a car and also doesn't do any research beforehand? I think you're blowing this way out of proportion.

All these systems are flawed to some extent as nobody has cracked the code to L5 automation. There is some danger to it but there are many dangers to driving and this eliminates some of them. People have died in Teslas but many more have died in every other production vehicle that has ever existed. If this guy did the samr thing in a Toyota Camry, do you think we'd even be talking about it right now? These systems can only get better with a lot of real-world usage.

I totally get where the other person is coming from. These arguments are so tired and meaningless at this point. If you want Musk to go away, then stop bringing him up at every turn because it just makes people sound like bizzaro-world Musk fans as they hate the guy but can't stop talking about him and following his every move. Some of us want to discuss and debate the actual technology and Musk had nothing to do with developing it.

ShepherdPie ,

The systems with LIDAR aren't L5 either. It's impossible to claim what is and isn't needed when nobody has actually come up with a solution.

ShepherdPie ,

Well why are you lending him further credibility by continuing to make him prolific? You're just feeding into his goal of garnering more attention at every turn. Media outlets will continue to focus on all his insane ramblings because people like you are guaranteed to click on it.

ShepherdPie ,

You're assuming these people have principles and integrity, but they don't. They'll just blame the government for allowing it to happen/not providing them enough assistance.

ShepherdPie ,

Not if you're the one voting in the people who refuse to do anything about it and make every attempt to further the issue.

ShepherdPie ,

I don't think it's quite so organized as this mindset leads to extremely self-absorbed and selfish people who arent good at organizing en masse. Multiple times now, libertarians have tried to form their own communities on land and sea and it always falls apart once they actually try to form the communities as it just turns into government rules and taxes like we have now. They don't even want to live by their own group's authority.

ShepherdPie ,

They cropped the edges from the article photo.

streaming or torrenting today vs. 5 years ago

I've been a good boy for 5 years or so but the seas call to me. Are streaming sites the way to go now or is torrenting still a better bet for mainstream movies and tv? I'd imagine all of my accounts have been deleted on those sites so I'd be starting over.

ShepherdPie ,

Mullvad removed port forwarding so it's not the way to go for torrenting anymore.

ShepherdPie ,

Without port forwarding you're limited on connections and can only connect to those who do have it enabled.

When they dropped support, I switched to AirVPN and have been satisfied. Prices are about the same I believe. Mullvad was great and even refunded me my remaining time after the switch. I'd totally use them again if I didn't need port forwarding or if they brought the feature back.

Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads ( )

Netflix has managed to annoy a good number of its users with an announcement about an upcoming update to its Windows 11 (and Windows 10) app: support for adverts and live events will be added, but the ability to download content is being taken away....

4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good?

Was 25 and super nervous, so when the realtor was like "oh yeah they just check for basic stuff, but I looked around and it looks great" I was like "Oh okay, this is so astronomically expensive every penny saved is good..."...

ShepherdPie ,

when I heard people were buying without inspections during the property rush I was agog and I hadn't bought a house.

Reminds me of all the people buying homes to flip on their Starbucks income with variable rate mortgages back in 2006/2007

ShepherdPie ,

This isn't just protecting US manufacturers its protecting all manufacturers that sell vehicles in the US. China selling cars at 1/3 the price of any other available on the market is just going to reduce competition and put a bunch of people out of work for no real benefit. If you need a cheap car buy a used one like everyone else.

ShepherdPie ,

Is there a benefit to buying a brand new car just because it's an EV and it was cheap? This is like saying it's better for the environment to get a new phone because it gets better battery life even though your old one is working fine.

One way to curb emissions is to not waste things that were already built by tossing them in the trash and buying a newer version.

ShepherdPie ,

How does this change anything about car dependency?

ShepherdPie ,

Where in the world can you buy a $12k EV that doesn't come from China?

We have subsidized them here with the $7500 credit and loans/grants to retool factories but it's a drop in the bucket compared to what China is doing.

Ford just released their financials for last quarter and it showed them losing $130k for every EV they sold: so clearly they aren't subsidized so much that they can sell them for pennies on the dollar like BYD.

ShepherdPie ,

How does everyone buying a brand new car result in decarbonization versus keeping the ones we've already expended carbon building and upgrading them when they break? There are 283 million cars on the road in the US and replacing them all is going to generate a metric fuckton of carbon.

ShepherdPie , (edited )

A $12k car selling for $24k after the tariff is still highly competitive in the US market. It doesn't seem so bad to me.

What has been done here, is pure protectionism for the US companies that didn't invest enough in EV.

The only US companies are Tesla, Ford and GM. China selling these cars well below cost here is going to harm every manufacturer that sells in the US. This isn't about protecting US companies like everyone (who sounds like they're living in 1970) likes to claim.

ShepherdPie ,

Yeah China has been doing the same with solar panels. Funny you bring it up since my wife used to work at a facility that made the ingots and sliced them up. They shut down several years ago since it was impossible to compete with Chinese prices. Hurray for cheap prices right?

ShepherdPie ,

Cool you can act dramatically. Now that the theatrical portion is out of the way, maybe you can defend your position by responding to the topic of my comments.

ShepherdPie ,

How does putting manufacturers out of business lead to cheaper panels? What it leads to is low competition and higher prices in the long run.

ShepherdPie ,

Would you really argue that he's been silenced as we sit here discussing him in the comments for an article written about him?

ShepherdPie ,

Missing are the black jeans, black sunglasses and/or the Guy Fawkes madk.

ShepherdPie ,

Can I borrow them to clean my yard? I promise I'll get them right back to you.

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