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RememberTheApollo_ ,

I think “without rambling” is more than just a stretch. Dude was all over place, but he was able to ramble clearly.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Politics should have been sorted out way before the ring.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

mIRC/IRC is still going, right? Haven’t used that in probably a decade.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Don’t you love it when your bologna smiles back?

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Is it any better than the people that screenshot instagram or Facebook to share on other social media? I’m not a fan of the low-effort share, all these platforms’ users are low-effort and rip off each other’s work to re-re-re-share it everywhere. I don’t see people here being too much different or Reddit content being any more objectionable than the rest.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Takes up their whole Texas McMansion driveway.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

And they get pretty obvious in big subs like /cars and /gaming. So many posting opinions like car magazines or gaming reviews do - point out nit-picky negatives that are relatively inconsequential to the product, softball other criticism, but give an overall decent review. Heaven help you if you actually voice an opinion critical of the object, because you’re allowed to have that opinion as an individual, that doesn’t toe the line and you get instant downvotes.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

The time after the meeting is spent not wanting to engage in tasks you can’t accomplish before end of day, and watching the clock knowing the meeting screwed up the day.

RememberTheApollo_ ,


There’s lots of ambiguous information. There is no firsthand, historically agreed upon data that supports his existence in the form we know him today. In other words, there was no magical guy doing magical things.

There is no Roman record of “nailed 3 prisoners to the posts today; Bill, Roger, and Jesus the magic guy who was a pain in the ass.”

However, like Arthurian Legend, it doesn’t mean some guy like Jesus didn’t exist, or an aggregate of characters weren’t assembled to be him on story. Arthur was possibly just a chieftain of a group who fought a couple of hefty battles and made a name for himself, but he ended up being an almost magical figure with wizards and witches in the story and - guess what, he will “rise again” from the dead when needed. And no, rising from the dead isn’t owned by Christian religious figures, Osiris of Egypt did it, Dionysius of the Greek Pantheon among many others. So maybe some dude, who probably wasn’t named Jesus, caused a stir and got a few people to take note. That grew over hundreds and even thousands of years to what we have now.

Want to know why King Arthur isn’t a competitor to Jesus? He a) doesn’t offer the opportunity to control people in this life for the hope of an afterlife, b) he isn’t profitable.

RememberTheApollo_ ,
RememberTheApollo_ ,

You mean besides a couple dudes running around telling us to be cool to each other?

You didn’t even read the wiki entry, did you.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

You said:

An interesting thing about what we have now in Christianity though is that it basically spawned as-is in the first century

The article says:

Little is fully known of Christianity in its first 150 years; sources are few.

So you’re making a huge, sweeping statement that Christianity as we know it today is based on something…we don’t know much about? There are 6 major Christian denominations, not to mention hundreds of smaller ones. Which one is the “as-is” one? The one that is exactly “as-is” from CE 100?

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Nonetheless they are different. And you skipped past the whole “little is known” part, not to mention all the parts that got tossed out along the way.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

See, now you’re moving the goalposts. You made a sweeping statement that Christianity is as-is compared to the first century CE. Yet here you are breaking it down and excluding things.

Let’s just face it, you don’t mean Christianity as a whole is same as 2kyr ago. It isn’t. They held on to some facets of it, got rid of others, but kept the main themes like resurrection and the like. Heck, there are even some that suggest the resurrection story was added centuries later.

RememberTheApollo_ , (edited )

That’s not what I said.

However, like Arthurian Legend, it doesn’t mean some guy like Jesus didn’t exist, or an aggregate of characters weren’t assembled to be him on story.

That’s what I said.

I used Arthur as a fellow mythology, along with a conditional “or” he could be an aggregate character.

The moment of resurrection itself is not described in any of the gospels, but all four contain passages in which Jesus is portrayed as predicting his death and resurrection, or contain allusions that "the reader will understand". The New Testament writings do not contain any descriptions of a resurrection but rather accounts of an empty tomb.

So therefore I stand by the premise that changes have been made, and what existed in 100 is not what we have today.

You’ll have to forgive me if I bow out. I do not share your beliefs, nor am I willing to continue to argue over religious texts that are self-referencing to constitute proof.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

“Me when I lie”?

Go talk to the wiki I got that from if you want to argue with someone else about whether something is true or not.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

I guess religion and atheism are on equal footing, then.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Every religion apart from Christianity dies without lies

Quoted for posterity.

There it is. Your true colors.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

This was my thought. DNA isn’t stable so it’s a lousy storage medium. Degrades over time, mutations in living organisms, etc.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

So unreliable except for what 98% of the world uses it for?

RememberTheApollo_ ,

We live in a system that monetizes everything, then seeks to restrict access to those things in order to profit.

Knowledge is just one casualty.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

I offered my informal CV. Lemmy and the Fediverse the largest group I've ever offered any service to. My largest group is just over 1,800, but it's a relatively homogeneous group needing little mod activity. The commuinity is free to comment on my history, stupidity (lol) and bias. I figure it's fair considering he job app. I'll offer that I respect and enjoy (even if it's verbal sparring) the prospect of opposing reasonable views on Lemmy vs the bots, tropes, reposts, and crabs-in-a-bucket karma-whores on Reddit.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

A troll account is still a troll account spreading misinformation. That’s not “fun”.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

I know lots of people that own corgis. I don’t know anyone that owns a dinosaur. Guess that means corgis are more popular?

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Spelling, punctuation, and the use of contractions. The part that really sells the irritation factor is when they try to say they’re correct by making up some definition for what they said or claiming “common usage”. I guess it’s because people don’t really read much anymore. Reading someone else’s words that have been carefully edited, corrected into good sentence structure, and spellchecked can really help get it your own head.

They place the burden on the reader to decipher their made-up vocabulary. It really isn’t too awful, it’s just that people have to have read the correct way something is used yet insist on not changing.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

I think you worked harder on that response than you needed to, yet simultaneously, not hard enough.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

That’s not really what I’m talking about. I don’t care about whatever the latest slang is or the shorthand we use while texting, that’s fine. It’ll all be different again in 20 years.

I mean just the basics. “Could of” instead of could’ve, can’t figure out “too” or “to”. They’re, their, there. Stuff that should have been sorted out before middle school.

RememberTheApollo_ , (edited )

…and I disagree with that MO too. Because your audience chooses to write poorly or cannot spell I disagree that “dumbing yourself down” to perpetuate it or popularize yourself is helpful. That’s why I find it irritating. I’m not trying to make a sweeping discussion where we go down the rabbit hole of how intelligent people have to talk like “normal” people or how a politician might try to speak differently to pander to an audience, I get stuff like that happens. However, the point of this whole thread was essentially about what pisses us off. This is mine. If I had accepted the rationalizations for people being unwilling/-able to correctly use language learned prior to middle school I wouldn't have posted this.

E: and I very much disagree that poor spelling and grammar is any stereotypical indication of someone’s skill regarding spelling because they’ve deliberately chosen to write poorly. A quick trip through plenty of forums other than tech-minded people like Nextdoor, mechanical-related, or even Facebook will turn up plenty of material from people that didn’t or shouldn’t have made it out of high school.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

I’m not interested in a tu quoque discussion.

This thread isn’t /changemymind, this is “what pisses you off”.

I’ve made my reasons clear.

I don’t think you understand “arbitrary.” The process of applying standard spelling to words began in the mid-1500s, whereas how you spelled a word prior the formalization of the words in these early “dictionaries” was indeed arbitrary. The efforts to standardize English are the exact opposite of arbitrary.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

It’s infrastructure. Too inconvenient to find a spot to charge, the apartments where you live probably don’t have chargers, your workplace doesn’t either…

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Yeah man, both at fine. I’ve had some great 4-cheese homemade mac’n cheese that doesn’t turn out too dry, but that seems to be the rarity.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Really? I use PIA all the time and haven’t had any issues with normal internet usage including reddit. Wirst I get is google making me check a captcha box once in a while.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Well shit. Gotta find a new one then.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Deep Fried Butter. Stick of fat wrapped in carbs fried in more fat. I don’t think that can be topped.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

lol, considering the “quality” content in the comments section it’s just going to be a continuation of that dumpster fire.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Oh, there’s a Highlander 4 in the works. It’s not dead yet. One saving grace is that it has Cavill in it, I liked his Witcher quite a bit, so I have hope for the Highlander 4.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Our insurance company offered a rate reduction if we installed a device on the cars to monitor how we drove. It we met whatever metric they set we’d get a discount for “safe driving”.

Hell no. I’m paying full price to not have them looking over my shoulder while driving.

Because you know that the data will be sold, or even used to classify your risk as a driver and potentially raise your rates. There’s nothing altruistic about these companies.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off.

(Self aware double entendre in that statement)

RememberTheApollo_ ,

If we weren’t doing any of the “green shit” that we’ve been working in for decades we’d probably be a decade further down the catastrophe hole than we are.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Experts: social media is harmful for kids

Schools: let’s use social media as an official communication platform!

WTF. tankie censorship problem

I feel like we need to talk about Lemmy's massive tankie censorship problem. A lot of popular lemmy communities are hosted on It's been well known for a while that the admins/mods of that instance have, let's say, rather extremist and onesided political views. In short, they're what's colloquially referred to as...

RememberTheApollo_ ,

If anyone cares to check my comment history they'll find a crapton of rebuttals to anti-biden comments that were NOT deleted by anyone.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Forcing bikes into conflict with cars is of course going to create problems. When I first started riding being on a sidewalk was fine. If that wasn’t available there was usually a sufficiently wide breakdown lane. Only fools and couriers rode in busy urban environments. But with the big push for bikes both municipally and on the basis of personal preference they had to get bikes out of conflict wirh pedestrians on sidewalks, but in built-up urban environments where there isn’t any room to put in proper bike lanes. It’s just a recipe for inflamed tempers. Even on roads that are more suburban, a couple of 18mph bikes blocking a 45 mph road is stupid even if they have a right to be there. But we need more bikes.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Dude(ette), I’m over 50. It was “fine” in the sense that it was what we all did and there were rarely any rules against it. I don’t know where you’re getting that I said it was acceptable in the modern context, in fact I stated pretty much the opposite. You’re making controversy where there really isn’t any.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

D has got to be one of the easiest to take. No side effects unless you take a stupid amount. Generally pretty cheap for a large quantity. Numerous studies have linked vitamin D intake to reduced death from all causes. Of course there are some that discount that effect, but it’s not gonna hurt if you do take it. Might want to give it a shot if you aren’t already.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

This time around the people surrounding him know what they need to do. It’s not like last time where they kinda tried to run the government with some pretense of obeying the rules. IMO should trump win this time they’re just going to go all-in and place themselves permanently in power.

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