DolphinMath OP , to World News in ‘Only Pirates Do This’: China Wields Axes and Knives in South China Sea Fight

Wall Street Journal – Bias and Credibility

Bias Rating: Right-Center

Factual Reporting: Mostly Factual

Country: USA

Press Freedom Rating: Mostly Free

Media Type: Newspaper

Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic

MBFC Credibility Rating: High Credibility About + Methodology

Ad Fontes Media Rating: Middle / Reliable

Article By: Niharika Mandhana

Archive Link: 21 Jun 2024 00:17:28 UTC

farsinuce , (edited ) to Finans in Nvidia’s Ascent to Most Valuable Company Has Echoes of Dot-Com Boom [Nvidia overtog i går førstepladsen over verdens mest værdifulde virksomhed fra Microsoft] avatar
SorteKanin Mod , to Finans in Nvidia’s Ascent to Most Valuable Company Has Echoes of Dot-Com Boom [Nvidia overtog i går førstepladsen over verdens mest værdifulde virksomhed fra Microsoft] avatar

Jeg gad godt vide om/hvornår AI-boomet forsvinder. Kan AI virkelig tilføje al den værdi som investorerne tror det kan? Jeg er ikke overbevist endnu, men måske de kan nå at gøre AI endnu bedre hurtigt nok så den kan leve op til hypen. Den nyeste version af ChatGPT så da ret imponerende ud. Men jo, det lugter lidt af dot-com boblen.

Assensvej , (edited )

Jeg tror vi vil se virksomheder som sælger AI-processing til privat og industri, inden året er omme. Og jo hurtigere de her virksomhed kan levere produkt til klienter, jo bedre. 2 papers down the line fra Sora vil være godt nok, tror jeg. Stor vækst i de næste 4-8 år, i mine øjne.
Jeg er ikke ekspert. Ekspert snakker om NVDA her

farsinuce , (edited ) avatar

Hvis du har lidt tid at slå ihjel, så kommer her en emnerelevant video fra en gut, jeg følger:

Han vender diverse papers artikler om AI (har vi ikke et bedre ord for "videnskabelige artikler" på dansk?) og giver sit besyv med på YouTube.

Nogle gange bliver snakken lidt for nørdet, synes jeg, men OK ellers.

President_Pyrus OP , avatar

har vi ikke et bedre ord for "videnskabelige artikler" på dansk?


thesporkeffect , to World News in The Hostages Next Door: Inside a Notable Gaza Family’s Dark Secret

Oh that's not good, let's get rid of every single Palestinian then.

To be clear, /s, and while some Palestinians may well have done something like this, bringing it up without contextualizing it back to the Nakba makes it pro genocide propaganda

ralphio , to World News in The Hostages Next Door: Inside a Notable Gaza Family’s Dark Secret

There are holes in Israel's story here.

Aljamal lived on the first floor of a multi-story building, according to Euro-Med. The IDF said the hostages were found on the third floor.

DolphinMath OP ,

If you read the WSJ article, it relies largely on interviews with Palestinians who were neighbors.

The author, Abeer Ayyoub, Is also a Palestinian from Gaza.

I’ll read the CNN article when I have a moment.

Edit: Had a moment and read the article. Best I can gather the CNN snippet you posted relies entirely on a Twitter/X post from the chairman of the Euro Med Monitor?

DolphinMath OP , to World News in The Hostages Next Door: Inside a Notable Gaza Family’s Dark Secret

Wall Street Journal – Bias and Credibility

Bias Rating: Right-Center

Factual Reporting: Mostly Factual

Country: USA

Press Freedom Rating: Mostly Free

Media Type: Newspaper

Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic

MBFC Credibility Rating: High Credibility About + Methodology

Ad Fontes Media Rating: Middle / Reliable

Article By: Abeer Ayyoub

Archive Link: 17 Jun 2024 14:28:50 UTC

Link to Abdallah Aljamal‘s Facebook page, as mentioned in the article.

HenriVolney , to World News in Gaza Chief’s Brutal Calculation: Civilian Bloodshed Will Help Hamas

Nothing to see here.
Everytime a guerilla is vastly dominated militarily, they would attack civilians from the oppressor in the most horrible way to bring a brutal crackdown from said oppressor and strengthen the support at home and abroad.
Classic counter-colonial tactic

Nouveau_Burnswick , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in Teens Are Sticking With E-Bikes Even When They’re Old Enough to Drive

Instead, their families are spending as much as $3,000 on electric bicycles

Or 1/10th the purchase price of a car, let alone upkeep costs.

Manifish_Destiny ,

Yeah unless it's a junker, price is still significantly better.
At least in the US.
Not to mention insurance and gas.

NoSuchAgency , to World News in America’s Commute to Work Is Getting Longer and Longer

All the illegals coming in aren't helping things either

HuntressHimbo ,

I hope immigrants sneak in and move your house a few inches further from your work every day

azimir ,

That explains the noises at night! If they could just shore up our one sagging foundation corner in the back while they're at it, that'd be great. After they do some serious manual labor in the summer sun for me, then they can go back to their country until I need more work done. Oh! Actually, no, we need them to do the harvest. And there's this thing with some construction.... shit. It turns out that hard workers are actually really needed everywhere and we shouldn't be such xenophobic/racist assholes all the time.

I do actually need the foundation looked at, though but I can't afford it despite having a pretty decent and high experience required job. All the money is going to billionaires instead. Strange that those same billionaires are funding lots of media telling me to be afraid of people all the time... no relation to the whole immigration thing, I'm sure.

NoSuchAgency ,

Just because we want people to come into our country legally and want to know their background doesn't make us racist.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

and want to know their background

How much background checking do you think they do on someone from France vs. someone from Libya? Do you think it's an equal amount? (It is not.) Do you want it to be an equal amount?

NoSuchAgency ,

Yeah, I do, and obviously it's not the same now. These people are coming in by the millions and they're not doing background checks at all. They're doing background checks on the ones that are waiting to get here legally.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

“These people” being the non-white ones.

NoSuchAgency ,

If there are white people crossing the Southern border illegally it includes them to since you want to make everything about race although I don't see any white people crossing the Southern border

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

"I don't see white people crossing, but it's not about race." Gotcha.

You know how a lot of the white people enter illegally? They arrive on a plane and never leave. Like the majority of illegal immigrants.

So why is the Mexican border what concerns you?

NoSuchAgency ,

Because millions of people are coming over it, including rapist, thieves, and terrorists destroying whole communities on their way through

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

Just so you know now, you're getting really close to violating rule 4. Paraphrasing Trump is not helping you.

NoSuchAgency ,

I'm not paraphrasing anyone, I live near the border and I'm just calling it like I see it

NoSuchAgency ,

Btw, you're wrong. There are way more people coming across the Southern border than people over staying visas. It's not even close and at least we know who the people are that have over stayed their visa

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

I literally showed you the numbers.

NoSuchAgency ,

Yeah, 700,000 in one year and out of those 600,000 remain. Like I said, not even close. We've had up to 250,000 in a month crossing the border illegally

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

How about you show actual numbers from a legitimate source of both visa overstays and illegal border crossings rather than just tell me what you think the number is?

NoSuchAgency ,

You're the one who posted the numbers on over stayed visas. I'm just telling you your article is just fake news because there are more coming across the border than that by a long shot. Here's some info on monthly numbers

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

That says nothing about visa overstays. Or anything about visas at all.

But the fact that you use the term "fake news" really tells me all I need to know here.

NoSuchAgency ,

You posted the story saying that there were 600,000 over stayed visas in a years time claiming thats most of the illegals coming into the country. And yes, that's fake news because it's not true.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

And yet you have not shown it to be untrue.

But please do continue with your right-wing rhetoric.

InternetUser2012 ,

Source? Besides feelings and fox "news", or you just a troll?

NoSuchAgency ,

Here's one source for you, the border patrols own website

afraid_of_zombies ,

Are these illegals with us now? Do they ever tell you to do things, things that might hurt people?

NoSuchAgency ,

What are you talking about?

afraid_of_zombies ,

Ask Andrew Tate or Joe Rogan to explain it to you.

NoSuchAgency ,

Andrew Tate? You sure you're replying to the right person? Dude, I think you're getting your messages mixed up or something

Icalasari , to Not The Onion in I Couldn’t Escape Poison Oak. So I Started Eating It.

Well of course it's not the onion. It's poison oak!

rbn , to Not The Onion in I Couldn’t Escape Poison Oak. So I Started Eating It.

Also it's just a case of anecdotal evidence and definitely not a recommended practice, it was interesting to read this guy's experience. Thanks for sharing!

Donut , to Not The Onion in I Couldn’t Escape Poison Oak. So I Started Eating It.

What's the point in sharing paywalled articles?

AtariDump ,
Donut ,

Thanks chief, that was quite entertaining to read.

I don't object against paywalled articles/websites in general, but if you're sharing something accessibility is kinda important.

AtariDump ,

1000% agreed

x4740N , avatar

apfelwoiSchoppen , to Green Energy in Free Solar for Farmers: Climate Law Gives Rich Incentives | President Biden’s clean-energy subsidies are covering entire project costs and then some avatar

How about we cover our cities, roadways, and parking lots with solar first.

satanmat ,

Parking lots. Oh yes please.

Stop solar heating the blacktop and our cars. Allow us to park in the shade and offset your store’s electric bill.

Seriously parking lots are such low hanging fruit

apfelwoiSchoppen , avatar

Less loss from transmission, less habitat destruction. It is really win-win.

grue ,

Eh, a lot of the blacktop shouldn't even exist in the first place because we should be zoning and designing cities for walking, biking and transit.

We could use solar to shade the bike/ped paths, though.

RebekahWSD , to Fuck Cars in ‘Stroads’ Aren’t Streets. They Aren’t Roads. And They Don’t Work. avatar

They suck, stroads, because they keep me from being able to walk to the McDonald's. I should be able to, but noooooooo I'd get hit.

9point6 , to Fuck Cars in ‘Stroads’ Aren’t Streets. They Aren’t Roads. And They Don’t Work.

Obligatory: Not Just Bikes on YouTube has a series of videos about the Strong Towns books written by the guy mentioned at the start of the article

Also his other content is pretty interesting if you're into that stuff

businessfish , avatar

not just bikes has a lot of great information in his older videos, but his newer videos all seem to be dyed in this deep anger/frustration he feels for cars and car infrastructure.

i can't really pin it down to a single thing or video and maybe it has always been there and i only recently noticed, but lately my main takeaway from his videos is "wow this guy is angry about cars" and less so the points he made.

jerkface , avatar

... aren't you angry??

businessfish , avatar

sure but i don't like watching videos of other people being angry, i'd rather he just delivered the information. and again, maybe i'm imagining the "shift" but after some point relatively recently his stuff felt different to me.

jerkface , avatar

Yeah well, I prefer Tim Burton before he got happy.

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