
Rainb0wSkeppy , to Programmer Humor in The only correct way to indent

intercal dosent support indentation with null bytes yet :(

DeltaWingDragon , to Programmer Humor in The only correct way to indent
@DeltaWingDragon@sh.itjust.works avatar


geography082 , to Programmer Humor in It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.

I can remember an up, but would never an ipv6

repungnant_canary , to Programmer Humor in It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.

Slightly related to the issue of remembering addresses, I think the main issue is with the fact that local nameservers are pretty much non-existent if you're not running OpenWrt or OpnSense. Which is shameful because the local nameserver is an amazing quality of life tool.

Also the fact that officially there are no local TLDs except for ".arpa" while browsers won't resolve one word domains without adding http://

And don't get me started on TLS certificates in local networks... (although dns01 saves the day)

absentbird ,
@absentbird@lemm.ee avatar

I don't get why '.local' isn't a top level domain for LAN hosts.

orangeboats ,

.local is already used by mDNS

absentbird ,
@absentbird@lemm.ee avatar

Ah, that makes sense. I just knew it was unavailable. Apparently .lan is fine to use, I think I'll try that next time.

lambalicious OP ,

I've taken to using .here (or .aqui, "here" in Español, much harder to match outside) as alternatives until something better comes up.

Ideally I'd use .aquí, correctly with the diacritic, but DNS doesn't seem to support even the basics of Unicode in 2024.

Ephera ,

Well, there is Punycode, which, if I understand correctly, is a layer before DNS, which translates a Unicode string into a DNS-compatible ASCII string.

I don't actually recommend using that, though. Every so often, the ugly ASCII string shows up in places, because Punycode translation isn't implemented there. Certainly increases administration complexity.

lambalicious OP ,

Yeah I've heard about punycode. Personally, I'm well against it because it puts down non-MURRICAN English domain names as second-class citizens on the internet. If I have a website about Copiapó, a perfectly legal town, there's no good reason why the domain name should not be copiapó.cl rather than copiap-xcwhngoingohi4oleleiyho42yt4ptg4ht4.cl, making it look "suspect" and "malware-y".

There were quite some complains back in the time about Firefox choosing not to "flag" internationalized names as potentially dangerous, and pretty much all those complaints that I know of likely came from English speakers who simply can't understand other countries in the world even can have different alphabets.

Ephera ,

I mean, there is some legitimate concerns. For example, in theory, someone could register a domain "αpple.com" and use that to send phishing mails. That "α" is an alpha. The more alphabets and letter variants you allow, the more lookalikes there will be.

But yeah, in practice, domain registrars check that you're not registering such a lookalike domain and then that's not really a problem, as far as I'm aware.

lambalicious OP ,

And don’t get me started on TLS certificates in local networks…

I hate this and the fact that modern platforms seem to require TLS even if you're serving localhost, so much.

repungnant_canary , to Programmer Humor in It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.

I would love to start using ipv6 but my ISP decided that their devices won't support prefix delegation because "nobody uses ipv6 and nothing works with it"

nifty , to Programmer Humor in It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

I feel like I could learn Dutch, my English is already broken

SpaceCadet , (edited ) to Programmer Humor in It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.
@SpaceCadet@feddit.nl avatar

IPv6 = second system effect. It's way too complicated for what was needed and this complexity hinders its adoption. We don't need 100 ip addresses for every atom on the earth's surface and we never will.

They should have just added an octet to IPv4 and be done with it.

orangeboats , (edited )

Every time there's a "just add an extra octet" argument, I feel some people are completely clueless about how hardware works.

Most hardware comes with 32-bit or 64-bit registers. (Recall that IPv6 came out just a year before the Nintendo 64.) By adding only an extra octet, thus having 40 bits for addressing, you are wasting 24 bits of a 64-bit register. Or wasting 24 bits of a 32-bit register pair. Either way, this is inefficient.

And there's also the fact that the modern internet is actually reaching the upper limits of a hypothetical 64-bit IPv5: https://lemmy.world/comment/10727792. Do we want to spend yet another two decades just to transition to a newer protocol?

SpaceCadet , (edited )
@SpaceCadet@feddit.nl avatar

you are wasting 24 bits of a 64-bit register

You're not "wasting" them if you just don't need the extra bits, Are you wasting a 32-bit integer if your program only ever counts up to 1000000?

Even so when you do start to need them, you can gradually make the other bits available in the form of more octets. Like you can just define it as a.b.c.d.e = 0.a.b.c.d.e = 0.0.a.b.c.d.e = 0.0.0.a.b.c.d.e

Recall that IPv6 came out just a year before the Nintendo 64

If you're worried about wasting registers it makes even less sense to switch from a 32-bit addressing space to a 128-bit one in one go.

Anyway, your explanation is a perfect example of "second system effect" at work. You get all caught up in the mistakes of the first system, in casu the lack of addressing bits, and then you go all out to correct those mistakes for your second system, giving it all the bits humanity could ever need before the heat death of the universe, while ignoring the real world implications of your choices. And now you are surprised that nobody wants to use your 128-bit abomination.

orangeboats , (edited )

You're not "wasting" them if you just don't need the extra bits

We are talking about addresses, not counters. An inherently hierarchical one at that (i.e. it goes from top to bottom using up all bits). If you don't use the bits you are actually wasting them.

you can gradually make the other bits available in the form of more octets

So why didn't we make other bits available for IPv4 gradually? Yeah, same issue as that: Forwards compatibility. If you meant that this "IPv5" standard should specify compulsory 64-bit support from the very beginning, then why are you arbitrarily restricting the use of some bits in the first place?

If you're worried about wasting registers it makes even less sense to switch from a 32-bit addressing space to a 128-bit one in one go

All the 128 bits are used in IPv6. ;)

SpaceCadet , (edited )
@SpaceCadet@feddit.nl avatar

We are talking about addresses, not counters. An inherently hierarchical one at that. If you don’t use the bits you are actually wasting them.


I have a 64-bit computer, it can address up to 18.4 exabytes, but my computer only has 32GB, so I will never use the vast majority that address space. Am I "wasting" it?

All the 128 bits are used in IPv6. ;)

Yes they are all "used" but you don't need them. We are not using 2^128 ip addresses in the world. In your own terminology: you are using 4 registers for a 2 register problem. That is much more wasteful in terms of hardware than using 40 bits to represent an ip address and wasting 24 bits.

orangeboats , (edited )

I have a 64-bit computer, it can address up to 18.4 exabytes, but my computer only has 32GB, so I will never use the vast majority that address space. Am I "wasting" it?

You are using the addressing bits in the form of virtual memory. Right now. Unless you run a unikernel system, then in that case you could be right, but I doubt it.

Anyway, this is apples and oranges. IP addresses are hierarchical by design (so you have subnets of subnets of subnets of ...), memory addresses are flat for the most part, minus some x86 shenanigans.

Yes they are all "used" but you don't need them. We are not using 2^128 ip addresses in the world.

But we do need them! The last 64 bits of your IPv6 addresses are randomized for privacy purposes, it's either that or your MAC address is used for them. We may not be using those addresses simultaneously but they certainly are used.

Despite that, there still are plenty of empty spaces in IPv6, that's true. But they will still be used in the future should the opportunity arise. Any "wastage" is artificial, not a built-in deficiency of the protocol. Whereas if we restricted the space to 40 bits, there will be 24 bits wasted forever no matter how.

hch12907 ,

Hm, didn't the GP already address (pun unintended!) the 128-bit part?

He/she said the internet is reaching upper limits of 64 bits apparently and gave a value of 61 bits in the linked comment.

lambalicious OP ,

64-bit IPv5

64-bit IP would be IPv8, not IPv5.

eyeon ,

it's not about using all 100 IP addresses for every atom

it's about having large enough ranges to allocate them in ways that make sense instead of arbitrarily allocating them by availability

Case ,

Please don't I barely understand subnetting as it is.

joel_feila ,
@joel_feila@lemmy.world avatar

That why we should adopt my ipv12. Its three levels of addresses rach 512 bit longs. One for host one for network and one what ever the heel else need. Planet that's it we asogn each planet a 512 bit address

mlg , to Programmer Humor in It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.
@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

Typing addresses in ipv4 is ingrained into my brain, but zero NATing with ipv6 is magical.

FiniteBanjo , to Programmer Humor in It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.

The problem is we're projected to run out of unique IPv4 addresses by 2003.

orangeboats ,

And we are facing the effects of it as we're speaking. CGNAT and protocols like TURN were not invented without a reason.

lambalicious OP ,

Not a big deal. We're projected to run out of years by 2000 and then the world will end.

PaintedSnail ,

And it took a lot of hard work by a lot of people to adopt new date standards to avoid that problem. Now it's time to adopt new IP standards, and it's going to take a lot of hard work by a lot of people.

joel_feila ,
@joel_feila@lemmy.world avatar

Oh god that brings back memories. Reallying dumb ones of people but memories none the less

sep , to Programmer Humor in It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.

I felt dirty! and broke so much shit when i had to implement NAT on networks in the mid 90's. Nowdays with ipv6 and getting rid of NAT is much more liberating. The difference is staggering!

  • you do not need NAT any longer, firewall is the security, just like on ipv4, just less obscurity.
  • you do not need dns views, to workaround NAT any more
  • you do not need hairpin NAT to workaround NAT any more
  • you do not need to renumber to resize a network. they are always /64, and the answer to how many hosts can it fit is: ALL of them!
  • many ALG's will be unnecessary since there is not NAT.
  • vpn's are easier, since it can be the same address both inside and outside the vpn, the firewall (or host even) enforces the encryption.
  • vpn's are MUCH easier since you will have less rfc1918 collisions due to some other network using the rfc1918 of the vpn's network
  • vpn's are MUCH MUCH easier since you will have less rfc1918 collisions due to you using the rfc1918 of the vpn partner network, to 1:1 nat a previous vpn network you collided with some months ago... ARGH!!!
  • vpn are generally less required, heck i swear 95% of the time the VPN are just to workaround the NAT problem and the data is pointlessly double or triple encrypted.
  • you can make more granular firewall rules (eg the spesific host, or network of the source address, instead of the whole enterprise's public ip) this is real tangible improved security, where any random machine in a network you do not control. do not automatically have openings into your own network.
  • firewall objects can if it is suited easily use and depend on FQDN DNS objects when allowing traffic. reducing the need of coordinating firewall object ip address changes between 15 companies.
  • firewall rules are easier, more readable, and much more predictable how they will work. All the hairpin nat, public to private nat, private to public nat for a thing that need a different public ip, 1:1 nat for a separate zone, NAT to a vpn or 50 (where 10 of them are 1:1 nat due to collisions, making you require 4 dns views of the same ip space!! ) very quickly gets messy and unreadable. this is probably the largest security benefit. just to reduce the complexity.
  • much easier to get people to use dns, since nobody wants to remember ipv6 addresses :D
  • nibbles in the ipv6 address can have meanings you assign to them, making the networks and structure both easy to remember and logically structured.
  • aggregating routes becomes very easy if you design your network that way.
  • firewall policies can become easier if you design your network that way.
  • your routing tables is leaner and easier, and of a better consistency. We have 1 large public ipv6 prefix, but 25ish ipv4 prefixes of all kinds of various sizes.
  • no need to spend $$ to buy even more ipv4 prefixes.
  • no need to have spent hundreds of $$ on a new ipv4 prefix only to be unable to use them for over a year because you need to sanitize the addresses from all the reputation filters. and constantly hound geo ip database providers to update the new country of the prefix. (i am bitter,, can you tell..)
  • did i mention no need to renumber since you need to grow the /24 to /23 due to to many hosts in a network ?
  • did i mention no need to renumber 2 /24's to /25's to make space for that larger /23.
  • you do not even need any ipv4 addresses any more, use a public NAT64 service, for outgoing. and for incoming just use one of the many free public ipv4 to ipv6 proxies for your services online. for a homelab i really like http://v4-frontend.netiter.com/ (go support them) But most large business l networks use cloudflare, or akamai
  • since you do not need your ipv4 address space any more, you can ~~sell them for a profit $$$ ~~ return them to the RIR and give some address space to one of the thousands of companies struggling because they do not have any IPv4 : https://www.ripe.net/manage-ips-and-asns/ipv4/ipv4-waiting-list/
  • much lower latency on ipv6, since you do not go across a cloud based ipv4 to ipv6 proxy in order to reach the service ;)

Now the greatest and best effect of ipv6 is none of the above. It is that with ipv6 we have a slim hope of reclaiming some of what made the Internet GREAT in the first place. When we all stood on equal footing. Anyone could host their own service. Now we are all vassals of the large companies that have made the common person into a CGNAT4444 using consumer mindlessly lapping up what the large company providers sees fit to provide us. with no way to even try to be a real and true part of the Internet. Fight the companies that want to make you a eyeball in their statistic, Set up your own IPv6 service on the Internet today !

DogWater ,

Sir this is a Wendy's

JK that's a lot of good info

jdeath ,

i got like a third through it before scrolling to the bottom to see how long it was. omg! should be the canonical example of the opposite of a shitpost ha

Mr_Dr_Oink ,

Its as long as an ipv6 address

Tja ,

Con: you are now even more dependent on DNS, increasing the blast radius even more if when it breaks.

sep ,

But DNS rarely break. The meme about it beeing DNS's fault is more often then not just a symptom of the complexity of IPv4 NAT problem.

If i should guesstimate i think atleast 95% of the dns issues i have ever seen, are just confusion of what dns views they are in. confusion of inside and outside nat records. And forgetting to configure the inside when doing the outside or vice verca. DNS is very robust and stable when you can get rid of that complexity.

That beeing said, there are people that insist on obscurity beeing security (sigh) and want to keep doing dns views when using IPv6. But even then things are much easier when the result would be the same in either view.

Tja ,

I broke DNS plenty of times in my homelab independent from NAT. In the last few months:

  • didn't turn off DNS server in a wifi router set up as bridged access point
  • dnsmasq failing to start because I removed an interface
  • dnsmasq failing to start because the kernel/udev didn't rename an interface on time
  • dnsmasq failing to start because hostapd error didn't set proper interface settings
  • forgot to remove static DNS entries in /etc/hosts used for testing
  • forgot to remove DNS entries from /etc/resolve.conf after visiting a friend and working on his setup

Yes, most of them is my dumb ass making mistakes, but in the end it's something that constantly breaks and it helps knowing the IP addresses of my servers and routers.

Aditionally, obscurity is a security helper. The problem is relying only on obscurity. But if I have proper firewall rules in place and strong usernames and passwords I still prefer if you don't even know the IP addresses of my servers on top of that (in case I break some of the other security layers).

BarbecueCowboy ,

If all that is true, then why do I still hate ipv6 so much.

DivineBurke ,

I'd bet it's this little bugger " : "

It is for me.

Mr_Dr_Oink ,

The : is ok. I dont struggle with the shortening part. I struggle the "everything else" part.

Valmond , (edited )

What is localhost now again...

Edit, remember you could use, but then it was changed to like

So guess I was wrong :-) thanks for the info!

orangeboats ,


Reddfugee42 ,
Thiakil ,


sep ,

I assume the normal fear of unknown things. It is hard to hate ipv6 once you have equivalent competence in ipv4 and ipv6.

zewm ,
@zewm@lemmy.world avatar

For me is because it’s so fucking slow. As soon as I disable ipv6 on every device it has better speeds.

IPv6 is trash.

efstajas ,

Lol that's ridiculous. There's nothing about ipv6 that'd make it any slower

frezik ,

There's one practical thing. Routers have had years to optimize IPv4 routing, which has to be redone for IPv6. Same with networking stacks in general.

In theory, IPv6 should be faster by not having to do bullshit like CGNAT. There's every reason to think it'll match that advantage if we just make it happen.

dan , (edited )
@dan@upvote.au avatar

In the USA, around 50% of Google traffic and 60% of Facebook traffic goes over IPv6. The largest mobile carriers in the US are nearly entirely IPv6-only too (customers don't get an IPv4 address, just an IPv6 one), using 464XLAT to connect to legacy IPv4-only servers. I'm sure we'd know if routing with IPv6 was slower. Google's data actually shows 10ms lower latency over IPv6: https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html#tab=per-country-ipv6-adoption

frazorth ,

That doesn't make it "trash".

orangeboats ,

Tell that to your ISP which has fucked their IPv6 deployment up. In my experience IPv6 is actually faster since it bypasses the IPv4 CGNAT.

On busy days my IPv4 connection can get as slow as 15KB/s, now that's trash.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

Google's data shows that IPv6 is usually faster. Their metrics show an average of 10ms less latency over IPv6 in the USA and Canada: https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html#tab=per-country-ipv6-adoption

lambalicious OP ,

I felt dirty!

"Senpai, route me like one of your French ISPs"

stoy ,

But IPv4 addresses are easier to remember!


I could see a point of having home networks stay on IPv4 and NAT with an external v6 address.

That would keep the current security model for home networks where we can assume general tech litteracy is low.

sep ,

That is not how it works. You can have a home network on ipv6. And it can reach all of ipv4 via nat ( just like ipv4 do today). A net with only ipv4 can not reach any ipv6 without a proxy that terminst the v4 connection and make a new v6 connection. since ipv6 is backwards compatible. But ipv4 is naturally not forwards compatible.

Also it is the default deny of the stateful firewall that always coexist with NAT, since NAT depends on that state, that is the security in a NAT router.
That default deny is not in any way dependant on the NAT part.

stoy ,

Interesting, I thought NAT could handle it...

gamma ,
@gamma@programming.dev avatar

You could still NAT between v6's though.

sep ,

If there is a ipv6 service online. That you want to reach from a v4 only client. You can set up a fixed 1:1 nat on your firewall where you define a fake internal ipv4 address -> destination NAT onto the public ipv6 address of the service. And SRC NAT64 embed your clients internal v4 into the source ipv6 for the return traffic.
And provide a internal dns view A record pointing to the fake internal ip record. It would work, but does not scale very well. Since you would have to set this up for every ipv6 ip.

A better solution would be to use a dualstack SOCKS5 proxy with dns forwarding where the client would use the IPv6 of the proxy for the connection. But that does not use NAT tho.

The best solution is to deploy IPv6 ofcourse. ;)

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

This is one of the best comments I've ever read on Lemmy. Thanks for writing it. I fully agree with all your points!

sep ,

Thank you! :)
I also notice i compleatly forgot the port exhaustion issue we see with larger networks behind roo few ipv4 NAT addresses..

GTG3000 ,

Imagine actually having ipv6 available through your ISP.

...and ever if my ISP actually provided one, getting a static one costs money so there's no difference in the end.

sep ,

I guess I am lucky. 3 out of 3 isp's available from in my region provide IPv6 with a dhcp-pd assigned stable address by default. (Norway)

GTG3000 ,

Yeah, here in Russia the ISPs and IT infrastructure guys seem to be treating IPv6 like it has cooties. I can't find an article (and it'd be in russian anyway) but as far back as 2022, if you get IPv6 you can expect a variety of issues with it, ranging from "you need to reboot your router every once in a while" to "you technically have v6 but good luck actually browsing v6 internet".

And of course, why would they give you a stable IP when they can charge for it :T. At least it's only a third the price of a stable IPv4.

My current ISP technically provides v6 according to their site - but my connection doesn't have it, and since there's nothing about it in the years-old contract, I'd need to redo that if I want to complain.

sep ,

You have my sympathy. I do not know of a sure way to get isp's to behave. Espesially not if they have regional monopoly

GTG3000 ,

There are usually plenty of choices for ISPs here, actually. But switching between them isn't likely to give me IPv6 since either they share a magistral or the hardware is just plain old. That, and IPv6 is just not a thing anyone markets.

...and with the current fuckery going on, I doubt many of them have budget for big upgrades. Or maybe even access to hardware to buy.

deezbutts , to Programmer Humor in It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.

Mystery of the universe, would IPv5 have hit the sweet spot and taken off?

mojo_raisin ,

I'm still on IPv3, haven't updated yet.

marcos , to Programmer Humor in It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.

Ok, now I'm fully proposing a new standard, called IPv16! (Keeping with the tradition to jump over numbers.)

Also, it will be fully backwards compatible for a change! That solves the largest complaint from the holdouts!

AVincentInSpace , (edited )

IPv6 is already backwards compatible though. There's a /96 of the IPv6 space (i.e. 32 bit addresses) specifically for tunneling IPv4 traffic, and existing applications and IPv4 servers Just Work™ on IPv6 only networks, assuming the host operating system and routing infrastructure know about the 6to4 protocol and are willing to play ball.

I learned a lot about it from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-oLBOL0rDE

Chadus_Maximus , (edited )

TBH 4 billion IP addresses is way too many. We should reduce that to 33 million for convenience.

Zink ,

Oh nice. Does your system FINALLY provide enough addreses for every Planck volume in the observable universe? It’s been frickin amateur hour, this internet thing.

jaybone , to Programmer Humor in It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.

Wait.. Do we not like NAT now??

lambalicious OP ,

Boy do we like it!

mholiv ,

At the cool network kids hate nat. 😤

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

NAT is, and has always been, an ugly hack. Why would anyone like it?

jaybone ,

Doesn’t that mean private non-routable subnets like 10.x or 192.x have always been a hack?

orangeboats ,

Private addresses don't necessitate NAT. IPv6 also allows private addresses in the form of fd00::/8, like fd00:face:b00b:1::1.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

No, because there's use cases for systems that aren't connected to the internet. Also, public IPs can be dynamic, so you might not want to rely on them internally.

azalty , to Programmer Humor in It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.
@azalty@jlai.lu avatar

Bro used <> instead of !=

NeatNit ,

What languages use this? I don't like it!

On the other hand it goes well with >= and <=. If >= means "either > or =" then <> means "either < or >", it checks out.

But I still don't like it.

skulbuny , (edited )
@skulbuny@sh.itjust.works avatar

F# definitely and maybe Haskell and OCaml as well? Elixir and Erlang use it as a binary concatenation operator.

Phoenix3875 ,

Yes for OCaml. Haskell's inequality is defined as /= (for ≠). <> is usually the Monoid mappend operator (i.e. generalized binary concatenation).

RecluseRamble ,

BASIC. At least VB.

NeatNit ,

I think Excel formulas also use this, but it's been a long time so I might be misremembering.

humorlessrepost ,

Can confirm also BASICA, GWBASIC, QBASIC, and QuickBASIC

azalty , (edited )
@azalty@jlai.lu avatar

Damn I never understood it but now it makes sense thanks to you

Yea it’s ugly 😭

lambalicious OP ,

SQL uses it but yeah, not programming language :p.

I was on mobile so I didn't have a .XCompose available to type .

lud ,

I was on mobile so I didn't have a .XCompose available to type.

I feel the opposite. On mobile I have much easier access to special characters. I just need to hold down characters to get more variants.

KairuByte ,
@KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yup, ≠ is right “under” =. As is ≈.

lemming ,

If you want to be able to write practically anything on mobile, including ≠, ≈, ‰, ℝ etc., have a look at Unexpected keyboard. No spellcheck or autocomplete, though.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

SQL is definitely a programming language. Most dialects are Turing-complete in some way. Some allow custom functions and stored procedures.

jh29a ,

logo does

brianorca ,


dan , (edited )
@dan@upvote.au avatar

Depends on the dialect. I mostly use Presto and MySQL at work, and both allow !=.

Presto also lets you use NOT for booleans - instead of WHERE foo = false, you can do WHERE NOT foo.

PlexSheep , to Programmer Humor in It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.

Ipv6 is not 6 bytes? 8 segments of 2 bytes for a sum of 16 bytes?

Or am I stupid right now?

awesome_lowlander , (edited )

2 bytes would give you 0-4 per segment. Or about IPv2

jjagaimo , (edited )

2 bytes would be 0-65535 and 8 sets is ~3.4×10^(38) addresses

awesome_lowlander ,

Whoops, bits vs bytes. This is why I should stop commenting before I've had coffee

NeatNit ,

Yes, you've got it right. <> means ≠. 16 is not equal to 6.

PlexSheep ,

Never seen that Notation.

lambalicious OP ,

IPv6 is unfortunately not six bytes, no. For some weird, ass-backwards reason.

purplemonkeymad ,

Because 48 bits over 32 bits does not really solve the problems with ip4. 128 bits basically gives one ip4 address space to each square meter of earth. Ip6 also drops all the unused and silly parts of ip4 too.

PlexSheep ,

Why should it be? Also, MAC addresses are that size.

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