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Israel destroys 11 homes in West Bank village amid spiralling violence ( )

Israeli soldiers have destroyed 11 homes and other structures in an isolated community in the occupied West Bank, leaving 50 people homeless, amid a reported uptick in house demolitions and spiralling violence in the Palestinian territory....

mlg , avatar

You laugh but India arrested a spy pigeon


There's no way an insane ethonostate doesn't have the same type of behavior if not worse.

mlg , avatar

We have the best national anthem, because of jail.

mlg , avatar

omw to get all the homebrew stuff NIntendo got removed from github lol

mlg , avatar

Arch Linux

Unless you're on a good downstream like SteamOS, I'd suggest switching to something stable cutting edge (Fedora or Nobara if you want to put in zero effort).

Arch by itself will give you way the hell too many possible problems. You could waste hours on DKMS alone.

Mint will also work, but it has the downside of having slower updates to software packages.

mlg , avatar

Startup discovers what a northbridge is

‘They miscalculated’: Gaza’s floating aid pier failing to deliver in rough seas ( )

The pier has been usable for just 12 days since it began operations on 17 May. On most of those days the assistance arriving by sea has had to be left on the beach as there have been no trucks to distribute it to warehouses in Gaza, because of lack of security....

mlg , avatar

Considering they're such a big contractor I actually wouldn't be surprised if it somehow ended back at Boeing's feet.

mlg , avatar

Aside from blatantly stupid claims with zero evidence, why would Hamas have any reason to waste any sort of resources and energy on their own people?

You could at least vaguely make a statement about human shields, but no let's go with "obviously it was Hamas because it's always Hamas, even when Israel itself says it wasn't Hamas"

mlg , avatar

Typing addresses in ipv4 is ingrained into my brain, but zero NATing with ipv6 is magical.

mlg , avatar

Because the vote system inherently supports popularity which creates content masking issues and usually results in communities with mods that want to keep that system.

Stack overflow has this exact same issue where stupid crap gets upvoted and useful stuff gets nuked so users don't see things that would otherwise be important or useful.

Lemmy somewhat avoids it due to the relatively low number of posts, but that could easily change.

mlg , avatar

A few mods, a few hard online posters, and I think like 2 or 3 devs of various projects including lemmy lol.

mlg , avatar

I don't get why people think this idea is equivalent to stuff like internet access bans or COPPA, it's a warning label, not an "enter your ID" to access page.

They never banned cigarettes, but putting a giant warning on the box did help in vilifying cigarettes as very unhealthy and wrong.

I doubt it'll go anywhere in this age of government, but its exactly the type of thing I would have gone for if I were tasked with solving a societal issue. It's smart because it has no real effect on access, so social media companies would have a harder time fighting it, but it also gives a big bloody warning which does have a substantial psychological impact on users.

iirc someone did something similar with a very simple "are you sure?" app that gave a prompt asking if you were sure you wanted to post something or send a text. Just having a single prompt was enough for many people to reconsider their stupid text or comment.

US aircraft carrier counters false Houthi claims with 'Taco Tuesdays' as deployment stretches on - AP ( )

“I think it’s been about two or three times in the past six months we’ve allegedly been sunk, which we have not been,” Hill told The Associated Press during a recent visit to the carrier. “It is almost comical at this point. They’re attempting to maybe inspire themselves through misinformation, but it doesn’t work...

mlg , avatar

Actually hitting a modern USN vessel with cruise missiles is like throwing a dart at a haystack and trying to hit the one needle.

Actually hitting a modern USN Carrier with cruise missiles is like throwing a dart at a haystack guarded by the ultra rapid fire death laser 3000.

I said it before, but I'm pretty sure they only sunk the one container ship, and even then after a week of it slowly taking on water.

mlg , avatar

Today on which so called Islamic country has shady deals with Israel.

mlg , avatar

Apple pretending RCS doesn't exist would be like Google acting like RCS isn't a 15 year old protocol without e2e encryption

Oh wait...

mlg , avatar

“They could have surrendered a long time ago and saved us from all this suffering,” said the woman, who asked not to be named for fear of possible retribution if her criticism were made public.

Can't tell if actual sentiment of a Gazan refugee or NYT bs'ing again.

mlg , avatar

Even the most casual of internet users will see the guide on how to change their DNS server bruh.

Next they'll do DNS injection even though DoT and DNS over HTTPS is a thing.

mlg , avatar

His mistake was not having a contact within the army leadership.

mlg , avatar

EXT4 watching NTFS solve its fragment problem by upgrading to SSDs instead of upgrading their allocation algorithm.

mlg , avatar

Microsoft having 4 tabs for howtos depending on outlook version sums this up lol

mlg , avatar

I'm gonna be honest here, is there even any naval force besides the USN that could claim the ability to project power?

  • Russia's carrier repeatedly caught fire
  • India left the door open on their brand new submarine
  • UK flopped a missile into the ocean
  • China pretends the SCS is the same size as the Pacific, and also allegedly had multiple nuclear sub accidents, which they cover up.
mlg , avatar

tbf they didn't care about the bosnian genocide either

They should update that meme with a list of money sources

mlg , avatar

Google has been pretty crap for a decade now.

I still remember demoing how easily they can manipulate people by searching "Pakistan News" and the results being exclusively all Indian media outlet propaganda way back in 2016.

I really feel like they never got properly exposed for this just because it's a search engine and not a social media, so people didn't care enough about it. Also because Google was still top of the game in most results compared to other sites back then.

mlg , avatar

Welcome to Pakistan, we have:

  • drunken COAS with nukes
  • smog
  • the hot
  • fresh fruit
mlg , avatar

Obviously the tent material was Hamas.

Netanyahu says deadly Israeli strike in Rafah was the result of a 'tragic mistake' ( )

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that a “tragic mistake” was made in an Israeli strike in the southern Gaza city of Rafah that set fire to a camp housing displaced Palestinians and, according to local officials, killed at least 45 people....

mlg , avatar

Executive Power

Congress sitting on their ass and not utilizing the Leahy law which would curb the above.

Aside from large weapon sales and national budget plans, Biden gets exclusive power to approve or deny weapon shipments and sales below $100 million and $20 million for high tech.

mlg , avatar

Successfully uploads file into broken MariaDB with no space left.

Bruh holy hell, glad you figured it out.

Really seems like a fatal design flaw, even basic stuff like sftp has checksums for sanity. I guess it has to do with it not verifying the DB is responding with the correct info or improperly deciding the upload was okay.

mlg , avatar

Lol this was the same sub where someone demonstrated how thirsty the userbase was by uploading an image of some game art and then uploading an image of OP (F) holding her art after a week with the latter getting like 10x the upvotes.

After that the front page was basically a bunch of "Played X game with my totally existent female SO" posts which were clearly all staged for vote farming.

Weird sub that I never touched again well before leaving reddit altogether.

mlg , avatar

It seems weird that the CCP destroyed this Mosque and ran a massacre, apologized for it, paid for it to be rebuilt which was completed in 2009, and then promptly changed it again.

Incidentally, it had to do with who was running the CCP at each time period. Really helps to discredit Xi as some pompous moron compared to Deng who understood the value in giving people rights & liberties and not running the country like a craphole like how Mao did.

mlg , avatar

Spend a solid week posting screenshots of my comments on this platform about how the DNC is digging their own grave after they inevitably blame the voters for their loss just like in 2016.

mlg , avatar

Egypt signed away control of their border as part of their peace agreement with Israel lmao.

Sisi has no jurisdiction, and even if he did Israel already controls the crossing, meaning he'd have to setup a new one and send military power to keep it up.

Of course he's just a slimy [100 adjective long insult] who sucks [another 100 long adjective insult] so there's a 0% chance that'll ever happen.

I'm not even sure why Biden even bothered because everyone already knows this. Unless he thinks he can get Israel to comply somehow.

mlg , avatar

Lol I remember a few years ago when they got thrown into the dumpster of news when Iran made a big boohoo a week after they made some big threat and they lost everyone's attention.

mlg , avatar

old reliable:


Blame the .ml users

mlg , avatar

That's the joke lol.

So many comments complaining about .ml users with no .ml users in sight

Egypt changed terms of Gaza ceasefire deal presented to Hamas, surprising negotiators, sources say ( )

Egyptian intelligence quietly changed the terms of a ceasefire proposal that Israel had already signed off on earlier this month, ultimately scuttling a deal that could have released Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, and set a pathway to temporarily end the fighting in Gaza, according to three people familiar with the...

mlg , avatar

I thought this was already known and intentional?

They said Hamas accepted a watered down version of the original deal which was that it included a permanent ceasefire of which Israel refused to agree to.

The point of Egypt being an intermediary was to convince both sides to come to an agreement, so it doesn't really seem off that they would try changing requirements to see how each side would respond.

mlg , avatar

This scrub is why Brawl ran in slow motion and included random tripping because the 5 melee players scared him with enjoyable competitive gameplay.

It's probably because they didn't want to pay Dolby licensing fees, not because it makes a 2 second difference in the loading screen.

even see how this would affect the loading screen considering I run live AC3 encoding on an old laptop much older than the switch and it has zero effect on the boot and login time. nvm it was a GC game.

Basically every Wii game shipped with Dolby Digital no issue.

mlg , avatar

iirc Hitler had it banned from Germany after learning the week long match against England ended with no result lmao.

Anyways that's the test cricket format. The typical game is ODI which lasts about 7 hours, and the world cup happening this June is T20I which lasts 2.5 hours and is the most exciting to watch.

mlg , avatar

This is what we all hoped covid would have achieved with several more crappy world leaders lol.

Reminds me of Zia ul Haq dying in a C-130 plane crash, although that was purportedly an assassination via a crate of explosive mangos.

So far this just seems like an old heli in bad weather.

mlg , avatar

And it'll be used as an example of history for a new ongoing genocide then too.

Kind of like how this is comparable to the Bosnian Genocide.

mlg , avatar

linuxmemes and the worldnews communities on both .world and .ml

It's good to have both because they bias against each other.

mlg , avatar

I get that Organic is not an end all solution but I swear not enough people realize that eating produce that was grown in roundup ready acid probably isn't a valid solution either.

It's kind of annoying that there's no easy way to tell how something was grown because it could range anything from barely any added targeted weed killer to air dropped agent orange (/s) lol.

Lots of non organic farms can be perfectly healthy if they opt to control weeds with a variety of methods instead of letting Monsanto Bayer nuke the soil.

mlg , avatar

I mean... using the water as an indicator for directional Gs is technically correct lol.

It won't help you learn to drift better, but it does work as a bargain basement indicator for roughness of driving, which could be important if you're moving food and don't want it to spill.

Alternatively, you could just use a car with good suspension and not drive like a maniac lol.

mlg , avatar

Okay not that I'm insinuating that this is the same circumstance, but the last time a certain nation said this, it eventually backfired.

Putin's plan to capture Ukraine failed miserably, but Russia still has a significant fighting force and time to keep drawing this war out as long as they want.

Ukraine's former general emphasized their own losses and said it was critical that Ukraine train more troops and acquire supplies quickly.

They can't afford to stock on latest greatest weapons which is why they've been overly reliant on donations of old and surplus tech, especially vehicles.

NATO, ie mostly the USA, has failed to supply Ukraine with any significant stock of modern muntions that would give them an edge against Russia. It's been two years and they still don't have base block F-16s which would absolutely have helped during the early stages of the war.

Russia can keep the war machine going, slowly rearm, and try again, which could prove detrimental for Ukraine. They need to be decisively defeated in order for Ukraine to succeed.

For Ukraine's sake, I really hope someone diposes Putin in a coup, considering how much of a wreck he made.

mlg , avatar

tbh not really

Even the largest comment threads tend to only have a select few comments that are either blatant shilling or next level dumb.

Everyone else seems to have at least several comments that match their opinion.

Even the complaints about .ml spamming seem mostly untrue, I haven't really seen any spam or mod deleted content.

ml and world defnitley mod or ban eachother, but I don't think they're increasing in trolls.

mlg , avatar

Great for a lot of things, but mostly for when you've royally messed up something like a proxy or certificate chain lol.

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