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mojo_raisin ,

I think this is going to be the solution. Holding this information needs to be a significant liability for companies.

Netanyahu says deadly Israeli strike in Rafah was the result of a 'tragic mistake' ( )

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that a “tragic mistake” was made in an Israeli strike in the southern Gaza city of Rafah that set fire to a camp housing displaced Palestinians and, according to local officials, killed at least 45 people....

mojo_raisin ,

Biden: This isn't a genocide, so sure

Disclaimer: Voting Biden because Trump will expand the genocide to vulnerable groups here and usher in christian nationalism.

mojo_raisin ,

Scandalous! Where can I hear more about this ABC, DEF, JKL love triangle?

mojo_raisin ,

I think constantly bringing it up to people all the time is more of a disservice.

The trans community is tiny, I'm an almost 50 year old trans woman transitioned over 20 years ago. The reason we have the rights we do is because it's "brought up all the time". When I transitioned, it was rarely brought up, this was because most people were scared of the social and economic consequences of doing so. This is all changing because we talk about it rather than be quiet and let people keep us down. I'd imagine even you might have more negative views of trans people if the only exposure you had was from talk shows promoting us as freaks, this is how it was before.

Other than that, your attitude is fine, not everyone needs to be interested.

mojo_raisin ,

So only the lucky unfit sperm destined to produce one who wears a red cap will be able to successfully fertilize the egg?

mojo_raisin ,

It's time to return to human curated directories.

mojo_raisin ,

Nope, been thinking about what it would take to make one though.

mojo_raisin ,

Nothing sinister, we just don't delete what we say we delete. Instead we keep it in your profile to feed the algorithms and set the "deleted" flag to make you think it's gone.

mojo_raisin ,

But clearly the data is not overwritten and this was intentional. How do I know? Because that would amount to a massive amount of data, if it was de to a bug in Apple software or underlying filesystems, it would be detected in monitoring systems "Hey, we're using 10x the data we should be, maybe we should look into it".

The mistake was in the flag code that was supposed to fool us.

mojo_raisin ,

So are you saying that they suffered from a filesystem bug that caused deletion failure? I'd imagine they use standard filesystems on their backend, I haven't heard about any bugs like this.

If you ask me, what's more likely, that a company known for shitty behavior lies about deleting files so they can continue to use that information to profit, -- OR -- that they are experiencing a filesystem bug on their backend, I'll choose the former.

mojo_raisin ,

Seriously: I don’t think the cost benefit is there to intentionally make a maneuver like this.

You might be right

They can’t let short-term greed get in the way of long-term greed!


mojo_raisin ,

I always thought she sucked as an author, then she showed her ugly personality, she's got nothing.

I read the first book when it came out and thought it felt like if you asked a group of teenagers to come up with a wizard story in 5 minutes and they spout out a bunch of ideas that come from previous cartoons and movies and mixed it together. But I gave it a pass, it's a kids book and I was like 20 and things get rehashed over time.

Harry Potter is what current generation AI would come up given other wizard stories as input.

mojo_raisin ,

Depending on your definitions (empathy, sympathy, and compassion are often confusingly defined and contradictory between dictionaries), you ARE empathizing by realizing they are mental children. You're just not sympathizing and therefore deciding no longer to act with compassion, which makes plenty of sense to me.

IMHO it's good to empathize with the right (understand your attacker), but it's also important have to understand that whatever the underlying reasons, these people, when activated into an idiot army they become a dangerous group.

The definitions that make the most sense to me is

Empathy - understanding the perspective of another, where there desires and fears come from. It takes intelligence to not just project one's own personality on everyone else and understand that they are different.

Sympathy - Feeling in sync with another (like when you speak of sympathetic guitar strings causing each other to vibrate). Like you see the bombing in Gaza and not just understand that they don't want to be bombed (empathy), but imagining the pain of losing your child.

Compassion - The positive treatment of another due to having sympathy for them

mojo_raisin ,

Then there's the temperateur, controlling the thermostat in France.

mojo_raisin ,

Or have your phone location turned on and be super boring back and forth. When you deviate use a burner.

What linguistic constructions do you hate that no one else seems to mind?

It bugs me when people say "the thing is is that" (if you listen for it, you'll start hearing it... or maybe that's something that people only do in my area.) ("What the thing is is that..." is fine. But "the thing is is that..." bugs me.)...

mojo_raisin ,

Completely agree, I put puncutation outside the quotes, screw the rules, being sensical is more important.

mojo_raisin ,

It makes sense to temporarily avoid politics to stay sane, compartmentalization. To completely avoid politics I don't see how one is not either very low intelligence to not realize their apathy harms people, or is smarter and aware their apathy harms others and is ok with it. Either dumb or bad.

mojo_raisin ,

People shitting on Gnome sound like kids bitching that the free pizza shop doesn't offer your favorite hamburger.

Also, all this sudden Gnome hate all over Lemmy is trendy as fuck, being trendy used to mean you were a loser with no original style, I guess the capitalists turned it into "viral" and made it cool.

mojo_raisin ,

I don’t see Gnome fans brigading KDE threads and circlejerking about KDE being awful and the devs being cunts.

I'm a Gnome user for like 20 years, I don't prefer KDE but glad it's there. I never have but would be happy to support KDE and understand any devs being cunts on occasion, I'm sure it's stressful. I'm glad they are there so I don't have to use proprietary software.

mojo_raisin ,

I don't care what people like, I don't like people shitting on open source projects and dividing the community.

mojo_raisin ,

Gnome devs seem to just be red hat employees who don’t actually care about making a good DE

But Gnome is a great DE, I've used it as a daily driver for personal and at work for many years. I can't say I have any major complaints. What's so terrible about Gnome?

mojo_raisin ,

I find some software annoying too but I'm not 12 so I don't feel the need to shit on people volunteering their time to make software for people.

mojo_raisin ,

If we lost the open source community will have gained.

mojo_raisin ,

See, this is a good comment. You like KDE more, awesome! Enjoy! Your attitude makes me want to try it again.

mojo_raisin ,

Because if I do, then that proves Gnome is terrible and all the devs should drive off a cliff?

mojo_raisin ,

I care, and so do many others, it happens to some with empathy when they grow out of their preteen years.

mojo_raisin ,

The ratchet effect is real, but it least it buys us time to try to solve problems for real outside of electoral politics. The alternative effectively immediately eliminates any chances of solving any problem.

If you're worried about the ratchet effect it's because you've pinned your hopes on electoral politics; interestingly this argument often comes from people saying they don't believe in the power of electoral politics to effect change.

mojo_raisin ,

No no no, that's "cellulose", it's fine, nothing to see here.

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