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secretlyaddictedtolinux , to Not The Onion in Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months

i'm not sure the number of dicks that a person needs to suck to no longer be in the right wing camp, but i am way past whatever number that is

you're completely wrong. the solution isn't fewer guns, it's many MORE guns. if teachers all had guns, none of these school shootings would happen

the problem is that in the US mental health is not free and mental health evaluations are tied to people being deemed second-class citizens.

these laws that are designed to remove guns from crazy people mostly result in 18 and 19 year olds who are at higher risk of going crazy specifically avoiding mental health help so they aren't permanently denied rights and become second-class citizens, and they are already likely to avoid mental health help as a result of cost factors

shockingly, many teenagers with mental health problems don't have just bags of money lying around to pay for extremely expensive professionals while in a highly stratified society with extremely unequal wealth distribution.

you and your ilk create bizarre incentives for people to not get mental health help, encourage schools to be completely gun free, and then are pikuchu-level-shocked when some crazed 19 year old doesn't get mental health help and then goes to a school in the USA and kills children

YOU are saying all the left wing talking points, and they may sound nice in a country that has a safety net, and there may be so-called data to support these theories that if you disarm everyone then everything is better, but the reality is if you disarm everyone, you set the stage for a new white nationalist dictator to decimate the USA without providing that much additional safety that couldn't be accomplished in other ways

Instead of complaining about too many guns, you should be advocating for free guns for teachers and making health care universal and disentangled from other aspects of civic life

but it's SO much easier to call me a right wing maniac right? And it's SO much easier to push ideas that would never work in the US and are not only politically infeasible but would also be disastrous... At least everyone will think you are smart for parroting all the liberal talking points.

secretlyaddictedtolinux OP , to No Stupid Questions in is it illegal to create a ticket on reddit?

no! downvotes are cool

but only when they happen to others

secretlyaddictedtolinux OP , to No Stupid Questions in is it illegal to create a ticket on reddit?

yes please

secretlyaddictedtolinux OP , to No Stupid Questions in is it illegal to create a ticket on reddit?

why did people downvote this? i thought this community was "no stupid questions" not "we're all better than you because you're question sucks and your stupid"

secretlyaddictedtolinux , (edited ) to Ask Lemmy in Vegans of Lemmy, would you eat lab-grown meat?

Do people know for sure that consciousness emanates from the brain only?

secretlyaddictedtolinux , to Not The Onion in Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months

I suppose you are right, but I just hate it

I want to live in a world where I can say "look, it's a pack of transgenders" and point to a group of trans people like it's exciting and cool, i just think, why can't transgender people be seen as so cool and interesting and fun that this doesn't matter?

can't tonality matter?

there's this 7 foot tall transgender black woman that shops in the same store as me and i never talk to her and always want to take photos of her because she's interesting to look at. but i never say anything. she's probably not 7 feet tall. she looks 7 feet tall. she seems so cool. i've never said anything to her because i don't know if she'd want to talk to me. i'm just a weird introvert who likes linux

i feel like it's so easy to be offensive in this world that tone and context should matter more, but at the same time, you're not actually putting me on blast or seeming that offended. im just being inflexible and hate being wrong. and we live in a world with a lot of religious shitheads who haven't died out yet and so i don't want to seem like one of those people i guess. also, it's not called Poh Key Man? How do you say it then? alright, i'll try to stop saying the term in the republican way: trans people

did i do it right?

secretlyaddictedtolinux , to Not The Onion in Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months

You are confusing actual results with people being on the right side of a conflict.

The NRA, even if it is an incompetent worthless organization as you suggest, at least is trying to stop the slippery slope towards a society of people who kneel to the wishes of the new king.

The corruption of police does not mean an excuse to de-arm the populace so they can be lose their freedoms to authoritarianism and the NRA supporting guns in every context, even ones that seemingly are awful, doesn't mean that they are awful. Perhaps the NRA supports cops doing awful things because they don't want to lose a large pillar of support.

Instead of criticizing the very people who are preventing society from crumbling into a new technocratic kingship, what about thanking them? What about saying "thanks NRA for encouraging the world to be filled with guns?"

Only those ignorant of history (and to be clear, I am not implying this is you, I am explicitly saying this is you) are against the NRA and it's wish to prevent the world from going to pre-democratic times in which only the king decided who should have arms.

secretlyaddictedtolinux , to Not The Onion in Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months

there's a war on guns with anti-gun zealots trying to take away rights little by little by little...

it is a slippery slope to the hell of tyranny

you should be grateful for the hard work the supporters and members of the NRA that are only trying to prevent the US from descending into a totalitarian monstrosity in which people's only choice is how low to bow

secretlyaddictedtolinux , to Not The Onion in Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months

If Republicans like apples, should I stop eating those?

secretlyaddictedtolinux , (edited ) to Not The Onion in Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months

I sort of understand your perspective.

I also hate cultural conservatives enough that if they want to make homosexual or transgenders pejorative, I want to use those words with positive connotations. I am aware of the negative connotations of certain words about the LGBT community (and other words that have turned pejorative that originally weren't) and am really against changing the words society uses because a word that denotes something starts to have a connotation because of idiots. The problem with changing to a different phrase is the new phrase is going to eventually get the same connotations by the same idiots.

As someone who has literally been fucked over by members of the transgender community more than once, why do I have to let religious right-wing republicans make words into bad things or apologize for using words in a way that is literal?

I feel like instead of objecting to nuances of dog whistle language, we need to be more direct in calling out delusional religious fuckwads for their absence of logic and advocate to find ways to inflict severe economic pain and other types of societally-permissable pain on them instead of trying to reach understanding or change people's views. Eventually, since more people have access to knowledge through the Internet, the religious generations of yore will die and most new generations will stop believing religious bullshit since they have access to actual information that isn't total garbage.

secretlyaddictedtolinux , to Not The Onion in Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months


secretlyaddictedtolinux , (edited ) to Not The Onion in Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months

this is by design

they allow small amounts of poison in food, then explicitly tell people it's poison through the media

there are articles about how people use energy drinks mysteriously die sooner while the ingredients iinclude B-12 in a form bonded to cyanide

there are too many people on the planet, it's causing global warming, and we need to find any way possible to reduce the population so we are less likely to all die

this is a very fair way of doing it. cigarettes will kill you, don't smoke them, available in stores everywhere. YOLO, keep drinking until you get liver failure. why not have some delicious highly processed fake food with gut bacteria killing preservatives that will fuck your stomach microbiome? all of the poisons take years to kill you because frogs boiled slowly don't jump out of the pot

it's awful but at least fair. we all get to "choose" and I put that in quotes because free will doesn't exist. I say this as someone who consumes poison and can't entirely stop despite knowing the consequences.

a good rule of thumb: if it's processed, it's poison, if it won't rot within a week unrefrigerated, it's poison, if you feel very high and happy immediately following consuming it, it's poison

it's hard because the right thing to do is drink water and eat vegetables and legumes and fresh things... but it's hard because they have made food in a way in which addictive drugs are integrated into the food, and it's not called that

i know that coffee is for stupid people, but i drink it anyway because im addicted. i end up in pain and miserable and just say "fuck it" and it makes my health worse.

secretlyaddictedtolinux , (edited ) to Not The Onion in Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months

this epitomizes all Republicans

they are just a panoply of mean, nasty people who are either religiously deluded into ignorance or avariciously salivating over class oppression or some combination thereof

gaslighting a colleague is no different than what all republicans do to transgenders every single day. i hope they all live long enough for tribunals to round these republicans up and try them for their crimes against transgenders after the constitution is changed to allow ex post facto laws for the limited purpose of fucking these assholes over for all the shit they are doing now to the trans community. the same hate they have towards transgenders we should all have towards these shitheads and ultimately, we the people write the laws and have a living constitution and should fuck these people over as hard as possible in the most lawful way possible about 20 years from now when the religious senior citizens who protect them with their religious delusions die off.

the only beneficent quality of republicans is supporting the NRA, which really should be a non-partisan issue since citizens need to be armed in case of tyranny

in the french revolution, moronic greedy oppressors were efficiently removed from power after the lower classes were pushed more and more into misery. luckily, unlike in france back then, we can vote greedy vile idiots out of office

unfortunately, we're going to have to wait for the deluded religious morons to naturally reduce in numbers by dying off to get rid of these fucks, since older people are more religious and easily deceived into voting for terrible politicians

secretlyaddictedtolinux , to World News in Diminished Hamas switches to full insurgent mode in Gaza

so, i do think christians hate gay people, i guess i just don't see them doing the whole throwing gays off the rooftops. even if it's just the "availability heuristic" affecting my views and not based on the number of gays thrown off roofs, i just have only seen Muslims do that

I believe a lot of what you are saying at this point, that it probably technically is genocide

even if i believe you, i lack political power to do anything

i am barely getting by in this world at times

i don't know if i think land should be owned by certain governments or people, i really think people should be able to go anywhere and live there if they want to. the problem is people have different cultural views and these views aren't compatible. like conservative iraqi people probably wouldn't want a large number of liberal gays moving there and demanding change just like liberal cities in the US wouldn't want a bunch of conservative muslims moving to the area and demanding change. muslim countries sometimes treat women terribly. the countries in which women can't learn math are mostly muslim. right now there are females who are intelligent enough to be computer scientists or mathematicians who are wearing burkas they can't remove in public and who aren't allowed to read math books and are literally slaves due to an absence of rights. i can't imagine the horror of being an intelligent woman in that situation. people of different cultures sometimes have different birth rates too so in democratic societies if people with conservative or misogynistic values and higher birth rates move to the area, there's a risk that eventually women won't be able to learn math and gays won't be able to marry or even live without fear of state execution for their orientation if the population changes and it results in cultural shifts.

in many ways, this is completely irrelevant because even if i am scared of conservative muslim culture, it doesn't make genocide okay. i am not sure if Palestinians are even that conservative, they probably aren't. i just don't know if believe that muslim culture will gradually become more tolerant. i tend to believe that once muslims become a majority, they tend to become more openly conservative and there's a higher risk of them demanding sharia law and successfully getting it passed. if sharia law passes, i die, that's what it means for me, so i am fearful of muslim cultural spreading as a result. i also don't see that many liberal muslims being tolerant of gays. instead, i recall that when canada had a lot of muslim refugees, many muslims were are a large part of a conservative coalition that did not want certain LGBT rights.

i really believe in freedom of religion, and i am anti-genocide, but what is the resolution? when cultures are so different, you have to have different political systems in different areas.

certain land being randomly apportioned to certain cultural and religious beliefs seems so arbitrary to me already

i am not sure audiobooks would help. i find history sort of boring. i believe you that brutality is taking place and it's wrong.

much in the same way i can do nothing with the ukraine and russia situation, i don't think there's anything i can do in this situation either

even if you are right and the two state solution should happen, why hasn't it happened already? if it hasn't happened, it must be difficult politically.

I am very ignorant in many ways. The most I know about Palestinian culture is from Bella Hadid. She takes beautiful photos and I think she seems really cool. She's part Palestinian and seems really nice from the little I know of her. The only other thing I know about Palestinians is they had really hard lives even prior to this and had really restricted movements and limited options. I heard someone say it was like an open air prison. I think that sometimes people in power create cruel situations and then when people rebel after being treated horribly, they use acts of rebellion as evidence that harsher treatment is necessary, and it's not taking into account a broader view of problems and using power to ignore the entirety of a situation. I don't think that the attacks that happened on October 7th happened in a vacuum, but I still don't know how bad the situation in Palestine was before things got worse.

You have a stem background right?

I have a random idea. It is probably a stupid idea. What about having some sort of sign up to get small groups of Palestinians and Israeli people and other International Citizens all sharing perspectives in small groups? Like meetings for cultural understanding?

Perhaps if there were little groups of 4 to 8 people discussing their views and experiences, including experiences of loss and tragedy, without political views of what should happened, but just like to create dialogue about what experiences are like, perhaps there would be more understanding of the frustrations both sides feel. Every group would have to have at least 1 palestinian and 1 jewish person and it would be just be sharing different emotional experiences. I doubt people would be interested. If you have a stem background in computers you could possibly set up some sort of website to do that? I am not a great programmer. Or perhaps another programmer would help? I like the idea but wouldn't know where to begin. It may be a stupid idea, I don't know. It would probably difficult due to languages barriers, but perhaps AI could somehow translate everything in real time so people could understand each other. Perhaps if more people talked to each other, there would be more willingness to have options that both groups would like.

You just seem so smart and seem to care about this a lot. I hope you end up finding a way to have even more of an impact. I can sense your intelligence. You're very smart. What sort of STEM did you study?

I don't think my islamophobia means that what is happening to civilians is somehow okay. i'm just mentioning my fears as someone within the LGBT community and how it makes me fearful. i am biased in my perspective and i think it's better for me to acknowledge my bias than pretend it's not there. i am also scared of christianity too.

Perhaps if small groups of people could somehow talk and have conversations, then people would have a better understanding.

Why is the 2 state solution rejected or hasn't happened so far?

Did you lose anyone in this conflict?

secretlyaddictedtolinux , to Fuck Cars in Why is Riding a Bicycle in the City Turning Into a Culture War

I appreciate how the middle and upper classes who feign ignorance over their oppression always fall back on fake pretense of respectability and civility and genteelness as though their oppression didn't stem from violence, even if they only watch it or support it through their efforts. If a homeless person who has nothing to eat steals an apple, and the police paid with your labor come to drag him away, would you do anything to stop it? Of course not. Your labor that signs off on the power structure and indifference to the class structure is a form of violence, and trying to end things by falling back on the disguise of respectability is a well known technique.

I appreciate your trying to end this by saying "I am just a nice and respectful person, trying to end this in a civilized way," the final refuge of oppressors: we are just civilized and they aren't, as though your violence at a distance towards the poor somehow exculpates you and your genteelness protects you from impurity.

If you do not realize that extraordinary cruelty and evil is being done to homeless people, and if you don't realize this stems from the upper classes creating oppressive structures due to disdain for the freedom of the poor, then you are either stupid or vicious and avaricious and seduced by convenience and you clearly aren't stupid. None of this matters in the end, the stupidity of the non-scientific class and myopia and selfishness of the upper classes has doomed us all and global warming is coming for us. It's like skiing and seeing an avalanche and it's too wide to ski to the side and you can only ski downhill in futility. There's no outrunning global warming. Imagine India and Pakistan in 20 years in the future in the hottest regions at the hottest times. The displacements will be enormous, there's only so much water in certain areas. How will everyone react then?

I'm not offended by you specifically. You and your kind that feign ignorance of class oppression are a part of nature, you have no control over your mendacious ploys just like snakes wandering into a garden don't really ask to be that way. However, the lower classes are becoming much more educated and as the environment becomes more undeniably destroyed by the upper classes, it will be interesting to see the emotional response of a more educated Internet-empowered lower class as their environment disintegrates before them. The ultra rich have underground bunkers to try to wait this period out for a few generations. It's the smart thing to do, but likely won't matter. My calculations and assessments of this situation could also be completely wrong if I am analyzing the data incorrectly, but I'm almost certain I am right. The data and mathematical trends are ugly and not negotiable. Most of the scientists who don't believe in global warming likely have views rooted in religious delusion.

There is no civility to your kind and I don't accept your facade of respectability or agree to end our interaction with some sort of agree to disagree pseudo-civility. I still hope you suffer for being among the group that feigns ignorance of the cruelty inflicted by the upper classes. I am not a hippy striving for love at all times. I hope you suffer and I hope it hurts like paper cuts are covering your entire body.

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