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faab64 , to israel group

The UN World Food Program (WFP) has temporarily suspended operations from a pier in central Gaza after two of the aid group's warehouses in the enclave were struck, according to the agency's director.

"I'm concerned about the safety of our people after the incidents yesterday," stated Cindy McCain, WFP executive director, in an interview with CBS on Sunday.

"Two of our warehouses, the warehouse complex, were rocketed yesterday," she explained. "We've stepped back just for the moment [...] to ensure that we're on safe terms and on safe ground before we restart."

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

An Israeli occupation airstrike, aimed at a previously targeted building in , murdered a Palestinian mother and all of her children.

I'm sure no western media will cover it as newsworthy...

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

An ABC journalist reports on Israeli settler mobs establishing checkpoints to hinder humanitarian aid trucks destined for starving Palestinians in Gaza. In some instances, these mobs have attacked trucks, assaulted drivers, and destroyed aid and medicine intended for Gaza's needy.

Previous reports have revealed that such attacks are endorsed by Israeli government ministers and leaders, which may explain the absence of Israeli army and police intervention in these areas where attacks occur.

Video available on

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

The Israeli far-right government has circumvented Israeli laws to facilitate the closure and ban of any journalistic institution that exposes the atrocities committed by the Israeli occupation army in Gaza. Extremist ministers are also pushing for the expansion of this law to include the occupied West Bank.

Do not expect anything other than possibly some empty words from the "world leaders" against these outrageous fascist rules in the "only democracy in the middle east".

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

WTF story of the day: $University in has dismissed Professor Anne d’Aquino for assigning her students to explore the impact of "genocide in Gaza" on human health.

The University administration cited "objections from some students" who felt that introducing politics into a science class was inappropriate and considered the material "outside the scope" of the course.

D’Aquino has appealed her dismissal, contending that the assignment was relevant, especially considering concerns raised by scientists about the spread of infectious diseases in Gaza.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

According to Israeli media reports, a "huge incident" occurred in City, as dozens of Israeli occupation helicopters continued extracting casualties among Israeli occupation forces in the city.

@palestine @israel

mondoweiss , to israel group avatar

Critics warn the U.S.-constructed pier off Gaza's coast is being used for military purposes. Now a source in the Gaza resistance says there are indications it will be used to facilitate the forced displacement of Palestinians.

@palestine @israel

faab64 ,

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel well of course. Why else would pay $320+ million to build this crappy thing up?

radiofreearabia , to palestine group avatar

8 months of war on the Gaza Strip.

To put things into perspective:
The area of the Gaza Strip is 365 km2 (141 sq mi).
The land area of NYC is 778.18 km2 (300.46 sq mi).


faab64 ,

@radiofreearabia @palestine @israel

70000 tons of explosives over such a small area, and the freaking Americans talk about humanity and rule of law

faab64 , to israel group

Isn't call for genocide and mass murder, against mastadon's polcieis?

How can a person openly say such outrageous thing that we need to be thankful that Netanyahu did not do what this guys grandparents did almost 80 years ago and murdered millions of people?

A person saying the same thing about Israelis would be banned and suspended IMMEDIATELY. But such despicable calls go unpunished.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

She didn’t lie and said that she was treated humanely.

That’s unacceptable in today’s BS driven fascist infested Israel.


faab64 , to israel group

@palestine @israel

@[email protected]:> ### Hezb-Allah confirmed that they downed another Israeli Hermes 900 drone. The Israeli regime has admited that their drone was downed.

It is the first time in almost half a decade, Israel is facing a resistance with ability to fight back and defend themselves against their overwhelming air superiority. It is funny that Hewzbollah have shot

Lebanon Have The Right To Defend Itself!

faab64 , to israel group

Yedioth Ahronoth: Netanyahu's chief of staff calls for the dismissal of Defense Minister Gallant and describes him as impudent after he voted against the conscription law.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Isreli reserve soldier Eliran Mizrahi committed . He went through difficult experiences during a long military operation in the Strip, was demobilized, diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and was called under Order No. 8 back to the reserve in Rafah. On Friday, he committed suicide, and his father demands that he be buried in a military burial.

@israel @palestine

faab64 , to israel group
faab64 , to israel group

High Commissioner for Human Rights: “Killing” of Civilians in During Operation to Release Prisoners May Be a .

We are deeply shocked by the repercussions of the Israeli operation to recover 4 Israeli prisoners on .

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

@kkarhan You are comparing 76 years of crimes against humanity to incidents on one day, while ignoring that the vast majority of the victims were murdered by IDF tanks and Apache helicopters.

It is sickening to read such garbage from sick and despicable people like you, as if we have to thank Netanyahu for not murdering all the 2 million inhabitants of Gaza.

How the fuck do you even live with yourself?

faab64 , to israel group

leader, Osama Hamdan:

🔻The movement showed a positive response to all the ideas proposed for a ceasefire

🔻We demanded a permanent ceasefire and are ready for a fair deal to exchange prisoners

🔻The Security Council resolution, despite its shortcomings, confirms a permanent cessation of fighting and the occupation’s withdrawal from the Strip

🔻The Security Council resolution will not take effect on the ground unless the occupation agrees to it

🔻The decision contains points that we do not accept, but the main ones are positive

🔻Blinken is one of the obstacles to obstructing reaching an agreement because he only acts according to what wants

The problem throughout the scene is the American position, and Blinken must be more precise

🔻All obstruction operations were carried out “Israeli” with American approval

🔻Attempts to put pressure on mediators will not work in changing the position of the movement

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group



BBC News calling Benny a "moderate"

Benny Gantz supports a brutal occupation, ethnic cleansing, the imposition of apartheid, and the slaughter of 16,000 innocent children.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Israeli war cabinet member Benny has announced his resignation from the Israeli emergency war cabinet.

Gantz said, 'We support Israel's interests, not 's personal interests. It is unlikely Israel will win this war.'

@israel @palestine

faab64 , to palestine group

Dr. Mengele living in Israeli mindset: Israeli doctors share prisoners’ medical information with interrogators to “greenlight” torture, teach interrogators how to inflict pain without leaving physical marks, and even actively engage in acts of torture themselves.

From organ trafficking, to doctors amputating hands and feet of prisoners because they were cut off circulation with zip ties for weeks and months to refusing care to injured and letting them bleed to death, Israel has shown the world that instead of learning a lesson from the horrors of holocaust, they have embraced their horrifying behavior and building up to new levels.

Israel as a state is a rogues state that needs to be treated as one. It has s not about Netanyahu or Ben-Gvir or militant settlers, the core foundation of state of Israel is written and needs to be treated as such.…
@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Energy Minister Eli Cohen told state radio:

_ only understands force, and negotiations must be conducted under fire

_Time is running out and we have to work on the northern border

@israel @palestine

faab64 , to palestine group

Dr. Mendeleev living in Israeli mindset: Israeli doctors share prisoners’ medical information with interrogators to “greenlight” torture, teach interrogators how to inflict pain without leaving physical marks, and even actively engage in acts of torture themselves.

From organ trafficking, to doctors amputating hands and feet of prisoners because they were cut off circulation with zip ties for weeks and months to refusing care to injured and letting them bleed to death, Israel has shown the world that instead of learning a lesson from the horrors of holocaust, they have embraced their horrifying behavior and building up to new levels.

Israel as a state is a rogues state that needs to be treated as one. It has s not about Netanyahu or Ben-Gvir or militant settlers, the core foundation of state of Israel is written and needs to be treated as such.…

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

@Bwasscher The first step to prepare a society to commit genocide is to dehumanize their victims, because then, even the nicest person in society will have no problem to commit the worst atrocities.

Swedish author Sven Lindqvist described it so perfectly in his book "Exterminate the brutes" (hate the TV show supposedly based on it).…

faab64 OP ,

@Ck You just go and fuck yourself genocide apologist occupier.

faab64 OP ,

@burner @palestine @israel it's the Zionist moment. You can't blame Muslims for ISIS, so don't blame the Jews for the crimes of these people

faab64 OP ,

This post turned into shit poster racism, islamophobe and antisemite magnet.

faab64 , to palestine group

3 Israelis, including one with American passport are verified to have been murdered by IDF during the massacre.

@palestine @israel @oatmeal

faab64 , to palestine group

She was healthy and unharmed after 8 months captivity, despite all the lies and take stories about how they are being held in Gaza.

While a large portion of the Palestinian population in Gaza starving because of Israeli blockade of food, the Israeli prisoners were well fed and in good health after their release.

Unlike every Palestinian who face unthinkable level of torture including sodomy, starvation, amputation of their hands and feet because of extensive use of military zip tie as handcuffs. None of the 4 Israelis released by IDF after slaughter of over 200 palestinians.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group
faab64 , to palestine group
faab64 , to palestine group

You know you are on the right side of the history when you are on the same aide as the legends.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Humanitarian port ...

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

The Israeli occupying forces recently kidnapped a young man from al-Hattab tomb in the east of Qalqilya in occupied West Bank.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Gaza Ministry of Health: 150 martyrs in the massacre of the occupiers in t#Nusriyat he central province of the Gaza Strip

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

Oh another genocide apologist coming up with justification for this bloodshed.

The biggest Terrorist in the region is IDF and people like you who think people fighting an illegal occupation are terrorists.

I personally lost 4 people I knew on the Oct7.

How many of them were military? And how many were killed by IDF apache helicopters and Markva tanks?

Your crying victim all the time, even when responding to outrageous atrocities by your genocidal army is yet another proof that israel is a nation without any moral values and just like the Nazis, you do not see the innocent victims of your atrocities as humans.

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

You can lie and you can play dumb and I see you didn't answer to my other questions.

How many of them were killed by IDF apache helicopters?

How many of them were killed by IDF markva tanks shelling the kibbutz?

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

@Ck I don't answer to liars and genocide supporters.

You KNOW you are lying, and by judging from your name, I guess you are one of the invaders from eastern Europe who moved to Palestine claiming it to be yours without having a single root in the area.

You people act like October 7 was a second Holocaust, everyone online claims that they have lost someone during that days acting like 10s of thousands of people died then. Forgetting what led to October 7, the over 2000 Palestinians who were killed in the past few years (100s of them children, as young as 2 years old).

You can enjoy your BS POVEL with people who buy it, this is my last respond to your garbage.

mondoweiss , to palestine group avatar

There are dangerous signs Israel intends to escalate attacks on Lebanon and raise the stakes with Hezbollah. If it does, the risk of a regional war grows enormously. The only way out is to end the fighting in Gaza.

@palestine @israel

faab64 ,

Israel is up to a rude awakening.

After losing to an untrained and under funded and young groups of kids who forced Israel to pack and run away from Lebanon in shame, they are now facing an army with high tech weapons, years of battle experience in Syria against ISIS and AlQaeda and trained and planned to face the Israeli army at home.

Signals from Israel talking an "SMO" to take over the control of southern Lebanon (like they did before) and occupy it to prevent Lebanese to target their military, radar system, spying stations and military baracks with deadly precision.

I have no love or empathy for Hezbollah and their backers, but Israel needs to be thought a lesson and sadly, the only language they understand is war..
@palestine @israel

flawed , to palestine group avatar

Short on empathy

Thanks to the genocidal entity & the suffering many of us went & are going thru (no where comparable to Palestinian suffering but suffering nevertheless, we can only fathom the unimaginable suffering they are going thru), I am quite short on empathy.

Entity massacring 200+ Palestinians & rescuing 4 hostages & signing death sentence for many other hostages Palestinian resistance (Hamas & others) hold now, only made me hate the entity even more, not less.

Those who are celebrating this genocidal act needs to look at themselves in the mirror.

This fascist European settler-colonial apartheid entity is the enemy — not a mere ruling class thug & his gang of criminals at the top (they are mere finger on the trigger, not the hand), who are executing the genocidal will of a sizable chunk of that rotten society (which is the real hand enabling the finger to pull the trigger).

This genocidal entity has no legitimacy just because it murdered more than 200, injured hundreds more & so it can "rescue" 4 people (many of them are not good people ­— many being footsoldiers of apartheid & for rest based on mere statistics of that society & where they are living — outposts of settler-colony).

@palestine @israel

faab64 ,
flawed , to palestine group avatar

If Radio Rwanda can be prosecuted for Genocide, why not Newyork Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, BBC, Guardian & rest of Empire's genocide enablers?

@palestine @israel

faab64 ,

They are not Africans.

Remember what a western diplomat told the head of ICC?

It was created for 3rd world countries and Russia.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

This is pure terror, it nothing to do with Hamas or Gaza, these are Israeli brown shirts spreading terror by protection and support of IDF and minister

Settlers continue to destroy Palestinian property, burning cars in Barqa, east of , after burning the land. Settlers are also attacking vehicles in Beitin, north of Ramallah.

Videos are available on telegram:

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Ah well, that is it then. No need to hide it anymore

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

Those don't apply to Israel.

They are above all the laws , national or international, unless you want to be antisemitic and demand that israel is held with the same standards as other countries.

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

And who dares to enforce it?

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

They are part of the US government and have to follow chain of command.

I don't think the president or anyone in his administration would lift a finger to embarrass themselves by demanding accountability in any case involving Israel.
@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

Well, as the head of ICC was told by a western diplomat, ICC was created for 3rd world countries and Russia
@palestine @israel

rat , to palestine group avatar

@palestine @israel

התנגדות مقاومة resistance

faab64 ,

I do not see anarchists as allies,they are libertarian left with disastrous history in every corner of the world.

@rat @palestine @israel

faab64 ,

Didn't say that. But they are pretty good to make bad things worse
@SallyStrange @rat

faab64 ,
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