refugee with the same ID, posting mostly on , using this account to reach network.
Iranian born Swedish semi-retired electronic engineer, with American wife and 2 adopted children from , living in south of .
Posting about , , , , , , , , , , in , , and occasionally / .

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

faab64 , to israel group

Massive fire ongoing at military storage facility in Tel Hashomer, Israel, May 14.

Authorities are reportedly responding to a warehouse fire at Tel Hashomer military base the afternoon of May 14. The cause of the blaze is currently unclear. There are no immediate reports of casualties.Heightened security and localized transport and business disruptions are likely in the affected area over the coming hours. Officials could evacuate nearby premises as a precaution.

There are no reports of what caused the fire, but it's one of the largest weapons storage locations in Israel.

Videos available on

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Israeli terrorists joyfully document their attacks against humanitarian aid trucks and destruction of them.

Not a single police or military was visible during their attacks that lasted several hours.

Video available on telegram:

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

From Quds news: In a new massacre, a three-story building belonging to the Karaja family and housing hundreds of displaced people was completely destroyed with two IOF missiles in Nusseirat camp in the central Strip moments ago.

5 martyrs were recovered from the rubble so far, and rescue operations are ongoing for martyrs, missing, and wounded.

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

You calling women and children killed in Israeli attacks for terrorists?


@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Celebrity blockade is working, one by one they are acting like they care for Gaza! After losing millions of followers, many celebrities posting lame and desperate call for "peace" and "ceasefire".

It's amazing that less than a week after the call for boycott, we're suddenly seeing these people act like they just woke up to the ongoing catastrophe that has been going on for 7 months.

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

Seriously? Who is paying for the war and supplying 1000of tons of explosives and military equipment and blocking UN actions?

Sadly with the shitty politics on the US, the choice is between and who are both strong pro Israeli candidates.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Thousands of truck/trailers are stuck on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing since last week because of the Israeli occupation of the border. Most of the fresh products in the trucks have gone bad and there is a risk of other items to be destroyed if does not allow the help to get in.

Over 1 million Palestinians, most of the women, elderly and children are stuck in western without access to food, medicine and water. The situation is getting worse every day as Israel keep bombing them and pushing forward with 100s of tanks and armored vehicles.

Video is available on Telegram:

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Settlers mobs south of in the set fire to the aid trucks that they stopped and damaged this afternoon, which were loaded with aid and headed to the Strip.

No sign of Israeli police of IDF to protect the convoy or stop the terrorists settlers from destroying aid packages, mostly baby formula, diapers and medical equipment.

Video of the attacks is share on telegram:

@palestine @israel


faab64 , to palestine group
mondoweiss , to palestine group avatar

As people of faith we believe in a better way. It is not too late for you to change course and rid yourself of deadly investments in companies profiting from the Israeli occupation. Join your courageous students and divest now.

@palestine @israel

faab64 ,

@Properganda @mondoweiss One of the most disgusting so called liberal talk show hosts in the US.

faab64 , to palestine group

The spokesman of the Israeli army announced that 12 soldiers were injured due to bee stings.

Hamas bees!

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

They don't like people destroying their homes either, how strange...
@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Militant Settlers attacked the outskirts of Jalud city in the southeast of Nablus, setting fire to a car and attacking a house.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

All the red lines, all the warnings, all the empty talks about Rafah is once again showing to be nothing but, well, hot air.

Israel is bombing Rafah, it is bombing palestinians fleeing Rafah, it is bombing medics helping the injured in Rafah and it is doing it with full view of the so called "world community", the British FM was brave enough to say "we do not support the attack against Rafah", as if the weapons they sent to Israel are magically have stopped exploding when they are dropped over civilian targets in over crowded city.

Biden have stopped sending bombs to Israel, after almost 3000 shipment of weapons that no one seems to care about, one single shipment was "delayed" and the propaganda media, the loonies at the congress and Bidensitas are all talking about it as if it is an unbelievable act of bravery and show of moral grounds.

Germany is quiet, and instead stepping up it's attacks against pro-palestinian activists and using their power to block the entry of Palestinian activists outside EU to enter Schengen,

Sweden, busy with celebrating their 12 points support of the Israeli song and attacking pro-palestinian protesters is preparing their fighter jets to receive the new Israeli weapons tested to be efficient against people of Gaza to be attached to it's fighter jets and hand over some $500M to genocidal regime of Israel.

The rest of Europe is also sitting and quietly watching the atrocities in Gaza to go on, some speak and talk about recognizing Palestinian state (like they have done in the past 6 months) and stopped selling the shipment of weapons to Israel (directly, but replacing the weapons US, UK and Germany are sending to Israel without any hesitations).

@palestine @israel…

faab64 , to palestine group

Guitar icon Eric Clapton releases new song accompanied by imagery

Titled Voice of a Child, video features images of extensive destruction in Gaza, the life of palestinian children images from and pro-Palestinian/Anti-Wad protests around the world.

It's really sad that YouTube have decided to age restrict the video even though it doesn't have anything violent or graphic to disturb the younger generation, and much less than what they see on TV shows, movies and Video games

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

The stench of hypocrisy surrounding the Eurovision this year was just astounding.

While Israel was performing at , their troops were murdering displaced Palestinians in Rafah, bombing UNDP building and invading parts of Gaza they had declared "safe" for refugees.

And then this POS hypocrite who was so strongly supporting the ban on Russia 2 years ago is now acting like "music and entertainment is not politics".

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

: These photos are from today. Families and children, returning to UNRWA schools in to seek "safety" and "shelter".

The classrooms are torched. Walls are blown out. There is rubble everywhere.

This situation is unfolding under the world's watch. Enough is enough

@palestine @israel

Displaced Palestinians from Rafah seeking shelter in ruins of what used to be UNRWA shelter.
Displaced Palestinians from Rafah seeking shelter in ruins of what used to be UNRWA shelter.

faab64 , to palestine group

Today marks two years since Palestinian-American veteran journalist was shot and killed by Israeli Forces.

The Al Jazeera family & the world have not stopped seeking and will continue to honour her bravery, courage and loyalty to journalism.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

On the morning of May 8, Israeli forces razed the entire Bedouin village of Wadi al-Khalil in the Naqab/Negev desert. The demolitions, which were carried out in order to expand the Route 6 highway, left more than 300 residents homeless.
Wadi al-Khalil is one of 35 Bedouin villages in the Naqab whose existence the Israeli authorities do not officially recognize; as a result, the villages, which are home to around 150,000 Bedouin Arab citizens of Israel, face the constant threat of demolition. Many of the villages are decades old — some even pre-date Israel’s establishment — but they are prevented from connecting to state infrastructure including water and electricity, and their residents are denied municipal services.
According to the Regional Council for the Unrecognized Bedouin Villages, Wednesday’s demolition was the largest in the Naqab for 14 years. It comes as Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir vows to crack down on what he calls “lawbreakers” and restore meshilut — literally “governance,” a euphemism for Jewish-Israeli control — to the area. Eight other unrecognized villages are currently under threat of forced eviction under the guise of urban development.
“You work eight or nine years, saving money to build a house, and then they destroy it,” Yousef Abu Issa, a 35-year-old resident, told +972. “They don’t give you another place to live, they don’t help you.”
by Oren Ziv שיחה מקומית…

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

@kimhoar the big difference is that KSA is doing it in their own country, Israel is doing it on illegally occupied land.

faab64 OP ,

All lives matter.

I see
@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Hind's Hall song has surpassed 2 million views and Apple was forced to reinstate it after massive protests.
The song is in support of student protests in US and all proceeds will go to UNRWA. Donate Here:


Written and Produced by Macklemore

Video by Macklemore
Subtitles by Charles Boonsu

Select Video Footage by:
Omar - @omaronig
Habibi House - @habibihousepodcast

The people they won’t leave
What is threatening
about divesting and wanting peace?
The problem isn’t the protests
it’s what they’re protesting
Cause it goes against
what our country is funding
Block the barricade until Palestine is free
Block the barricade until Palestine is free
When I was 7 I learned a lesson
from Cube and Eazy E
What was it again?
oh yea
fuck the police
Actors in badges
protecting property
And a system that was designed
by white supremacy
But the people are in the streets
You can pay off meta
you can’t pay off me
Politicians who serve by any means
AIPAC, CUFI and all the companies
You see we sell fear around the land of the free
But this generation here
is about to cut the strings

You can ban tik Tok
take us out the algothim
But it’s too late
we’ve seen the truth we bare witness
We’ve seen the ruble the buildings
the mothers the children
And all the men that you murdered
and then we see how they spin it

Who gets to the right to defend
and who gets the right of resistance
Has always been about dollars
and the color of your pigment
White supremacy is finally on blast
Screaming free Palestine
until they’re home at last

We see the lies in them
Claiming it’s anti-semetic
to be anti-zionist
I’ve seen jewish brothers and sisters out there and riding
In solidarity and screaming
free Palestine with em
Organizing, unlearning
and finally cutting ties with a
that’s gotta rely on an apartheid system
To uphold an occupying violent
History been repeating for the last 75
The Nakba never ended,
the colonizer lied

If some kids in tents,
posted on the lawn
occupying the quad
is really against the law
And a reason to call
in the police and their squad
where does genocide land
in your definition huh?
destroying every college in Gaza and every mosque
pushing everyone into rafah and dropping bombs
The blood is on your hands Biden,
we can see it all
And fuck no
I’m not voting for you in the fall

you can’t twist the truth
The people out here
never be defeated when Freedom’s on the
Yet the music industry’s quiet
complicit in their platform of silence

What happened to the artist
what do you got to say?
If I was on a label,
you could drop me today
And be fine with it
cause the heart fed my page
I want a ceasefire
fuck a response from drake

What you willing to risk?
What you willing to give?
What if you were Gaza?
what if those were your kids?
If the west was pretending that you didn’t exist
You’d want the world to stand up
And the students finally did
Let’s get it

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

@henry sold out or terrified or both

faab64 , to palestine group

Documentation shows the extent of perpetrated by Israeli prison guards on the released Adeeb Mustafa Samoudi while in the occupation’s “Gilboa” prison.

Samoudi, who is from , spent a total of two years in Israeli prisons with no charges and was released yesterday.

@palestine @israel

Traces of torture visible on the body of the released prisoner Adeeb Mustafa Samoudi
Traces of torture visible on the body of the released prisoner Adeeb Mustafa Samoudi
Traces of torture visible on the body of the released prisoner Adeeb Mustafa Samoudi

faab64 , to palestine group

It doesn't mean shit as long as US/UK have veto right to block any kind of progress at UN.

@palestine @israel…

faab64 OP ,

US has been doing it for over half a century. What makes you believe it's going to make any difference now?
@AJEnglish @palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

destroyed the last operating cell tow in Rafah and set it on fire.

One of the key goals of Israel is to prevent the world witnessing what they are doing in Gaza. From murder of reporters, preventing foreign press to enter and destroying the means of communication, they are setup up the stage for full blown assault on and mass murder of innocent palestinians who have no where to go.

Video available on telegram:

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

Fuck off

faab64 OP ,

Word press doesn't give a shit and the Egyptian dictator would not allow this to happen.

It would be easy to set up a few mobile cell towers on the Egyptian side of the border to give full coverage to half of Gaza.

But it's not in their interest and they don't want to get their brothers in TelAviv angry.

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

@freakazoid @palin It really is unbelievable, I honestly don't understand the power of Israel and Christian zionists have over the world politics and economy.

Biden will lose, no matter if he supports Netanyahu or not, he is in a loose/loose situation and christian zionists would rather have Trump as president with unconditional support of Israel than Biden who is shy about his support.

faab64 , to israel group

"Your home is our home, and your bed is our bed! O sons of Al-Amalek, we will not forget, and we will not forgive!"

This is not a war on . This is the war of dominance, ethnic cleansing and land grab.

@palestine @israel

DropBear , to israel group avatar
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  • faab64 ,

    Islamophobia is strong in Australia.

    Have you guys forgotten the Christ Church mosque Maas shooting?

    It was an Australian guy who was radicalized by media and Facebook groups
    @palestine @israel

    faab64 ,

    Deeply rooted racism in Australia.

    @palestine @israel

    faab64 , to israel group

    76 universities in decided to sever cooperation relations with and research centers and linked the return of cooperation to the occupation universities’ condemnation of the army’s invasion of the Strip.

    @palestine @israel

    faab64 , to israel group

    "Israel is fighting a just and necessary war," asserted U.S. Senator from Arkansas, , in support of Israel continuing its genocide in Gaza.

    The Senator also suggested that "the House has no choice but to impeach over delayed Israel aid." This highlights the extent to which U.S. senators supported by funding are willing to go to ensure Israel remains armed with U.S. weaponry.

    Video available on telegram:

    @palestine @israel

    faab64 , to israel group

    Earlier today, Israeli settlers launched an attack on the headquarters in occupied , setting fire to its surroundings. Israeli authorities have not intervened or made any arrests among the Israeli attackers.

    Video available en here:

    @palestine @israel

    faab64 , to israel group

    The Government Media Office in Gaza warns of a deep humanitarian disaster emerging from the Israeli occupation's invasion of eastern Rafah governorate and its occupation of the Rafah and "Kerem Shalom" crossings. This includes the blockade of medical and food aid, as well as the prevention of travel for thousands of patients and wounded individuals, indicating a genuine crisis in Gaza.

    Over the past two days, the Israeli occupation has prevented the entry of more than 400 trucks carrying aid, food, medical supplies, and equipment. They also prohibited 159 cancer patients and wounded individuals from traveling outside Gaza for treatment.

    @palestine @israel

    faab64 , to israel group

    The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation reports that Israeli far-right Minister Ben Gvir will propose a complete cancellation of aid entry into Gaza from all crossings during the Cabinet vote.

    They have blocked all food entry to Gaza in the past 72h, he wants to make it permanent.

    When will the world start reacting to this out of control killing machine driven by a lunatic extremist?

    @palestine @israel

    faab64 , to israel group

    Israeli performance was jeered with booo and free shouts from the public I'm , last night.

    They shouldn't be allowed to participate if it wasn't for disgusting double standard of the organizers and pressure from Swedish and German government.

    @palestine @israel

    faab64 OP ,

    Israel is de-facto Europe, but not birded by European rules and principals.

    faab64 OP ,
    faab64 OP ,

    Good point 😥
    @palestine @israel

    faab64 , to israel group

    Where the hell are the "international observers" who were queuing to visit the "mass graves" in Ukraine? Where is EU? Where are US state department? Where is UN?

    What does it take for the world to (at least) investigate these allegations?

    @palestine @israel @MassGraves…

    faab64 , to israel group

    This is just priceless.

    I'm sure the US congress will grant them a few more billions of dollars.

    @palestine @israel

    faab64 , to israel group

    US House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sent a letter to President Biden expressing “alarm” and concern about the decision “to pause” a weapons shipment to Israel.

    They also asked for clarification by the end of the week.

    Biden confirmed in an interview that US munitions used by Israel have killed Palestinian civilians.

    @palestine @israel

    faab64 OP ,

    It's all part of the circus.

    Over 3000 shipments of bombs, equipment, spare parts and new units is forgotten in the Shaddow on one stinky shipment.

    The hypocrisy of Biden now admitting that US supplied weapons were used in killing of (innocent) civilians, despite the fact that as late as last week, he shipped 100s of 2000pound bombs into Israel.

    @LALegault @palestine @israel

    faab64 OP ,

    @MarvClowder @LALegault It is all part of the circus act. Just 2 weeks ago, they said they were working together with Egypt, UAE and Israel to plan the Rafah operation, helping with displacement of Palestinians and support Israeli attacks against Hamas targets.

    Now, after 3000 shipments of weapons and spare parts, they have delayed ONE single shipment and all media is talking about is that.

    They are not even talking about the fact that Israel has completely cut off all humanitarian aid from Rafah crossing leaving over 1.4M displaced palestinians with no food, water or medicine.

    faab64 , to israel group

    arrested a Jewish man holding a banner "Jews Against " and confiscated his banner.

    Isn't that ? Preventing the free speech of a Jewish citizen on broad daylight like this?

    Video on :

    @palestine @israel

    faab64 OP ,

    @EvolLove en rend blodig svensks som är säkert har ryss, danskt, polskt, tysk även turkiskt och nord afrikanskt DNA om du vågar göra en.

    idioter som gömmer sig bakom nazistiska nationalistiskt drivel, men är för blyga att kalla sig för vad du egentligen är.

    Jag är säker på att du supportar kostymklädda nynazister på SD eller deras kristna gren K(s)D i sverige,

    RememberUsAlways , to israel group avatar

    It's really quite simple according to the .
    You take a hostage, you sacrifice your human rights.
    is a false flag, one step from and just as ignorant of .
    I didn't make the laws of warfare, I'm just the messenger.


    faab64 ,

    How does someone become so inhumane and ignorant.

    This level of stupidity and complete disregard to 76 years of oppression, mass murder, torture, kidnapping, hostage taking, ethnic cleansing and genocide, is only possible if one is full of hate or paid to act like this.

    I just can't understand how a person even comes up with such level of garbage?…………

    Plus 100s of other cases IDF and occupation police kidnapped and held family members of palestinian resistance hostage for months and years, long before October 7 events.

    @palestine @israel

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