faab64 , to israel group

Look closely, this is what our government and our silence is causing.

Hole you like what you see, because there are going to be many many more like him in the coming days.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

The moraleof 21st century world.

One day they look back at these and wondering how could they let this happen....


faab64 , to palestine group
faab64 , to palestine group

A government official in Gaza to Al Jazeera:

⭕️The famine in the northern part of the Gaza Strip has reached a catastrophic level, and most food supplies have run out.

⭕️Hundreds of children and patients are threatened with death due to the catastrophic , caused by Israel.

⭕️The relevant international organizations are not fulfilling their duty to compel Israel to respect international laws.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

The UN World Food Program (WFP) has temporarily suspended operations from a pier in central Gaza after two of the aid group's warehouses in the enclave were struck, according to the agency's director.

"I'm concerned about the safety of our people after the incidents yesterday," stated Cindy McCain, WFP executive director, in an interview with CBS on Sunday.

"Two of our warehouses, the warehouse complex, were rocketed yesterday," she explained. "We've stepped back just for the moment [...] to ensure that we're on safe terms and on safe ground before we restart."

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

An ABC journalist reports on Israeli settler mobs establishing checkpoints to hinder humanitarian aid trucks destined for starving Palestinians in Gaza. In some instances, these mobs have attacked trucks, assaulted drivers, and destroyed aid and medicine intended for Gaza's needy.

Previous reports have revealed that such attacks are endorsed by Israeli government ministers and leaders, which may explain the absence of Israeli army and police intervention in these areas where attacks occur.

Video available on telegram:t.me/newsvideofa/2566

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

has warned that Palestinians displaced by the Israeli war on Gaza are living in appalling conditions, with often going hungry for a whole day and thousands sharing the same toilet.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Sadly the numbers are very very small and they are under extreme pressure from all sides in Israel.

@palestine @israel

@[email protected]:> ### ‘Solidarity over hatred’: the small band of Israelis stopping settlers obstructing aid trucks

Israeli activists confronting settlers acknowledge they are ‘a minority within a minority’

At approximately 10.30am on a scorching Monday, a group of five young Israeli arrived at the Tarqumiya , west of Hebron in the West Bank, where dozens of aid trucks bound for Gaza were expected.

The settlers had received detailed information about the timing, location, and number of trucks that would pass through the checkpoint that morning. What they had not anticipated was that dozens of peace activists had also gathered in Tarqumiya with a specific mission: to prevent the settlers from blocking the vehicles and ensure that the aid continued its journey to Gaza.


faab64 , to palestine group

13-year-old Abdelqader Al-Sarhi has died in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah, central Gaza, due to malnutrition and lack of medical treatment amidst the closure of the Rafah border crossing.

I'm ashamed to live in a world that allows this to happen.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Director Matthew Hollingworth of the World Food Programme () describes the situation in southern Gaza’s as dire, stating, "The sounds and smells of everyday life are horrific and apocalyptic."

He further explains that residents endure constant bombing, drones, and the presence of tanks in central Rafah, just kilometers away from where Palestinians have sought refuge.

During a virtual briefing with reporters, Hollingworth recounts the desperation of many Palestinians he spoke with, questioning whether to leave, attempt to cross the border into Egypt, or return to Gaza City. They express uncertainty about accessing aid in their time of need.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

US State Department official resigns, says US report on inaccurate

A U.S. State Department official who quit this week said on Thursday her resignation was precipitated by an administration report to that she said falsely stated was not blocking aid to Gaza, prompting her to resign in protest of President Joe 's Israel policy.

Stacy Gilbert, who served in the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, was a subject matter expert working on the report.

"There is so clearly a right and wrong, and what is in that report is wrong," Gilbert said in an interview.

The United Nations and aid groups have long complained of the dangers and obstacles to getting aid in and distributing it throughout Gaza.


@israel @palestine

faab64 , to palestine group

Israeli terrorists attacked aid trucks going to and set at least one on fire.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Proud terrorists on Twitter/X

"Such beauty! This is what happens to whoever brings food to Hamas" Judeonazi settlers in West Bank blocked two Palestinian trucks, claiming they carry Gaza aid, threw rocks at the drivers, wounding one of them, and destroyed goods. No arrests were made. State-backed terrorists.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Israeli terrorists joyfully document their attacks against humanitarian aid trucks and destruction of them.

Not a single police or military was visible during their attacks that lasted several hours.

Video available on telegram: t.me/newsvideofa/2211

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Thousands of truck/trailers are stuck on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing since last week because of the Israeli occupation of the border. Most of the fresh products in the trucks have gone bad and there is a risk of other items to be destroyed if does not allow the help to get in.

Over 1 million Palestinians, most of the women, elderly and children are stuck in western without access to food, medicine and water. The situation is getting worse every day as Israel keep bombing them and pushing forward with 100s of tanks and armored vehicles.

Video is available on Telegram: t.me/newsvideofa/2210

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Settlers mobs south of in the set fire to the aid trucks that they stopped and damaged this afternoon, which were loaded with aid and headed to the Strip.

No sign of Israeli police of IDF to protect the convoy or stop the terrorists settlers from destroying aid packages, mostly baby formula, diapers and medical equipment.

Video of the attacks is share on telegram: t.me/newsvideofa/2206

@palestine @israel


faab64 , to israel group

The Government Media Office in Gaza warns of a deep humanitarian disaster emerging from the Israeli occupation's invasion of eastern Rafah governorate and its occupation of the Rafah and "Kerem Shalom" crossings. This includes the blockade of medical and food aid, as well as the prevention of travel for thousands of patients and wounded individuals, indicating a genuine crisis in Gaza.

Over the past two days, the Israeli occupation has prevented the entry of more than 400 trucks carrying aid, food, medical supplies, and equipment. They also prohibited 159 cancer patients and wounded individuals from traveling outside Gaza for treatment.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

ISRAEL OPENS EREZ CROSSING TO AID FOR FIRST TIME in northern Gaza, as video above shows trucks passing through border wall sealed shut since October 7.

Gazan authorities still say aid deliveries far less than what Washington and Tel Aviv claim, with the latter claiming an average of 300-400 trucks a day.

Head of 's Government Media Office Maarouf says average of 163 trucks a day only are passing through to Gaza, with at least 1,000 trucks needed to make up for dire lack of aid faced by 7 months of siege. Only 419 trucks entered north Gaza in all of April alone.
Video is available here: t.me/newsvideofa/2124

@palestine @israel

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