@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]

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Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

World would always be high, then, feller

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

It's likely you could use winlator to play the windows version of the game (I know, not quite the same, although it does run wine via a linux container lmao)

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Winlator is kind of a bitch to configure to get things running smoothly. I spent wayyyyyyy too much time trying to get new vegas to run at 60fps on my fold 4 just because I wanted to see if I could. I got close but now it crashes every minute or so. Moved my save over to my pc lmao. If you'd like, you can dm me and I can try to help you out with getting it to run. I ended up joining several discord servers to try to learn what the options do. It sucked but I think i have a somewhat basic understanding of how things function now.

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

It's 100% wrapped up in Christianity. It's all part of their apocalypse fantasy.

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

The USA's relationship to Christianity is unique in that the first fuckers to come colonize the place were too strict even for Christianity in 17th century Europe. The Puritans were a blight upon this world and the ramifications are still sending aftershocks to the present day.

What do you think the Great Filter is?

The Great Filter is the idea that, in the development of life from the earliest stages of abiogenesis to reaching the highest levels of development on the Kardashev scale, there is a barrier to development that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare. The Great Filter is one possible resolution of the Fermi...

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

I personally find the kardashev scale a pretty terrible way to measure the success of a civilization. Maybe the most successful life forms don't become technologically obsessed materialists determined to colonize everything habitable and drain the resources of everything else, yknow?

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

I wasn't clear enough I don't think when I wrote that. I meant that as in the most successful intelligent life forms don't separate themselves from their ecosystems nor disrupt it in the way we do.

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

I personally avoid handwriting if I have to because I can't scrawl 80 words a minute. I can, however, type that fast consistently. Also the clickety clackety tickles something in my adhd brain and makes writing things out more fun.

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Damn son you're really cranking out the pro-IDF shill content these days keep up the hustle 💯💶😤

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

My dad does and I've never been able to get him to give me an actual reason why. Like most of his shitty opinions

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Why even bring up Bethesda? Obsidian made one game for them for a development cycle of 18 months. It's weird to use their new game as an opportunity to claim Bethesda couldn't make a game like this.

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Don't get me wrong they have made some real watered down-ass rpgs (i have never been more hyped than i was for fallout 4 and was massively let down lololol) but it just seemed like a weird place to bring it up.

A synthetic drug ravages youth in Sierra Leone. There's little help, and some people are chained ( apnews.com )

In Sierra Leone, a cheap, synthetic drug is ravaging youth. Trash-strewn alleys are lined with boys and young men slumped in addiction. Healthcare services are severely limited. One frustrated community has set up what it calls a treatment center, run by volunteers. But harsh measures can be used....

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

What colonialism and poverty does to a mfer

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Hope he flies a boeing

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Boeing has shit practices? I just wanted him to have a safe flight in a wonderful and well-maintained American Boeing aircraft. Nothing else. Not at all. Nuh uh.

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Me, but only because I just used a needle to inject boner meds in my cock

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Lmao the IDF is a pathetic joke. It's a Modern day SS without any of the cold efficiency.

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Lmao you hit all the major genocide apologist talking points. You're a facist.

Nutteman , (edited )
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

He's too closely tied to Bald and Baldr for me to trust him to be a good person

edit: can't seem to find sources for his ties to Bald and Bankrupt so I may have just spread misinformation my b

Nutteman , (edited )
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

The guy in the post is closely tied with this channel. (Can't find confirmation of this). The main guy on it has left a nice paper trail of his sexual tourism exploits, as outlined in this reddit post. (Bald and Beautiful is, however, a huge piece of shit)

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

I should probably stress this: HE IS JUST ASSOCIATED WITH BALD. As far as I know there aren't receipts for Peter. It's just that he still works closely with Bald that I am apprehensive to take this guy seriously

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar


Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

I'm trying to find some links but I'm starting to wonder if I've mixed the guy up with someone else.

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Fuckin sus ass post

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Guys he tried to type out "lolli porn is my fave" but stopped

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

If you like lolicon you like more than just lolicon if you know what I mean

Hey i just wanna know are raccoons evil in some kind of way ?

A lot of things i thought were cute and nice like dolphines, ducks, cats (i saw one cat eat anothers new born), dogs (multiple cases of eating dead owners due to a variety of reasons starting from trying to wake em up to other malicious reasons), hamsters etc turned out to be wrong . Raccoons are the only thing i believe in...

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe stop anthropomorphizing animals with human concepts like morality and just accept them for as they are?

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

You're are, it's just you're having a weird problem thanks to your weird beliefs, which would be remedied by trying to actually align your beliefs with reality, but instead trying to get Lemmy users to help you decide where raccoons align on your good/bad chart lmao.

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Okay I understand now that you lack some basic social skills. Maybe work on those before engaging on the internet.

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Lol guess I hit on a sore spot

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Wtf is an imoji???

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

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Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Plex plus plex_debrid gang common w. I have it scrape for 1080p, 4k, and 4k hdr versions of content. Me n all my good time boys have options.

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

You may have failed already by using "Public transit." That's a dirty word to car people. Perhaps calling it "souped up, pimped-out rides on a cool train for free"

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

There we go

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Bruh you can't just post this and not say it's not an actual arkham game lmaoooo

Exclusive: Israel planning ring of checkpoints to prevent men from fleeing Rafah ( www.middleeasteye.net )

Israel is setting up a complex system of checkpoints that will prevent men of “military age” from fleeing Rafah in preparation for its offensive on the southern Gaza border city, a senior western official familiar with Israel’s plans has told Middle East Eye on condition of anonymity....

Nutteman ,
@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

"But Israel doesn't." You're right. They slaughter thousands instead. To the tune of around 32k.

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