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Defaced ,

So what happened to Blackroom? I'd love to know what happened to that game and the fallout of them pulling the Kickstarter. He clearly moved on to sigil but man I really think he could make a cool new IP with gzdoom if he actually tried, instead of just living in the past with sigil.

Defaced ,

I've looked at revolt and well, when I tried using it it was filled with less than reputable individuals. I don't remember specifics but I remember noping the fuck off revolt real quick. If you want text chat, try matrix, if you want voice well, then idk what to say other than discord, team speak or guilded. Guilded is pretty cool, I actually like the client way better than discord but my friends all use discord and guilded isn't a huge platform. It is backed by the Roblox company so you at least know it's gonna be supported, but then again, it's the Roblox company...

Defaced ,

Because no one wants to learn something new like postgres, vendors haven't adopted other databases platforms other than SQL, and licensing is absolutely stupid expensive for SQL, so most companies just stay on what they currently run. It costs money to hire new employees who know other databases types, and it costs money to train current employees, it's just an absolutely stupid vicious cycle Microsoft has created. The barrier of entry for new versions of SQL is so high, that it's just not worth the hassle and the price.

Defaced ,

Wtf was that....? I'm going to reserve judgement until we see some gameplay but damn that trailer was filled with cliche modern marvel movie bullshit.

Defaced ,

I would keep in mind one thing with Nvidia. Their consumer GPU market is a drop in the bucket compared to their server, cloud and AI/ML markets. AMD dedicates real effort and resources to their hardware development and they don't lock their features to their own platform. I'm still using a vega56 and haven't really felt a need to upgrade because things like fsr just keep my card chugging along.

Defaced ,

It's true though...consumer graphics mean damn near nothing to them, their AI/ML profits shit all over your precious 4080's and 4090's in regards to straight profit for Nvidia.

Defaced ,

They rehash the same chip over and over again each generation with minimal gains, increase the power requirements and cut out third party oems like EVGA. Give it a couple generations and I would bet they'll only be selling the 4080/90 equivalents in the future and let intel or amd have the midrange and low range market, freeing up manufacturing for their AI/ML hardware. Doesn't matter if it's conjecture, the writing is on the wall. People are choosing to ignore it even though the market is flooded with low end Nvidia cards made to look like their low and midrange offerings aren't selling. It's only a matter of time, the consumer graphics market is a second class citizen for Nvidia.

Defaced ,

Running OpenSUSE Tumbleweed right now and it's great!

New Details on Valve's New Game 'Deadlock' - Insider Gaming ( )

As already leaked, the game is a 6v6 third-person hero-based shooter. Heroes include magicians, robots, creatures, humans, and more. There are currently 19 different heroes, each with different abilities and playstyles that you’d come to expect from a MOBA including ranged, healers, tanks, assassins, etc....

Defaced ,

I feel like I'm the only one excited for this game. Every post about it is getting shit on for absolutely stupid reasons. We have 4 low res screenshots and no videos of gameplay with a few details on the gameplay loop. This is what icefrog was working on for years when he stopped working on DotA 2, the man damn near created the entire moba genre, he's taking liberties with the gameplay and incorporating overwatch gameplay with moba mechanics that sounds like it's handled in a more meaningful way instead of just copy/paste mechanics from other mobas and move the camera to 3rd person like smite. As someone who's older and loves mobas but struggles to keep up with the pace of them, this game sounds like it will be right up my alley and for the record I love the art style, fuck me right?

Defaced ,

There were many factors that went into the failure of artifact, gameplay was not one of them and is still solid to this day. The biggest problem was the monetization, and not really the monetization itself, but the timing of monetization. Hearthstone conditioned people to want free cards and earn free rewards by playing the game, artifact was a digital representation of a physical card game where you could literally build decks for like $10 and enjoy it, the allure of free low quality shit will always overshadow high quality paid content and it's just fucking sad. Now look at hearthstone, a shit husk of a game it once was.

Defaced ,

They already are, Intel is building new foundries in NA with government funding specifically for the purpose of not relying on Taiwan for chips. The problem though is TSMC has the smallest and most efficient chip dies, so everyone wants those chips, Intel still has a ways to catch up.

Defaced ,

They've tried this before, it didn't work out, apple Rosetta is pretty damn impressive for what it does but they have the advantage of having the same hardware specs to go with the software, Microsoft didn't have that luxury, and no, surfaces don't really count.

Defaced ,

I really like what I see , and icefrog has been working on it for a long time. If he's involved then I'm interested, the man created the moba genre and IMO the best moba on the market.

Microsoft is testing Game Pass ads on the Windows 11 Settings homepage ( )

Microsoft's announcement: "We are introducing a new Game Pass recommendation card on the Settings homepage. The Game Pass recommendation card on Settings Homepage will be shown to you if you actively play games on your PC. As a reminder – the Settings homepage will be shown only on the Home and Pro editions of Windows 11 and...

Defaced ,

I actually feel bad for people on windows 11. People, please just switch to Linux already. There just isn't any real reason to stay on it anymore, and if you do you've got some ridiculous bullshit niche setup that 0.1% of people use. And for people on Nvidia just grab that Nvidia pop_os ISO for that idiot proof setup, seriously, there are no more excuses and it's really not any more difficult to use than Windows. Don't listen to people saying you have to open a terminal to do anything either, that's a straight up fucking lie, and if you really have to, then copy/paste is all you need to know.

If you have to use rtx and dlss to justify your overpriced graphics card, then there's AMD fsr that can be forced on damn near any game you want, it's not as good but it gets the job done, as for Ray tracing, come real with yourself for 5 minutes, what game other than control has use Ray tracing in any meaningful way other than to look pretty?

Windows is just not worth the hassle anymore, wake the fuck up people.

Defaced ,

Don't play league, it's filled with psychological bullshit tricks to get you to keep playing. If you have to play a moba play dota 2, it's just a better game.

Defaced ,

Get an Xbox then and use m/KB with crossplay. Or play better games, apex runs through proton, get them to play that instead. Anyone switching away from cod is a good deed.

Defaced ,

Where did I say dlss is inferior? I've used them both, dlss is better quality yeah, fsr has better frame generation with less latency. Fsr isn't as good, it gets the job done though and is available on literally everything unlike Nvidia. If you have Nvidia use dlss, if not use fsr, if you hate yourself then use XeSS.

Defaced ,

I don't think you understand how much I don't give a shit that you have an "ultimate gaming PC" just lying there...I gave you options, take em or leave em, but ultimately you're choosing not to do a damn thing about it and will just keep eating Microsoft Windows ads with every update. At least an Xbox is kind of expected to have ads since it's somewhat subsidized. As for group dynamics, if your friends won't try other games with you, sounds like you need better friends.

Defaced ,

That's fair, just tired of explaining shit to uninformed windows fanboys that don't understand what they're talking about.

Want low latency audio production? There's a distro with a low latency kernel for that.

Need a hyper focused gaming distro? Guess what, there's a distro for that.

You want something so easy to use that even your tech illiterate grandparents can't fuck their PC with something as stupid as updates? Well what do you know, there's a distro for that as well with immutable OS's that look and feel like Windows.

Windows fanboys spew bullshit like ease of use and not breaking their shit when they click buttons, but the reality is Linux is no different, it can be as easy or as difficult to use and break as you want.

The sad bullshit fact is if you use Windows, your PC is Microsoft's and not yours, if you use Linux your PC is yours to control, and nothing hits that home like bullshit advertisements on your start menus and settings app.

Defaced ,

Yeah this is bullshit. They wanted the IP's and nothing more. Situations like this remind me of something that Marty O'Donnell said when that Bungie/Activision lawsuit happened. He said something along the lines of they have to own their IP's because it's the one thing a studio has that's holds value.

Defaced ,

Enhance, embrace, extinguish. That's the Microsoft way, their success has always and will always be built off the backs of others they've fucked over.

Perfect Dark Reboot Is Allegedly In Bad Shape ( )

I don't think big companies know how to make a good FPS campaign anymore, let alone hone in on classic deathmatch multiplayer. The last FPS I bought was Half-Life: Alyx four years ago, and the first one to come along and interest me since then was Phantom Fury, but I'm letting that one iron out bugs for a few weeks before I...

Defaced ,

They want to be a cloud gaming provider and sell Xbox fire TV sticks instead of consoles, with controllers that connect directly to the azure server running their games. Why do you think Nvidia and the UK weren't happy with Microsoft a few years ago and they made so many deals with cloud gaming providers like boosteroid and GeForce now?

Microsoft turned every Windows PC into an Xbox overnight with XCloud and they had little to no overhead costs. That's where their business is right now, cloud and AI, not gaming, Xbox will take a backseat and I'm going to bet we will see them transition from a console maker to simply publisher that conveniently sells a cloud TV stick that can play games.

Defaced ,

Currently have a 6a, the fingerprint sensor was garbage when I first got it but Google really did some work to improve it over the years. It's not perfect but it works.

Defaced ,

Hmmm it's almost like Jim Ryan was on to something when he said gamepass wasn't good for the industry and publishers didn't like it during the antitrust trial with Microsoft.

It blows my fucking mind how stupid some people are just to be able to play the next rehashed bullshit CoD on gamepass instead of paying $70 a year for the same garbage.

Defaced ,

Come on now, that's not just a Google problem and you know it, no need to shit on Google for something damn near every tech company does. Google does their fair share of shitty things, this isn't really one of them.

Defaced ,

Whoever can make a compatibility layer that successfully translates x86/64 to arm and vice versa and make it widely available will be a major player in the market. Valve has already somewhat done something similar with proton and Apple with Rosetta 2.

Feeling lost and confused with life, need advice

I'm a 37 year old IT Cloud Engineer, I have a great job, great house, love my family, but recently I lost my dad to cancer after a 16 year battle. My brother likes to say cancer had to cheat to win, it was all because he broke his back and had to be taken off his treatments for to long. Cancer is a fickle bitch......

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