faab64 , to israel group

Look closely, this is what our government and our silence is causing.

Hole you like what you see, because there are going to be many many more like him in the coming days.

@palestine @israel

skippy442 ,
@skippy442@mastodon.social avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel
for your summer vacation, visit Israel and see atrocity and genocide as it happens in real time ...

faab64 , to palestine group

Is it okay to hate that person or it makes me Anti semitic?

How can anyone be that disgustingly inhumane? It's an innocent kid for gods sake.
PS. By the way the account wasn't suspended or limited after such disgusting comment.

@palestine @israel

gogowitsch ,
@gogowitsch@dresden.network avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel
From a strategic/moral/societal perspective, hate on groups should never be an answer, ever. I wish we could break that cycle.

You feel what you feel. No need for external validation.

faab64 OP ,

@gogowitsch Are you for real? Did you even read what I wrote?

Is it okay to hate that person or it makes me Anti semitic?

Your ridiculous BS respond to my post is a typical of assholes who think you have a moral pedestal to stand on when watching such disgusting comment from a pro-Israeli monster and all you have to say is to try to lecture me about your wishful gumbaya crap.

faab64 , to palestine group

wHy dIdNt rHeY pRoTeSt pEAcEfUlLy?

It didn't start on October 7, 2023. This how Israel reacted to peaceful Palestinians 16 years ago.

That is an American provided bomb shot at unarmed protesters.

Never forget, Never forgive.

@palestine @israel

bifouba ,
@bifouba@kolektiva.social avatar

@faab64 There's an article I can't find at the moment containing the (approximate) lines: “Where are the Palestinian Gandhis, they ask? They're in Israeli prison cells.”

It's here: https://mondoweiss.net/2023/10/a-response-to-rev-william-barber-on-palestinian-resistance/

The exact quote is:
»Where are the Palestinian Gandhis and MLKs? They are in Israeli jails.

When people try to protest non-violently, they are beaten, teargassed, and jailed. Despite what is told in the media, Palestinians have long engaged in non-violent resistance in their quest for liberation.«

faab64 OP ,

@bifouba throughout history, Israel has been extremely violent against peaceful protesters and leaders who don't call for it's destruction.

They KNOW that the passive and indifference masses western population may change rapidly if they no longer see palestinians as bloodthirsty savages who's only interest is to start a new holocaust.

That's one of the main reasons Netanyahu ordered the assassinated architect of the one and only hostage exchange in Lebanon.

But Israel's arrogance and savagery have become it's worst enemy and with social media, the vast majority of people have seen the true face of the Israeli treatment of palestinians.

Young people who were not brainwashed for decades have seen the real Palestine. And that's why Israel has been using all it's power to prevent real and uncensored news from Gaza. Either by killing the reporters, censoring the internet or forbidding apps like TikTok, telegram and "signal"

faab64 , to palestine group

I'm so sick and disgusted by these people.

It's just really hard to understand.

How can they be so evil?

@palestine @israel

nicholas_saunders ,

@faab64 @palestine @israel perhaps start by considering that it's unlikely that Quentin Tarantino considers himself or his actions as evil?

riggbeck ,
@riggbeck@mastodon.social avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

And there I was, thinking that all the violence in his films (which I thoroughly enjoyed) was purely ironic.

faab64 , to palestine group

She was healthy and unharmed after 8 months captivity, despite all the lies and take stories about how they are being held in Gaza.

While a large portion of the Palestinian population in Gaza starving because of Israeli blockade of food, the Israeli prisoners were well fed and in good health after their release.

Unlike every Palestinian who face unthinkable level of torture including sodomy, starvation, amputation of their hands and feet because of extensive use of military zip tie as handcuffs. None of the 4 Israelis released by IDF after slaughter of over 200 palestinians.

@palestine @israel

Ck ,
@Ck@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel you have mistake her with Shani Louk.

faab64 , to palestine group

This is what West is supporting: "In Gaza, if you ask me, instead of taking them to the south, we should have told them to go to the beaches. Then the navy would know how to load them (onto boats). Put them in the refugee camps with their brothers in ... Leave Gaza with nothing in it."

Head of the municipality, a northern Israeli settlement near Lebanon, David Azulay, suggests in a podcast to completely ethnically cleanse Palestinians in Gaza and make it a place "like ."

Video shared on telegram: t.me/newsvideofa/2439

@palestine @israel

MissConstrue ,
@MissConstrue@mefi.social avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel yeah, people can just stop coming at me when I use the word genocide, when Israelis are calling for conditions in their occupied territories. Tell me again, how they are not the 21st century’s Nazis? Especially given the images of the skeletal starved dead children that have come out of Gaza today. Fuck him.

faab64 OP ,

I just have no words to describe how disgusted I am of those people who still support Israel.

It's just doesn't make sense.
@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

WTAF: Secretary of State warned if United Nations recognizes as an independent State, United States, allies and affiliated businessmen will cut funding for , thus cutting United Nations ability to run huminitarian aid for Global South countries.

He is threatening the world on behalf of , while pretending that they support a 2 state solution.

This is the most outrageous comment I've ever read from Blinken. I'm not sure if it's accurate, because the only source is the post on ShiTwitter:https://x.com/halalflow/status/1792944530389393422

@palestine @israel

DropBear ,
@DropBear@theblower.au avatar

Apparently, it's in this video:
I don't have the bandwidth to watch it.
@palestine @israel

Miro_Collas ,
@Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

That needs confirmation, yes.

However, if true, it is absolutely outrageous - but not surprising for a country that believes it has the right to dictate to the rest of the world. And that's why so many countries are turning to China.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

Settlers mobs south of in the set fire to the aid trucks that they stopped and damaged this afternoon, which were loaded with aid and headed to the Strip.

No sign of Israeli police of IDF to protect the convoy or stop the terrorists settlers from destroying aid packages, mostly baby formula, diapers and medical equipment.

Video of the attacks is share on telegram: t.me/newsvideofa/2206

@palestine @israel


heretical_i ,
@heretical_i@kafeneio.social avatar

"...S̷e̷t̷t̷l̷e̷r̷s̷ Blackshirt mobs..." Ps. Call them what they are when they aren't busy with the thugging thingie: Armed Squatters, not settlers.
@faab64 @palestine @israel

faab64 , to israel group

During his intense interview with journalist Yama Wolasmal, Israeli Government Spokesman David Mencer highlighted that "Jews face an unreasonable burden of proof" regarding the journalist's request for evidence of Israeli bombings of hospitals in .

@palestine @israel

argumento ,
@argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

The "civilized world". The hubris of the Western culture to still believe they are the only ones civilized. As if centuries of Roman Empire, Omeyad and Abbasid Califate, Ottoman Empire, that ruled over the Levant and Gaza, wasn't "civilization".

oatmeal ,
@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

@faab64 that’s the rhetoric Israelis are using but it’s been used from the very start… nothing unique to Neo-Zionism of today.


faab64 , to israel group

world media is so impartial and factual/facepalm

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Remember my Ukrainian Jewish cubemate in US was saying that there has never been violent Jewish extremists and would not believe the stories of Jewish Terrorists in the 40s in Palestine before Israel was created.

I guess this is yet another mentally ill person, who can't be connected to any movement or organization or country and no one will ask every Rabbi in the world to condemn her action as they used to demand from every Muslim in the world.

It wouldn't surprise me if she isn't even and is yet another christian full of and rage against Palestinians, and .

PS. What kind of sick fuck hates cute little kids so much that she tried to drown them? It's just so disgustingly sick.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

Every freaking day we hear, read or see outrageous criminal acts by the occupation forces of IDF.

And every day disgusting leaders of the world ignore these atrocities and the media help to cover them up and then a few days later everyone forget about those and IDF does another outrageous criminal act with total impunity and absolute no fear of ever being held accountable.

@palestine @israel


faab64 , to palestine group

KO punch.

We have a saying in farsi that is perfect for such pathetic come back.

When the excuse is worse than the story itself.

Israel is openly admitting that they have been a shit land long before October 7.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

This is not Pol Pot. This is not ISIS, or some ancient evil act we read in history books. This is the results of what "only democracy in middle east" is doing right now.

How can anyone be ok with this?

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group
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