secret300 ,

I've actually been enjoying it. I've also had the same Spotify account since I was like 12 so they got enough data on me to give me decent recommendations

LucidBoi ,

Lidarr + Jellyfin + Finamp... Need I say more?

herrvogel , (edited )

Yes now tell us how to get that working on any device I have regardless of what network I'm connected to. Assume I'm behind a cgnat, don't have my own domain, and know fuck all about networking.

Finally compare all that hassle to just paying a few bucks per month.

LucidBoi ,

In the same boat. Shit country, behind CGNAT, no money for domain. I found a cheap seedbox I use. Yeah it depends on whether it's worth the hassle... For me, I like tinkering with software and I love the concept of owning my media and that no company has their eyes on my data, so it's worth it. But if you just wanna lay down and watch, Netflix it is. Something always breaks when you self-host 🥲

watersnipje ,

Yes, because I have no idea what any of those things are.

ILikeBoobies ,

Piracy and self hosting your music streams

UncleGrandPa ,

I made the mistake of telling YouTube to download songs it "thinks" i would like. My library is now filled with music I WILL NEVER LISTEN TO. And it's going to take forever to clean it up.

BonesOfTheMoon ,

I gave up Spotify partly because they support Joe Rogan, but also because I mostly listen to classical music, and they kept shuffling in Britney Spears.

Psythik ,

Spotify tends to think my tastes are more indie than they are, meanwhile YouTube Music (ReVanced) tends to to think my tastes are more mainstream than they are.

I haven't tried any other services yet, but if anyone knows of one that provides good balance of well-known and not so well-known music, and is free (and commercial free; modded/hacked apps are preferred), please let me know.

BonesOfTheMoon ,

I actually think YouTube is better than most but that's still not saying a lot. Maybe Tidal.

lightnsfw ,

Every time I start the app up it has some Taylor Swift or other pop music in the thing where whatever I was listening to previously should be. I've never searched for pop music so I'm not sure why they think that's helping.

Resol , avatar

It doesn't even let me play the song I'm asking it to play if I'm using the free version.

"Nah, here's a song that's similar to it or something from the same artist, but nuh uh uh, you can only skip 6 times an hour, and you can't go back"

Fuck you, Spotify.

meliaesc ,

I'm just curious why you believe it should be fully featured for free?

Resol , avatar

It's the case in the desktop version. Surely there has to be parity between it and the mobile version.

Otherwise you can continue spamming the arrow pointing downwards.

meliaesc , (edited )

Oh, well if there are unlimited skips, backs, and direct song plays in the desktop version, your argument would be to support taking those away? That seems fair. But no, the market audience for desktop vs mobile has entirely different uses and needs, I do agree that a product should have the same features, but for free you can't be picky.

Resol , avatar

I guess that kinda makes sense.

lamabop ,

Why is Spotify's shuffle so abysmally awful? It's nigh on useless

Obi , avatar
sagrotan , avatar


humbletightband ,

Spotify erased my precisely curated list because I'm Russian and this somehow helps to stop the war in Ukraine

the_third ,

Streaming services can only be inspiration for new music. Once something has me hooked, it goes into my permanent local library. No subscription based service should be relied on for anything that can't be replicated in 30 minutes.

humbletightband ,

That's how I'd behave if I wanted to start this journey again

Omniraptor , (edited )

I haven't tested it myself but this seems interesting

It grabs your playlists from Spotify and downloads the corresponding songs from YouTube

humbletightband , (edited )

Interesting, but won't help me personally. The account was erased.

All other services were like: ok, we cannot process your payment due to the war. This one yielded a bizarre message about how I am complicit with Russian army's atrocities in Ukraine and therefore they delete my account till the end of March 2022

Like okay, Spotify you made your political statement, but does it somehow affect the actual political situation? I admire some Russian piracy sites that replaced advertisements with cinematics from Bucha and links to volunteers that helped Ukrainians to move to Europe through Russia

zer0squar3d ,

Money talks; if they imply any support for unpopular opinion people would drop support, thus making them lose money

humbletightband ,

I don't understand your point tbh.

They did choose to exit russian market because

  1. Russian market is minor compared to western market, given the fact that russian market of Music streaming is dominated by Yandex Music.

  2. There were not that many ways of legalizing income from Russian territory because of visa/mc ban and swift ban.

  3. Political climate in Russia was and is quite harsh: bizarre regulations and employees as hostages just to name a few.

  4. Twitter politics (shaming companies that do not exit russian market) was a minor factor I believe. Some western corps are there including the one where I used to work (USA). Also YouTube/google still bans content that authorities find inappropriate (e.g. how to escape draft)

Lifter ,

Saving 30 minutes a month (or even week), Spotify starts to sound like a good deal. I'm in!

FlyingSquid , avatar

Wouldn't that work for free Spotify too? If that's your thing, it's probably worth sitting through the occasional ad rather than paying for it.

Lifter ,

But that is eating from my time. Given time=money in the above statement, this would eventually bring the value down to zero again.

Lifter ,

To rephrase: I would not spend 30 minutes listening to ads in order to save 30 minutes of spare time. Probably even less because ads are very disruptive to me, wasting more precious time.

Kolanaki , avatar

It sounds like it would be nice, but it's worse than the non-AI system it used before. At least before it mostly stayed within the same vibe. With the AI shuffle, it just feels completely random. It doesn't even attempt to stay within a genre. I used it all of 20 minutes when it first came out and then turned it off and never touched it again.

patak , avatar

used spotify for 10 mins, got tired of it. just use simpmusic from f-droid ¯_(ツ)_/¯

ipkpjersi ,

I hate how when trying to add a song to my playlist not knowing if I already have it in my playlist, Spotify web UI sometimes successfully detects duplicate songs but most of the time doesn't. It's very inconsistent and I can't figure out why other than them maybe A/B testing features?

Eccitaze , avatar

I think it's because Spotify frequently includes the same song as being on multiple albums separately--for example, if a band has a greatest hits album, Spotify considers the greatest hits album as a different song, even though it's identical to the song on the original album.

Kolanaki , (edited ) avatar

They could even just be loose singles that are different. My list looks like I have 3 duplicates of Cumbersome by Three Mary Six; they're all actually different versions of the song but since 2 of them were single releases and didn't have an original album, they use the same album artwork the studio version is from.

Glitch ,

Spotify pushed me to buy an old iPod and upgrade it to flash memory and a new battery. Sweet Sweet control baby

qwestjest78 ,

Song quality is terrible. The features are lacking and rarely useful. Now they have increased the rates and take away car play. I left when I realized my top artists and songs were the same every year. Much better to buy the songs when the quality is way better and I actually own the media

Dozzi92 , avatar

Do you and I live on a different planet? I grew up when you downloaded actual poor quality music. I stream Spotify at the highest bitrate it has, and it sounds fine. I have a nice system at home.

You talk about features and whatnot, and admittedly I am a simple user. I have albums I like, I turn on album and listen through cover to cover. I throw on Smartless, because for some reason I find Jason Bateman and Will Arnett's abuse of Sean Hughes to be endearing.

As per usual, people on Lemmy seem to make up problems, and it ruins any sort of argument against anything. Spotify's audio quality is not the issue. The issue is obviously the artist remuneration. To create this fake argument is to dilute any worthwhile argument, but Lemmy and Reddit before it seems to take this tack wherever possible.

I have discovered numerous artists because of Spotify. Spotify has linked me to their tickets (albeit Live Nation and fuck them) and merch stores, and I've bought their shitty tshirts and vinyls. I would say that's a benefit. And I like some obscure nonsense.

Is it perfect? I don't like how Spotify has handled its personnel. I think they can make their business model related to plays a little more friendly, but holy shit, the idealism here is ridiculous. You have people demanding perfection, without recognizing the alternative is nothing.

sasquash ,

And don't forget that Spotify can only handle around 150 songs in the queue. It doesn't matter how big a playlist is, it will start repeat after a while. The proposed solution by spotify itself is to just deactivate shuffle and start on different songs in large playlist. It's absolutely ridiculous. It bothers thousands of people but they won't fix it.

stebo02 , avatar

Spicetify has a true shuffle extension

PhatInferno , avatar

But why would i need an extension for that; id much rather they get rid of the smart shuffle (legit the most annoying fucking thing on the app, or just a toggle to keep it off) and fix the shuffle on their own

stebo02 , (edited ) avatar

fair enough, I just wanted to share that the option is there for those who really want it

PhatInferno , avatar

Sorry wasnt directing the comment specifically at you and im actualy going to get the extension myself lmao

Just voicing my disappointment of spotify lol

kratoz29 ,

Anything for Android/iOS?

I can't recall the last time I used Spotify on desktop lol.

stebo02 , avatar

no unfortunately, xManager has Spotify premium features (except download) but no extra features

Sanctus , (edited ) avatar

What? Only 150? Is it some unoptimized list of their in-house song objects? I don't understand how it can be the inefficient. Please tell me they just need to use an array and this isn't them doing that.

whilefalse ,

I’ve read somewhere some time ago that they generally prefer the songs/files that are already cached somewhere close to the user to reduce costs for traffic whenever the user leaves the choice to Spotify

AtomfriedMegaforce OP , avatar

Weird. I got noone telling me to listen vinyl on a hand driven Grammophone right now

Vivendi , avatar

It's a good idea tho

ThrowawayPermanente ,

Why would you leave tempo control in tge hands of a soulless machine?

Fermion ,

Maybe lemmy is too popular for the hipsters.

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