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Obi , avatar

I'm just here to appreciate the amazing stock photo, I'm picturing the photographer placing the tape over his desk feeling so cool about it.

Obi , avatar

I raided at world top 50 level for a little while in wow (many moons ago). Dropped the game after that lol.

Obi , avatar

Yeah same here, also airports are the only place I allow myself to drink regardless of the time of day, so there's that.

Obi , avatar

It's 2 am you open your eyes and he's 5cm from your face looking at you like that.

Obi , avatar

They did the funny sex number joke, but the emoji indicates they already realized the poor taste of it all.

Adobe made a small change to its terms and conditions and that made its users very, very unhappy — scrutinizing data to find illegal content is a risky move ( )

Adobe recently updated its terms of use, and although companies do this all the time, these new changes have sparked a significant amount of discord and discussion among users....

Obi , avatar

Yeah I save everything locally, I technically have a small bit of cloud included with my plan (the smallest/cheapest one you can get, LR+PS), but I never use it. I've moved to alternatives for everything else but still stuck with LR+PS for the photo work for now..

Obi , avatar

Nah that just means they can't plan for shit and are constantly fighting fires.

Obi , avatar

I see no issues with independence. Independence within a union is the way to go. If the Flemish and Wallons want their independence then that's fine as long as they remain in the EU.

Obi , avatar

Correct, the next step in the strategy is to blame the immigration on any random external entity (cf Brexit). Eventually this may devolve into full blown war, genocides, etc etc.

Obi , avatar

This meme just made me appreciate my nose is currently clear, thank you.

Obi , avatar

Utterly hilarious designs in the router world.

Obi , avatar

Huge deal, Samsung isn't just a company for Korea, they are Korea.

Obi , avatar

I'd love to hear about her obscure K-pop, or your strange south American alternative, or whatever really, I'm never gonna say no to at least learning about it and hearing it out, if I don't like it I'll just not listen to it again.

Obi , avatar

If it exists, there's a metal of it.

Obi , (edited ) avatar

The reason we cook most meats is because capitalism dictates it should be produced the cheapest possible way, leading to contaminations and other nasty stuff in the meat that require cooking it. Even salmonella isn't present in raw chicken if the chicken grew in a clean environment eating clean food.

Obi , avatar

Who talked about laboratory conditions? Just normal conditions like being outside, instead of the pool of shit battery chickens are raised in.

Obi , (edited ) avatar

Why so aggressive? I realize my original comment was maybe not clear and lacked context because I honestly just typed it in a bit of a rush without thinking too hard about it, but that's no reason to put words in my mouth and attack me.

Obviously, wild animals can carry parasites and we certainly started dying from food born illnesses much less often once we figured out to cook the meat, that's so basic I didn't even think my comment could be interpreted that way. But that has little to do with the topic (which was whether we can digest raw meat) and ignores the myriad of dishes that are made of raw meat like steak tartare, torisashi, charcuterie, carpaccio, sushi, poisson cru a la tahitienne, etc etc.

The common theme of all these dishes is the meat is of high quality, butchered and prepared well (Vs minced meat full of cow shit because they don't bother butchering them properly, for example). That was my only point.

Obi , (edited ) avatar

Ok buddy, guess I'm dead from all the charcuterie, steak tartare, carpaccio and sushi I've eaten in my life and typing this from hell (obviously wouldn't be heaven, what with the meat eating and all).

Obi , avatar

Yes that's fair, I can see how it was interpreted that way. The chicken example I had in mind was a specific one, and the chickens aren't wild at all just well cared for and extreme care is given to the preparation, I didn't have wild animals in mind at all which carry a whole bunch of other well known risks, only ones that are farmed in good conditions and used to prepare raw meat dishes every day across the globe.

Obi , avatar

But coffee itself in reasonable doses have little negative effects. Very much like how nicotine itself has little negative effects but the millions of carcinogens that come along in the smoke are like the cream and sugar in the Starbucks.

Obi , (edited ) avatar

Did you use egg whites? It has a nice foam so I'm guessing you did. I tried it in a smokey whiskey sour yesterday (replace the sugar syrup with maple syrup) for the first time. I've been getting into making cocktails for like a year but always skipped egg whites, but right now I have a bottle of the premade stuff and it was great, made a huge difference to the texture with the dry shaking.

Obi , avatar

The LOTR trilogy is an epic saga, the hobbit movies are a theme park ride. A nice theme park ride imo, but yeah they don't have any of the depth and gravitas of the OGs.

Obi , avatar

Why do people in the US not "in rural areas" need guns?

Obi , avatar

Yeah but they also used to have a good enough pay that it was still an okay deal, even if the clock only ran during aircraft movement. It's still the case with other airlines I have an old friend that went to work for Etihad and he seems to be doing fine. Tells me about the nice weekends away all over the world during rest time, lives in a nice apartment in Dubai with a view, etc. Granted I'd never want to live there but I'm sure you can achieve similar lifestyle with other international airlines (Singapore, KLM, etc etc).

Obi , avatar

Oh for sure at the end of the day it's still massive corporate industries so, ya know, corporate gonna corporate... Long gone are the days where it was a dream career.

American wanting to move abroad, what's the best bet for an registered nurse?

Hi there, I'm a registered nurse in Phoenix, Arizona and I'm seriously considering moving abroad because this country is driving me insane for a lot of reasons. I was considering moving to Israel since I'm Jewish and I've heard they have a better healthcare system there and pay nurses well but this war has made me not really...

Obi , avatar

Everything is better paid in Switzerland, like, a lot. And also, you're then living in Switzerland.... Since OP speaks German I would also highly recommend putting Switzerland at the top of the list since you'll be 2/3x better paid than neighbouring countries (and, again, living in beautiful, lovely Switzerland).

Obi , avatar

Definitely, while it's true everywhere is shifting right, the US is starting off from a much further right starting point.

Obi , avatar

French and German? Definitely Switzerland then!

Obi , avatar

Yeah it's more like a sliding scale where some platforms are deeply about following people, and some about topics, but I'm the end it's all social media.

I think one aspect OP didn't talk about is anonymity, for me the biggest differentiator is that on lemmy/Reddit you have no idea who the accounts are most of the time (and more importantly, nobody knows who you are).

Obi , avatar

It's the reason I'm still hesitant of emigrating there with my family (Canadian wife). Even though we'd be going to Quebec which is the "least American" part, it's still a bit too close for comfort for me... I worked for American companies for a long time and fuck that lifestyle. What I'd really like is going to a "slower" country where the rat race takes a back seat and people just enjoy life more, but that usually also means abandoning a lot of benefits and links to modern life and our entourages so the missus is not so hot about it. Meanwhile we live in one of the most advanced countries on earth (Netherlands) so it's also really hard to justify moving when we have it so great here in terms of infrastructure, administration, career prospects etc etc etc. Very few countries offer a better deal.

Obi , avatar

Yeah I was lucky to get to grow up, visit and live in other countries so I have a decent idea of what to expect, and I'd tend to agree with you. When you're old on your death bed you won't be thinking about how you made some great quarterly results for faceless shareholders or how rich your country was or whatever, but you'll sure as hell be wondering if you enjoyed life as much as you could and gave enough attention to your loved ones. Maybe places where material wealth isn't as important can help with that but who knows...

Obi , avatar

Not exactly the same vibe but I keep a good memory of getting engrossed into this anonymous writer that made a whole story in Reddit comments:

It's very dark and mysterious, it was crazy cool waiting for the next comment to drop but I think there's a repository somewhere so you can just read them all in order.

Obi , avatar

Where are you from? Where I live (in the Netherlands) there's an official tool from the public transport services which works just as well as gmaps to plan your train/tram/metro/bus journey.

Question about printing times ( )

Hello all. I am very new to this but it is all very cool to me. I ran into a problem and I am not sure how to troubleshoot it. I downloaded a simple pull string helicopter off thingiverse. After running through the slicer software, the estimated build time is 131 hours. Relative to it’s size this seems insane. If I “run the...

Obi , avatar

I'm literally looking at my garden hose roller thing and yep, can confirm.

Obi , avatar

I just watched a video essay about design that talked about this, basically before the iPhone manufacturers were trying all kinds of crazy shit, after the iPhone it was black rectangles all around.

Obi , avatar

I tend to make "real" cocktails now but when I do go for a mixer like G&T, Dark&Stormy etc you can bet your ass the result isn't at 7%.

Obi , avatar

Right I eyeball it so it's hard to be sure but I'd say between 1:2 and 40% liquor probably, + lots of ice. That's still about twice as strong as these premixeds, you'll certainly tell the difference. I just don't like neat liquor but I'm getting really into "short" cocktails, things like whiskey sours, basil smash, margaritas, gimlets etc where it's mostly the main liquor with some complements.

Obi , avatar

Yeah same, we took a mini trip on the way home from the wedding, with plans to do a huge trip "soon". With our lifestyles we already "need" to travel multiple times a year just for family etc, so taking the time and expense for such a trip just never really works out.

Obi , avatar

I would definitely have fun spending an evening with him, in the same way it'd be fun watching a giant dumpster fire or some kind of natural disaster.

Obi , avatar

Yeah it gets ruined because we actually read the accent aigu and that removes the double meaning completely. I had to think like a non-speaker to get it, it was quick but I had to go back and think about it.

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