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kratoz29 ,

Ahhh, I suffer from this with old animes!

Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?

I have a very slow Internet connection (5 Mbps down, and even less for upload). Given that, I always download movies at 720p, since they have low file size, which means I can download them more quickly. Also, I don't notice much of a difference between 1080p and 720p. As for 4K, because I don't have a screen that can display 4K,...

kratoz29 ,

If it is a cartoon, or even anime, I don't mind between 720p and 1080p in most cases, but that is just about that.

kratoz29 ,

I wonder if anybody in my town uses Lemmy lol.

Shower thoughts are wasting water.

My city is in the middle of the worst drought in recorded history. My showers are typically under 2 minutes and I have to shower with a bucket to catch otherwise wasted water to use to flush the toilet. I also shut the water down when I am wet enough so I can scrub myself without having unneeded water flowing then start it...

kratoz29 ,

Is not about the cost...

kratoz29 ,

Bro, I freaking feel you, I am in the same situation as yours, it has been better these days, thanks to a fucking cyclone lol (Alberto).

We literally had no water for 2 weeks, and the longest I remember to be without water since I have memory is no more than a day or two.

Lots of blocks were waterless and my dad (and many other persons) started to hunt for water in regions where they had (water was disgusting and with very low pressure though), so it was normal to watch lots of vehicles with "Rotoplas" attached to them, very very Mad Max like.

I fucking laugh when I read people recommending a bidet instead of toilet paper all around here on Lemmy or Reddit, like dude, I was taking a fucking shower for two weeks (I know this might sound like rookie numbers in some other places) with a freaking Carl's Jr plastic glass of "The Batman" movie LMAO (Batman to the rescue), also with not so good quality water too, I'd rather keep with toilet paper and wipes.

Nowadays the city is kinda flooded thanks to the storm, and the lagoons have gained some of the level they lost (they were almost dry) which is kinda dystopic to me to have these extreme changes in a matter of several weeks (talking about climate change huh).

kratoz29 ,

This is when you keep with the same infrastructure of 1900 something in an ever growing city lol.

kratoz29 ,

Until this day there hasn't been a statement from that man about the matter, and he just won as a federal deputy in the recent elections smfh.

Also the state president allegedly said that he would not declare this situation as an emergency situation because this is the way of how to live nowadays, and he is very proud he sent "tons" of pipes to the people LMAO (it could also be fake news from Facebook, but I would not be surprised, also ppl said those pipes were for show off, and they were empty lol).

Anyway nowadays there is sufficient water, or so it seems, that some crocodiles are walking on the streets LMAO (if you wanna guess where I live, I would not blame you).

kratoz29 ,

I am sorry, is there supposed to be a video there? As nothing is showing up in Firefox Beta (Android).

kratoz29 ,

Check out Softwarr "for free" or Real Debrid and Stremio/Kodi if you wanna spend some well spend money, the latter guarantee more content than Netflix etc, the former everything that could ever exists on the internet.

kratoz29 ,

I watched a YouTuber telling something like:

"I cannot believe Apple's biggest premium VR tech wants to change the world... And they are advertising it with... Fucking spreadsheets"

I am paraphrasing ofc, but the meaning was that this could have been a pretty good toy for everyone, but they are trying to sell it as a work-buddy thingy, yeah seeing those spreadsheets focus was kinda dystopian (like in Ready Player One where they are caged doing work or something hah), watching movies in crazy sites yeah, that was what would have sell it more for me, and other ppl, if it wasn't crazily expensive.

kratoz29 ,

If it fails it is totally on them.

kratoz29 ,

Isn't she? That's it, I'm out of Lemmy /s

kratoz29 ,

Yeah, lots of them, but keep forgetting them from time to time... The dude with the huge ass font is the most remarkable to me.

kratoz29 ,

"Here's a game that came out in 1987, except we've added DRM to it and pulled its new price from a hat."

If only the execution was similar to the newest Rugrats game...

kratoz29 ,

I didn't even have issues finding ROMs before the 2000s... Maybe patched/translated ones yeah, but bare ROMs... I don't think so.

kratoz29 ,

I have only played the 2016 game, would you say previous titles have aged well?

kratoz29 ,

If you haven't played Eternal yet, though, you definitely should if you enjoyed 2016.

I haven't :/

I am planning to get into it though.

kratoz29 ,

I just noticed this bug!

Marked as read on scroll is busted!

I'm gonna check with other apps for the time being, but I suspect this is a Lemmy bug.

Vimms Lair is getting removal notices from Nintendo etc. We need someone to help make a rom pack archive can you help? ( )

Vimms lair is starting to remove many roms that are being requested to be removed by Nintendo etc. soon many original roms, hacks, and translations will be lost forever. Can any of you help make archive torrents of roms from vimms lair and cdromance? They have hacks and translations that dont exist elsewhere and will probably be...

kratoz29 ,

Every time I see this news (Reddit or Lemmy) I see this kind of comment, but I wonder, what if I want to download just a ROM of a few mbs? I certainly don't want to hoard the whole collection, as a torrent user I believe I can just pick up the file (if it isn't zipped), but wouldn't that be against the torrent's moral code?

kratoz29 ,

Why would you think that?

I saw that place gained lots of popularity fairly recently... Mostly on Reddit.

Isn't there a way to just host all those roms in a site where Nintendo has no jurisdiction?

kratoz29 ,

I would like to live that dream too, for now I do fine with my 50 inch TV with light balls (I don't even know how they are called, most likely dead leds), no sound bar, but hey, at least I have a Nvidia Shield TV 2019 Pro, which it is too damn slow for my setup on Kodi most of the times, but it behaves pretty well for everything else.

kratoz29 ,

Ah, how to forget the first obstacle in my hobby self hosting projects, the damn CGNAT....

"Just open the wireguard port bruh"

No my friend, I don't think that is gonna cut it.

(Thankfully Zerotier and Tailscale work for me).

kratoz29 ,

There is a dude (or maybe more than one) that in all his comments he has an anti AI flair, or something like that, I wonder if that would have any effect.

kratoz29 ,

I wonder who they are? 😜

I am sure we will find him/them, and we will buy their ideals for the grace of the AI well being!

kratoz29 ,

He died doing what he loved more, creating more backlog.

kratoz29 ,

Work into immortality, ofc.

kratoz29 ,

Brand new word (well not actually, I read it before in another similar post, but you know what I mean).

kratoz29 ,

Wait, so we all hate, or should hate Spotify for the low support for artists, but now that I think about it, there is nothing stopping artists from putting their work in the other platforms as well, are they becoming more rich because of it and we just should go with whichever offers the best service for us?

Don't be harsh on me, I am not defending Spotify at all, just a dumb realization while seeing this graph 😆

kratoz29 ,

Anything for Android/iOS?

I can't recall the last time I used Spotify on desktop lol.

kratoz29 ,

Nothing really interesting, just a screenshot when I was in frustration when I couldn't make the matchmaking work in Jump Ultimate Stars (a Nintendo DS title).

kratoz29 ,

Yes it had, it is honestly my favorite console ever, I don't know if it is nostalgia talking, but that has been my thinking since I got one in my hands.

kratoz29 ,

I have a network monitor on my Shield TV all the time and I remember when I first tried it with Torrentio I could see my upload monitor having activity.

kratoz29 ,

Can we ask the AI to remove/omit the ads?

kratoz29 ,

The ad is the content, from Google's viewpoint.

kratoz29 ,

The library in my town is nothing fancy like the ones from the USA (just old old educational books and I got caught on some books of the first PC viruses lol), but hey, at least they had this gem.

kratoz29 ,

You can downvote me too, I don't really care about imaginary numbers. No need to apologize.

You care enough to be bothered with Lemmy.

I am just disappointed that Lemmy was supposed to be a better place than Reddit, but my experience on Lemmy has actually become worse than my experience on Reddit.

I mean, at least this can be fixed, you can't really fix Reddit.

And I think we still have a better experience on Lemmy than Reddit, for starters we don't have ads here wink.

TBH I agree with you, 2 secs doesn't seem like a big deal to me, especially when many other awesome games implement it, but that could also be because I have been desensitized from the daily ads of my life (it used to be worse, I have an ad blocker for anything, but I still use open TV as a background noise and there are some other advertisements you can't just evade).

I agree with the statement up here that when we allow these 2 secs it lets the path open for more annoying stuff in the future, but also it is ultimately a decision from Nintendo to continue the deal with them if it is annoying enough for most users.

kratoz29 ,

Lemmy was not always like this. But since about 7 or 8 months ago, it became this way. And there is no going back.

Well, are we gonna ignore where the biggest influx of ppl comes from?

I'd say don't take it too personal if other ppl think differently than you, I think this is the healthiest approach we all can take (especially when we are discussing hobbies).

This stopped being a matter of Lemmy vs Reddit, you can't really fix Internet people, and that is to be expected.

streaming or torrenting today vs. 5 years ago

I've been a good boy for 5 years or so but the seas call to me. Are streaming sites the way to go now or is torrenting still a better bet for mainstream movies and tv? I'd imagine all of my accounts have been deleted on those sites so I'd be starting over.

kratoz29 ,

Does it have trakt integration or similar equivalent?

It has a subpar integration, if you care too much about this kind of stuff (getting a whole working multimedia center, and thinkering in general) and have a proper device that can handle Kodi in a lagless manner, I'd say you stick with it.

If you want a set it and forget it kind of solution and have less sophisticated hardware Stremio + a Debrid provider is golden.

(My Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019 struggles with Kodi and a Debrid/streaming setup, also is significantly slower than Stremio).

kratoz29 ,

I use Real Debrid with Stremio + Torrentio. I just need to figure out how to add the manual torrent search & download plugin for Real Debrid since I watch a lot of obscure British TV, not everything is hosted already.

If you mean caching content to RD I think you can do this with the Unchained app, if you use Android, or you can do it pretty much anywhere you like using the RD website.

Then you can use the DMM addon to watch it on Stremio, or probably it will show up with any addon that supports RD, or if not then you can simply use the Debrid manager that is available at Torrentio, or as a standalone addon.

kratoz29 ,

It doesn't right away (after a fresh reboot) but it fails eventually, as Kodi is my heaviest app, it could be due to my skin, but man, some ppl say Stremio is ugly, but Kodi with stock addon is way uglier that is not even pleasen to use, my skins aren't the heaviest, Arctic Horizon 2 and Fuse.

It also could be because the Shield TV is my secondary Plex Server and that would bring some background load (even when it is not serving media), but I have done tests with and without this, same for the PlexKodiConnect addon.

kratoz29 ,

Well, I'd definitely call that an improvement for those psychos who watch movies there in incontable chunks... (Yeah, this species exists).

kratoz29 ,

Hmm, this is an interesting question, as I live in a 3rd world country it is hard to pinpoint exactly which event drove me to this beautiful world.

With that said, the first console that we ever had (sis and I) was a PS1, it came with Gran Turismo and DBZ Ultimate Battle 22, I think.

Anyway, I was probably 6 years old, and my dad took care of chip it (took it to a place, it is common to do that in Mexico) and then I got the pirated games for dirt cheap in flea markets and such, a similar event happened with the PS2.

But when I truly sailed the seas for myself, at least in a gaming scenario, happened when I got my Nintendo DS phat, I quickly knew about a R4, and managed myself to find ROM sites, homebrew, heck I used to use Windows Live Messenger in that little thing lol (DS Lite at that time).

I mean, I pirated software for PC and possibly burned some games for the PS1/PS2 before having the DS, but having unlimited portable fun with the DS (and then the PSP) was when I turned into a no return point.

kratoz29 ,

Hmm, this is kinda funny to me, where I live we usually don't have or don't use dryers, we have "ropes" where we hang all the clothes, laundry is usually done at weekends and the clothes can stay there all day if needed (which most likely don't).

I mean, we have a freaking imponent sun right now, we better use it (36 Celsius right now).

iPad Pro with M4 chip boasts impressive performance jump compared to just-released M3 MacBook Air ( )

On raw performance might, the M4 really does live up to Apple’s promises, should deliver. Single core is up about 20% compared to all M3 chips and more than 40% compared to M2. The generational computational leap from the previous M2 iPad Pro is at least a 42% jump on single-core and multi-core.

kratoz29 ,

Making the prior iPad "obsolete" Apple nailed it 🤪

kratoz29 ,

For Lemming harder.

kratoz29 ,

It is, but it would be like saying Android is just another Linux variant.

What I want to stress in my initial comment is that the OS is so heavily modified and focused on optimization and RAM management, that it can't hardly work for power users when multitasking is on the board.

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