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EventsOfTheDay Bot ,
@EventsOfTheDay@zirk.us avatar

Events for 05/03 from Wikipedia:

• 1963: The police force in Birmingham, Alabama switches tactics and responds with violent force to stop the "Birmingham campaign" protesters. Images of the violent suppression are transmitted worldwide, bringing new-found attention to the civil rights movement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birmingham,_Alabama
• Holiday: Christian feast of Abhai (Syriac Orthodox Church) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abhai_(saint)

paninid ,
@paninid@mastodon.world avatar

It was a nice country while we had it, y’all.

Remember the good times.

Write down your memories, thoughts, and feelings.

Future historians will use them to reconstruct what happened.

That was literally the premise of A Handmaid’s Tale.



claralistensprechen3rd ,
@claralistensprechen3rd@friendica.myportal.social avatar

@paninid I haven't asked around but I strongly suspect so. Such people are described in Israeli media as "liberal Jews", which would include "non-practicing" Jews. I've had debate run-ins with (this seems to me quite the oxymoron) atheist Jews who are in fact rabidly Zionist. I heard an author being interviewed in passing, didn't catch his name but his catch phrase is quite timely: something to the effect of--in a one-eyed world, the two-eyed are the marginalized.

TheVulgarTongue Bot ,
@TheVulgarTongue@zirk.us avatar

ABRAM COVE. A cant word among thieves, signifying a naked or poor man; also a lusty, strong rogue.

A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


brian_gettler , French
@brian_gettler@mas.to avatar

Plusieurs collègues / ami(e)s sur l'annonce récent du gouvernement du d'un nouveau musée.

Catherine Larochelle, Camille Robert, et al., « Les risques d’un retour au "récit national" » @histodons


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  • TheVulgarTongue Bot ,
    @TheVulgarTongue@zirk.us avatar

    SPUNGE. A thirsty fellow, a great drinker. To spunge; to eat and drink at another's cost. Spunging-house: a bailiff's lock-up-house, or repository, to which persons arrested are taken, till they find bail, or have spent all their money:

    A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


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  • GoblinQuester ,
    @GoblinQuester@dice.camp avatar

    @TheVulgarTongue @histodons Spunge, pretty sure Jack Vance used that … or it just sounds like something he would’ve liked. It is a good sounding one.
    Spunge .. spunge!

    TheVulgarTongue OP Bot ,
    @TheVulgarTongue@zirk.us avatar

    @GoblinQuester @histodons I think we still say that someone "sponges off" a rich person?

    TheConversationUS ,
    @TheConversationUS@newsie.social avatar

    In 1942, Japanese Americans were rounded up and sent to internment camps because of hyped up fears of ‘disloyalty’.
    In 1944, thousands of young Japanese American men were drafted out of those camps and sent to fight for democracy.
    Despite this, they fought gallantly, earning more than 14,000 medals.
    Then veterans faced more prejudice when they returned home

    peihuaku ,
    @peihuaku@sfba.social avatar

    @TheConversationUS @histodons After World War II the French persisted with what can only be called fake history or national amnesia in which their collaboration during the 1940-1944 German Occupation and the outrages of the Vichy Government under Marshall Phillippe Pétain were suppressed if not forgotten. Paris was very slow to understand that it lost stature after WWII because of its complicity and collaboration during the Occupation and that the center of the art world had shifted to New York to which many artists and dealers had emigrated in response to French behavior during the Occupation. SCHWARZ | The Magic of Paris and Dark Side of Paris https://cornellsun.com/?p=15253367

    peihuaku ,
    @peihuaku@sfba.social avatar

    @TheConversationUS @histodons @geographile How Hawaii’s Japanese Population Was Spared Internment During World War II
    https://time.com/5802127/hawaii-internment-order/ Sometimes it is not the path history takes but the one not taken that teaches the most important and enduring lessons.

    TheVulgarTongue Bot ,
    @TheVulgarTongue@zirk.us avatar

    DILDO. [From the Italian DILETTO, q. d. a woman's delight; or from our word DALLY, q. d. a thing to play withal.] Penis-succedaneus, called in Lombardy Passo Tempo. Bailey.

    A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


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  • AskHistorians ,
    @AskHistorians@historians.social avatar

    You don’t want to miss this fantastic history fans! The American Archive of Public Broadcasting has come to AskHistorians to answer any and all questions about the historical content in their archive, and more! @amarchivepub @histodons


    CoinOfNote ,
    @CoinOfNote@historians.social avatar

    Ok reflecting back on the . I loved it! It was a good challenge both choosing countries / coins & getting it all written. My first thought was to make the posts shorter.... but they didn't end up any shorter, which I take as my own inability to compromise on information - & how fascinating everything is! One I learnt a lot writing was the Roman Denarius Fouree: https://coinofnote.com/19-b-c-rome-augustus-denarius-fouree/
    @Numismatics @histodons

    Shield inscribed with S P Q R /C LV in two lines, in oak-wreath. Script: Latin Lettering: OB CIVIS SERVATOS S P Q R CL V Translation: Ob Civis Servatos. Senatus Popuusque Romanus. Clipeus Votivus. For saving the citizens. The senate and the Roman people. Votive shield.

    CoinOfNote OP ,
    @CoinOfNote@historians.social avatar

    Part 2 of my reflection. I love the personal connection you find with & the community. I wrote most of the posts in the weeks prior to the . This was fortuitous as my mother passed away early in April. But those connections made it a joy to re-read each post & share it. Today's is from day "D", , & a park open when my ancesters lived there: https://coinofnote.com/25-ore-token-denmark-dyrehavsbakken/

    @numismatics @histodons

    DYREHAVSBAKKEN (Entrance gate with hole) 25
    Pjerrot, the resident clown of the park. Read his story at liebhaverboligen.dk

    WerkstattGeschichte , German
    @WerkstattGeschichte@openbiblio.social avatar

    Wir begehen den mit einem Blick in 79/2019: Im Thementeil "arbeit/freizeit", hg. v. Reinhild Kreis & Josef Ehmer, Beiträge zum Verhältnis von & bei Offizieren um 1900, bei einem isländisch-sozialistischen Intellektuellenpaar & in japanischen Diskursen im 19./20. Jh.

    Unter allen, die heute boosten, verlosen wir ein Heft!


    Coverrückseite von WerkstattGeschichte 79/2019 mit Inhaltsverzeichnis und dem kompletten Foto, von dem auf der Titelseite ein Ausschnitt zu sehen ist.

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  • TheVulgarTongue Bot ,
    @TheVulgarTongue@zirk.us avatar

    PUFFING. Bidding at an auction, as above; also praising any thing above its merits, from interested motives. The art of puffing is at present greatly practised, and essentially necessary in all trades, professions, and callings. To puff and blow; to be out of breath.

    A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)


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  • jakobwannsee ,
    @jakobwannsee@mastodon.social avatar

    81 years after the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, we speak with Havi Dreifuss of Tel Aviv University about the Jewish perspective on the Holocaust in Poland, resistance, and her book on the end of the ghetto.



    nadav ,
    @nadav@babka.social avatar

    I have an informational question: are there measures taken to prevent pro Palestine activists from interrupting this event and others? Thanks.
    @histodons @href

    neveralways ,
    @neveralways@438punk.house avatar

    @nadav @jakobwannsee @histodons @href I also have an informational question: are there measures being taken to prevent any of our contemporaries from getting the idea that when an ethnically defined other has been pushed from their homes into a densely populated area surrounded by soldiers, prevented from leaving, and periodically killed en masse, then this justifies resistance?

    AnnalesHSS , French
    @AnnalesHSS@sciences.re avatar

    Le numéro 78/4 des est disponible en ligne (et bientôt dans vos boîtes aux lettres). Au sommaire, 2 dossiers et un train de comptes rendus :

    👉 Histoire contemporaines et méthodes interdisciplinaires
    👉 Captivité et esclavage
    👉 Recensions: race et esclavage

    ➡️ https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annales-histoire-sciences-sociales/issue/E61A875176BF8CDBF8A4FE783E78A982
    ➡️ (bientôt sur Cairn.info)

    Nous vous présenterons les articles cette semaine. Bonne lecture!


    AnnalesHSS OP ,
    @AnnalesHSS@sciences.re avatar

    Que nous disent les graffitis de prison de l'histoire sociale de l'Inquisition? À partir d'une note critique, Guillaume Calafat revient sur un champ en pleine expansion autour d'un objet graphique.

    👉 Enfermement et graffiti. Des palimpsestes de prison aux archives murales (note critique)

    ➡️ https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annales-histoire-sciences-sociales/article/abs/enfermement-et-graffiti/1B49640D854CD00A35603D243CF8097A
    ➡️ (bientôt sur Cairn)


    AnnalesHSS OP ,
    @AnnalesHSS@sciences.re avatar

    À Carthagène, vivaient des libertinos: esclaves musulmans. déliés de leur maisonnée, mais travaillant pour payer leur liberté. Thomas Glesener et Daniel Hershenzon démêlent avec finesse les conflits de normativités, entre religion, coutume et autorité royale, pour mieux appréhender l'esclavage.

    👉 délié et urbaine en espagnole aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles

    ➡️ https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annales-histoire-sciences-sociales/article/abs/dans-les-rues-on-ne-voit-que-des-musulmans/3A0A074AB9712DEFF8EF84E10E613C02
    ➡️ (bientôt sur Cairn)


    Tinido , German
    @Tinido@chaos.social avatar

    needs your help! Bartmann / Bellarmine jugs were made in a very specific region of the rhineland between 1500 -1750 to be exported to England & the Netherlands. With colonial expansion they've found there way across the globe. Now an international research projects seeks to establish a comprehensive history & typology of the jugs. So if you have seen one of those shown in the Wanted Foto attached, get in touch with the researchers!


    ClaireFromClare ,
    @ClaireFromClare@h-net.social avatar

    @Tinido I have just reported to the researchers that we found several beardman jugs on the wreck of the VOC ship Avondster, which sank in Sri Lanka in 1659:


    info ,
    @info@historywalksvenice.com avatar

    However, we’ll make another

    In the late Venetian republic, when the doge died, they held the funeral for a statue.


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