@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]

Progenitor of the Weird Knife Wednesday feature column. Is “column” the right word? Anyway, apparently I also coined the Very Specific Object nomenclature now sporadically used in the 3D printing community. Yeah, that was me. This must be how Cory Doctorow feels all the time these days.

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dual_sport_dork ,
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

IT support

And the mentality you've described is extra bullshit in an IT or support role, as I'm sure you're aware.

This is paraphrased in the "Doom talk" I had to have with my boss back when I was working in systems maintenance. As in, he'd come into my office and complain, "Every time I come in here you're just playing Doom. You need to justify your salary or otherwise maybe we don't need to pay you."

What MBA's and PHB's don't realize is that IT and systems maintenance is not a production-oriented operation. You're not making widgets. The metric is not how many tickets do we generate and how fast are they solved. The metric is, how can we have as few tickets as possible? Because by and large what you're doing in support and IT is fixing stuff that's broken. The ideal state for the business to be in is not to have anything that's broken at all, on a minute-to-minute basis.

Boss, you want to see me in my office playing Doom. Because that means none of your millions and millions of dollars of mission critical infrastructure which your engineers rely upon to generate billable hours is on fire. If any of it catches fire today, I am on site to put it out. If anyone has a problem or a question, I am on call to solve it. If there is maintenance to be performed or new equipment to be rolled out, I'll be doing that. But otherwise I'm not going to invent busywork just to placate middle management which, as a whole, can't reliably remember which of the two mouse buttons to click.

dual_sport_dork ,
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

I can already summon rain, so I'm set. And despite part of my job literally being a graphic designer, I kind of suck at art with traditional media. So I'll take the art.

All I have to do to make rain is show up somewhere with camping equipment. I have about an 80% success rate, and as a consequence a very comprehensive clothing and equipment loadout for dealing with wet.

No joke, I once cured a drought in Wyoming back in, like, 2012. I rocked up with my homies in Dubois, WY outside of Shoshone and we stopped at a little diner there. The waitress was bellyaching about the dry spell they'd been having and we told her not to worry, we'd go up the mountain and pitch our tents and it'll rain, guaranteed. She laughed. She didn't believe us. So we did, and it immediately rained for 3 days solid. It started to tail off just as we were leaving.

We stopped by that diner again on our way out, and I stuck my head in the door just to say, "You're welcome."

dual_sport_dork ,
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah? You ought to try buying a house that used to be a rental. Everything is done wrong and jury-rigged, because PO was a landlord who refused to spend money on anything. You never know what gremlins or structural issues you may find lurking under half an inch of spackle and 67 layers of cheap paint.

dual_sport_dork ,
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

Why does it have to be ARM? You are going to have a much easier time installing whatever you want on an x86 ruggedized/waterproof tablet or Toughbook. ARM devices tend to run Android and have locked bootloaders and other challenges to installing the custom OS you want.

And does it have to be a tablet? Because if not, what you're looking for is an "industrial computer," and while these are shockingly expensive to buy new, you can often find outdated ones used on eBay and similar for not much money. They're designed for use in factories. These are generally sealed, dustproof, and waterproof.

There are two ways to go, you can get a sealed fanless PC box and attach your own monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Or you can get a panel mount machine which will obviously have to be mounted somewhere, but as a woodworker I'm sure you can find a way to build a stand or otherwise attach one to something. These usually have horrible rubber or membrane keyboards if they come with a keyboard at all but can be literally hosed down, vacuumed, knocked, baked, and otherwise abused. Most are touch screens, although they are usually single point resistive ones rather than multi-touch like a consumer tablet.

Fully sealed waterproof rubber membrane keyboards are not hard to find, but I will warn you that the typing experience on them is horrible.

dual_sport_dork ,
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

The problem with that and most other proposals for whatever other moneyless utopian society is that they all implicitly require some manner of all-powerful central authority to ensure that the rewards get distributed, the labor gets allocated, and the rules stay followed.

And we already know how well that's going to turn out.

dual_sport_dork ,
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

That was developer recruiting then.

Developer recruiting now: "$14/hr 3 month contract at Megacorp Inc., pErMaNeNt EmPlOyMeNt PoSsIBle (butwillneverhappen)! You must be willing to uproot your family and move to Bemidji, Minnesota before you will be considered. Candidates must have PhD or equivalent in computer science, Bachelors or greater in applied mathematics, and at least 10 years senior development experience in [buzzwordy web framework that has only existed for 16 months]. Apply with full résumé which we will not read, and as part of your standard interview screening process we'll try to trick you into writing functional code for the project we have in mind. Don't bother calling us, we'll call you."

You'll find our CEO bitching on Linkedin or Twitter that "no one wants to work anymore."

dual_sport_dork ,
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

This is good advice.

On the bright side for OP, his part should (hopefully) only come into contact with dry coffee grounds so some of those concerns are lessened.

In other applications -- sealant or not -- I can only imagine pouring hot coffee over a PLA part would not be a recipe for success...

dual_sport_dork ,
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

This entire argument is bullshit. Meta needs to be an island from our perspective. Let them do their thing over there, we'll do our thing over here. Their goal is to lure (probably former reddit or twitter) users to Threads and then cut off the greater Fediverse as a whole once their user base is established and much larger than ours. And they want to use our numbers to boost their for profit platform to make it appear more successful.

Separation from these kinds of corporate entities is exactly what the Fediverse is about. We can talk about "open" all we like but there is already a short list of bad actors we don't allow here: Nazis and fascists, pedos and kiddie diddlers, etc. We can add Meta to that list as well.

We don't want them interacting with us at all. Get out the hammer and ban them. Entirely.

I'll add an edit to say this: I say that defederation is not extreme enough. They need to be blocked. Instances need to implement ToS and licensing that prohibits them from hoovering up and regurgitating our content. We need to start outright blocking Meta at the network level. Whatever the hell it takes. Line in the sand. No means no.

No Meta. Ever.

Think of this: In the past, we have never had any choice other than to roll over and accept whatever bullshit the major social media companies push on us. If you want to communicate, if you want to use any platform, if you want to be in, you had to deal with them and their system. Because they were big and you were little, and what are you going to do about it? You have no choice but to roll over.

Well, we don't have to roll over anymore. We have this one -- and believe me, only this one -- opportunity to unequivocally tell them NO. We are not your product. You have no value to us. You aren't a monopoly anymore. We do not need your corporate influence, we do not need your corporate bullshit. We are free of you, and we don't need you.

Another edit: Oh, look. What do I find right at the top of my feed first thing this morning? Why, it's yet another example of Meta being evil. And you still want them to have influence in the Fediverse?

dual_sport_dork ,
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

The notion that anyone should interact with Meta at all is enough. You lost me right after that part. Anything after that is just meaningless apologetic noise for the sake of appearing nuanced. That's the bullshit.

No means no. Never means never. No Meta. The extremism, the "big symbolic action," it's all warranted. Block them. Block them forever.

P.s. You're allowed to use cuss words on the internet. Tell your friends!

dual_sport_dork ,
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

No, there isn't. This is the clearest case of black vs. white you're going to experience all week. Blocking Meta is not "sticking our heads in the sand." There is literally no benefit for us allowing them to integrate with any of our explicitly non-corporate platforms. But there is a huge (and in their eyes profitable) benefit for them. If there weren't, they wouldn't try. So answer me this, what do we actually stand to gain?

Bots? Misinformation? Having our content redisplayed on Threads for profit? Ads? Corporate accounts spamming us incessantly? Corporate moderators, corporate instances, corporate communities where all the messaging is controlled? Having our content used to train AI's? This is all the crap we escaped when moving here, rather than using the existing social media network products. What, is Mark Zuckerberg going to cut instance operators a check to help with their overhead expenses for all the content he'll steal? Don't make me laugh. You can see posts that were made on Threads? If anyone actually wanted that, they'd just use Threads to begin with.

The argument is that Meta integration will allow the Fediverse to become "mainstream." Well, Lemmy and Mastadon are already doing just fine without Meta. They will continue to do just as fine without them in the future, barring any catastrophic reddit style administrative fuckups on any major instance(s). Meanwhile, there is enormous risk in allowing Meta to have their way with us, our platform, and our content. None of the other hot air matters one bit no matter how it's phrased. It will be much healthier as a whole for Fediverse platforms to grow organically without corporate (and frankly, evil) influence. And if that means they remain smaller communities now or even forever that's okay.

The openness of the "open web" stops precisely before bad actors are allowed to co-opt it for evil purposes. Companies like Meta always have as their end goal a closed walled garden for their users remain trapped in to have profit extracted from them. Well, let them have it -- on their own, without us. We need to set the precedent that those of us who give enough of a shit to use Fediverse platforms in the first place cannot be bought or sold. They'll talk about "openness" now but I guarantee you the design is for that to be a one way street.

No means no.

Never means never.

No Meta means no Meta.

Nothing else needs to be said on the subject.

PSA: Try FreeCAD Link Branch (it's a big improvement!) ( lemmy.world )

Recently I've been having feelings about moving away from Fusion 360. The combination of cloud app / filesystem and their demonstrated willingness to remove features and add arbitrary limitations (eg. 10 editable model limit) makes me feel uneasy about using it. To be clear I'm grateful that AutoDesk provide a free license at...

dual_sport_dork ,
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

To be clear I’m grateful that AutoDesk provide a free license at all, and it’s an incredible piece of software, but I have a sense of vulnerability while using and honing my skills in it.

No, nope, nope, nope. Abolish this line of thinking right now. Any company that employs the predatory licensing tactics like those AutoDesk uses are not worthy of one single synapse's worth of your continued thought. Fuck them. Shed not a single tear. They're not giving you anything; they're trying to lock you in as a future revenue source. Thus you have nothing to be grateful for, other than the bullet you've now dodged. You are Lot. Walk away and don't look back, lest you turn into a pillar of salt.

I don't usually get into this sort of Stallman style FOSS rant, but the behavior of the major players in the commercial modeling space -- especially AutoDesk and SolidWorks/Dassault -- is just exceptionally bullshit. Pandora's box is already open on the hardware; any fool with thumbs, a credit card, and internet access can either buy or build an actual 3D printer. So instead they'll do anything to lock the software side of this wonderful technology in their own proprietary, pay-to-subscribe box.

The Topological Naming Problem has been a thorn in the side of FreeCAD users since the dawn of time time, and while some work was put into the 0.2x release to address this (previous versions were even worse) it's obviously still not perfect. For anyone not comfortable keeping track of forks and splits and unofficial releases, the intent for the Topo Naming fix developed in this release is for it to be incorporated back into the main line release... eventually. Also, even the most recent release of Realthunder's fork is one major revision behind the main line release, and also has not been updated since the beginning of this year.

Despite all of this, FreeCAD along with all of its quirks and foibles represents an incredibly important bulwark against keeping a critical aspect of our hobby out of the clutches of corporations and other related doers of evil. Stick with it.

dual_sport_dork ,
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar


INB4 you get crucified for FDM prints not being "food safe." ...I might just be having flashbacks to that time spent at the other place, though.

dual_sport_dork ,
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

Resin printing remains somewhat of a mystery to me since I don't have a resin machine and nor does anyone I know. So it's always neat to see these insights into parts of the process and work flow I'm not familiar with.

Fusion 360 increasing annual price to $680 USD ( lemmy.world )

Got this email from Autodesk that Fusion is increasing their annual price by a huge amount. I subbed for 1 year a couple years ago for I think $380. Then I was able to get an educational sub after that. Fusion is still the cheapest CAD software out there, not including the free stuff like FreeCAD, but still, this price...

dual_sport_dork ,
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

I don't know how long ago you tired this (early versions were, even I will admit, kind of crap) but in the current FreeCAD release of 0.22.1 it's incredibly easy.

Just select the edge(s) you want to fillet and and press the "fillet" button in the Part Design workbench...


And on the panel on the left you can set the radius. The profile of the Fillet tool is always a 90 arc of circle with the radius you've specified.


Or, if you want to get fancy and make your own bespoke custom fillet. Well, you can define its profile in a sketch. Here I just used a bezier to make an arbitrary curved shape. You are defining the profile of the material you want removed here, i.e. the negative space. You can make this as mathematically rigorous and precise as you like.


Then, position it somewhere on the vertex you want to profile and once again in the Part Design workbench, select that sketch, and hit "subtractive pipe."


From there, you can hit "add edge" to define which edge(s) you want it applied to. You get a preview of the material removed.


Et voila.


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