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MeanEYE , avatar

Can someone sue the living shit out of them

Nope. All in terms of agreement.

MeanEYE , avatar

Until it becomes mandatory. Foot in the door is a powerful play.

MeanEYE , avatar

Try going with that argument to court and see what happens. In USA basically anything goes, whatever is written in there. No matter how weird or against the user. There's a reason why EU's pushing new and shorter terms than can be glanced and read easily.

MeanEYE , avatar

There's actually no speculation on this one. There's a fight going on led by Ross Scott of Accursed Farms against shutting down game servers when game requires always online access. Basically lawyers have checked the law in this instance and in USA terms and conditions are GOD. You accepted it and you live with it. Here's the video. I recommend watching that section of video.

MeanEYE , (edited ) avatar

Yup. But this is Lemmy. People are emotional rather than rational.

Edit: Here's a video I linked in my other comment where Ross is talking about USA law and terms and conditions when it comes to games. He's trying to get publishers to stop killing games once they are out. He basically consulted two lawyers and they both give up on that. It's so atrocious that it's not a matter for law, but constitution.

MeanEYE , avatar

Microsoft is, you have noticed, not from UK. Although I wonder how that will play out. They did move around their company for tax evasion. I think latest was Ireland, then again I think they were smart enough for money to go one side and software to be released by other. It's a complex matter. EU has been able to reign them in somewhat with stupidly high punishments with GDPR. Then again, you are no longer part of that.

MeanEYE , avatar

That means it's the right call to make. Whatever auto industry is complaining about the opposite is beneficial to consumer.

MeanEYE , avatar

They want dystopia. Ideally you should pay per door handle use. Pay by kilometer and horn sounds are extra DLC. If possible, you'd keep paying and wouldn't be allowed to change manufacturer and car for number of years so they don't have to be as competitive and innovative. If possible government should mandate each human should have at least one car.

Well, since most of it sounds stupid and exploitative, they take what they can. Rent a heated seat, extra for autopilot and other gadgets, etc. The rest they lobby like crazy pushing against EV, pushing against different zoning laws other than suburban sprawl. Etc. Hyperloop anyone?

MeanEYE , avatar

No need for remoteness. Imagine you drive into water or battery catches fire. You aren't opening those doors.

MeanEYE , avatar

Yes. You go out to grab a rock, go back in and smash the windows. Or keep one tactical door opening rock beneath the seat.

MeanEYE , avatar

In summary, Tesla the company cares about not going bankrupt. Edge they have been walking on since inception. Musk on the other hand cares about money and being on TV non-stop because he's a narcissist asshole. Problem is, those two have colliding interest because Musk is majority holder now and Tesla has to make what he says in his drug induced and poorly educated rambles. He wasn't a majority holder for a while thanks to 42.0B$ fuck yea deal with then soon to be announced X but at the time Twitter. Now stock holders voted to give him 40B$ bonus to keep him in "leading role".

So in short it's a shitstorm. Stupid car that had a great idea but was ruined by narcissistic manchild. Car which you can only repair in authorized service centers by the way which is something no one talks about. Car that eats away your tires and some people report having to replace tires every six months. And on top of that, you have no spare tire to begin with. That means you run over a nail, tow truck for you it is.

Oh and I haven't said anything about share holders because they are plain old idiots. Tesla is not paying dividends and never planned to do so. So people buy stocks to have them? I don't know some sort of mystery. And even then, they buy stocks, then Musk hypes them up a bit, sells quintillion shares and bails out, which is why he's not allowed to talk about Tesla without babysitter. So share holders buy stocks, lose money and cheer for Musk.

MeanEYE , avatar

No you are not. People panic and default to most common behavior, this is why emergency exercises are a thing. In other words, the hidden manual release somewhere in the car that was never used is not going to be used in the moment of panic. You won't even remember it exists.

Also, that's only on some cars and only in the front. None on the back seat.

MeanEYE , (edited ) avatar

Mechanical release is hidden and not commonly used, or if ever. In moments of utter panic people will not even remember it exists, let alone use it.

MeanEYE , avatar

Comments like these just make me believe my decision never to marry was a good one. I understand love is about compromise, but sacrificing freedom is not worth it, I don't think. You are who you are. Why would someone marry and then try to change their partner. Marry who you want not what you want them to be. Kind of backwards.

MeanEYE , avatar

Money solves that part. In rare cases charisma pulls you out, but that's much harder to achieve.

MeanEYE , avatar

It happens with television sometimes. Just like when you think Sherlock Holmes you think Jeremy Brett or Hercul Poirot portrayed by David Suchet. Some actors are so good they end up defining the character itself.

MeanEYE , avatar

Oh, I wonder who took the pipes out to make rockets.

MeanEYE , avatar

A lot probably. But Hamas taking out the pipes didn't help the matter either.

MeanEYE , avatar

I never mentioned Israel and war in any part of my comment. I said Hamas taking out water pipes didn't help the situation. Which is true no matter how much you Hamas-apologists tried. There's no need to even look for source, they published the video themselves bragging how they made weapons from pipes Israel laid. It's all over the internet.

Here's one

MeanEYE , avatar
MeanEYE , avatar

That's a far fetched conclusion. You should read my comment again.

MeanEYE , avatar

Water pipelines, you know for supplying water. There's not such thing as taking water out of Gaza, unless it's sewage. If they had water in Gaza they wouldn't be in problem, wouldn't they?

MeanEYE , avatar

I do have sympathy for innocent people. What kind of monster would I have to be to think otherwise. It's kind of a silly question.

MeanEYE , avatar

Where have I justified genocide?

MeanEYE , avatar

Because they contribute to the suffering and people here justify that. Am not excusing anyone harming innocent, but people here clearly are. Just look at the down-votes. Not that they matter but they clearly illustrate what people think about the situation. You have two sites fighting and innocent are suffering. But one side gets to have all the blame. NO. Both are to blame. Hamas more so than Israel.

MeanEYE , avatar

Yes I did. You know what was working prior to Oct7? Water and sewage systems. You know what was working even better some time before hamas took the water pipes out to make bombs? Water delivery was. Do you think Hamas, as an elected government, is lacking food and water? Do you think hostages are? The answer to that is no. They all take priority over innocent people. They claim they care about them, but in reality leaders sit in penthouses in other country rich as all hell while civilians have to squeeze beetroots for two drops of water. Hamas leader has literally billions of dollars. You know how much bottled water and food that buys? You can scream apartheid as much as you want... the fact is civilians suffer while members of Hamas enjoy themselves.

MeanEYE , avatar

Source? Hamas posted the video themselves. How Hamas is more to blame than Israel. Well prior to Oct7 water was there, there was food and most importantly people were alive, on both sides. Now, one can twist the logic and say yea but Israel oppresses, two state solution, apartheid, etc. But all that is irrelevant as first blood was drawn by Hamas. Resulting deaths are a response to that. You can call it exaggerated response or brutal or whatever. But it's still a response. If Hamas really cared about civilians they wouldn't hide behind them, all of the donation money wouldn't go to Qatar or first aid trucks robbed. There's no act in this world that justifies raping innocents and torturing kids on camera for whole world to see and then slashing their throat. No matter how how much mental gymnastics is involved or how much claim there's someone else started it first.

MeanEYE , avatar

Whether it is genocide or not is not up to me to decide. Facts are huge number of civilians are dying. However if you wish to claim Israel is not trying to minimize civilian deaths you should educate yourself more because they definitely do. From calling people and telling them to evacuate, to flyers thrown, to roof knocking and more tactics. There's not a single army on this planet that does this, especially during the war.

Now you can go through my post history and point things out, but I've never said anything I haven't fact checked. So feel free to double-check everything poking your eyes. And am not deliberately ignoring anything. War is ugly and disgusting, especially in one where many innocents die. But no matter how you twist your logic to make me appear evil or excuse Hamas or whatever the agenda is, the matter of the fact is... Hamas started it. Every time. Number of times now. You can go on and talk about apartheid and evil this, or two state solution. At no point was there an attempt from Hamas to peacefully resolve issues. It's always stabbings on the street, bombs under a bus or something else. In fact list goes on for quite a while.

Oh and the comment you quoted as me "apologizing" for Israel. Here's the link to that as well. But keep living in that bubble. There's not a single thing I falsely stated while you on the other hand are on a crusade yourself without investing any effort to back your claims. Just rambling.

MeanEYE , avatar

It's already linked. If you are asking about the video where Hamas shows how they took the pipes out and are making rockets. If you want some other thing proven, do specify. Also thanks for the down-votes. I don't give a shit about imaginary points from terrorist apologists.

MeanEYE , avatar

I never said they didn't. I said removing pipes didn't help the situation. Why are you people so bound on to something I never said. Can you read?

MeanEYE , avatar

To me it's mental that stock holders would approve such package when company itself for its entire existence had income that is smaller than his "bonus". Some people are downright stupid.

MeanEYE OP , avatar

Also this means US and UN are not withholding aid to Gaza!

MeanEYE OP , avatar

There, you see. UN is starving Palestinians on purpose.

MeanEYE OP , avatar

But I've been told here we can't trust JPost or Ynet.

MeanEYE OP , avatar

Am behaving like a numbnut on purpose. It's the same excuse that has been thrown my way on Lemmy when there was something which didn't fit other people's narrative. But my sarcasm wasn't as obvious. Sorry about that.

Egypt changed terms of Gaza ceasefire deal presented to Hamas, surprising negotiators, sources say ( )

Egyptian intelligence quietly changed the terms of a ceasefire proposal that Israel had already signed off on earlier this month, ultimately scuttling a deal that could have released Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, and set a pathway to temporarily end the fighting in Gaza, according to three people familiar with the...

MeanEYE , avatar

That's a twist pretty much everyone saw who is not Israel hater. Israel reported the very day the talks broke up that terms were changed, but Hamas announced day prior they are accepting the terms, making Israel look like they are the ones who didn't accept.

It was the same story about hospital being bombed. Everyone reported Israel bombing hospital and it took months of independent investigation to figure out what Israel initially said, which was that the stray rocket fell on parking lot and amount of victims wasn't 500.

This is what Hamas does, fight media war making Israel look bad at every opportunity. Yesterday we could see just how much they fact check things when they reported a joke from social media as a fact checked news story about how "MOSAD agent named Eli Copter was responsible for deaths of Iranian leaders"... Seriously (h)Eli Copter. We came up with better jokes when we were kids.

MeanEYE , avatar

Absolutely... but most people seem to be falling for it.

MeanEYE , avatar

Actually it has been working. Everyone is calling Israel evil and calling for recognition of genocide. ICC is summoning Netanyahu and number of countries are recognizing Palestine as a country. This has not happened so far. I know Hamas has only one goal which is destruction of Israel, but am not sure others realize this.

So in summary world is sending a message where terrorizing people, killing hundreds of innocents will get you what you want. More money, recognition and legitimacy. I dread to see what is coming in future.

MeanEYE , avatar

Indeed there are a lot of vocal people here who weren't keen o Israel to begin with. But that shouldn't justify calling deaths of civilians on either side.

aiming to produce a situation not only more-favorable to Hamas than the pre-war situation, but one so much more favorable that it’s worth the costs of the war for Gaza

I think this is mostly due to Israel's insistence that Hamas must perish. Which is why I guess every ceasefire talks are falling through constantly. There's no future in which Hamas exists that Israel is willing to accept. Sadly a lot of innocent will pay the cost. So whatever happens Israel will double-down on eradicating Hamas while trying to minimize civilian casualties and Hamas will try to survive by doing the opposite.

MeanEYE , avatar

There is a plateau to be hit at some point. How close it is, depends who you ask. Some say we are close, others say we are not but it definitely exists. LLMs suffer, just like other forms of machine learning, from data overload. You simply can't be infinitely feeding it data and keep getting better and better results. ChatGPT's models got famous because value function for learning had humans involved who helped curate quality of responses.

MeanEYE , avatar

You can always tell when someone has no clue about AI but has read online about it.

MeanEYE , avatar

I'd be torn on the idea of AI generating CP, if it were only that. On one hand if it helps them calm the urges while no one is getting hurt, all the better. But on the other hand it might cause them not to seek help, but problem is already stigmatized severely enough that they are most likely not seeking help anyway.

But sending that stuff to a minor. Big problem.

MeanEYE , avatar

Just like everyone else, at one point I used WinAMP, then when they started the upgrade to new and significantly more hardware demanding version I switched to Aimp, which to this day I use as mobile application. Am no longer on Windows, but I still miss those applications. VLC simply doesn't fit that role of a music player.

Open sourcing WinAMP means we'll probably get a ported version for Linux, which I am very much looking forward to.

MeanEYE , avatar

I used both and things felt off. WinAMP of old was no nonsense player. Once version 3.x came it wasn't as popular and it was much more of a polished product but came with bunch of features that weren't needed in my opinion.

Hello GPT-4o ( )

GPT-4o (“o” for “omni”) is a step towards much more natural human-computer interaction—it accepts as input any combination of text, audio, and image and generates any combination of text, audio, and image outputs. It can respond to audio inputs in as little as 232 milliseconds, with an average of 320 milliseconds,...

MeanEYE , avatar

It's still LLM, so it's still breaking input into tokens and generating answers based on their relations.

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