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CTDummy ,

There is no legal precedent requiring these services.

There is legal precedent for requiring captioning where I’m from and probably in the US as well. Practically every form of broadcasted video (and at least here, it is required of websites with video) has a legal requirement to provide captions. I don’t see how it would be difficult to apply that to music.

It being available on the free tier has almost no relevance to Spotify being a profit making entity that has to comply with the law. I’d be surprised if they don’t get in trouble for it legally. As pointed out elsewhere it’s paywalling an accessibility feature. Which seems like a great way to draw enough eyeballs to your bullshit and get legislation changes; assuming it doesn’t already violate it.

CTDummy ,

one of the TV exemptions is programs that are mostly musical.

Even being hearing impaired, I gotta be honest, the irony is kinda funny. Glad to hear it! I was concerned that people in this thread advocating for it would seem like they're coming from a place of entitlement so I hoped bringing the caption side of it would highlight otherwise. I agree! Hopefully they do at some point but slow progress for stuff like that.

CTDummy ,

Jeeez shot your own fucking foot with this silly pout didn’t you…?

Honestly, this caught me so off guard it made me laugh. Not even the guy I was disagreeing with came at like that?? The point was caption/transcription/lyrics are essentially synonymous, all are transcribing some other medium to text for the point of being read. So my point that there is precedent (CC on television being required legally) still stands.

It does shit me that older programs they could/can just put the treble clef symbol for music as you mentioned though.

CTDummy ,

This is a pretty poor reply from a moderator. The user you're replying to is correct. Not only that, it is staggering that someone who mods a sub of this type is advocating for self diagnosis. Sharing coping mechanisms is one thing but advocating what amounts to circumventing mental health help is frankly irresponsible. I don’t see how anyone could find it even rational to advocate to the potentially mental ill to diagnose themselves.

CTDummy ,

OBS offers practically the same experience with its replay buffer and only uses single digit percent overhead for CPU. Shadow play is maybe slightly more convenient that’s all I can really say about it as it’s been a while.

CTDummy ,

Man in who lives in active war zone because he refused to evacuate thinks large scale death and destruction is the solution.

Typical, I have relatives like this. Old, washed up blokes with fuck all going on in their lives but get angry at things and people. Too old to be sent off to die in wars so of course they advocate for it at the smallest perceived slight (and never signed up when they could have either). Too arrogant for introspection or the barest amount of empathy.

CTDummy ,

Excuse me, don’t you mean they bitched about cost before the roll out, stopped the rollout, then promised a cheaper solution (MTM as you mention) that retained old shitty infrastructure and then it still cost $11 billion more than the initial FTTP proposal due to cost blowouts. All in the name of partisan politics.

I agree, I trust LNP and by extension Dutton as much as that party deserves with proposals like this, fuck all. They didn’t even have any figures for the project cost when he proposed it.

As someone who grew up in the bush with shit internet until their late teens I’ll probably never get over the nbn fuckup.

CTDummy ,

There are royal prisons? Even with the head of state I would have thought they would drop the “her majesty’s” from stuff like jail/prison.

CTDummy ,

Under rated gem of a game. Nice to see the artwork of the dev showcased!

CTDummy , (edited )

Care to elaborate? Who is violating the Budapest accords memorandum in your view?

CTDummy ,

The reason I ask is it’s common Russian disinformation to claim US or NATO violated this agreement; justifying the Russian federations invasion of Ukraine.

CTDummy ,

Is this memes referencing these types of gimps? Because yes I am afraid of advance warfare gimps.

CTDummy ,

In my defence the mobile app for me compresses the image. Legit didn’t even see Wallace or Butch. Zoomers at work reference Pulp fiction all the time, have faith.

The State Department said that Israel's military campaign in Gaza may have violated international law. ( )

The Biden administration has concluded it is “reasonable to assess” that Israel’s military campaign in Gaza has violated international law, but has not found specific instances that would justify the withholding of military aid, the State Department told Congress on Friday....

CTDummy ,

You know, I had this really odd thought a couple months ago. That Israel kept fucking up in continuation with how they have been. To the point that US had to play world police again and invade Israel to enforce a dmz around Palestine. Much to the “excuse me, fucking what?” of the entire Arabic world. This headline is in no way aligning with said odd thought but here we are.

CTDummy ,

Once you journey to flavor town you’re here forever. Shhhh. It’s ok, just put this wicked sick shirt on.

CTDummy ,

Stalker seems to fit the bill nicely. Bit on the older side but didn’t stop me enjoying it. Similar vibes the road without being quite as dark thematically.

CTDummy ,

It is for national security reasons. One of the perpetrators over stayed a student visa by a year. That individual also appeared in a promotional video with a visa providing company which the university stated it has no affiliation with. Student visa are conditional and requirements must be met or you will be deported. This is common in many countries.

The article emphasises this idea hence why the people accused of state sanctioned murder are having their visa/background scrutinised.

CTDummy , (edited )

Because these corporations presumably think they’ll buy a talented studio, get it to make something its isn’t used to making, force a bunch of shit into it for monetisation and/or launch early in order to keep schedule. All this to keep investors/management happy. Then when the combination of the aforementioned (repeatedly) blows up in their face; usually by pissing off customers, they lose money. Finally you start layoffs and rehires if needed because you’re running into money problems.

They couldn’t care less about the talent. It isn’t rare for a lot of the talent to bail when these studio get bought up. Especially since it feels like you’re just going to be crunched the second you get the first job post acquisition. Found this while checking this assumption, a bunch of them left early for Arkane specifically.

I always viewed it companies like EA take a gamble. Either the investment pulls off the unlikely, convoluted shit you ask and makes you money or you take it out back and try with another studio.

CTDummy ,

From what I read it outsold forspoken and got around $6 million in the first month? That’s small change to a billion dollar publisher. Especially when you can close a bunch of studios(probably claim some losses for tax reasons like WB with catwoman) and reshuffle. Doesn’t need the individual studio to do poorly in this instance I’d guess. Just didn’t make the selection for “who do you want to keep going forward”.

CTDummy ,

Are your arrs buying amphetamines online again? Detox your homelab with these six easy steps.

CTDummy ,

I mean on bumble, they did. It’s why I prefer it when I was single. Felt a bit better to allow the women to make the first move as tinder it felt like if you weren’t peacocking in some fashion, you were doing it wrong. Felt better for either gender. Bummer to hear they’re turning into tinder+.

CTDummy ,

In the way the other poster compared them? Yes, in so far as people who complain “the new, developing technology isn’t immediately as optimised and refined as I want it to be” for both.

CTDummy ,

Seeing as you deliberately seem to be missing the point in order to try and feel smarter I’m going to leave you to it. Have a good one.

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