plink , to israel group avatar
tadbithuman ,

@plink @palestine @israel yeah, the article was clearer.

tadbithuman ,

@plink @palestine @israel

"Approximately 13% of poll respondents in six swing states who voted for U.S. President Joe Biden in 2020 but would not vote for him again said that his foreign policy or Israel's war on Gaza were the most important issues determining their vote."

plink , to palestine group avatar
f800gecko , avatar

@rrb @plink @palestine @israel

Yes, there is so much more to be said

But at least giving a hint and handhold to encourage the doing of a little more “own research” is useful and something not seen much to date.

I wish other news outlets would act accordingly.

LightFIAR , avatar

@rrb @f800gecko @plink @palestine @israel Hamas ❤️ Bibi
yrs, untergruppenführer bengvir

plink , to palestine group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

That's right @plink. is still functioning and killing JudeoNazis. The Entity is desperate. Like a pouting spoiled child with a broken toy ... if it can't have it will destroy it. They demolished 's civilian airport today. like that mean nothing to these . They need to be destroyed, and they will be. @palestine @israel

plink , to palestine group avatar
barney , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

This is truly disgusting. Utterly sickening.

plink , to palestine group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

@Smith007 I'm familiar with the account and that means I'm even more convinced its garbage. @plink @palestine @israel

Smith007 , avatar
plink , to israel group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

@plink So Israel's nazis say they'll use 'imprecise missiles', Translated from dialect:
> "We'll kill more civilians if you don't give us weapons to kill more civilians." @palestine @israel

plink , to israel group avatar
immibis ,

@plink @palestine @israel Ireland knows what's up because Ireland used to be like Palestine. The US has always been like Israel.

radiofreearabia , to israel group avatar

A highly advanced military is bombing tents in a refugee camp! This is what passes as moral and civilized to some!

@palestine @israel


nicholas_saunders ,
SunWukong , avatar

@nicholas_saunders @radiofreearabia @palestine @israel The tunnels can be like the ones in Gaza or they are what we call "the logic path" to reach everything, since we need some sort of "tunnel" to focus on any subject.

That is why and how, academic and scientists do, when ignoring what can have a relation but is not included in some subject.

Nordic and Egipts talk about using symbols to talk with "god". If we are talking about the Abrahamic religions, we ignore that knowledge.

jiujensu , to israel group avatar

This podcast is good at making easier to digest, if you're interested--

Up this week is Zionism, Zionist , Balfour, the guy chosen to mess up Palestine, who had previously wreaked havoc in Ireland and denied entry to Jews fleeing the holocaust who were hoping to find refuge in the UK. And Herzl &more stuff.

The Great Revolt: Resistance to Early , parts 1 and 2

@palestine @israel

jiujensu OP , avatar
jiujensu , to israel group avatar

1/3 Inaccuracies of the story ('ScreamsWithoutWords) and Sheryl Sandberg's new ridiculous hoax movie effort based on the shoddy, unsupported, unretracted mass r@pe NYT story.

This debunking is important since US audiences are primed to believe Palestinians are guilty of everything being suggested or done to them and more. (Sound familiar? , anyone?)

@palestine @israel

jiujensu OP , avatar
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  • jiujensu OP , avatar

    1st, the NYT began backing away from the stories and claims of the article. Now, Sandberg is publicizing a movie or supposed documentary about the sexual violence in the debunked NYT story.

    As always, believe women; do NOT believe Israel.

    First to break the story was The Greyzone

    The Kibbutz featured rejects the NYT story

    NYT cut ties with the freelancer who worked on the story

    @palestine @israel

    jiujensu , to israel group avatar
    ViXY_DBC , avatar

    @jiujensu @palestine @israel Funny no MSM touches this object, whatsoever.

    And gave an award for doing just that: pushing propaganda.

    jiujensu , to israel group avatar

    1/2 🎧5-4 supreme court podcast on the anti- genocide campus protests and free speech - lawyers talking about laws.

    One of the hosts or creators of the pod, who also got arrested at one of the protests, tells exactly how it happened. Absolutely wild. They discuss campus events first and mostly, the law as it relates (and doesn't) .
    Campus Protests and the First Amendment   
    #FreePalestine #apartheid #palestine #gaza #genocide  
    @[email protected] @[email protected]
    jiujensu OP , avatar

    2/2 cont'd
    A guy the police told to disperse the protesters did as requested, turned around to tell cops he told the crowd and was tackled to the ground like he'd tried to take their gun or something.

    Riannon was zip tied - one LEO asked what's she arrested for and another LEO calls back he "heard" she was fighting. Later the scene repeated and it was unlawful assembly or something. Entirely arbitrary.

    @palestine @israel

    plink , to israel group avatar
    FLGLchicago , avatar

    @plink @palestine @israel You’re trying to push a claim that Che was not an antisemite? Good luck with that. He only exceeded his antisemitism with his misogyny. Best read up.

    argumento , to israel group avatar

    took the hostages, but the one who's murdering them in cold blood is the regime.

    @palestine @israel

    TruthSandwich , avatar

    @argumento @palestine @israel

    They wouldn't be hostages if they hadn't been kidnapped. Hamas can free them any time it wants: it refuses to.

    plink , to israel group avatar
    heretical_i , avatar

    @plink is running FLACK for dude. The word "Offensive" LITERALLY MEANS NOTHING... Just like "NON LETHAL AID" MEANS NOTHING.

    See this, on that: "Non-lethal aid” … “There are a lot of gray areas…”

    Much more about these WEASELWORDS
    @palestine @israel

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