RememberUsAlways , to palestine group avatar

'We will not surrender': leader fumes after Israel frees .

Appears to be a against in progress.

Time to choose a side.


RememberUsAlways OP , avatar


I'm really not interested in your bias however,

Here is a "politician" view of war.

@palestine @israel

ManyRoads , avatar
plink , to palestine group avatar
immibis ,

@plink @palestine @israel why are you blaming Hamas for Israel's actions?

plink , to palestine group avatar

From website
"Double podcast episode about the in during the (1920-48). We discuss the organisations built by , the 1936-39 revolt, and a number of joint strikes by and which happened against the backdrop of rising tensions which culminated in the ethnic cleansing of the ."

@palestine @israel

plink OP , avatar

@palestine @israel

They have a presence on Mastodon:


figstick , to palestine group avatar
immibis ,

@pinkdrunkenelephants @GM7077 @israel @palestine @figstick I think he'd rather that everyone who would vote for Biden didn't vote at all. This is a way to be MAGA without overtly being MAGA.

immibis ,

@pinkdrunkenelephants @GM7077 @israel @palestine @figstick The American people so have a choice btw: 2 genocides or 4. It would be silly to blame them for the 2 they have no choice not to vote for. It would be completely alright to blame them for the other 2, if the election decides they should occur. And it would be downright evil to suggest that voting for 4 by default is better than voting for 2 by active action.

plink , to palestine group avatar
InternetDev , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

Significant too because of colonialism of GB on and africans countries and Autralia

has some very good fighters in the EU:
-Paul Wallace and Clare Daly.
I nickname them The 2 lions

And Belgium too (PTB) which is outraged at the immobility of its government

Lassielmr , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel and points to the USA losing influence and credibility in Europe

radiofreearabia , to palestine group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

@radiofreearabia "First signs of fascism"?

The whole effing sociopolitical model for 'israel' is FASCIST BY DESIGN AND INTENT. @palestine @israel

plink , to palestine group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

@plink I had a post removed for saying Israeli society needs deprogranming from believing genocide is ok, so I won't repeat it here. . . @palestine @israel

InternetDev , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

One more charge for poursuits....

RememberUsAlways , to palestine group avatar

“But if there were a Palestinian state now, it would be run by Hamas and we would have a Taliban-like state – a satellite state of Iran” he told RBB, a local broadcaster, on Thursday. “Is this what the progressive movements of the Western Left want to create?”


InternetDev , avatar

@RememberUsAlways @palestine @israel

Who forced palestinians to be under hands ?


Sham on Genocide Salman.

RememberUsAlways OP , avatar


The children suffer the consequences of their elders and every Nation is responsible for the safety and prosperity of it's civilian population.

@palestine @israel

plink , to palestine group avatar
InternetDev , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

Israëlian racist government don't want Palestine state. They want eternal war until genocide is complete.

...Israel's foreign minister, Israel Katz, who met top House Republican Elise Stefanik earlier, said if a Palestinian state was established, Iran would use it as a base to "work towards the destruction of Israel"....

those killers want us to believe something about palestinian, they does them self

plink , to israel group avatar
TruthSandwich , avatar
figstick , to AcademicsUnite group avatar
maggiejk , avatar

@GhostOnTheHalfShell @figstick @histodons @academicchatter @academiccommunity @academicsunite @israel @palestine they probably copied all the phones of all the students they arrested as well.

My brother was arrested almost 10 years ago now and the Salem New Hampshire police applied for a search warrant for his phone, but they didn’t wait for it they went through it first. They did obtain the search warrant, but he filed a lawsuit because they went through the phone first. He was a financial advisor And he was concerned that they were able to get into his Fidelity stuff and see communications with clients.

They ended up paying him $30,000. They were really mad about it he thought they were gang stalking him after.

GhostOnTheHalfShell , avatar

@maggiejk @figstick @histodons @academicchatter @academiccommunity @academicsunite @israel @palestine

Learning that police are often sent to Israel for training closes the circuit on this horror show. I’d take every cop trained that way and send them to a cult deprogrammer.

figstick , to israel group avatar

A US Department of the Interior staffer has become the first Jewish political appointee to publicly resign in protest of support for Israel’s .

Lily Greenberg Call, a special assistant to the chief of staff, accuses of using Jews to justify US policy.

@israel @palestine

msquebanh , avatar

@figstick @israel @palestine They aren't wrong with their accusation. They are brave to resign & have their accusation of Biden exploiting Jewish folks/identities for political crap gains be public. Many US govt staff & many US military personnel are still too scared to speak up & take a stand against horrific US foreign policies assisted genocide & starvation of Palestinians war crimes complicity.

radiofreearabia , to israel group avatar

Today is the day.

Remembering the ethnic cleansing, massacres and Zionist terrorism that lead to the creation of which remains to this day a pariah state and a plague on the Middle East and the world.

@palestine @israel

failedLyndonLaRouchite ,

@radiofreearabia @palestine @israel

remembering the decades of Palestinian terrorism that culminated in the death, rape, and kidnapping of more then a thousand Israelis on Oct 7th

plink , to israel group avatar
paninid , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

The evangelicals call this “martyrs bearing witness”

plink , to israel group avatar
dans_root , avatar

@plink @socialmedia @palestine @israel I don’t click Facebook links as a matter of principle. Your post sounds a bit clickbaity tbh. A bit more context than „the shocking truth“ would be helpful.

plink OP , avatar

@dans_root @socialmedia @palestine @israel

Good point - I'll work on that. 🙂

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