Pharmacokinetics , avatar

If fighting is sure to result in victory you must fight.

wavebeam , avatar

I hate that i recognize that this quote is actually a screen shot from Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

quinkin ,

Hey! There's been a robbery

She stole my heart and guacamole

Got_Bent ,

When avocado guy is caught, he's gonna be TOAST!

ours ,

Well, the best way to stop a bad guy with an avocado is a good guy with an avocado.

ParetoOptimalDev ,

The art of robbery.

EmperorHenry , avatar

people are fucking sheep.

"I HAVE A GRENADE! GIVE ME MONEY!" (it's an avocado)


Still not as bad as that time Verizon handed over their customer's data to some idiot that said he was an FBI agent. And in case it wasn't obvious, he was a fraud and he didn't have anything that looked like an official warrant either.

velvetThunder ,

Why would I protect some corporate property when somebody threatens me with an avocado.

At least I hope he only robed the bank and not the employees wallets.

EmperorHenry , avatar

Robbing the bank means you're stealing money from regular people. That's not the corporation's money, that's the bank-client's money.

Which means that the clients lose money and the banks get another reason to have free money from the tax payers.

Double-theft where only the corporations win.

SrTobi ,

Sun Tzu says: if you are strong, appear weak. If you are weak, appear strong.

Sam_Bass ,

Bet he still loses at poker

Kolanaki , avatar

"You kidnapped me with a candy bar?!"

"Hey! It wasn't easy! Every time we moved I was worried the wrapper would crinkle and give me away."

TheGiantKorean , avatar

If you want to be financially independent, stop buying avocado toast. Use the avocado to hold up a bank instead.

ShaunaTheDead , avatar

On a somewhat related note, that Sun Tzu quote reminds me of something he did. Sun Tzu had a rivalry with this other general who he often got into skirmishes with and always defeated him or outmaneuvered him with some kind of trickery. So one time this rival general actually had Sun Tzu on the ropes and had chased him into a bit of a corner. Sun Tzu was in a smallish fort with the enemy general closing in and he definitely did not have enough soldiers to hold the fort for long.

So instead of trying to intimidate his rival with a show of force or making his army seem bigger than it was or whatever else he might have tried instead when his rival arrived at the fort he found the front gate fully open and nobody in sight except Sun Tzu himself sitting on the battlement playing an instrument somewhat akin to a lyre I think.

His rival was so wary of trickery that he assumed it must be a trap, or a distraction while a larger army moves in to reinforce him, so he left and Sun Tzu and his army survived.

MacNCheezus , avatar

Legend has it they needed an extra casket just for his balls when they buried him, and it required twice the number of pallbearers his actual body did.

peteypete420 ,

Those extra ones were ballbearers.

TheChurn ,

Sun Tzu isn't in that story, it is a tale about Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi from the Three Kingdoms period.

ShaunaTheDead , avatar

Oh interesting! I must have mixed my facts up or something, my bad. You're right that it's attributed to Zhuge Liang, but it seems like Wikipedia thinks it was a fictional story when attributed to Zhuge Liang, but it looks like he wasn't the first to use this strategy and he wasn't the last. Regardless, I was wrong about Sun Tzu having done it and I learned more about history, so thanks!

Here's the Wikipedia article I was referring to:

masquenox ,

A lot of the stuff in modern The Art Of War publications was added later - basically glorified notes - by scholars who assume it illustrates some point made by Sun Tzu. They don't always hit their mark, though.

Ulvain ,

"...for 32,000$, thus breaking even with the money he initially invested buying avocados to commit the heist".

neo ,

All because of that toast! All because of that God damned toast!

Ballistic_86 ,

Damn millennials and their avocado grenades!

MacNCheezus , avatar

All of a sudden, boomers wish we’d stuck to putting them on toast…

GreenPlasticSushiGrass , avatar

So you do actually have to be able to defend against an avocado attack before you move on to pointed sticks. TIL.

MajorHavoc ,

"And don't come crying to me when some maniac comes at you with a passion fruit!"

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