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Got_Bent ,

My parents have long since passed on, so it's not even possible. I may end up living with my daughter later down the line. I'm SO single and solitary (by choice) that I'm concerned about going all dementia/stroke/heart attack later on with nobody to tend to me, so I'll likely lean on her when I'm in my mid to late sixties or so.

She's getting everything I own, and I should have reasonable retirement funds, so it's not like I'm going to rely on her financially.

My big mistake was fucking up on getting myself long term care, which I no longer can do unless I get a new job. My employer and I mutually fucked that up when I started at my current job.

Fun quotes from my daughter, around age ten or eleven: "You're going to be the cranky old man that we grudgingly take on vacation with us." and "You can always live in my basement."

And yes, we have discussed this topic. I'm not unilaterally just saying this on the Internet.

Got_Bent ,

I archived this cancerous bloated paywalled shit show of a website just on principle

Got_Bent ,

If I had fewer scruples, I'd find out who the construction contracts for new prisons go to and invest all in. This guy is gonna get in and imprison a whole lot of people. Like a lot a lot.

Got_Bent ,

Gomez lives off generational wealth and thus spends his time culturing himself with dance, art, and seductive languages.

I work until it's not safe to drive home because I'm so tired and my eyes don't work. I crawl home on surface streets, collapse into bed for a brief nap, and get up to go do it again because the man needs his dollar.

My spirit may be willing, but my flesh is spongy and bruised.

Got_Bent ,

Product - use daily

Language - speak English, Spanish, and Korean, though the latter two are admittedly falling off from lack of use. Lived overseas for four years in my twenties

Collared shirts - wear daily, but I'd guess that's not goth chick bait

Dancing - was religiously prohibited from such growing up and never took an interest in it

Personal skill - I can cook like a motherfucker. Like really good stuff. If I believed in love languages, mine would be feeding others. The women in my office make weekly requests for me to cook whatever they're craving over the weekend and bring it in on Monday.

But I'm talking about energy. Gomez spends his entire existence striving toward being Morticia's everything. I don't have enough gas in the tank after seventy or eighty hours of getting yelled at for my income.

Next up, since everything is so easy, I guess I just simply waltz into another job, right?

Got_Bent ,

Meanwhile, the mantle is tailgating the hell out of the core wishing it would move over to the right lane

Got_Bent ,

This is a good little illustration of why his passing made me feel like I lost somebody I knew personally

Got_Bent ,

I can't watch him anymore either.

No issues watching old Robin Williams clips, but I just can't watch Anthony anymore.

Got_Bent ,

Who pays to watch these things? Like Fast and Furious part 47 is clearly making money as is Comic book hero vs other comic book anti-hero part 32.

I know I'm old, but I can't even name the year when I last paid to go see a movie.

Got_Bent ,

It's just a thought exercise. There are several reputable YouTube videos on this topic. None of them claim that the speed of light isn't the speed of light. They're just demonstrating that we can't prove it with current technology. Similar to the difficulty it took to finally prove that one plus one equals two. We know that's correct, but it took years to prove it.

Got_Bent ,

People bring their dogs to work all the time in my office. Fortunately, all of us are dog lovers, so we all enjoy it.

The other trend that doesn't bother me, but surprises me is that I'd estimate about two thirds of the people in my office vape at their desks.

We also have bean to cup espresso, which is nice. People will go find high end beans and contribute them. It works out nicely.

We're highly educated professionals, damnit!

Got_Bent ,

It's not me and I have an office. It doesn't get to me.

But I can definitely see that it would bother a whole lot of people.

On that, I'm old enough to have begun my working life when people smoked cigarettes at their desks. This is a much, much better alternative.

Got_Bent ,

The crazy thing is that it was so prevalent, I don't really remember the world smelling smoky unless I went into a small room like my grandparents living room.

I didn't notice it in places like restaurants and bars until after the bans came.

I would guess that my generation has a diminished sense of smell because of it.

Got_Bent ,

I know it's wrong and that I'm going to Internet hell for admitting to it, but there's a smell when Grandma would light her cigarette in the hot box car with the windows up that I find nostalgic to this day even though I find the concept of smoking in a car repugnant

Got_Bent ,

About these Lemmy poster bones.

Do you make stock with them?

Do you use the stock to finish a nice shit poster paella?

What's for dessert?

Got_Bent ,

I don't even play chess and I'm invested in this now

Got_Bent OP ,

It's rare that I fry anything but when you get a good French fry down, the oven or air fryer just doesn't compare.

Got_Bent ,

My Shiba was the same age as Kabosu. He passed away in 2021. These memes really bring back the memories of my own bestest boy.

Got_Bent ,

I love the hit counter. Super nostalgic right there.

Got_Bent ,

I get them in Texas from the Korean market. I don't know that they're available year round though.

I'd be surprised if you couldn't find any via Asian markets in the Pacific Northwest.

Got_Bent ,

I keep thinking back to this. I believe persimmons are in season in the fall, so if you don't find them now, go back in a few months and you should have better luck.

Got_Bent ,

When avocado guy is caught, he's gonna be TOAST!

Got_Bent ,

The last time I logged on to Facebook was this past fall because there was a death in our fairly tight knit group of high school classmates. It had been three or four years since I'd been in there.

So I went on and said my words.

While I was there, I didn't really notice what was in my feed.

What I noticed was suddenly I was getting notification after notification that my posts from years and years ago were getting deleted because they didn't fit whatever the current terms and conditions of use were.

This amused me.

So I left my words of dead classmate up for a week then sent my account silent again.

I can't see Facebook or any social media being a place I ever hang out again, which is a little bit of a bummer because without any social media, IRL social activities all but come to an immediate and total halt.

Oh well. I'll live.

There's apparently a Reddit activity streak achievement system now. ( )

I just noticed this when I saw a strange "Achievement Unlocked" notification pop up on Reddit. What do you think of this? It seems like a retention tactic to me, like what Amino had with its streak leaderboards, and GameFAQs currently has with streak achievements for logging on ten days in a row and also for all days of a month.

Got_Bent ,

Makes it tempting to start logging in again and making daily comments consisting of nothing but random punctuation marks.

Got_Bent ,

I swear the federal governments that killed off entire populations of native Americans and authorized the recapture of escaped slaves were less childish and vindictive than today's GOP.

Got_Bent ,

I, for one, would rather have milk from a bear.

Got_Bent ,

I've had really good luck with

Got_Bent ,

Does this mean I still can't watch porn in Texas?

Got_Bent ,

The future is either going to be very very lonely or very very gay.

Got_Bent ,

Of all hills to die on that ruin your reputation and legacy, why this one? I just don't get it.

I am a gen x cis heterosexual white male.

Transexuality is strange and foreign to me. I don't understand it. This gives me exactly zero right to take any stand against it. I'd say it gives me less right to express an opinion as how could I be knowledgeable on something I've just admitted I don't understand?

Let people live and go enjoy your billions.

Got_Bent ,

In a different comment, I talked about the difficulty I have with pronouns. It's not because it offends me, it's because the traditional usage is so hard wired in whatever part of my brain oversees language.

Got_Bent ,

I had a student some thirty years ago whose name was Oh Yu Suk.

It was difficult for me to maintain when I first saw it.

Got_Bent ,

I had to go look up when those things came out (1977) because by the time I got my hands on one in 1982 in the school library they were already little more than toys even when compared to the luxurious Vic 20.

I know we played some games off cassettes on them. I feel like Oregon trail was one of those games, but I'm suspicious of my own memory because I know I was playing that on my Apple 2, which I think had joystick driven hunting on it.

God I'm getting old and can't remember the finer points anymore.

I do remember that other kids bullied the HELL out of me for carrying one of those plastic boxes full of floppies with me at school. Not a good time to be a nerd back then.

Got_Bent ,

By tenth grade I had been commissioned to write some software. When I completed it, I walked away from all of it because of the social stigma. Didn't touch a computer again for ten years. I won't say I regret that because walking away led me to other life adventures, but I will say I regret the circumstances that drove me to do it.

Got_Bent ,

I gave up on those years ago because I couldn't fight through the endless roving bands of feral children attacking the food the second it would come out.

Got_Bent ,

Where's the next Kent State? The weapons and armor are much bigger this time.

Got_Bent ,

Dress codes have always been prohibitively expensive. When I was a young man getting my occupational feet wet in the nineties it was pretty much, "We're gonna pay you three dollars an hour and we require three piece suits at all times."

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