illi ,

I used to, usually several different dreams a night - sometimes flowing seamlesly from one to other.

I probably still dream just as much, but remember fuck all. I get up knowing I dreamed something but that's it. Incredibly frustrating.

Magister , avatar

Nope, not anymore. As a kid yes I remember, but for maybe 10-15 years now, nope, super rare. Or I guess I dream but have no clue and don't remember.

0421008445828ceb46f496700a5fa6 , avatar

Do you use an alarm clock? The best way to remember your dreams is to be startled out of them and immediately thinking about them. If you wake up without an alarm clock and then start thinking about what you have to do later in the day it's gonna be harder to remember them

Soulcreator ,

I do, I can't say it helps me recall much though.

RozhkiNozhki , avatar

I dream every night and it is always some kind of a crazy bizarre acid trip that may morph into a nightmare on occasion if I had a bad day or something is weighing on my mind. I've had this all my life and sometimes when I don't dream (which is extremely rare for me) it feels weird waking up.

But that's the regular stuff, the insane stuff is that I have dreams that reoccur and evolve for decades, and it's like getting a new season of a show that you watched two years ago, but with new characters and plot lines.

lvxferre , avatar

When I wake up I notice that I was dreaming once or twice per week. It's always weird dreams. Weird as in:

  • aliens spitting on trees
  • tomato fighting in the library, killing and burying the old librarian, to resurrect a god
  • using a rolled newspaper as a magic wand, triggered by the word "photon"
  • a vulture digging gold nuggets from my liver, a la Prometheus
  • a pig praying (stupid dream bilingual pun)
  • my cats preparing popcorn (I don't even like popcorn)
General_Shenanigans ,

Haha, I LOVE the weirdness of dreams. Clicked this thread just because I knew some people might share a few.

CliveRosfield ,

If you aren’t dreaming make sure you aren’t drinking caffeine past 5pm or whatever your midday time is.

the_grass_trainer ,

Or smoking weed.

Potatisen OP ,

I've never had dreams, eve as a kid.
Abstaining from stuff doesn't help. :/

RBWells ,

Every night. Lucid only once or twice a year though .
Dreaming is part of normal sleep cycle but if you wake naturally you don't wake up in the middle of a dream. I often wake some when my husband first gets up and will notice I am dreaming then.

I love sleeping and dreaming. A majority of the dreams feel like my brain defragmenting or something, just a mix of thoughts and memories from the day getting mixed into stories, but some are so wonderful.

MedicPigBabySaver , avatar

I dream frequently. Usually very vivid. Rarely it's nightmarish. I wish I remembered them better. I don't really feel the need to write down what I recall when I first wake up.

I think the most amazing invention in human history would be some type of EEG head gear that could literally record the dreams like a DVR. That would be wild!

Soulcreator ,

I also generally don't dream, or at least exceedingly rarely do I dream.

I know other people who dream will have like full on stories. A handful of times a year maybe when I can actually recall something its usually blurry flashes or a vague sense of a scenario and that's all I can recall.

When I was a child I used to dream every single night, and then one day it just stopped. My current lack of ability to dream kind of bothers me because I feel like it will be kind of cool to slip into a fantasy world every night. On the bright side it's probably been decades since I've had a nightmare so at least there's that.

A lot of other are saying in this thread if you don't dream it's due to THC consumption, but I don't take any form of THC so that's not really the issue for me.

Shadowedcross ,

I dream pretty much every night, and sometimes wish I wouldn't remember them since they're often much better than reality lol.

Passerby6497 ,

I really haven't had dreams in years. I used to dream regularly in high school, and would regularly experience dream deja vu irl.

I thought maybe it was due to my appreciation of cannabis, but I only had one dream during my last T break and it was early in the time period. No other dreams over the course of multiple weeks, so idk.

Fredselfish , avatar

I dream multiple dreams every night. They go from nightmare, to straight up crazy. Some are vivid enough to feel real, and some are so fucking crazy that I know I am dreaming. But I have never gone without having one.

Even at 5 years old I a recurring dream that was a tv series staring me. To this day I can recall those dreams vividly as if they happen last night.

Gigan , avatar

I almost never remember my dreams, probably only a few times a year. If I do, about half the time they're nightmares.

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

I wouldn't say I don't dream, but for reasons relating to birth, I dream in any substantial way very, very infrequently, and if I do, it's momentum for something else. I only ever remember dreaming in three topics: school, browsing, and talking to people I miss, with an infrequency of once a few times of year each. What few dreams one could say I have I care so little about that I often do everything I can to make sure I won't dream. I just don't want to be teased by having happy dreams that then say "psyche" and remind me of the state of being I'm in.

OhmsLawn ,

Yes, every night AFAIK, but I sleep very deeply and seldom remember them beyond a matter of seconds. If I've had caffeine late, I do tend to remember them more.

dogsnest , avatar

I dream all the time, and always have. There are often common themes, eg., searching for my wife, yet she's never actually appeared in my dreams (that I recall.)

My departed parents often appear (moreso my dad, recently), and 2 days ago, a recently-departed SIL appeared, though 'visually', it wasn't her.

I'm not sure of whether there's a significance to any of this. It is what it is.

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