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illi ,

So for a linux virgin who is planning to jump in - what's the difference between the two groups?

illi ,

Thanks. For a second it sounded like there are different "types" of linux that are fundamentally different, but it's just endless chain on what specific OS is based on which specific different OS and some of them are used as a reference point for how stuff feels - I think? :D

What are the differences between Fedora and Debian, since those were used as major reference points?

illi ,

Thanks for the in depth answer! While most of it is lost on me, but the last paragraf is dumbed down just enough to make sense of things.

illi ,

Sometimes it's so obvious you just forget about it.

illi ,

I know it's stupid but /s really should be mandatory if you arennot serious. Because there are too many prople that are

illi ,

And yet it is...

illi ,

"Nerf" is an opposite to a "buff" in videogame context.

illi ,

Would dogs be more popular if they were big as dinosaurs though?

illi ,

Surprise Ice Age, coming your way!

illi ,

I can root for people protesting climate change and think this was incredibly idiotic.

illi ,

I do this pretty much every morning :D

illi ,

I really hope he catches break with that one. Seemed really passionate about it.

illi ,

I never dived into Warhammer, but pretty stoked about the project as it may be a good point to jump into the rabbit hole

illi ,

I don't play, but watched a vid on this. Apparently we never killed hin or Theo Parnell - they both somehow faked their deaths (Theo was the one with all the decoy shit) and are back at it.

illi ,

If I remember correctly this was a live service game at first but pivoted back to singleplayer after Anthem or some other flop. It definitely still bleeds through.

illi ,

Whoa, didn't even think of that. That's bleak.

illi ,

That, and leaving the toilet seat up

Toilet seat belongs down - and the lid with it! It's not only logical, but also just.

illi ,

That makes no sense to me tbh. If you are trained to keep the lid down, you are alerted immediately that something is off if the seat is up - you clearly see into the toilet and see that someone forgot to put it down.

If you are trained to only have the seat down and lid up, then the change between seat up and down is not significant enough to notice and stop muscle memory to sit and fall in.

Maybe I'm not understanding you but lid down is a foolproof way to not fall in from my perspective. My wife converted to the lid down way and doesn't complain

illi ,

Seat is down if thenlid is down. But whatever works for you and your wife!

illi ,

So you can have the lid down while seat is up? Then what you said before makes much more sense. Though not sure what purpose this feature brings. Or how that would even lool like, never seen anything like that.

illi ,

You said your lid and seat are totally independent - suggesting you can leave the seat up but close the lid. Idk what toilet you have but if I want to close the lid, it is impossible to not put the seat down. It's like saying to turn a page on a book while leaving the current page visible - it's impossible.

Anyway this is completely stupid conversation at this point. Definitely didn't have malicious intentions or being stupid (or maybe I'm being stupid, stupid people rarely know they are stupid). I feel like I'm being trolled myself tbh. So lets just shake our headsbin unison and carry on.

illi ,

Which is supper weird because Fico is strongly pro-Russian.

illi , (edited )

Most Some of hid lackeys are blaming oposition and media for this since the news broke. No idea if he had a change of heart, but I doubt it. I can only see hin doubling down.

If he switched sides, his political career is over - there would be nobody left to vote for him. Pro-Russian naratives got him back to being PM

illi ,

I mean I wouldn't either, it was one of my first thoughts. But idk if it adds up

illi ,

I think he will very much paint himself a martyr if he survives too.

Announcing Wayfinder Echoes - Forging Our Own Path (online-only game soon to be playable offline) ( )

Huge W. Maybe the Stop Killing Games campaign, combined with some very real market realities, will save more games like this from companies with the liberty to do so. Unfortunately, it sounds like multiplayer will likely still depend on Steam servers rather than supporting LAN (I'd be happy to be proven wrong), but this is way...

illi ,

Whelp. The MMO lite aspects are what made me interested.

illi ,

Well the MMO aspects. It is now single player game with optional co-op.

Nothing against single payer games. I just love me some MMO/MMO lite games.

illi ,

You are asking if it could be same experience as an MMO-lite without being online. Think about it.

Core gameplay will stay, yes. And sounds like they changed quite a bit. But if you were promissed an MMO-lite and are getting a single player game...

I hope that it is notnthe exact same game but offline, because it will not hold up. There are different expectations from a MMO and single player game.

illi ,

You can play with friends, but not just matmchmake with randos when your friends are not online or not playing the game at all (or not having friends). You miss the organic moments when you are having a fight in open world, you are loosing and suddenly some dude charges in and saves the day. You can't join guilds (promissed feature) and engage in a community, potentially make new friends to do the aforementioned activities with so you don't have to play with randos. You miss the feeling of being a part of greater world, when you just see someone else in the game. Or the ability to ask for help in map chat. Also ongoing support and updates.

Funny you should mention V Rising too because while I'd probably play solo, I'm more likely to find a server to play on along side others than just playing on my own server alone or offline (not sure how this works therr tbh).

Simply put, I'd miss those things you experience in MMOs. Wayfinder was fun when populated. Much less so when there was nobody to play with.

I was promissed an MMO lite that would become an MMO through thr development, but getting a single player game instead. I wish the game and the devs all the luck but I can't help but feel betrayed - much like majority of gamers who expect single player game but get live service one.

illi ,

Wayfinder had both. There were these randomly generated dungeons akin to Warframr instanced missions or Destiny strikes, but also had a open world zone with events and such for a more MMO feeling. New bigger zones were of course promised along with mounts. Raids were mentioned, as were guilds and guild housing and other social features.

I get the desire to have a game playable offline, it's valid. And maybe the game will end up being enjoyable as single player. But that's not what made me personally interested. But oh well, my bad for buying into early access, I was due to get burned on it I guess. At least I went for the lowest pack (I did try asking for a refund but I played a bit, so not having high hopes)

illi ,

Only because Orban has headstart. After Fico came to power this time, we were screaming away on the road paved by Orban

illi , (edited )

Don't want to be a conspircy theorist but this smells of an attempt to make him a martyr (false flag or done unwillingly by some 3rd party) to justify iron grip and even stronger attacks on democratic principles. There are also allegations he worked with mafia, so might be that too.

But even if I was wrong, it doesn't matter as they act just the same - already blaming oposition and the press for it.

We should also take into consideration that if I remember correctly, he or other government official already warned of this happening.

Either way, the fact this would happen in Slovakia is honestly terrifying.

illi ,

My exact thoughts. They are already using it to atack on oposition and press, fanning the flmes. If this was false flag attack, they would not act differently. Not saying it is. But it smells.

Either way situation in Slovakia will get a whole lot worse.

illi ,

I have no love for Fico but this is not the way. This will slide Slovakia towards more to the far right - and more quickly. This is also just before EU elections and the ruling parties will absolutely use this (they already are).

illi ,

Not if he survives. Either way they would get a martyr. It would be brazen tactic for sure. Could be a 3rd party, but alligned with them because they would know this would escalate things here and nudge Slovakia strongly to in the direction it was heading already.

But yes, I understand I should get at least trpple-layered tin foil hat for this.

illi , (edited )

There are other people in his government who can take over. Easy to rally behind a martyr.

Also he will greatly benefit if he lives, as per the OP edit he is stabilized. Edit: no idea what the source on that is, did notfind this info anywhere

illi , (edited )

Oh yeah, totally. Can't disagree.

In the end it honestly doesn't matter that much. The flames of emotions are already fanned, oposition and press already blamed.

I have no love for Fico but this is a terrible event no mattet what.

illi ,

He is a promiment politician (this is his fourth term as Prime Minister) and very popular in the pro-Russian crowd (he is PM for a reason), but I'd not say he has such cult following.

That might change now though.

illi ,

Not looking good, no. Even from the little info we have it is quite clear this was not false flag operation (if it was this would be next level conspiracy shit, Occam's razor needs to be applied). It was always a stretch.

Why would anyone who is against Fico want to do this is beyond me. This act will makenthe situation much worse, some people in the governemnt and ruling parties are not exactly sane and some of them have bloody eyes. Whatever shit they did until now will be tame compared to what is ahead.

illi ,

The update is bulshit OP. Last official update I've seen is from 2 hours ago and he was still in surgery nd in life threatening condition. You put out that "update" long before that

illi ,

Don't takenit the wrong way. But wherever you got the info from, its bulshit. As per latest reports he is far from stabilized

illi , (edited )

There has just been report that surgery was concluded and he is concious. Not sure if stable or not

edit: as per another member of the government his state is no longer considered life threatening. I'd include source but it's in Slovak, so no good for most people.


edit: so actually stable, but not completely safe is the actual state of things. Life is still in danger, but stable. Next few days are critical, apparently he also takes blood thinning medication which complicates things. But internal bleeding was stoped

illi ,

I used to, usually several different dreams a night - sometimes flowing seamlesly from one to other.

I probably still dream just as much, but remember fuck all. I get up knowing I dreamed something but that's it. Incredibly frustrating.

illi ,

You are at worst second to last. You also thought about the possibility first, unlike me.

illi ,

I've never seen Reddit as social media, more like a forum. Though I felt it was getting more like social media in recent years. But in one discussion such as this is was pointed out that forums pretty much are social media, they just existed before the term existed.

Then it dawned on me. Reddit didn't become more like social media - it always was one. It was just the enshitification that made it more like the other social media that I was noticing.

Lemmy is medium through which we are having social interactions. So yeah.

illi ,

Worst thing is they are fucking it up for their kids and/or grandkids who will be forced to change their way of life because of the hellscape they'll inherit

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