
@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

yo_scottie_oh OP ,
yo_scottie_oh OP , (edited )

Look on the underside of the crank housing. Is there a plastic track for the cable to go around and point up?

I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly, but here's what the cable fixing thingie looks like with and without the bolt.



Without the bolt, a vertical track for the cable to run through is visible left of the screw hole:


Operate the derailleur by hand to see which way it needs to be pulled, cable pills one way, spring pulls other way.

When I pull the derailleur to the right by hand, the cable bolt moves upward - this means it's a top pull, yeah?


Does this all mean that just running the cable straight down to the left of the bolt (the way I have it) might actually be the correct configuration?

yo_scottie_oh ,

Honest question: Why?

IMHO stack exchange is basically reddit/lemmy with hand cuffs because no threaded discussions and every other question is closed as off topic. I don’t understand what another stack exchange would buy anybody.

I guess one thing stack exchange does well is “related questions” and tagging, but… I dunno. (shrugs)

yo_scottie_oh ,

Kudos to dansup for at least giving us proofs of concept to build on top of. Despite my own reservations about registering for pixelfed until the discover pages federate with different instances and hash tags work again on the flagship instance, I look forward to a post-instagram world.

yo_scottie_oh , (edited )

To see what I mean, go to any instance, visit the explore page, and click a hash tag. Then go to a different instance and enter that same tag on the second instance. In every example I’ve tried, the second instance either has a completely different set of photos for the same tag or no photos at all. For example, on https://gram.social/ the tag shows 171 posts. Now if I try the same tag on https://pixey.org, 0 posts.

yo_scottie_oh ,

I think what I’m looking for on Pixelfed is a toggle similar to what Lemmy has, where the user can choose between Local or All. Local would show photos from just that instance, whereas All would include photos from all instances (that aren’t blocked ofc).

yo_scottie_oh ,

I read the article so you don’t have to.


A group of 12 Republican US senators sent a letter to International Criminal Court (ICC) Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan, threatening repercussions if the court issues arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials, according a Monday report from news organization Zeteo.

The senators allege that the ICC seeks to punish “legitimate actions of self-defense,” citing Khan’s report of the “calculated cruelty” he witnessed following the October 7 attack and making clear that they find “no moral equivalence between Hamas’s terrorism and Israel’s justified response.” They claimed that the arrest warrants “would align the ICC with the largest state sponsor of terrorism.”

The signatories declared they would take any warrant issued as “not only a threat to Israel’s sovereignty but to the sovereignty of the United States.” They threaten, “Target Israel and we will target you” and that any further action will “end all American support for the ICC” and “bar [Khan] and [his] families from the United States.” It ended: “You have been warned.”

The letter, dated April 24, 2024, was signed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky as well as Senators Tom Cotton of Arkansas; Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee; Katie Boyd Britt of Alabama; Ted Budd of North California; Kevin Cramer of North Dakota; Ted Cruz of Texas; Bill Hagerty of Tennessee; Pete Ricketts of Nebraska; Marco Rubio and Rick Scott of Florida; and Tim Scott of South Carolina.

OSM knows where my solar panels are

I have a solar array on my roof. If I find my house in OSM, there's a lightning bolt icon indicating there's a solar array present. Not only that, but the exact layout of the panels in my roof is shown. I never submitted this info to anyone, Google Maps Satellite view doesn't show them. I'm really curious where OSM got such...

yo_scottie_oh ,

You don’t need to guess, you can check the history for any object in OSM.

Editing to clarify there are two places where source info might be stored. One is as a source tag on the object itself. The other is as a source on the change set in which your solar array was added.

Why can't I see a specific post in [email protected] from lemmy.ml when the same post is visible on other instances? [SOLVED]

EDIT: After discussing this on Matrix, I believe the answer is in the mod logs. The author of the post in question was issued a temporary ban in another community on lemmy.ml, which I suspect is affecting the display of this user’s content across all of lemmy.ml even though the post in question is in a different community from...

yo_scottie_oh OP ,

I hadn't thought of that, but after a quick investigation I don't think it has to do with language settings for a couple reasons:

  • The post in question is set to English, which I have selected in my Lemmy account settings (as well as Undefined).
  • I see other "English" posts in the same community and other communities.
  • I also see comments from this user in other posts in the same community; the comments are set to "English."

Any other ideas? Could this be a technical glitch of some kind?

yo_scottie_oh ,

Much respect for the creator of Pixelfed for their contributions to the fediverse and all for more fedi alternatives, but please fix basic functionality on Pixelfed first!

yo_scottie_oh ,

Yes and no. Technically yes because the issue seems only to affect pixelfed.social; however, that happens to be the largest instance iirc. And hash tags are not federated, so one of the main features for discovery that is accessed from the landing page is unusable or broken (has been for months).

Meanwhile, people are out there talking and reading about this cool federated alternative to instagram called pixelfed, perhaps spending a few minutes browsing the site for the largest instance which also happens to have the word pixelfed in the URL, but as soon as they try interacting with it, they bounce off because they clicked on a link hoping to get more nature photos, but got an error instead. 🤷‍♂️

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