Happy to listen. I fix my flaws by listening, learning, sharing & opining (in that order). I fail often, but I try nevertheless. You've to excuse me when I get angry about those who attempt to build &/ impose hegemony.


Representative Democracy=Scam
Capitalism(incl Intellectual Property)=Thievery
Philanthropy=PR expense for Big thieves
Thinktank, Media, Religion=Propaganda

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flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar
flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

"The good guys"

Establishment rag NYT ran a propaganda piece of State thugs of the Nazi entity Israel about how the "good guys" in the genocidal entity's criminal gang i.e "law enforcement" are not allowed to do their job by the "bad guys", when in reality the whole existence of that genocidal entity is predicated on stealing, lying, kidnapping, torture, murder, ethnic cleansing & dispossessing weak.

The ruling class convenient fiction of "good guys" within administrative state not being allowed to do their job i.e washing off ones crimes by shifting the blame onto others while still benefiting from statusquo is a time tested strategy ruling class dishes out to please the shitlibs.

Their argument is: Only if you allowed us "the good guys" to torture Jewish terrorists just like how we torture Palestinians (whether terrorists or not), we could have made the colonialisation more tolerable.

This is the argument I hear all the time from the rotten criminals who got retired as head of police & army about fascists who hold power in our shithole.

Rags like NYT to exist to establishment legitimacy to these criminals. These are not anyone's friends (both NYT & the ruling class criminals they rub shoulders with).

NYT is an extension of deep state/steel frame or whatever the name state's permanent structure that remains constant from one election to next.


@palestine @israel

flawed OP ,
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

> “And the answer is very simple. They cannot confront our courts. And the legal community finds it almost impossible to face the political community, which is supported by the street. So everything starts with the street.”

What they dont deliberately say is the crucial next step in this series of steps (as it exposes their complicity in ethnic cleansing & organised State terrorism they engage in on day to day basis along with tacit support they provide).

They end the line of reasoning with street because State goons deliberately chose for fascism on the street to thrive with no challenge, as its in their & their bosses (ruling classes) interest for the Nazism & Fascism to grow — else they would have suppressed it long back.

They purpose behind deliberately stopping at this exact step, rather than continuing with the natural extension of that chain of reasoning is to shift the blame from them to fascists & their role is conveniently left out/hidden.

Its intentional.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Interconnected: Oppression & Solidarity

Recent announcement by Spain's ruling class that they denied docking of a ship carrying arms to the genocidal Nazi regime from Hindu fascist regime has motivated me to see what I can find about the relationships between Fascists across the globe, their masters — States & Capitalists, some obvious deceptions so called "left" I have seen engaged in, along with the interconnected nature of Oppression (as much as Solidarity).

One of the genocidal entity's main arms manufacturers Elbit systems has its wings spread quite wide. While its facing some heat in UK by Palestine Action, its using its other collaborators in India, Czech Republic & other places to feed the genocidal machine.

Third world is an excellent place for ruling class to keep a fallback option as, in 3rd world ruling class are even worse than Empire's ruling class, as impunity is even more brazen than in 1st world. Any resistance — however timid — only happens in sudden outbursts of anger, which gets suppressed with even more ruthless thuggery than in 1st world — thanks to so called "democracies" that are implanted there by Empires & also due to lack of space for a community to grow resistance against their own ruling classes.

Since India is run by a Nazi-inspired Hindu fascist party (and gaslighting equally thuggish shitlib political parties) definitely serves as good extension of right-wing fascist collaboration world wide. With this fascist collaboration, the genocidal Nazi regime's supply chains are now extended to both West & East, with Czech Republic seems to be playing an equally important role along with India.

Since India is oppressing Kashmiris as long as Israel is oppressing Palestinians, both are run by openly fascist ruling class thugs that proclaim themselves to be so called "Democracies" i.e colonial entities (engaged in colonisation of other people since their violent inception) sees themselves as natural allies & find it in their interest to see themselves as extension of Empire that can continue their oppression with little resistance so long as they play the ball with Empire.

India for a longtime thruout its so called "non-aligned existence" had shitlibs with rhetoric as ruling class, who bred current fascists that rule it now. Its ruling class masked its colonial existence with 3rd world rhetoric of "non-alignment" while furthering fascist interests for all practical purposes, with active help from so called Indian "left".

There was some bullshit announcements made by Indian "worker unions" (which are largely political party fiefdoms, with none having any independent street muscle that can confront ruling class on any issue of prominence — even for their own survival let alone for anyone else) who made proclamations about not handling cargo destined for Israel who are nowhere to be found in real world beyond the paper pronouncement they made.

Indian "left" (broadly an extension of so called "communist" political parties, which are nothing but shitlib parties with left rhetoric & authoritarian cults) have mastered the art of primarily doing nothing but PR for Western leftist consumption — when they are faced with event with worldwide impact, while being Shitlib adjacent interms of economic world view & Authoritarian interms of State policy.

I saw an announcement from them a while back which is nothing but a PR stunt just so those who cant verify claims can assume there is some on the ground resistance to genocide, when there is none.

This article is published in a fascist rag (Tabletmag) written by Observer Research Foundation (ORF) — one of the PR agent aka "thinktank" of one of the India's robber baron (billionaire). This article gives some clue as to how ruling class criminals & their agents see themselves as relating to each other.

Organised oppression has far more reliable real world supply chains, while Solidarity has very little real-world presence ­— let alone being reliable.


  1. India & Israel Nazi love fest

  2. Spain Denies Docking Permission to Ship Carrying Weapons Cargo from India to Israel


@palestine @israel

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

The "outsider"

The "outsider" narrative is not just ruling class narrative, it's has significant currency amongst our comrades too who with their 1st draft thoughts decided Hamas are outsiders to Palestinians, who think Palestinians needs to be saved, but Hamas (one of the primary Palestinian resistance thats willing to fight their oppressors physically) needs to be eliminated this Nazi regime because "security".

I will write a detailed post later once I find sometime why that position is mistaken (I am still composing my arguments against that easy position to take).

What they are advocating is destroying the primary resistance of Palestine against Nazis they are dealing with. I can't speak for Palestinians as I am not one, but from what I know from our own history, what some of our comrades who are "disgusted" by Hamas apologia (in my book they still have legitimacy for the substantive portion of what they did) are falling to recognise is this:

They (even I) are not living there. They have not endured what every member of Hamas (yes they are Palestinians too, which some of refuse to see because of slaughter Hamas engaged in) have endured. Just because we say Free Palestine, Palestinians won't be freed from the subjugation by Nazis. The slaughter won't stop.

Without that resistance Hamas, what Palestinians will have post genocide is a take it or leave it deal (if they are not expelled completely outside Palestine by Nazis) written by Nazi regime, imposed by Empire & their agent Palestine Authority while some of us go & shout how unfair & wrong it is.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

This modern day Nazi society is only escalating the Nazi things that it has been doing for a long time.

There is no way they are not seeing what we are seeing.

A sizable chunk of that society are really really sick mother fuckers & most of us will be too if we were subjected to the same social indoctrination as to what they are subjected to.

That's the power of organised indoctrination.

Just because we too are vulnerable doesn't mean their crimes are forgivable. Just like a dog that keeps biting others needs to treated, these sick fucks do need psychiatric treatment & definately our contempt wherever we encounter them.

So long as there is no real physical resistance to thier crimes, all we see are more videos like that video where a medical practitioner was trying to figure which body parts of a child go where (you will come across that on hell site, I am not posting it here intentionally) or these sick fucks celebrating the sounds of bombardment about 60-70kms away.

A society of deranged psychos is what ruling class is able to produce by weaponising the trauma that's the result of the past crimes of other ruling classes.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Its not just rhetoric when they say things like

  • Shitlibs are closeted fascists


  • Scratch a liberal, find a fascist

Fascists & Shitlibs (and closeted Shitlibs) exist to support each other.

They cant exist without the other's support. The system of organised gaslighting (so called "Democracy") cant exist without them supporting each other — while pretending they are not, not just within this genocidical state but outside too.

Their interests are the interests of ruling class, while ours are not.


@palestine @israel

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

This is a useful technique for those engaged various forms of resistance to State thuggery incl genocide, not just genocide.

I am not sure how widely this is used, but this technique being practices in London i.e slashing tyres of vehicles State goons brought to kidnap people is probably a low-risk yet quite an effective technique, esp when State goons gather to kidnap us in large groups.

Additional context (from linked message):

> When asked about the tyres of the bus being slashed, one protester said:

> “I don’t know how the tyres happened, maybe the tyres are comrades and let themselves down.”

Image source:


@palestine @israel

joenepraat ,
@joenepraat@todon.nl avatar

@flawed This was also done in Amsterdam this week. The result was there where only ~55 people arrested, instead of hundreds. 🎉

@palestine @israel

sjcooke66 ,

@flawed @palestine @israel It doesn't need Comrade Tyres! It was just an unfortunate serendipity of planned obsolescence! Or maybe just a "lazy worker" on the production line? Like at Boeing?

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

While ruling class has the interest to ensure the genocide happens "peacefully" without peasants fighting back, there is also one more important thing that's going on now — esp amongst fellow comrades in the West.

One of the reason for the brutalisation even when people are not physically fighting back is show who the real boss is. Esp who the real boss is within the physical spaces outside tiny private fiefdoms State calls "private property". Streets & all space outside these tiny fiefdoms/enclosures some are allowed to be transient "owner" of, are the areas where State exerts it's domination esp streets & all publicly visible areas.

We the peasants are allowed to make all sorts of assumptions the so called "rights" ruling class allowed us to pretend we are entitled to, while not seriously testing that belief ever.

Since some of us forget that this is a mere pretence & sometimes try and assert this "constitutional" pretence, ruling class is simply trying to tell everyone this:

You can delude yourself all you want about your "rights", so long as you know your place. If you stop deluding yourself & if you do act, you know what's coming to you.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Don't fall for divide-and-rule strategy

Anyone who is talking about what % of protesters are "peaceful" i.e 99% or 99.9% or any other percent have not seriously thought about what they are arguing.

They are wilfully falling into the trap ruling class laid right for them.

Ruling class is the violent thug thats butchering people, it's while legitimacy is built on brutalising people & it doesn't have any legitimacy to talk about so called "violence".

Those who incessantly get worried about proving victims are not "violent" i.e they are not engaging in self-defense acts to stop the crimes of State are only giving legitimacy to the only form of protest thats done to save ones own conscience & if others do escalate (that definately did lot of net good based on history, tho some people were harmed) only makes those who take real risk to do some good more vulnerable & prepares them for condemnation.

It's a mistaken view IMO, even if it comes from the right place. That argument harms others & divides people into "good protestors" who don't do anything beyond getting beaten up & allow the genocidal thug to go rampant (vs) the "bad protestors" who actual take far more real risk, falling for & buttressing the ruling class divide-and-rule strategy.

If one doesn't want to be part of it, that's fine. Giving legitimacy to that ruling class argument only throws other good people under the bus if they engage in direct action.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Hannibal is alive & well

There might be minor crimes/one-off major crimes that Nazi regime commits on its own without consulting its master — the head of the snake. But for every major decision the Nazi regime makes, its counting on the tacit support of Empire's genocidal half-dead Nazi zombie.

If that Nazi zombie's support doesn't exist, his goon in middle east would fold very quickly.

If genocide escalates, looks like it is as the Nazi regime few mins back asserted they will destroy whoever & whatever they can get their hands on in Rafah — even after Hamas said it agrees to ceasefire deal, even if that means signing Nazis signing death warrant of Israelis in the hands of Hamas.

That Nazi regime took on itself not just the power to sign death warrant of Palestinians (which it has done for 70-100 years) but also the death warrants of Israelis, which it has proven with Hannibal doctrine brutally murdering everyone incl Israelis by bombing everyone, but now by asserting its going to attack Rafah even if that means dead bodies of Israelis that will never be found.

Israel is showing us the true face of a State without the legalistic theatre that keep so many PMCs employed bullshitting about what X said vs Y said about various clauses within the manual of ruling class domination -- Constitution.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

On Nazis & so called "non-violence"

In the best case, the punishment for butchering 1000 people is same as butchering a 100,000 people.

If one is evil, if they want to slaughter thousand, it makes sense to slaughter as much as feasible in one go, which is what that Nazi regime is doing now.

In this case, there is not even an iota of evidence that the ruling class Nazis from Israel would ever come anywhere near to facing bare minimum of Justice i.e getting hung for their crimes, thanks to Empire — the biggest evil there is & all the racist Western accomplices of this Nazi regime.

This slaughter wont stop because of so called "non-violence". While Gandhi was preaching & making backdoor deals with British Empire on behalf of India's rich; British Empire & Gandhi's disciples were slaughtering others in the street. Ruling class like Gandhi & parade him because he is of one of them & was willing to sell rest of society so rich within India got a sweet deal — which is what ultimately happened.

There was violence even during so called Gandhi's "non-violent" struggle, but its countless faceless people whose names we don't know that faced the brunt of it, not Gandhi. He took credit for sacrifice of countless unnamed others who were brutalised/eliminated.

Gandhi was the PR man for ruling class then & he is the PR man of ruling class now, as all ruling class wants is our submission (or) meek petitions to beg them to stop which they can ignore & make us docile.

So, those who push for "Peace" & get outraged about so called "violent" protest i.e self-defence of society against rotten & criminal ruling class have the burden to stop the most violent thug in every society whose crimes are unmatched i.e State.

PS: Mentioned this long back but its quite relevant now.

@palestine @israel

witvliet ,
@witvliet@mastodon.social avatar

@flawed @palestine @israel

Maybe a good remedy againt overpopulation?

flawed OP ,
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

@witvliet @palestine @israel People like you would understand how deranged you sound if they take you & your family as the first set of sacrificial goats for the "remedy" for so called "overpopulation" you propose.

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

This is becoming more & more true now.

The Na** genocidal regime already started its assault on Rafah (full blown/not is not yet stated) & is already circulating Hunger Games maps on who need to move where within Gaza (i.e move them slightly north of Rafah that they already destroyed, not actual North, which is something they mentioned long back) they placed murderers along the path where past news was: Men wont be allowed to move anywhere i.e ready for slaughter.

Empire cleared some student encampments so students can be stopped from escalating within while the Empire's thug can the pace of genocide more openly.

Based on current trend, we have quite dark days ahead.


@palestine @israel

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Placing the blame where it belongs

Not Nethanyahu, not Hamas, its Israeli society which is the guilty party for everything that's going on.

Nethanyahu is the product of the uncontested fascism that pervaded that society since its inception.

Hamas is the product of the level of vileness that society condoned & incentivised since this settler colony's birth thru ethnic cleansing.

Those trying to push the blame onto Nethanyahu by making this disingenuous argument

Israeli are victims of Nethanyahu

Gazans are victims of Hamas

are simply trying to give cover for the rotten culture & crimes normalised in that rotten society (yes thats what it is now).

Its true that State, Capital, Fascism, Empire, and other intersecting systems of domination are responsible too, but those cannot take away the guilt of society that consciously chosing to dehumanise & dispossess.


Since my argument has the likelihood of being misconstrued as something else, I just want to emphasise, a society doesn't imply every person in society. I am only speaking about what a large section of tolerates & perpetuates.

Every society has good & bad people, but when speak about societies we are speaking about the dominant culture, never individuals — as I am sure there are many good people even in a society as rotten as Israel.

Our society is quite rotten (closeted-Israel) & we are as capable of & in some places are as rotten as them — as we are no different, but we are not yet at their level only due to historical coincidence, not because non-Israeli societies are any better. We all are vulnerable to the same pulls & pushes of societies we inhabit.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Lessons from the past:

Some comrade prepared this useful guide to those who have engaged in occupations.


@palestine @israel

skippy442 ,
@skippy442@mastodon.social avatar

@flawed @palestine @israel
one might also want to buy a copy of 'The Anarchist Cookbook' which I'll have to google up a search to see if still available ... back un momento por favor ...

skippy442 ,
@skippy442@mastodon.social avatar

@flawed @palestine @israel
okay the Cookbook is still available on Amazon and is written/compiles by William Powell. back in the day, the book could be damn hard to come by. just saying ... 😎

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

So called "leadership"

Another BS agreement being celebrated from UC Riverdale as "deal" with literally no tangible commitment on anything.

Please stop celebrating so called "deals" achieved thru "peaceful negotiation" unless you see the actual text.

If PR precedes the actual details, agreement is likely to be BS. If "deals" are agreed through closed door negotiation ­— as opposed to publicly contested & voted, they are guaranteed to be dogshit.

The culture of so called "leadership" (self-appointed/imposed) exists to usurp/sell off agency of others. If one is not aware of tactics of ruling class, they will simply waste the leverage they have outside by falling for trickery & sign on something with closed door so called "leadership" negotiation i.e professional managerial class (PMC) trickery.

Text of the so called "concession" is below.

The substantive part is:

We will form some BS committee with no actual commitment.

This is the "deal" people are celebrating. Completely unserious stuff.

If you agree to simply accept whatever your opponent places on table, not what you want, you will always get a "deal" — however shit it is.

Full text of agreement:

The signatories agree to the following amended terms:

  • All currently public information on UC’s investments will be posted to the UCR campus website. It will continue to be updated as the UC releases more information. The goal is to get full disclosure of the list of companies in the portfolio and the size of the investments.

  • The UCR Administration agrees to form a task force that includes students appointed by ASUCR’s Diversity Council and faculty appointed by the Academic Senate to explore the removal of UCR’s endowment from the management of the UC Investments Office, and the investment of said endowment in a manner that will be financially and ethically sound for the university with consideration to the companies involved in arms manufacturing and delivery. The goal of this task force is to produce a report to present to the UCR Foundation Board of Trustees by the end of Winter Quarter 2025. The task force will be formed by the end of the Spring 2024 quarter.

  • Commitment to bimonthly meetings with the AVC of Auxiliary Services and an ongoing review of Sabra Hummus consistent with existing product review processes until we can find a resolution.

  • The School of Business has discontinued Global Programs in Oxford, USA, Cuba, Vietnam, Brazil, China, Egypt, Jordan, and Israel.

  • UCR will modify its approval process for all study abroad programs to ensure compliance with UC’s Anti-Discriminatory Policies.

Other relevant analysis:


Agreement source:


@palestine @israel

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