Happy to listen. I fix my flaws by listening, learning, sharing & opining (in that order). I fail often, but I try nevertheless. You've to excuse me when I get angry about those who attempt to build &/ impose hegemony.


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Capitalism(incl Intellectual Property)=Thievery
Philanthropy=PR expense for Big thieves
Thinktank, Media, Religion=Propaganda

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flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Death by a committee

Looks like various administrators are following various tactics to avoid doing anything about genocide now.

Some using State's baton/gun & some deception.

This is of the later kind.

> … companies that profit from “the occupation of Palestinian territories.”

> The two committees will make policy recommendations by fall 2024, after which the college will consider implementing them no later than spring 2026.

They are going to "consider", not implement. Not divestment from Israel but companies that profit from those benefiting from "Palestinian territories".

They have 2 more years to do this when there is no immediate pressure to implement, as there will be other crimes ruling class will engage in by then & no one will pay any attention if its thrown into dustbin then.

These are not victories, these are the tactics of someone who is not serious to give any concession. These are professional managerial class "victories" i.e nothing burgers, barring rare exceptions.

The only tangible concession one gets now is real. Everything else driven by committees are simply unserious & goal is ensure pressure is off their back now.


@palestine @israel

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Web of lies they weave

The reason why students of every generation by & large (with minuscule exceptions to this rule) fight the reactionary status-quo is very simple.

Unlike many of us who learnt to make an uneasy peace with statusquo — even tho we hate it — students are not yet fully corrupted by the rotten written & unwritten rules/conventions shitlibs legitimized & impose on everyone, where every element of societal domination accompanies an obfuscatory & gaslighting rhetoric with legalism backing it. Since shitlibs are broadly the brains of statusquo (write the laws or have a major influence in written laws), legalism is not such a challenging task for them.

For some of us — either from personal experience (or) read experiences of others (or) know others who are forced to see the true face of status quo (not the one main-stream peddles or even alt-stream peddles, but the real face we see in radical-stream), we know that the most effective evil force backing statusquo is shitlibs.

Some of us made our peace with statusquo knowing it's too big & too hard to influence as the enemy is too powerful, even tho we express our anger at regular intervals. For some of us, the pain from the wound is always there, even tho we chose to distract ourselves with other activities — else we will have no peace of mind & no life.

Everyone understands the thuggery of fascists quite easily without much effort, as fascists are brutally honest about who they really are — Evil. They will have lot of dogshit accompanying their imaginary — and bigoted — grievances, but atleast they revel in their devilry openly. But shitlibs are the upholders & enablers of this system of ever present fascist thuggery, masterminds who build legitimacy to this rotten system which fascists can always threaten with barely any effort.

Since the threat from fascists is ever present — thanks to shitlibs who build legitimacy & are co-beneficiaries of this rotten system, shitlibs feign ignorance about the help they provide fascists, tell everyone that the moustache twirling fascists (who are friends of shitlibs) are evil, claim they are fighting fascists & force everyone else into making concessions to them. Their argument is: If you dont support us, you are supporting our friends (fascists) i.e they threaten everyone with fascist violence. The thing is, both fascists & shitlibs threaten with fascist violence, in two different ways.

Fascists: We abuse viciously.

Shitlibs: You take our abuse, or else (threat being: our friends Fascists will abuse you)

Fascists definitely attack with even more viciousness than shitlibs, but fascists show the devilry of statusquo openly & everyone in society can easily comprehend whats going on. Whether fascists force most in society into submission (or) they wakeup the dormant contempt & outrage in rest of society, which forces fascists to back off is something only time will tell — depending on how society reacts to fascists*.

In the case of students, statusquo has not yet forced them into submission like it did our generation & all past generations. They still have a purer heart than us for that exact reason. They will be corrupted just like us if statusquo prevails, but lets hope the web of lies statusquo weaves are exposed by many of us — in our own tiny ways, reach enough people who are willing to critically examine the underlying forces rather than doing surface level analysis, such that students (next gen) have a better chance to save their souls from corruption unlike us.

  • In our shithole, as of now, fascists have no force opposing, thanks to shitlib criminality who enabled fascists long enough & centralized power in the hands of State & Capital, with us reduced to mere button-pressing (voting) machines who can be subjected to semi-organized Fascist & organised State "constitutional" thuggery.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Shitlibs are closeted Fascists*

Which is one additional reason why they are on bed with genocide, in addition to lot of $ few get to make committing genocide.

  • or atleast Fascism is not a deal breaker for them.

@palestine @israel

immibis ,

@flawed @palestine @israel Especially Biden. Remember not to vote!

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Looks like* they set a deadline for escalating the genocide in Gaza on May 10th§.

Which is one explanation as to why Shitlib–Fascist combine have such urgency to escalate physical attacks so quickly — showing their cards so openly, which they usually are careful not show.

State goons & Fascists are rushing to clear student encampments violently now because genocidal half-dead Nazi zombie doesnt want anyone to escalate within Empire if & when his fascist dog in Middle East escalates & attacks Rafah — dialling-up the knob of his genocidal death machine.

In essence: Half-dead Nazi zombie wants his buddy to commit genocide in "Peace" — if & when it materialises.

§ With option to delay genocide little longer if Hamas agrees to "hostage deal". Hamas agreed to Hostage deal in Oct itself, but this "deal" is not about stopping genocide but delaying genocidal attack by few more days — so, it can be conducted with even more ruthlessness than before, as then every murdered person is guaranteed to be a Palestinian.

  • This is my extrapolation based on something I have seen mention on @readytoescalate on hellsite.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Lessons from practice

> Encampments are liberated zones; they should not reproduce authoritarianism, capitalism, or any other form of oppression. Camp security teams should not replace the police with whoever can buy a vest and megaphone at Home Depot. Campers should not feel pressure to ask for permission from “leadership” to act. Decisions should be made autonomously wherever possible, or else by consensus. We must trust and love each other enough to coexist without hierarchy.

Practice always beats the most well written theory. Altho theory & guesswork help us in the absence of action usually with rule of thumbs i.e to know what happened & whats likely going to happen, but its never a substitute for actual practice.

PS: Yes, I am aware that I am starting obvious. But sometimes putting thoughts into words helps when it comes to self-therapy.


@palestine @israel

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Being content with pittance

It's perfectly okay for people to not take the risk they are not comfortable with.

But insisting on celebrating a nothing burger from some of the student groups is just coping.

If I wrote 100 items on a list of demand that are not heart of a dispute, that ruling class allows me to "win" on, with no commitment on the actual substantive purpose of the protest — that 1 or 2 things, that's a straightforward loss, no matter the spin.

Some of these "wins" being celebrated as "wins" are just the same "wins" shitlibs already gave before. Symbolic not substantive.

It's exactly same as them agreeing to dropping food from above (sometimes on people's heads) while simultaneously dropping bombs to kill.

Getting agreement on former is nothing to celebrate. Getting substantive concession on later is what matters.

When the "leadership" i.e Professional Managerial Class (PMC) gets involved, this is exactly what happens. Getting no substantive concession on divestment but getting some symbolic stuff is just theatre.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

It's apparently not just 1 person but atleast 5 people who were shot in the head by State goons with rubber bullets.

The goal was terrorism — State sponsored terrorism.


@palestine @israel

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

No one can predict the future, but there are always educated guesses one can make based on history, as its a brutal teacher that doesn't care about being diplomatic.

Given the trend, it's only a matter of time before ruling class kills someone to send a message to everyone — to stop resisting.

They already attempted once, they will try again.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

So called "reasonable adults"

Pay close attention to what he implies but doesnt say.

Shitlib fucks like this are as bad as the fascist scum — as fascists show their colours openly where as these preachy fuckers portray themselves as the "reasonable adults" while pushing the "both sides" argument.

Our enemy calling us names is perfectly fine because the contrast is clear & we know where we stand. But the disgusting argument of there are legitimate arguments on both sides (literally enabling genocide) but we need to ensure we "balance it [genocide]" is what substantive portion of argument is i.e our goon killed too many, so we better stop killing more as it looks bad & may its too much cognitive dissonance to process at once.

I am sure this "reasonable adult in the room" (the "centrist"/so called "progressive" kind) also thinks Empire is better than North Korea (taking his own example). North Korean State despite being a despicable thug is nothing compared to the crimes of Empire — once you put on a balance the crimes of Empire vs Crimes of Kim Jong Un/his ancestors. Both are filth but North Korean thug is a lesser filth than Empire.

Holding that "noble" world view is what they call being a "reasonable adult".


@palestine @israel

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Criminal nexus in the open

At UCLA, looks like State goons shot someone in the face, in additional brutalising the rest of students violently.

Despite me being a pessimist (largely due to the stuff I read & experiences of others I personally heard in real life), I assumed they would start blood letting little later once they find a more opportune time (thru instigation & rest of tactics they have at their disposal), as only a day before they exposed themselves as an extension of fascist thuggery, but no, they realised its an opportunity to start attacking students right away. They are making me look like an optimist.

In essence, they sent the fascist goons to attack the day before, so they can come prepared to attack themselves a day later.

State–Capital–Fascist nexus is materialising sooner than we expect.

Fascism never dies a silent death. Capital never dies a silent death. State never dies a silent death

Source: @nosferatusexgod on Hellsite

Context (thread from before):


@palestine @israel

Mary625 ,
@Mary625@mstdn.social avatar

@flawed @palestine @israel

You won't see this on MSM

realcaseyrollins ,
@realcaseyrollins@noauthority.social avatar

@flawed @palestine @israel Shot with a rubber bullet?

Hope media like picks this up.

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

On Street muscle

One of the essential element to defend oneself against State & Fascist goon squads is by having squads of self defence of our own i.e building street muscle.

However unlike both of those two authoritarian squads, this is structured in a completely non-hierarchical manner thats born in solidarity with loyalty only to truth & one's conscience which respects autonomy of both individuals & groups, self-constituted from the community it's part of.

With no loyalty/respect to Law or Constitution or Nation or Religion or Race or Gender or Caste or Class or whatever the bullshit ruling class euphemism/division that exists to control & dominate rest of society.

We can't wish away violence & don't have to pretend State, Capital & Fascism will give up their power voluntarily. They are never going to, never have, never will. They need to be forced.

(I am sure others would have already put this more concisely & more clearly than me long before, but this is what I can think of now. Also I beleive this is what many Antifa groups are trying to achieve too — good on them. I think others also call it: Community self-defence committees).

@palestine @israel

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

State thugs are attacking Columbia* students.

Street thugs** are attacking UCLA students.

Its a joint venture.

  • In addition to students at other universities.
    ** Street thugs = Fascists.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

One more instance that brings the guess work some credibility.

Now the ruling class has roped in the fascist street thugs (largely Israeli fascists, may be other fascists too) to attack UCLA students in collaboration with State goons.

The way it works is:

If Fascists can attack on their own without State goon help, State goons will simply sit idly by & let the attack happen.

If fascists doesnt have the required street muscle, State goons collaborate & intervene to help fascists.

It entirely depends on the circumstance.

In both cases, they use this manufactured chaos as a pretext to attack the people ruling class (in collaboration with fascists) wants targeted.

These attacks usually happen in the dark to ensure they can hide their identity when they do this criminal dirty work on behalf of their masters.

Its a strategy that has extremely high % of success rate — barring few rare exceptions.


Video source: Hell site.

@palestine @israel

Aljazeera reporting on this fascist attack.

jdm2 ,
@jdm2@palcarajo.social avatar

@JapanProf @flawed @palestine @israel most likely police. Retaliation by protesters would probably trigger a bigger state response against them

Threadbane ,
@Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

@flawed @palestine @israel
It's a guess, because I don't think anybody keeps track of police political preferences, but the endorsement of police unions for lead me to guess as that as much as 75% of police in Blue states support him. For sheriffs' departments, I'd put the figure at 95%. Early in the Biden admin, 40% or the military refused direct orders to be vaccinated against covid, a good indicator that the military is also heavily pro-Citizen Trump.

flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

"Police action" is an euphemism for rioting & thuggery by State.

@palestine @israel

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