Happy to listen. I fix my flaws by listening, learning, sharing & opining (in that order). I fail often, but I try nevertheless. You've to excuse me when I get angry about those who attempt to build &/ impose hegemony.


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flawed , to israel group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

On Holocaust Inversion

To protect that evil racist settler-colonial genocidal apartheid fascist state, that ruling class with the help of large section of that rotten society has invented a whole new phrase — "holocaust inversion".

No healthy community would grant this level of abuse to our sense of accommodation, so they can protect a political entity whose documented genocidal evil acts can be compared to some of the worst modern atrocities of ours & last generation have witnessed.

Nazis in 30–40s could get away with the crimes they did because of impunity. We don't have to give any quarter to anyone who emulate that behavior & commit them with similar impunity — while we are forced to operate with one hand tied behind our back because we are required to operate within a fraudulent set of parameters our enemy forces us to operate under.

Accepting the logic of enemy — when the logic is not self-evident — is nothing but giving comfort to the enemy. Yes, I am aware of the fact that our words mean very little when compared to the direct actions of brave & respect worthy comrades — both Jewish & non-Jewish.

But still, we don't have to give quarter to our enemy — whether on this issue/any other issue. We are dealing with scum of the earth — worse than bottom of the barrel stuff, not some reasonable society who disagree on minor interpretation of words (I am speaking about vast majority of that society, not outcasts/comrades like us in that society who hold anti-mainstream views).

So far, I haven't seen a convincing justification for this "holocaust inversion" that other than: There are a tiny fringe Nazis in Western societies that want to harm Jewish comrades if we use that specific comparison to that fascist entity accurately — however one see it as.

Isn't the logic of this "inversion" antisemitism by itself by saying Jewish people can only be protected unless we attack that fascist entity under the terms that fascist entity has set, there by tying all Jewish people to Israel?

When we have internally inconsistent parameters, when on the face of it are designed to protect the entity from harsh criticism (not all words lead to action, but some definitely do lead to action), a reasonable question ask is:

Are we doing more harm (or) less harm by accepting the logic of the enemy?

@palestine @israel

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

"Israel has the right to defend itself"

Being part of Empire's ruling class has made this motherfucker only master rhetoric, who while being in bed with shitlibs & fascists ("can work with both sides of the aisle") role plays as an "outsider" (to fool people) & despite being his age, havent grown as a human being. That's what power does to people — no matter who we are.

He is still uttering shit like "Israel has the right to defend itself" with a straight face out in the open — which is a euphemism to justify genocide — with the cult cheering him on. I dont think he called what that settler-colonial fascist apartheid entity is doing as genocide.

He is the despicable face ruling class wears to legitimize itself while committing atrocities. His kind always existed & will continue to exist to undermine any forceful resistance to ruling class violence. All they want is "perfect victim" i.e those who suffer while everyone pretend to care while the victim stays under perpetual suffering.

Job of someone like him is to undermine the right of oppressed to get rid of the oppression they are subjected to — by any means necessary. Job of his kind from ruling class is to attacks any real resistance oppressed show i.e eliminate all threats to his class's ability to commit crimes without any forceful pushback.

What a piece of shit & what an ignorant bunch.

@palestine @israel

Bernie giving his stump speech & justifying genocide with the "Israel has the right to defend itself".

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

How far-right is so called "center" in Israel?

This is a point (they use different words but mean the same) I have seen mentioned by Palestinians & Jewish Israelis who pay far close attention to that society.

It's definately worth repeating because the so called "centrists" & "liberals" in Israel (Defenders of so called "Democracy") who were (likely are still) politically attacking genocidal right from their right, now want to take a strategic break from committing genocide because the genocidal right they were in bed with is not strategic enough in committing genocide in such visible manner.

If it was upto these "moderates", they would have ensured the same dispossession, apartheid & genocide, but would have committed them in a more orderly & clandestine manner, with even better PR than the openly genocidal right of Nethanyahu.

@palestine @israel

dhayannada ,
@dhayannada@kolektiva.social avatar

@flawed @palestine @israel

Maybe Netanyahu is a bit worn out, so they need a new facade for a war, that couldn't be continued without the assistance of the US and Germany to begin with.

Netanyahu was always overrated as the main culprit for in . Survey results repeatedly showed a majority of Israelis supporting not only the war as such but acting recklessly on the Palestinians.

The personalization of politics gives the ruling classes a lot of leeway to maneuver themselves out of predicaments - just change the face and people believe in a new start of something that just gets a reputational face lift.


flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Did Bernie the bastard call it a genocide so far?


Is he is still on a higher moral plane than rest of us mere mortals?

Is he still busy giving cover for vast majority of that rotten society by shifting the blame onto mere fascist wing so rest can be presented to rest of the world as "uninvolved"?

@palestine @israel

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Came across this discussion today.

Anarchist perspectives about Palestinian oppression from Feb.

Something worth paying attention to tho I have my own reservations about some views mentioned here about the role of religion (and redefinition of few religious terms which I am not convinced by) & few additional bits about "organic" anarchism, but nevertheless it's important to absorb & if not convinced counter some of the views (I have multiple points I am not convinced by).


@palestine @israel

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Need for self-defence know-how in public domain

I am sure some other anarchists might have already mentioned this (I dont know & cant remember), but towards the beginning of this genocide it occurred to me & I mentioned too.

The primary reason why Palestinians are oppressed (by extension everyone else who are oppressed across the world) is because they are systematically denied the tools of self-defence to free themselves of the oppression.

The reason why this genocide is going on now is because there is no deterrence for the oppressor (genocidal entity) for commiting the crimes its committing.

If Palestinians had weapons, this fascist entity would have never dared to commit the crimes it has been committing for nearly a century.

One thing is a given. Every oppressed population would want to fight back for their dignity incl Palestinians, but they are systematically denied the tools to defend themselves & one of the most important thing they need is weapons.

All "political solutions" without them having access to tools of self-defence will only be oppression with another name.

For those who dream of a society without oppression, without State, without Capital, without all other systems of domination (Fascism/Racism/Misogyny/Casteism/Religion/…), one of the most important thing is public dissemination of knowledge of weapon manufacturing.

Even in theory its impossible to emancipate without weapons when the enemy have them, this enemy not just some but have warehouses of them with an industrial pipeline filling its supply lines, while its oppressed have none.

The reason why State has "export controls", marks details as "classified"/"state secrets", makes its industries hide all of this under "know how", "trade secrets" (using the intellectual property scam), criminalises weapon manufacturing that it doesn't control is mainly because it wants its primary enemies (people it rules over) to not have any mechanism of self-defence to fight back.

This way it can oppress "peacefully" while in the best case all its victims are allowed to do is "protest" aka so called "freedom of speech", … i.e go & shout till you exhaust yourself & nothing more.

@palestine @israel

InternetDev ,
@InternetDev@mastodon.social avatar

@tzafrir @flawed @palestine @israel

Réalisez vous que le dirigeant Israëlien instrumentalise le juddahisme pour servir un projet sioniste, qui est un suprémacisme comme le nazisme ?

InternetDev ,
@InternetDev@mastodon.social avatar

@tzafrir @flawed @palestine @israel
Ah bon ????

Donc les USA qui ont armée Israël font qu'Israël a "mené une guerre par procuration"....

C'est débile.
Ce serait comme d'inventer que l'Afrique du Sud aurait mené un "procès par procuration"....
Ca n'a pas de sens.

Avec la même réthorique, ont peut dire que l'Ukraine même une guerre par procuration de l'ouest.

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Short on empathy

Thanks to the genocidal entity & the suffering many of us went & are going thru (no where comparable to Palestinian suffering but suffering nevertheless, we can only fathom the unimaginable suffering they are going thru), I am quite short on empathy.

Entity massacring 200+ Palestinians & rescuing 4 hostages & signing death sentence for many other hostages Palestinian resistance (Hamas & others) hold now, only made me hate the entity even more, not less.

Those who are celebrating this genocidal act needs to look at themselves in the mirror.

This fascist European settler-colonial apartheid entity is the enemy — not a mere ruling class thug & his gang of criminals at the top (they are mere finger on the trigger, not the hand), who are executing the genocidal will of a sizable chunk of that rotten society (which is the real hand enabling the finger to pull the trigger).

This genocidal entity has no legitimacy just because it murdered more than 200, injured hundreds more & so it can "rescue" 4 people (many of them are not good people ­— many being footsoldiers of apartheid & for rest based on mere statistics of that society & where they are living — outposts of settler-colony).

@palestine @israel

faab64 ,
flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

If Radio Rwanda can be prosecuted for Genocide, why not Newyork Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, BBC, Guardian & rest of Empire's genocide enablers?

@palestine @israel

faab64 ,

They are not Africans.

Remember what a western diplomat told the head of ICC?

It was created for 3rd world countries and Russia.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Whether a Palestinian State is formed or not, whether its a single state/two states/some other form, for all that the fascist entity & most of those who condoned (or) encouraged this genocide within that entity, neither rest of the world nor Palestinians will forgive it & them.

What all of us have witnessed so far wont be resolved thru backdoor deals or by singing kumbaya.

A rational person would conclude: There will be blood — once genocide ends.

The less bloody option is ruling class crooks across the world hanging the top level thugs of this entity thru "prosecution". But as we all know — that's very unlikely to happen, as the entity knows there is a symbiotic relationship between itself & its masters, which is the primary underlying reason why its did what it did in the past before Oct 7th, since Oct 7th & continuing to do now.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

An interesting read:

Letter of this USAID lawyer wrote after being forced to resign after he wanted to speak about the consequences of what the fascist genocidal entity is doing with Empire's support.

Empire now finds using the worlds like Palestine, what borders of Israel are after the demon started its genocide.

> One day before I was to present, however, I received from leadership a list of words I was forbidden to say, including “Israel-Gaza border,” “Palestinian state,” and “Palestinians” in reference to Palestinian/Arab citizens of Israel who identify as Palestinians. I was also told that a UN OCHA map of Gaza which accurately describes the 2022 borders was

PS: Just ignore portions of his deluded view of USAID, which unlike his imaginary version, in reality is Empire's vehicle to expand its imperialism.


@palestine @israel

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

An important development about the European genocidal settler-colonial apartheid entity.

As a reward for the entity destroying most to all hospitals in Gaza, in addition to its continuous butchering & maiming so many Palestinians, Entity's masters in Europe (literally & openly) put forward the entity's name for the executive board position of World Health Organisation (WHO).

Now this fascist entity won a 3 year term 2024–2027 & sits on the board of WHO.

In case if you are wondering under which geographical region this settler colony is listed under, its listed under Europe.

This entity participates in Euro Vision, propped up by racist European ruling class everywhere, but most colonists & settlers who migrated there tell us they are "indigenous".

Suffering doesnt grant anyone the legitimacy start lying to steal from other people by siding with one's own ruling class nor the legitimacy to dehumanise & kill other people.

Solidarity is based on fairness. Anyone who want/demand exception for themselves from fairness rules are operating from bad-faith from get go.


@palestine @israel

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Half-dead Nazi zombie & his so called "ceasefire" proposal is:

Why dont you release all hostages & for the period of the so called "ceasefire proposal" period we will not murder you & release a small portion of your hostages in our "legal detention" i.e entity's torture chambers.

As soon as you released all our hostages we will murder you into oblivion. Why don't you agree for "ceasefire".

Even if one hates one's enemy with all of one's heart, if the enemy is honest about their intentions, atleast that being honest about how depraved they are is respect worthy quality, tho we hate their being.

But shitlib fucks no such quality. Overall, they are there to do same or even more harm (as they last longer with their deranged lies & soothe indoctrinated populace with thier sweet tongue & vile heart politics) than fascists, while lying about almost everything. Thier whole existence is a lie.

Taken as a whole they are the real & potent enemy that people need to fight. Fascists will anyway be fought as they generate revulsion in any half decent person, but shitlibs are the real enemy as they are more nefarious in their tactics than fascists. They aid & abet fascists while feigning ignorance about or claim to be on the opposite side of fascists, when in reality they are buddies.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

What kind of peace?

Graveyard is also very "peaceful" i.e all you hear is silence.

Also, once we physically eliminate those who opposes our domination (or) silence them so thoroughly they are forced to know their place is also called "peace" — not just by ruling class but the so called "peace activists".

Would any person who cares about one's & next person's dignity be for that kind of "peace"?

There are always situations where we don't get what we do want & it's okay to acknowledge we don't get what we want, yet we swallow it because we are forced into such a situation & the dominating class has the power to make our lives even more miserable if we don't accept this kind of "peace".

It's okay to acknowledge the fact that there is no dignity in any system of hierarchy as dignity is a egalitarian concept (atleast the definition that deals with self-respect). The moment this moves from self-respect to feeling oppressed because they are not under our thumb, then it's about domination not self-respect. The line is thin & hard to distinguish but the line exits.

What passes off as "dignity" by those with power against those without power in today's system of hierarchy are all entitlements of domination euphemistically called "dignity".

The least we can do is stop lying to oneself that keeping next person under our thumb is actually peace.

We had enough this kind of "peace" without dignity thru out history & even now in every system of hierarchy — some far more visible than others but they are omni present.

What we need is not peace of graveyard but fight of dignity & real peace that flows when no one can oppress anyone else — even if one of us want to.

Such peace cannot be granted by anyone rather it has to be taken by us, one that we guarantee to each other, one that flows horizontally rather than vertically. Such peace won't come without actual physical fight with the proponents & beneficiaries of this vertical form of domination i.e "peace" as they lose the ability to dominate & control when this other non-dominating form of peace is established.

What we need is this non-dominating horizontal form of peace, I will kick you in nuts if you attempt to/actually dominate kind of peace.

What we need is the peace of Anarchy.

@palestine @israel

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

Equations of legitimacy

Here are barely controversial beliefs.

  1. Palestinians have legitimate right to unleash force against Hamas & Palestinian Authority to free themselves of oppression they are subjected to by their ruling classes.
  2. Israelis have legitimate right to unleash force against their ruling class to free themselves of oppression they are subjected to by their ruling class.

That's the easy part.

Now to the challenging part (in my book).

  1. Both Palestinians & Radical Palestinians (Hamas & rest) have legitimate right to unleash force against their oppressors.
  2. Both Palestinians & Radical Palestinians (Hamas & rest) have legitimate right to unleash force against some beneficiaries of oppression.
  3. Both Palestinians & Radical Palestinians (Hamas & rest) have legitimate right to unleash force against all beneficiaries of oppression.

Each of us draw our lines at various points within our own moral map & they wont ever align — which is good as we can hold each other to account when either of us deviate too far (or) enabling more harm than good with our dogma.

In my book, the moment Hamas loses legitimacy is the moment it starts exercising power only for the sake of having its authority (which it very well is & has been in many contexts — thats there for everyone to see).

The moment it actually acquires power, its automatically an enemy in my book. Even now, its an enemy but an enemy that nonetheless have legitimacy of its own, that's derived from it being a Palestinian resistance — as it has oppressors of its own.

Ofcourse, I too want the Anarchist society of the future where there are no Hamas, no Genocidal entity, no Empire, no dictatorships (so called "Democracies") each of us live in.

But those rules that are applicable then are not applicable now. Goes without saying: Where its not unreasonable to apply those exact rules without harming long-term vision (building the new in the shell of the old), we should follow it.

But being religious i.e rigid about one's ever evolving morality without us anywhere near or likelihood of reaching that future saner society of vision, rigidity will foreclose many effective options & makes it near impossible for us to reach there.

Yes, two wrongs dont make right - only as a rule of thumb, not applicable to every situation.

If you oppress others (or) are a beneficiary of oppression, know that you/someone you care about will pay the price for the oppression you engaged in. Then the options we are weighing in are: Cost of not taking action vs Cost of taking action.

In summary, My personal morality as of now (evolving always just like yours):

Be pragmatic yet be grounded to the principles you believe in.

PS: The imprecise sketch I drew represents sections of Israeli society. Its relevant to our societies too in a narrow way.

@palestine @israel

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  • almaember ,
    @almaember@polyglot.city avatar

    @somekindahate3 @flawed @palestine @israel this anarchism is basically just petty bourgeois democratism pretending to be communism

    somekindahate3 ,
    @somekindahate3@ni.hil.ist avatar

    @almaember @flawed @palestine @israel I mean, while I agree that that's where most self-proclaimed anarchists come from. Not all anarchists are bound by the language of radlibs. Many anarchists simply renounce the Marxist revolutionary methods, disillusioned or skeptical of vanguard parties being led by incompetent or bad faith actors, who are subject to the same biases and oversights that many well-meaning but counterproductive liberals tend to have due to their shallow, dogmatic personal understanding of dialectical materialism (or framework of choice)-- much like prophets declaring themselves saviors, and purposely or unwittingly (makes no difference) throwing everybody but their small group under the bus.

    The idea is that without the masses being as well-versed in dialectical materialism as the would-be vanguard, the masses do not have a failsafe way to identify a good vs a bad actor within the revolutionary movement, such that the same mechanisms of social coercion and manipulation employed by social capital remain the pathway for the vanguard to become the vanguard in the first place. This necessarily gives bad faith actors a disproportionate advantage whether assuming leadership or enacting sabotage.

    Because of this, many anarchists perceive leftist organization as an inherently doomed and fruitless endeavor that diverts effort away from more useful and fulfilling acts of genuine rebellion and care within their immediate proximity, at least within the imperial core-- that is, at least, until the material conditions change so much that it couldn't be the imperial core anymore.

    For this reason, anarchists tend to simply act through free association and more 'spontaneous' acts of rebellion and care, while being wary of their initiatives ossifying into time-wasting, cannibalizing institutions.

    Sadly, this also ends up sounding just like what self-centered, privileged redscare radlibs with an affinity for radical aesthetics pretend to believe in.

    flawed , to palestine group
    @flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

    Political moves of ICC

    While announcing the decision to ask judges to confirm if he (the prosecutor) can issue arrest warrants against ruling classes of Hamas & Israel, what that puppet of Empire at International Criminal Court (ICC) explicitly emphasized is "Principle of Complementarity" i.e Allowing the genocidal entity to prosecute its own criminals so ICC can wash off its hands.

    The puppet did not even allege the Crime of of Genocide (Article 6) against genocidal entity's ruling class. Whats Israel is being prosecuted in the other court --- International Court of Justice (ICJ) --- is for genocide & its somehow not being brought up here.

    Genocidal entity has committed every crime Hamas is alleged & more. But somehow there are unique crimes that are alleged against just Hamas.

    That's not an oversight. Its deliberate & intentional.

    I mentioned in the past that I dont see an iota of evidence that any of these genocidal thugs will ever be brought to Justice.

    Even after today's announcement by Empire's puppet court ICC that it requests Judicial overlords (appointed by ruling class) to grant the permission to issue arrest warrants, I still don't think we will ever see any Justice actually be done.

    Here is a comparison I made against the crimes alleged.

    It goes without saying, only time will tell what are the exact variables ruling classes are operating under behind closed doors, but I am not at all hopeful.

    @palestine @israel

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