bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

What is Fascism and Where does it Come From?

Fascism prospered from a paralysis of the state’s capacity for dispatching its key organizing functions, whether in the economy or for the larger tasks of keeping cohesion in society. At the worst points of the crisis, that paralysis encompassed the entire institutional machinery of politics, including the parliamentary and party-political frameworks of representation.

Geoff Eley, What is Fascism and Where does it Come From?, History Workshop Journal, Volume 91, Issue 1, Spring 2021, Pages 1–28,

@politicalscience @histodon @histodons

bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

What is Fascism and Where does it Come From?

Fascism prospered from a paralysis of the state’s capacity for dispatching its key organizing functions, whether in the economy or for the larger tasks of keeping cohesion in society. At the worst points of the crisis, that paralysis encompassed the entire institutional machinery of politics, including the parliamentary and party-political frameworks of representation.

Geoff Eley, What is Fascism and Where does it Come From?, History Workshop Journal, Volume 91, Issue 1, Spring 2021, Pages 1–28,

@politicalscience @histodon @histodons

bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

What is Fascism and Where does it Come From?

Fascism prospered from a paralysis of the state’s capacity for dispatching its key organizing functions, whether in the economy or for the larger tasks of keeping cohesion in society. At the worst points of the crisis, that paralysis encompassed the entire institutional machinery of politics, including the parliamentary and party-political frameworks of representation.

Geoff Eley, What is Fascism and Where does it Come From?, History Workshop Journal, Volume 91, Issue 1, Spring 2021, Pages 1–28,

@histodon @histodons

IHChistory , to histodons group avatar

📖 There was a gap in knowledge about the historical relationship between and common property in the Portuguese case.

Joana Dias Pereira tries to fill this gap in this article published in the journal , where she "focuses on the debates surrounding the ‘indigenous’ common property regime among the political and academic elites and its historical evolution".



wragge , to histodons group avatar

Just had enough energy left to write a quick post about today's 'Understanding Trove' workshop at the Australian Historical Association's annual conference in Adelaide. It includes all the slides and links (there were a lot of them). @histodons

todzi , to histodons group German avatar

Am Donnerstrag, 4. Juli, spreche ich an der UHH über ", und der an den und " im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung „ der Erinnerung – Colonial Voids of Memory: Hamburg and Germany in Global Perspective“


LenaOetzel , to Historikerinnen group German avatar
LenaOetzel , to earlymodern group German avatar
kris_inwood , to anthropology group avatar

Ethnic sex imbalance influenced marital decisions & household composition at a time of increasing ethnic intermarriage in early 20th century Hawaii, according to Sumner La Croix & colleagues in the 2024 Asia-Pacific Economic History Review!
@economics @demography @socialscience @sociology @politicalscience @geography @anthropology @econhist @devecon @archaeodons @sts @SocArXivBot

kris_inwood , to anthropology group avatar

Disease, violence, fertility decline & resource loss point to a high pre-contact Indigenous population in Tasmania & subsequent fast decline, according to Roger Byard & Hamish Maxwell-Stewart in the 2024 Asia-Pacific Economic History Review.
Open access!
@economics @demography @socialscience @sociology @politicalscience @geography @anthropology @econhist @devecon @archaeodons @sts @SocArXivBot

brian_gettler , to histodons group French avatar

Essai à lire pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent à l'histoire nationale, la didactique en histoire et, très franchement, un politique sain qui puise dans des référents communs et universels.

Gérard Bouchard, Pour l’histoire nationale : valeurs, nation, mythes fondateurs (2023) @histodons

IHChistory , to Archaeodons group avatar

📕 Nona Palincaş and Ana Cristina Martins are the editors of the book "Gender and Change in Archaeology. European Studies on the Impact of Gender Research on Archaeology and Wider Society", published by Springer Nature.

The book shows various ways in which the study of gender makes a difference in archaeological research, in academia and in the public's thinking about gender.


inquiline , to AcademicChatter group avatar

Can anyone recommend readings on the historical intersection between and ? TY!

(May have asked this before but still looking for leads)

@sts @academicchatter @histodons

bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

The return of long-lost Sumero-Akkadian heritage and modern disorders: rediscovering Gilgamesh, Victorian tension, and aftermath

The rediscovery of the Mesopotamian epic complicated centuries-old and on-going debates about time and history: The major archaeologists of the period utilized it to return the field to its earliest arguments and better understand what time and history meant at the end of the nineteenth century, the Historians, Hebraists, and Biblicists began to question the originality of the Bible and verify its reliability, and figures specialized in literature and/or the arts got access to the primary sources of prehistory to update existing literature or create new fictional arts.

@histodon @histodons

bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

Olmsted, The Newspaper Axis: Six Press Barons Who Enabled Hitler

Kathryn Olmsted’s work provides a timely and incisive analysis of four American and two British press lords, united in their isolationism, appeasement towards fascism, and proclivity to use their media apparatus and larger-than-life personalities to forcefully promote their politics.

@histodon @histodons @journalism @bookstodon

bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

Olmsted, The Newspaper Axis: Six Press Barons Who Enabled Hitler

Kathryn Olmsted’s work provides a timely and incisive analysis of four American and two British press lords, united in their isolationism, appeasement towards fascism, and proclivity to use their media apparatus and larger-than-life personalities to forcefully promote their politics.

@histodon @histodons @journalism [email protected]

bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

A Brief History of English Numeracy

The people of late medieval and early modern England were almost universally numerate. Is our ability to count the thing that makes us human?

@histodon @histodons

bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

In Need of a New Myth

Where do national myths originate? They do not emerge by happenstance. Rather their creation and spread are an exercise of power. Influential historical actors, from antebellum slaveholders to the moguls of Hollywood and those Slotkin calls the ‘political classes’, have attempted to develop and disseminate broadly acceptable myths to serve their own interests.

@histodon @histodons @bookstodon

Image : IonlyPlayz, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:

bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

Episode 300 – The 10 Greatest Byzantine Emperors

@histodon @histodons

attribution: Claus Grünstäudl w18, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:

IHChistory , to histodons group avatar
historicum_net , to Historikerinnen group German avatar

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TheConversationUS , to histodons group avatar

SCOTUS Justices Samuel Alito and John Roberts have offered starkly different views about polarization in today’s America.

But while Alito described polarization as “very dangerous,” Roberts seemingly expressed his desire for America to understand that our democracy has faced division before (like in the sixties) and survived – and that we should believe in the rough-and-tumble nature and the enduring power of American democracy

kris_inwood , to geography group avatar

The Māori population experienced a more catastrophic decline in NZ's colonial era than currently recognized, argues Simon Chapple in the 2024 Asia-Pacific Econ History Rev, because the pre-contact population was much larger than estimated previously
@economics @demography @socialscience @sociology @politicalscience @geography @anthropology @econhist @devecon @archaeodons @edutooters @sts @SocArXivBot

IHChistory , to histodons group avatar

📖 In a paper published in the Journal of Ethnobiology, Marta Macedo examines "how cannabis was part and parcel of the lives of peoples from Angola recruited to São Tomé and, consequently, of the island's plantation worlds in the late nineteenth century." 🇸🇹



todzi , to histodons group German avatar

Nina und ich haben in einem gemeinsamen Essay Chancen und Grenzen der Verbindung von (Post-) und ausgeleuchtet. Jetzt ist das gedruckte Buch zu "Neue Perspektiven der Unternehmensgeschichte" erschienen.

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