LenaOetzel , to Historikerinnen group German
@LenaOetzel@historians.social avatar

"Bährs Vorschlag, Konfessionalität in ihrer Mehrdimensionalität zu verstehen, provoziert offene Fragen und sorgt damit für lohnenden Diskussionsstoff."

Francisca Loetz zu Matthias Bähr, Konfessionelle Mehrdimensionalität in der Frühen Neuzeit. Irland um 1600


@historikerinnen @histodons @earlymodern

bibliolater , to histodon group
@bibliolater@qoto.org avatar

1861-1865: The Complete Story Of The American Civil War | History Of Warfare | Timeline

"Less than a century after gaining independence from Great Britain, the United States of America would be wracked by a Civil War as the secessionist Confederate States of the South fought the Union forces of the remaining loyal states. Four long years of war would result in the deadliest military conflict in American history, as the fate of the Union hung in the balance."

length: 54 minutes 40 seconds


@histodon @histodons

bibliolater , to histodon group
@bibliolater@qoto.org avatar

1861-1865: The Complete Story Of The American Civil War | History Of Warfare | Timeline

"Less than a century after gaining independence from Great Britain, the United States of America would be wracked by a Civil War as the secessionist Confederate States of the South fought the Union forces of the remaining loyal states. Four long years of war would result in the deadliest military conflict in American history, as the fate of the Union hung in the balance."

length : 54 minutes 40 seconds


@histodon @histodons

historyshapes , to Comic Strips
@historyshapes@mastodon.social avatar
CoinOfNote , to histodons group
@CoinOfNote@historians.social avatar

Ok reflecting back on the . I loved it! It was a good challenge both choosing countries / coins & getting it all written. My first thought was to make the posts shorter.... but they didn't end up any shorter, which I take as my own inability to compromise on information - & how fascinating everything is! One I learnt a lot writing was the Roman Denarius Fouree: https://coinofnote.com/19-b-c-rome-augustus-denarius-fouree/
@Numismatics @histodons

Shield inscribed with S P Q R /C LV in two lines, in oak-wreath. Script: Latin Lettering: OB CIVIS SERVATOS S P Q R CL V Translation: Ob Civis Servatos. Senatus Popuusque Romanus. Clipeus Votivus. For saving the citizens. The senate and the Roman people. Votive shield.

emdiplomacy , to Historikerinnen group
@emdiplomacy@hcommons.social avatar

10 Jean-Claude Waquet: Continuous Change, Final Discontinuities: the Development of French Diplomacy (1/6)


@historikerinnen @histodons @earlymodern

emdiplomacy OP ,
@emdiplomacy@hcommons.social avatar

@historikerinnen @histodons @earlymodern

He argues that continuously changed over the centuries, which can be seen as a sign of modernisation.
While was originally regarded as part of a more general service to the king, it slowly developed into a more specialised field of activity. From this the need to a much more profecient education of arose. (3/6)

emdiplomacy OP ,
@emdiplomacy@hcommons.social avatar

@historikerinnen @histodons @earlymodern

However, these changes were not introduced against, but within the existing system, often by those in charge. Therefore, elements of a more professionalised system co-existed with patronage relations. Waquet argues that we should speak of “a gradual internal transformation rather than of a permanent conflict between old and new”. (4/6)

WerkstattGeschichte , to histodons group German
@WerkstattGeschichte@openbiblio.social avatar

Wir begehen den mit einem Blick in 79/2019: Im Thementeil "arbeit/freizeit", hg. v. Reinhild Kreis & Josef Ehmer, Beiträge zum Verhältnis von & bei Offizieren um 1900, bei einem isländisch-sozialistischen Intellektuellenpaar & in japanischen Diskursen im 19./20. Jh.

Unter allen, die heute boosten, verlosen wir ein Heft!


Coverrückseite von WerkstattGeschichte 79/2019 mit Inhaltsverzeichnis und dem kompletten Foto, von dem auf der Titelseite ein Ausschnitt zu sehen ist.

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  • AnnalesHSS , to histodons group French
    @AnnalesHSS@sciences.re avatar

    Le numéro 78/4 des est disponible en ligne (et bientôt dans vos boîtes aux lettres). Au sommaire, 2 dossiers et un train de comptes rendus :

    👉 Histoire contemporaines et méthodes interdisciplinaires
    👉 Captivité et esclavage
    👉 Recensions: race et esclavage

    ➡️ https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annales-histoire-sciences-sociales/issue/E61A875176BF8CDBF8A4FE783E78A982
    ➡️ (bientôt sur Cairn.info)

    Nous vous présenterons les articles cette semaine. Bonne lecture!


    AnnalesHSS OP ,
    @AnnalesHSS@sciences.re avatar

    Comment la peut-elle enrichir notre compréhension de processus historiques? À partir du cas de l' dans le monde du , l'historienne Karine Le Bail et le mathématicien Julien Randon-Furling déploient, pas à pas, une analyse collaborative d'un mode de spécifique.

    👉 L’épuration professionnelle du monde du spectacle à la Libération. et sciences

    ➡️ https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annales-histoire-sciences-sociales/article/abs/lepuration-professionnelle-du-monde-du-spectacle-a-la-liberation/BE7B542A4A08AD7DD09BB7120762C20C
    ➡️ (bientôt sur Cairn)


    AnnalesHSS OP ,
    @AnnalesHSS@sciences.re avatar

    Comment relire Pierre à la lumière de ses archives, désormais accessibles? Paul Pasquali prend le dossier de la traduction et édition que Bourdieu a faite d'Erwin pour éclairer le concept, formalisé pour la première fois, d'habitus.

    👉 Quand Bourdieu découvrait Panofsky. La fabrique éditoriale d’Architecture gothique et pensée scolastique (Paris-Princeton, 1966-1967)

    ➡️ https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annales-histoire-sciences-sociales/article/abs/quand-bourdieu-decouvrait-panofsky/5A73B325312F5AC8EC931C7794E173BD
    ➡️ (bientôt sur Cairn)


    kris_inwood , to geography group
    @kris_inwood@mas.to avatar

    Black-white differences in intergenerational mobility contributed to dramatic fluctuations in occupational segregation in the US 1880-2020, according Gueyon Kim at the 2023 SSHA meeting in Washington DC. Sophisticated joint work w Steve Durlauf, Dohyeon Lee & Xi Song
    @economics @demography @socialscience @sociology @politicalscience @geography @anthropology @econhist @inequalityecon

    Black-white differences in occupational segregation are related to differences upward social mobility by Gueyon Kim

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