RubyJones , to bookstodon group avatar

What book bloggers do people follow to find their erotica and romance? Not all of those I followed on Twitter migrated to here, but I am sure there are ones I don't know about in the Fediverse.

Particularly interested in sf/f/h/weird erotica and romance book bloggers, and lgbtq+ themed blogs, but also generalists.

Feel free to self- rec!

@bookstodon @smutstodon

drawnonglass , avatar

@RubyJones @bookstodon @smutstodon

@ceciliatan and Circlet Press spring to mind..

oarditi , to bookstodon group avatar

I’m reading the first 3 volumes of this by way of preparation for China Miéville’s(!) forthcoming contribution to the IP. Pretty good writing for a Hollywood actor, I thought, and brilliant art, but basically pretty pedestrian.


RanaldClouston , avatar
Rhube , avatar
OwenTyme , to bookstodon group avatar

I've got six novels out that have very few or no reviews, so I'm running a short-term Ebook giveaway through Jun 30th.

Use the code ''P6YFQ' to get my books for free via the smashwords store:

Please post your reviews to one or more of the following sites:


OwenTyme OP , avatar

@bookstodon Oh, and one last detail: if you find my novels to have any value and you want to support me, you can always buy the book anyway.

Thank you all! I appreciate what my fans do for me and it means the world to me.

ConnorMoran , to bookstodon group avatar

Finished Jade Legacy by Fonda Lee last night, completing her Green Bone trilogy. The series is excellent, bringing gangster epic storytelling to a 20th century-inspired world where martial arts film feats are a reality.

There's a lot to like about it, but maybe my favorite part is the seemingly effortless way the books adopt the POV of wildly different people with different perspectives, making all these characters feel real and worthy of empathy.


pyperkub , avatar

@ConnorMoran @bookstodon I read the first, but never read the second 2. Maybe soon...

NerdsofaFeather , to bookstodon group avatar

Review: The Unfinished Land by Greg Bear

Bear’s final novel returns to a subgenre he is not well known for writing: fantasy

@Princejvstin has our review for your Monday at the NOAF blog


khleedril , avatar

@NerdsofaFeather @bookstodon Good review. It sounds like a fairly typical Bear: interesting big ideas but not much personality.

ergative , to bookstodon group avatar

Dang, y'all, I know I'm late to the party, but in case anyone else is even later than me, @vajra 's Saint of Bright Doors is ASTONISHINGLY GOOD.

Or, at least, the first half is. I presume the second half is too, but I haven't finished it yet. It has definitely shot to the top of my Hugo best novel ranking. (One more to read!)


chloroform_tea , avatar

@ergative @vajra @bookstodon oh you have some fun moments to come

catchingshadows , to bookstodon group avatar

Three Books That Had an Impact These three for one reason or another are at the top of the list. @bookstodon

MadisonMonkey , avatar

@catchingshadows @bookstodon elfquest was big with a subset of my circle of friends and I enjoyed it.
I would have to think about the three books or series that had the biggest impact on me, since I was a voracious reader.

catchingshadows OP , avatar

@MadisonMonkey @bookstodon I can think of so many more books as well!

RobinMarx , to fantasy group avatar

My review of Conan the Barbarian just went up at Grimdark Magazine. Jim Zub snuck in a fun homage to the 1982 movie in this issue.

(As always, boosts are appreciated!)

@bookstodon @comics @fantasy

HangFireBooks , avatar

@RobinMarx @bookstodon @comics @fantasy @RobinMarx I listened to a long interview with Zub on Marvel-by-the-Month and l'm very interested in digging into these

MonadicBlurbs , to bookstodon group avatar

Hey there!

Looking for something new to read?

Below the Heavens is a high fantasy indie book series inspired by East Asian mythology and culture.

Available for free in webnovel form on RoyalRoad, via their webpage or mobile app, found in my bio!


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  • orionkidder , avatar

    @MonadicBlurbs @bookstodon Why thank you. I do need something to read, and I love non-European fantasy.

    NerdsofaFeather , to bookstodon group avatar

    Review: The Pomegranate Gate by Ariel Kaplan
    A beautifully structured story of duality and Jewish-flavoured mythology
    @ergative has our NOAF review

    chloroform_tea , avatar

    @NerdsofaFeather @ergative @bookstodon really enjoyed this one (and this review), and “Things get very lively. There is a certain degree of dismemberment.” is a perfect summation.

    pretensesoup , to Romancelandia group avatar

    Dionysus in Wisconsin won third place at the New England Romance Writers Readers' Choice awards in the fantasy/paranormal category. I am definitely going to be cool about this and not use it as an excuse to call myself an AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR at every turn because that would be obnoxious.

    Check out the AWARD-WINNING NOVEL here:

    @romancelandia @bookstodon @lgbtqbookstodon

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  • VampiresAndRobots , avatar

    @pretensesoup @romancelandia @bookstodon @lgbtqbookstodon congrats!!!

    projektmyra , to buchstodon group German avatar

    Zuletzt beendet: "Last of the Talons" von @sophiekimwrites - meets Joe Black in . Hat etwas gedauert bis ich es nicht mehr zugunsten anderer Formate (eBook, Print) beiseite gelegt sondern fertig hören wollte. Nach etwa der Hälfte, um genau zu sein. 3/5 Sternen 🌟🌟🌟 - okay, kann man lesen, die zweite Hälfte ist 4/5. @bookstodon @buchstodon

    projektmyra OP , avatar

    @bookstodon @buchstodon next book I started is Starlight and Shadows, by Vera Winters, at Publishing. (C) 2024. A - have you read it already? Review will follow.

    geras , to bookstodon group avatar

    I finished the second book in the saga titled "The Tombs of Atuan". It's great.

    It follows the story of Tenar, a girl taken to an old temple in the desert to be the priestess devoted to the "Nameless Ones", ancient gods long forgotten.

    She was very lonely there; all her life changed when she met Ged, the first book's protagonist, who was in the underground labyrinth under the temple looking for an ancient relic. This encounter completely changes Tenar's life.

    The main topics of the book are freedom, gender, and the power relations emanating between those, reflecting the anarchist views of Ursula.


    (comment on The Books of Earthsea: The Complete Illustrated Edition (Earthsea Cycle), p. 245)

    jack_of_all_lanterns , avatar

    @geras @bookstodon

    The Earthsea books have a special place in my heart. For anyone interested in her politics, here's a memorial from the anarchist website Crimethinc by someone who knew her:

    oarditi , to bookstodon group avatar
    Gords , avatar

    @oarditi @bookstodon Earthsea is a great one

    dilmandila , to blackmastodon group avatar

    Author copies arrived of this bulky anthology of African ghost stories. Now I can say that my story was published in the same book as the legend, Amos Tutuola!

    @bookstodon @blackmastodon

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  • dilmandila OP , avatar

    @msquebanh @bookstodon @blackmastodon I believe through the publisher is a good place to start. I see its available for pre-order

    msquebanh , avatar

    @dilmandila @bookstodon @blackmastodon I signed up for email alert 👍

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