OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
@OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

Time is running out on my Ebooks for reviews giveaway!

If you want to help my novels get the reviews they need, use the code 'P6YFQ' at the Smashwords store: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/OwenTyme

Once you've read, please write an honest review on one or more of these sites:


SusannaShore , to bookstodon group Finnish
@SusannaShore@wandering.shop avatar

From yesterday, my review of The Night Ends with Fire by K. X. Song. An action-packed Mulan retelling.


dance_along_the_edge , to bookstodon group
@dance_along_the_edge@socel.net avatar

The Stealer of Souls and Other Stories, 1973 Lancer Books. A collection of the Elric novelettes The Dreaming City, While the Gods Laugh, Kings in Darkness, The Flame Bringers, and the title story.

🎨 Jeffrey Catherine Jones


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  • OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    “I’m the eighth deadly sin, Willful Insanity! Pride isn’t the root of all sin, because that’s me! All of you demons are weak-a**, pale reflections of me, because humans would have to be crazy to sin!”
    --The Hunter's inner demon as she faced the invading legions of Hell, in my novel Demon for President!



    SusannaShore , to bookstodon group
    @SusannaShore@wandering.shop avatar

    I review The Night Ends with Fire by K. X. Song. An interesting Mulan retelling with dragons and morally gray characters.


    OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    Free Ebooks for honest reviews!

    Use the code 'P6YFQ' at the Smashwords store! https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/OwenTyme

    I've got six novels that need reviews and this is your chance to help! Read at least one of my books for free, then write a review on one or more of the following sites: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27%3AOwen+Tyme&s=relevancerank&text=Owen+Tyme&ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1


    OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    Free Ebooks for honest reviews!

    Use the code 'P6YFQ' at the Smashwords store!

    Ashen Blades centers on the life of a half-demon girl with a serious bone to pick with demon-kind, because they murdered her parents. Read her story as she protects the human race, just like a shepherd defending their flock from a pack of ravening wolves.



    etaski , to ttrpg group
    @etaski@mastodon.online avatar


    I completed the manuscript of the 'rematch for Manalar" a few days ago and am in editing now! ^_^

    I'm aiming for mid-July release of "Shadows & Hounds"

    More about the cover itself at my Patreon (public post):

    Artist: @ErisAdderly


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  • catchingshadows , to bookstodon group
    @catchingshadows@mastodon.social avatar

    Book Review: Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal This is an utterly charming novel. @bookstodon


    OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    Free Ebooks for honest reviews!

    Use the code 'P6YFQ' at the Smashwords store!

    When a snake demon in an expensive, tailored suit takes an irreverent stab at American Presidential politics, the Hunter takes a literal a stab at him, to save the nation!

    However, with both parties back a demon, does it matter which one wins?
    Careful, or we might get a Demon for President!



    OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    Free Ebooks for honest reviews!

    Use the code 'P6YFQ' at the Smashwords store!

    Uncle Sam said, “I want you!”
    Uncle Sam wanted men for the Vietnam War.
    We rarely get the things we ask for.
    Uncle Sam got a small half-demon witch girl with a talent for demon extermination.
    In exchange, she got a chance to follow the trail of an old enemy.



    kenthompson , to bookstodon group
    @kenthompson@mastodon.world avatar

    The Witch King. By Martha Wells.
    You are a demon prince that inhabits mortal bodies in a strange land full of mortals and non- mortals who have access to various powers, which they mostly only use to acquire more mundane powers of social control.
    4 of 5 library cats 🐈 🐈 🐈 🐈.

    MonadicBlurbs , to bookstodon group
    @MonadicBlurbs@universeodon.com avatar

    Hey there!

    Looking for something new to read?

    Below the Heavens is a high fantasy indie book series inspired by East Asian mythology and culture.

    Available for free in webnovel form on RoyalRoad, via their webpage or mobile app, found in my bio!


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  • OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    Free Ebooks for honest reviews!

    Use the code 'P6YFQ' at the Smashwords store!

    "Sugar and spice and everything nice?" Perhaps the standard, off-the-shelf girl may be made from such things, but this half-demon girl?

    She isn't sweet, she isn't nice and you really shouldn't call her spicy, because she's got a magic hat full of weapons, a bad attitude and a mischievous sense of humor.



    NickEast , to reading group
    @NickEast@geekdom.social avatar

    Celebrating a paradoxical 11/10 rating of my story The Last Philosopher by Spookyspackles on RoyalRoad 🥳
    But who knows what could have been if I had only given 120% instead of the standard 110% 😂

    Anyway, the story is free to read, links can be found on my profile, thanks and sorry 😁

    @bookreviews @speculativefictioncomedy @fantasybookstodon @reading

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  • ergative , to bookstodon group
    @ergative@wandering.shop avatar


    (I must say, I didn't think Brandon Sanderson wrote that kind of thing. )


    OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    Free Ebooks for honest reviews!

    Use the code 'P6YFQ' at the Smashwords store!

    The Wizard's Scion centers on the life of a great wizard's son as he grows from a teen with barely any control over his magic to a powerful wizard that's master of arcane secrets all his own. Follow his adventures as he grows to maturity, both in magic and in life experience.



    queerscifi , to lgbtqbookstodon group
    @queerscifi@mastodon.otherworldsink.com avatar

    Today's review! The Sorrow Passage by Jeremiah Cain:

    "The whole series is fantastic, and transports you beyond imagination. The Sorrow Passage is a part of the new novel At the Crosswords of Thorns, another fantastic addition to the series... n outstanding story that keeps you in suspense until the very end."


    @lgbtqbookstodon @diversebooks @bookstodon

    jwilker , to bookstodon group
    @jwilker@wandering.shop avatar

    Last chance to score 200+ really great SF/F books from 181 authors. Time to stock up for beach/pool/campsite/cozy couch reading! I know I did!



    OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    Free Ebooks for honest reviews!

    Use the code 'P6YFQ' at the Smashwords store!

    Levi mourns the recent loss of his parents, but old enemies of his father refuse to give him the time to grieve.

    A deposed price with a time machine seeks the throne of a vast, star-spanning empire, scouring history for allies to strike at Levi's father in the past, when he's vulnerable.



    pretensesoup , to Romancelandia group
    @pretensesoup@romancelandia.club avatar
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  • OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    Free Ebooks for honest reviews!

    Use the code 'P6YFQ' at the Smashwords store!

    Born of human heart and mind,
    The Gods thought man blind:
    Science stole man’s heart,
    Forcing Gods to depart.
    A refuge built, a new home made,
    Which man did invade!
    The Four Horsemen rise,
    For man’s action wasn’t wise!
    The Gods may be forgotten,
    But a war has man begotten!



    OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    Free Ebook in exchange for honest reviews!

    Pick up your free copy of Troll Song with the code 'P6YFQ' at the Smashwords store!

    Troll Song is the story of a teenage troll that touches the mind of a dwarf, coming to realize her family is evil. Follow her journey from darkness to light as her sister continually chases her, for the sake of revenge!



    booktweeting , to bookstodon group
    @booktweeting@zirk.us avatar

    ELEGANT VARIATIONS ON FAIRYTALE themes with dystopian undertones and a poetic, distinctive voice. Enchanting in every sense of the word. B PLUS



    lorywidmerhess , to bookstodon group
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