mister_monster ,

Most men I know are what you'd call feminists. They don't beat their wives, don't expect women to be virgins, like women to have careers, that kind of stuff, comfortable and happy with competent, confident independent women and want that for their daughters. But none of them go out of their way to let everyone know how important women's rights are to them, and of the handful that I've met that did, I'd catch them salivating at 13 year olds, "false assault allegations" in their past, or just have an undeniable fucking creep vibe to them. This one high school teacher I met that got outraged at me over asking him if he's ever been attracted to a student is on the registry now for fucking underage students. There's one particularly prominent example that comes to mind (that I won't go into details about) that was by far the most culture warrior man I've ever met that turned out was a complete predator and scumbag who should be dead. Needless to say I don't hang around people once I get that kind of understanding of their character. These people have all been friend of a friend type acquaintances, and a few have been short term boyfriends of feministy female friends of mine who have agreed with my sentiment wholeheartedly since then.

You look at all the me too people in the public eye, almost every single one of them was out front with the activism. It's just my experience, people that go out of their way to let everyone know they're a Good Person™ usually have all kinds of unsavory shit they want to keep from getting out. It's like the preacher that's molesting little boys while telling people they'll burn for being gay, but the left leaning version.

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