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Candelestine , in Politically engaged Redditors tend to be more toxic, even in non-political subreddits

Yep, I completely believe it.

I'm fairly political myself, and it takes pretty hefty amounts of effort to remind myself to let things go and try to just keep a respectable level of discourse. And I still fuck it up all the time.

A lot of it is mechanical. I have far fewer tools here than I do with irl political activism, I can't use facial expression or tone or anything. So it almost feels like negative sarcasm replaces all that or something, I don't really know, I'll have to think about it awhile.

Alteon ,

It's also fucked. Like, what are we supposed to do? This is the only form of protest that some of us have. I don't have the ability to get out and protest. I don't have the ability to be an activist, I have a family that I need to take care of.

I know that change comes from political discourse, and we've VERY CLEARLY seen that has worked towards the Republicans benefit (reg. redpilling, QAnon, etc.). It's the only way I know that I can fight back against that insanity.

Cultural change is slow, but it ultimately wins the war, and the best thing that I can do is be on the right slide of it. I understand that you win over more people by being nice, but my comments arent to "win" over the person I'm talking to....they are the "example", and my argument is primarily for the hundreds of people that will ultimately read the post.

unreasonabro ,

the religulous have a pretty sweet deal for themselves at this point. They don't have to pay attention to anything except their favorite liars because anything else makes them uncomfortable, and if you try to talk to them legitimately, they go all special snowflake the second you let slip a profane word representing how strongly you feel and just totally stop listening. It's worse than talking to children, at least children are trying to understand you some of the time. These people start from a place of dishonesty and never leave it.

gravitas_deficiency ,

The “True Believers” simply discard rationality. Logic no longer matters. They know with full conviction and absolutely zero doubt that they are right, regardless of any and all evidence to the contrary. There is unfortunately very little negotiation one can do with that mentality once a person in the grasp of it decides you’re an “agent of evil” - and that’s a comically easy line to cross.

Source: I’ve got a Christian Fundamentalist uncle, which is always… shall we say, interesting at family gatherings, especially considering that I was raised broadly similarly to him but am now staunchly atheist and he knows it.

Bishma , in Relative size comparison of social media platforms (December 2023) avatar

Ah Linkedin, the social network every professional has to have and almost no one participates in unless they're looking for or offering a job.

tourist , avatar


swiffswaffplop , in You're goddamn right it did.

Was on Reddit for 11+ years. Apollo for the last few years. Quit cold turkey in June and honestly my life is better for it.

Exusia , avatar

Now we shitpost on the funny mouse website!

MargotRobbie , avatar


WillFord27 ,

Wow it's the Margot Robbie. Lemmy sure has come far

MargotRobbie , avatar

We did like a whole Barbie marketing campaign here and everything.

Also, that's the esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie to you!

gravitas_deficiency ,

Do you happen to know anyone who, back in the 90s, was on a very famous tv show?

p03locke , avatar

Just don't piss off the other mouse.

gravitas_deficiency ,

now get out there and make me some goddamn money! hu huh!

gravitas_deficiency , in This got me banned from Reddit Event with u/Spez (Steve Huffman) LOL

lol you fucking legend.

Nobody , in This got me banned from Reddit Event with u/Spez (Steve Huffman) LOL

I recognize that guy. He was a moderator of the r/jailbait subreddit for the many, many years it was hosted on

khannie , avatar

Is that true? Holy moly!

brbposting ,
Nobody ,

Your source admits Spez was a jailbait mod. MAYBE he was made one without knowing, but he DEFINITELY could have removed himself and didn’t.

Spez was a jailbait mod for years. That’s a fact.

brbposting ,

Maybe he was made one without him knowing…

He could have removed himself immediately upon noticing…

Source for the fact he noticed?

Ewww I’m defending Spez

gravitas_deficiency ,

As an engineer myself: if I was ceo of my own social media company, I’d periodically go through my account at a fine-grained level and see if there was anything weird going on. Hell, I’d probably use some internal APIs and webhooks or whatever to track and categorize my profile’s interaction with the network at large.

I find it unlikely that he had no idea about this.

Devi , in Wow, it's really become a shithole there

The pre-pubescent bit is something that comes from Paedophiles trying to defend themselves. The word means attracted to children, but some people claim because the root is greek and ancient greece you could work from puberty then the word children only referred to those before puberty. It's wrong, there's plenty of examples of 16 year olds being referred to as children in texts.

Even if it was true, we're not in ancient greece, people are considered children up to 18 or even 21 today.

pete_the_cat OP ,

It's not a way to defend's literally the definition of pedophilia. People that are convicted of being pedophiles aren't people that are attracted to teenagers/young adults, they're attracted to literal children (those that are 10 years old or younger).

Calling a 17 year old "a child" has a much different connotation compared to calling a 7 year old "a child". It's like calling someone that just turned 65 a "senior citizen" even though they are as active as a 50 year old, vs calling a 90 year old a "senior citizen".

If you're 22 and you say you find a 17 year old attractive there are screams of "pedophile!" even though there's only a 5 year age difference. If she was 22 and you were 27 people wouldn't bat an eye. Don't even attempt to use the argument of "17 year olds aren't emotionally mature!" because (at least in the US) we hand them guns and tell them to fight in wars, and give them licenses to drive cars.

Devi ,

I have explained what the word means very clearly. and nobody is convicted of Paedophilia, it's not against the law to have an attraction in your head, it's the acts that are against the law.

The rest of your comment just seems to be justifying paedophilia.

Crampon , in Reddit is a bubble machine

I stopped engaging on the site after the API changes. I made a decent amount of OC on various subreddits.
I believe a lot of people did the same. Now the front page is litttered with only fans ads and celebrity gossip.

I still lurk on my subscribed subreddits on the PC with the right plugins to make Reddit bearable.

A wake-up call was when someone on a dedicated subreddit said that left side politics have never hurt anyone, and I told them they would be stoked to hear about the Soviet or Venezuela, and received a permanent ban for it. Reddit is now a propaganda tool with users engaging in hyper normalisation the narrative. Anyone questioning the emperors new clothes is expelled.

Krudler , in Tried joining Reddit again because of lack of activity in very niche communities, got banned again ,_,

Ugh. So much to unpack here.

First off, you have to act like a massive shit-loaf to get perma'ed from Reddit in the first place. Now you're declaring your love for this community because you can't get back into Reddit.

Welcome, I guess.

gravitas_deficiency ,

It’s actually not too hard to get perma’d due to a handful of bullshit/nonsensical bans that just stack up over time. Also, they were VERY liberal with the permaban hammer around when they announced the API lockdown.

Critical_Insight , in My new profile picture on Reddit

The kind of people who use/see profile pictures on reddit are probably happy to stay there

solidsnake2085 , in My new profile picture on Reddit avatar

Why are you still on Reddit?

dullbananas OP , avatar
gravitas_deficiency , in Reddit is going to let you turn gold into money

Lmao what could possibly go wrong

MushuChupacabra , in Reddit is going to let you turn gold into money avatar

Is u/spez still there?

My intentions are to never go back to reddit. I'm never going to consider returning while he's there.

Meho_Nohome , avatar

I stop by and check the place out once in a while. You're not missing anything. The place has become a dupsterfire filled with bots and spam. I have old comments from years ago getting new comments on them. They're all bot comments. IDK why they are commenting on old posts, but they're doing it a lot.

BuckRowdy , avatar

I got a reply to a 9.5 year old comment two days ago...

gravitas_deficiency , in Seeking Participants for a Short Survey on the Impact of Reddit Migration on Lemmy

Submitted. I’m interested in seeing the results when it’s done!

cokane_88 , in Sound Off: How many 10+ year redditors have left the site? avatar

13 years, bye. Fuck spez

Rainy1719 , in Sound Off: How many 10+ year redditors have left the site? avatar

My account was older than my kid. It feels like some weird breakup. At times I miss it but I feel better for moving on. Lemmy feels like early reddit did so I'm hopeful that the community will continue to grow.

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