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Devi ,

Why was the old woman causing people to abandon Ruby? There was no hint I could figure as to why that might be happening.

On the BTS ep Russell said that he didn't want to reveal it because the audience thinking "What could someone say to make a mother reject her daughter" is so much creepier than any reveal could be. It's got me thinking.

Devi ,

I feel like that's the same as saying people are toxic or socialisation is toxic. Yes, toxicity can exist online, it can also exist in the supermarket, at school, in a field miles away from anywhere. It's just a facet of being with other humans.

Devi ,

Survival of the fittest just means the most adapted to the current environment. Our current environment has medicine so we're adapted to that. If that suddenly changes then sure it would be an issue, but so would a climate difference of even a few degrees, a slight difference in the chemical make up of air, etc.

Could I get an autopsy done on myself while I'm alive?

Completely random stoned hypothetical. Lets day im old as fuck and I decide I'm ready and done. Could I have the same postmortem autopsy done on me while I'm still alive? Like give me a ton of drugs and let me watch myself get dissected as my final moments. I understand there is a legal and possibly moral concern, but is it...

Devi ,

I always just go, worst case scenario they were super busy the night before and don't have any rooms ready so you leave your bags with them and go explore lighter, but most of the time they have a room and let you in.

You can also pre-book early check in but I tend to only do that if I really need it because it costs and usually you can sneak in by turning up.

Devi ,

You don't commit to a stranger really. Normally you've met them and spoke multiple times and the families have spoken throughout both kids lives. I had a friend when I was young who knew her intended spouse from 7 years old and there was no plan to marry until she was finished with uni. She used to carry a picture of him in her wallet like we all had boyband members.

Even once you get to the marriage bit there's chances to say no then.

Devi ,

It's not dating exactly, but there are dates involved. The parents pick someone that you're intended to marry, they bring them round and go "here, we think you should marry this person". You get chatting with them, go out for some dates, in the modern age you're probably texting each other etc, but it's not like western dating where you're just seeing how it goes, you're deciding if you want to marry.

After a short while you would say 'yup, this seems good'.

Devi ,

You're still mixing up arranged marriage with forced marriage.

Devi ,

I think you're confused. That is arranged marriage.

Devi ,

I've tried to find out if they ever did marry but I can't find her online. I like to think she did though and it went well because she did really like the picture.

Devi ,

My dad never spent time with me because we didn't share hobbies, I tried desperately as a kid to get into what he liked, but he never tried to get into what I liked. My mom knew the names of the kids on Barney, what snacks cheered me up, or what friends I had in school, my dad also lived in the house.

As adults we've found common ground in politics and TV, and we have a relationship now, but we'd have a much better relationship if he'd tried to hang out with me back then.

So I guess my advice is just hang out with her, whatever form that takes. Time is so important.

If Reddit had a soul/conscience, I think it was us, and we're all on Lemmy now...

As a little background, I didn't actively use Reddit for months following the blackout. I still barely stop in over there and if I do I'm never logged in our contributing to the communities there (where I was previously a daily poster/commenter)....

Devi ,

What numbers are we using here? Reddit has roughly 70m active users, the fediverse has between 2 and 3 million, that's quite a few people over here.

Got permanent ban in r/LGBT and when i asked why I got a 3 day ban for promoting hate. ( )

This was my conment on a post saying that pregnant people should always be used instead of pregnant women. My comment was under someone saying vitamins for pregnant women should say vitamins for pregnant people. I have a trans son and many trans friends. My comment was not promoting hate! Fucking reddit mods

Devi ,

You probably shouldn't have been banned but you are wrong. "Female while pregnant" is pretty offensive.

Devi ,

It's worse than that, RODI water as it is just pure H2O it's desperate to bond to anything it can so it grabs minerals from your body as it passes through.

Devi ,

Yes, sticking stuff in it makes it work, you can even get mineralising powders that put the minerals back in so say you don't trust or like your tap water you can filter everything out and put the stuff you do like in

Devi ,

No, it pulls everything out of your system and causes deficiencies. It shouldn't be drunk at all.

Devi ,

Kind of, but you don't get to choose what it pulls, so unless you have an excess of every mineral then it's going to make you deficient in something and then other things may not be affected at all.

Will I ever be seen as truly British?

My family immigrated to the UK from Poland when I was six. I'm 20 now, speak much better English than Polish and feel like this is my land/culture. However I have a Polish first and last name, Polish passport and "unique" accent everyone picks up on, so despite this I'm usually perceived as an outsider. It makes me really sad...

Devi ,

Knowing what a conker is makes you super British.

Devi ,

Horse chestnuts, not chestnuts, chestnuts are soft and you eat them on bonfire night, horse chestnuts are hard and you can crack skulls with them.

Devi ,

It's a really pretty fish isn't it? I'm used to seeing them preserved and the colour doesn't come across.

What happens to those who are severely disabled while in prison?

For some reason began going down a rabbit hole thinking about this. Let's say you are blind, and reliant on a guide dog, but end up in prison for a non-violent crime like possession of illegal drugs. Are you allowed to keep the dog? No, right? But if you are entirely reliant on the guide dog to perform daily tasks, how do you...

Devi ,

Just to clarify, nobody is entirely reliant on a guide dog. A guide dog is a tool that assists someone in certain situations, there's loads of tools blind people can use to navigate, they may have a preference but the prison systems don't really care much.

In sentencing, disability can often be used to get a judge to look at a non-custodial sentence, or custodial in an alternative environment, it can even be a mitigating factor to get a lesser sentence.

But if they do get put in there, then it depends so much on the system. In some countries they will treat you very well, in others you'll not survive long.

Devi ,

It's like those doomsday cults that have to change the date after each time the world doesn't end, first they said everyone would drop dead in weeks, then months, I think now they're claiming that it's a slow burner like smoking.

Do you clean the opening on your glass bottles?

Spouse and I have a discussion on what to do after you pour a sauce out of a glass bottle. I do nothing but my wife takes her finger and wipes the excess from the bottle before she puts the lid back on. I think touching the food is disgusting and she thinks leaving it there to gum up the lid is disgusting. What do people do?

Devi ,

If you touch food prior or during cooking then the cooking process is killing the bacteria. You shouldn't really touch after but even in that situation a small amount of bacteria in food that's about to be eaten isn't the worst. The big issue is bacteria introduced to food which is then stored where the bacteria then grows over time.

My friend's boyfriend's therapist said that he is an abuser who is trying to look like the victim. What does this mean?

My friend has been talking with this 24 year old man online since early 2022. She is into stereotypical nerds that are on the chubbier sides. He is a stereotypical nerd both inside and out, and is 350 lbs at 5"11. She thinks he's the cutest man she's ever seen. She met him on Reddit, he lives in California while she lives in...

Devi ,

If he can't/won't travel to her and she can't travel to him then does it matter? It's going nowhere and they can be online friends or disconnect but the relationship won't progress.

Devi ,

I feel like this is something you should speak to a doctor about, like it could just be a quirk or it could be that fluid is accumulating in your respiratory system when you lay down which could be dangerous.

Devi ,

It's not one condition, basically when your respiritory system is irritated it produces mucus, that's why you get a runny nose when you have a cold for example, but anything going weird there can cause this reaction, infections, tumours, anything. When there's an overproduction of mucus you might not notice when awake and upright as it drains away but when asleep laying down it can build up in certain areas. Your description of having to clear your nose and tightness on the lungs sounds like this could be whats happening and I feel like someone with a medical degree should have a look just to be sure it's nothing sinister.

What are some free interests/things/hobbies you can do in the city?

I live alone and I'm just wasting away my time here. It's actually making me very depressed to be honest. I do live in the city which makes think there ought to be at least something to do out here. Though I can't really afford to spent money on it every day....

Devi ,

Have you got a seat filler company? It's a company that you pay a small amount to go to gigs, theatre, events, etc that have been undersold. They just want people to fill the seats. I pay around £3 a time and I've seen bands like Kiss, Less Than Jake, Fun Lovin Criminals, not free but cheaper than a coffee.

Devi ,

Google? Seat filler + name of the city

Where do the rural homeless near you live?

This seems to be something people don't always give second thought to. When people talk about the homeless, the first things thought about are images of people on busy city streets in rusty clothes waiting around near allies. In there, the answer is quite static, because it can be I guess. But if that's the case, change the...

Devi ,

There's not many where I live because homeless people usually need to beg and there's no point begging in the countryside where you'll see three people a day.

How should I change my polite behavior to be more accommodating?

My parents raised me to always say "yes sir" and "no ma'am", and I automatically say it to service workers and just about anyone with whom I'm not close that I interact with. I noticed recently that I had misgendered a cashier when saying something like "no thank you, ma'am" based on their appearing AFAB, but on a future visit...

Devi ,

Yes, please and No, thank you do me fine

Devi ,

Not a scientific observation, but the zoo I used to work at often planted medicinal plants in primate enclosures because they use them. I think this has been common in zoos for a long while.

Devi ,

Nah, I've never been in the monkey house chewing ginger roots, they know this stuff, or work it out, not sure which really.

Devi ,

The Tim Traveller is very similar, they're actually friends too which is nice.

Devi ,

In some UK buildings lifts go G, M, 1, 2, 3

Devi ,

It is a shame. Obviously we're very early on in her story so maybe after one season there's nowhere else to go with her, but it is sad.

Wow, it's really become a shithole there

It's been going downhill for a while but I feel it's gotten exponentially worse. Someone made a post under "insane facebook people" which had a picture of a sign on a hospital patient's door that said "please knock before entering I wear a veil". I said "you have to cover your face or Mohammed will smite you!" (which is...

Devi ,

The pre-pubescent bit is something that comes from Paedophiles trying to defend themselves. The word means attracted to children, but some people claim because the root is greek and ancient greece you could work from puberty then the word children only referred to those before puberty. It's wrong, there's plenty of examples of 16 year olds being referred to as children in texts.

Even if it was true, we're not in ancient greece, people are considered children up to 18 or even 21 today.

Devi ,

I have explained what the word means very clearly. and nobody is convicted of Paedophilia, it's not against the law to have an attraction in your head, it's the acts that are against the law.

The rest of your comment just seems to be justifying paedophilia.

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