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Crampon ,

I left Spotify for Tidal. But why would anyone feel obliged for free music from a commercial host? Just self host if you dont want to pay. Piracy is always morally right. It's preservation of cultural heritage.

I choose to pay for Tidal because of convenience. I refuse to pay for more than 2 streaming services. It's fairly easy for any adult to make choices like that.

This is an imagined problem and a fairly new one to.

Left handed people having to use tools and appliances designed for right handed people is an actual bigger issue.

Crampon ,

I thought it was 4 images for a while.

Crampon ,

Can be built up power in the muscle. If you've ever cut out the heart of a fish it will beat in you palm. You can even stimulate it to beat with compressions after it stops by itself.

How do you get people to wash their vegetables when you're at their house and you don't wanna seem rude?

So awkward, but come on it says right there on the package to wash those mushrooms or whatever it is… You’re not their mom but you don’t wanna eat feces or whatever ended up on the produce. A quick rinse is never going to be perfect but it’s better than nothing....

Crampon ,

"I've had sand on my vegetables before. Can I wash them?"

I've found sand in salad multiple times. Not washing greens are weird.

Crampon ,

Only thing holding me back from Kagi is the impossibility of privacy and a credit card associated with my user.

Crampon ,

Did Spez trademark "im just a little shit pig" too?

Crampon ,

Guy haven't heard about fish or wild life.

Crampon ,

You think it was a default option to export avocados from South America to Sweden?

It's strange believing we can't live how we lived for thousands of years because we changed our habits the past 300. Explosive human growth is not a necessity for human life. It's a necessity for capitalism to thrive.

Crampon ,

Sure it has no value. But what ban it though? The beauty of the site was always its niche communities. Now r/all is Facebook with Strangers.

Crampon ,

No way! Wholesome Hamas would never.

Crampon ,

I did. You didn't. Read earlier replies.

Crampon ,

This is Lemmy. Facts are not important.

Crampon ,

If you believe some dudes are blocking the aid package and Hamas has nothing to do with it and does everything they can to supply the aid for the Palestinians you probably believed some random green mens invaded Crimea in 2014.

Crampon ,

Anything to not mention kilo.

98 pounds/lbs is 44.4 kg.

Crampon ,

Women can be strong and mentally superior to men. But saying women are weaker because of propaganda is just wrong.

Female oplympians aren't slower or weaker because men told them to be. Serena Williams lost vs rank 203 male tennis players during Williams' peak. There's plenty of strong women who could kick Tue average males ass. But has a higher baseline strength, and a higher threshold. If they didn't there would be more mixed competitions.

Crampon ,

You're gonna be blown away when you learn how animals treat each other in the wild.

It's easy to label others from a fictional high ground. If faced with death or dead pig im sure most people choose dead pig.

Crampon ,

You are supposed to ask questions that might be viewed as stupid, and you should receive an answer without judgement.

If you do that though you will get fucked and asked to install Linux.

E-Bikes Should Not Require Pedaling, Proposes U.K. Government, Diverging From E.U. ( )

E-bikes could get faster, more powerful and not require pedaling, in a move announced today by UKGOV. Cycling organizations are opposed to the plans.

Crampon ,


When i visited Amsterdam i saw some pretty dangerous driving in the bike paths. High speed and heavy weight.

Crampon ,

This whole thing is bait.

Anyone engaging on any side of the debate are fools. Any topic antagonizing half the population will somehow stir up some noise.

It's like saying all women are bad at sport because they don't train hard enough. It's ignorant and serves only the purpose of creating a divide in the population.

Stop engaging in the divide.

‘We will fight with our fingernails’ says Netanyahu after US threat to curb arms ( )

Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will stand alone and “fight with our fingernails” in defiance of US threats to further restrict arms deliveries if Israeli forces proceeded with an offensive on the southern Gazan city of Rafah....

Crampon ,

For sure, Hamas would never use the weapons for anything else than in a pure defensive manner. Can guarantee it.

Hamas is a wholesome book club.


Crampon ,

None of the parties should be armed by an external force. This conflict is eating an insane amount of attention but has a miniscule importance for anyone not involved. It's actually insane how many westerners makes up their whole identity by this conflict.

Europe and the US have enough to worry about with themselves. Russia is a direct threat to freedom in Europe, and people here are worrying about some dispute far away that doesn't affect them at all.

Arming any part in this conflict is dumb.

Crampon , (edited )

They even had to build a wall to keep the capitalist working class outside of east Berlin.

That Pew data is outdated. They have new data from 2019. Why did you post outdated and bad data to strengthen you belief?

The latest research literally says conditions are better now for most people. Unless you hate homosexuals and women. Every metric indicate high standards of life and rights.

I hate capitalism as much as the next person. But posting like you did is how we got Trump. Just faking everything till it happens.

Crampon ,

Uh oh. Looks like you triggered the tankies who are nostalgic for a thing that never happened.

Crampon ,

Ye sure. No communist project has ever worked out because some people are by nature evil and hungry for power. Every communist regime has gone to shit because of it. Anyone hungry for power should be imprisoned because they are a danger to society. But most people rely on direction to function. It's a double edged blade.

Capitalism ruins everything in its path and communism eat it's children. Welcome to the suck.

Crampon ,

Imagine if Hamas stormed a festival and executed 1200 people for shits and giggles. Now that would be some assholery.

Lucky for us Hamas is a wholesome book club.

Stupid rhetoric.

Crampon ,

I'm not defending the actions of the Israeli army. They are doing some bad stuff.

But everyone supporting Palestine as a state should have a week with Hamas at work. Hamas is the government of Palestine. The civilian population of Palestine are getting shafted because the Palestinian government are using them as shield.

If Palestine sent it's army. Read Hamas to fight in the field Israel wouldn't have any excuse to do a ground invasion in urban environments.

Meanwhile the head of Hamas sits safe in Kuwait sipping champagne.

Crampon ,

I bought it to support it. Haven't played it yet, but i will sooner or later. Let the guy cook.

Crampon ,

Heard over at reddit that walking dogs should be pretty viable cash.

Crampon ,

Maybe. But destroying the Russian dictatorship is a moral obligation for everyone in the free world.

All Russian infrastructure and assets are valid targets. Both inside and outside of Russia.

Crampon ,

Ye sure. But what about the real estate owners getting property value reduced due to home offices?

Think about the billionaires please.

Crampon ,

Well. The war took 20.000 lives daily. The bombs took about 140k if i recall right.

If the war lasted 7 more days it would even out. The bombs ended it instantly.

The Japanese doctrine was to fight to the very last man, woman and child.

The Japanese are like everyone else. Only more. They had some powerful cultural settings to be able to do what they did.

Crampon OP ,

Like Mont Blanc. Mountain white.

Origin of the title explains a lot.

Crampon ,

What do you mean? I only see people here venting possible reasons for why European countries are vary of Islam. There's no hate going on here.

If there was a confused hyper normalized comment here it's yours.

Crampon ,

The Afghan people were given the tools to maintain a working state. They didn't want it. The president broke the sound barrier leaving the office, and the army was not as big as they told us it was. Paper soldiers.

This is the state they wanted. Let them enjoy it.

Im all for helping women leave the country so the men can enjoy their Islamic dream by themselves.

why are incels frowned/hated upon?

Obviously I can understand why mysoginists are hated upon, As their belief is all women are trash or men are superior etc. But why are incels also generally hated upon? They are lacking in a way that makes them unable to gey in a relationship, but that shouldn't necessarily mean they are mysoginists, right?...

Crampon ,

I don't believe anyone cares for Incels as people just in involuntary celibat letting their day go by with studies, work and their hobby.

Incels who are loud misogynistic is the only people we know are actually in involuntary celibat, and mad about it.

Grown ups don't hate virgins by default.

Crampon ,

You don't buy Nintendo for pure computing power. I prefer Nintendo consoles for the portability and game library.

I also have a pc with a 3070ti for more demanding games. Games that Xboxes and playstations runs like shit anyway.

Crampon ,

Never had any issues. Been using it for years. It was slow in the early days, but now its a better experience then Chrome. Might be different on IOS.

The president seized 1% of El Salvador's population. Their children pay the consequences ( )

Tears welled in Alex’s eyes and he pressed his head into his hands as he thought about more than a year of birthdays and holidays without his mother, who was swept up by El Salvador’s police as she walked to work in a clothing factory....

Crampon ,

They had a homicide rating of 100/100.000. A 0.1% chance of getting murdered. Think about it.

Any society spinning out of control that way is doomed to collapse or turn to extreme measures to save itself. El Salvador chose the latter. Doesn't mean it's ok, but it seems to be the only viable alternative now.

Crampon ,

That's a crazy bad take as someone who's been murdered is dead, but someone imprisoned is not necessarily innocent.

Without knowing how many of those 1087 are innocent the comparison is worthless.

Either El Salvador falls, or they commit to this crackdown. I'm not defending kangaroo courts of innocent people, but I can sympathise with why the country does it with the circumstances.

Crampon ,

What is your way to go about that?

If you aren't doing anything, what way(s) would you deem acceptable?

They're not doing anything except ruining the day of normal people around them. And after they give themselves morale immunity from any responsibility for anything bad that happens.

If they want to protest they should sink yatchs, ground private airplanes and drag billionaires by the hair out of their bunkers and execute them. That would actually be something. But they choose to disturb random working class peasants trying to enjoy a minute for themselves instead of being crushed by capitalism for one pretty moment.

Useless arguments are thrown around like hot garbage here. Of course they won't do what's excpected for change because they don't want change. They want a free pass from any personal responsibility.

Crampon ,

This was way more interesting than i anticipated. I've used lathes my self but thought they just was some post industrial Revolution invention.

Great share.

Crampon ,

Africa went from a population of 228 million in 1950, to 1460 million in 2023.

There is no food shortage. If they have sufficient food for 1095 million people they have way more food available than Europe with its 742 million inhabitants.

Politics on the continent is the central issue. Not how other continents can give more free food which stimulates further population growth.

It's not colonization of the continent fra fucked it up till today. Other nations on different continents have made it just fine. Multiple times. Even Norway was under a 400 year occupation by Denmark.

Crampon ,

Absolutely missed the point.

Would gift you platinum if possible.

Crampon ,


Without excusing extremists with infertile demands fueled by religious psychosis.

Crampon ,

First western nation to fall due to demands from terrorist. Ask and they shall receive I guess.

This will be the first text in some insane dominos memes in the future.

Meme government.

Crampon ,

This guy is a treasure. Its always a treat ending the day with a calm video of the man just breaking som sticks and pounding some rocks for us.

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