plink , to israel group avatar
tadbithuman ,

@plink @palestine @israel yeah, the article was clearer.

tadbithuman ,

@plink @palestine @israel

"Approximately 13% of poll respondents in six swing states who voted for U.S. President Joe Biden in 2020 but would not vote for him again said that his foreign policy or Israel's war on Gaza were the most important issues determining their vote."

plink , to palestine group avatar
f800gecko , avatar

@rrb @plink @palestine @israel

Yes, there is so much more to be said

But at least giving a hint and handhold to encourage the doing of a little more “own research” is useful and something not seen much to date.

I wish other news outlets would act accordingly.

LightFIAR , avatar

@rrb @f800gecko @plink @palestine @israel Hamas ❤️ Bibi
yrs, untergruppenführer bengvir

plink , to palestine group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

That's right @plink. is still functioning and killing JudeoNazis. The Entity is desperate. Like a pouting spoiled child with a broken toy ... if it can't have it will destroy it. They demolished 's civilian airport today. like that mean nothing to these . They need to be destroyed, and they will be. @palestine @israel

plink , to palestine group avatar

[Bias alert - NYT usually favors Israel]
A Chaotic Night at Raises Questions About Police Response

"Counterprotesters attacked a pro-Palestinian encampment for several hours without police intervention, and none were arrested. Now, the police response is under investigation."

@palestine @israel

MarkRNay , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel think that both the police and the U.C.L.A. administration might just have a pro Israel bias?? Just a bit? No police response. None of the violent pro Israel attackers arrested. Next the peaceful pro Palestinian prostest camp is broken up and the non violent were arrested.

Maybe pro Israel- just a tad. Ashamed of my community. USC is also a disgrace

plink , to palestine group avatar

Why Opposition to is Not Antisemitism

article contains links to a statement by over 1,000 [ professors opposing equating with . Also contains link to a statement by Jewish students of with the opposite position]

@palestine @israel

InternetDev , avatar

@tromo @plink @palestine @israel

Not necessarily Zionists but also evangelists who are Zionists by proxy but as the Nazis expected their death

Smith007 , avatar
plink , to palestine group avatar
barney , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

This is truly disgusting. Utterly sickening.

plink , to palestine group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

@Smith007 I'm familiar with the account and that means I'm even more convinced its garbage. @plink @palestine @israel

Smith007 , avatar
faab64 , to israel group

destroyed the last operating cell tow in Rafah and set it on fire.

One of the key goals of Israel is to prevent the world witnessing what they are doing in Gaza. From murder of reporters, preventing foreign press to enter and destroying the means of communication, they are setup up the stage for full blown assault on and mass murder of innocent palestinians who have no where to go.

Video available on telegram:

@palestine @israel

freakazoid , avatar

@faab64 Never would have thought Team Blue could fit their heads even farther up their asses than they were in 2016. Not only did they fail to learn anything, they appear to have become even more disconnected from reality since then. And they're driving us headlong into 4 more years of Trump. Which I'm sure they'll blame you and me for.

At some point you have to start wondering if that level of ignorance could really be unintentional.


faab64 OP ,

@freakazoid @palin It really is unbelievable, I honestly don't understand the power of Israel and Christian zionists have over the world politics and economy.

Biden will lose, no matter if he supports Netanyahu or not, he is in a loose/loose situation and christian zionists would rather have Trump as president with unconditional support of Israel than Biden who is shy about his support.

faab64 , to israel group

"Your home is our home, and your bed is our bed! O sons of Al-Amalek, we will not forget, and we will not forgive!"

This is not a war on . This is the war of dominance, ethnic cleansing and land grab.

@palestine @israel

jesuisgavroche , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

Tout à fait d'accord.
Et il ne s'agit pas non plus d'une guerre de religions, mais de colonisation.

Les "sons of Amalek", ce sont les européens, auteurs de pogroms pendant des siècles, et de la Shoah ensuite.

MusiqueNow , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

;if i could smack that smirk off his face, I would

plink , to israel group avatar

As Warns Against Rafah Invasion, Pushes Congress to Support Israel’s Operation

In talking points reviewed by The Intercept, the pro-Israel lobby argues that has “no other option” but to invade .

@palestine @israel

Lassielmr , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel When AIPAC and other lobby groups can fund and influence so many US politicians you are no longer a true functioning democracy.

plink , to israel group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

@plink So Israel's nazis say they'll use 'imprecise missiles', Translated from dialect:
> "We'll kill more civilians if you don't give us weapons to kill more civilians." @palestine @israel

plink , to israel group avatar

from Dreams
800+ Professors Urge Biden, Senate to Oppose 'Dangerous' Bill

"Criticism of the state of Israel, the government, policies of the Israeli government, or ideology is not—in and of itself—antisemitic" says letter

@palestine @israel

MarkRNay , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel of course not. That does not stop the Israelis from using that slur to quash dissent

plink , to israel group avatar
immibis ,

@plink @palestine @israel Ireland knows what's up because Ireland used to be like Palestine. The US has always been like Israel.

faab64 , to israel group

"Israel is fighting a just and necessary war," asserted U.S. Senator from Arkansas, , in support of Israel continuing its genocide in Gaza.

The Senator also suggested that "the House has no choice but to impeach over delayed Israel aid." This highlights the extent to which U.S. senators supported by funding are willing to go to ensure Israel remains armed with U.S. weaponry.

Video available on telegram:

@palestine @israel

MusiqueNow , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

psychopathic bean pole!

plink , to israel group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

@plink is running FLACK for dude. The word "Offensive" LITERALLY MEANS NOTHING... Just like "NON LETHAL AID" MEANS NOTHING.

See this, on that: "Non-lethal aid” … “There are a lot of gray areas…”

Much more about these WEASELWORDS
@palestine @israel

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