RememberUsAlways , to palestine group avatar
GreenFire , avatar

@RememberUsAlways @palestine @israel
It made me so mad this week when instead of celebrations for that brave rescue I saw just so much more pro-Iranian disinformation about perfidy and other ignorant takes.

RememberUsAlways OP , avatar


Yes. The entire war is justified with a single hostage rescue.

I fear Hamas retaliation against any living hostages that remain. They will move the hostages for certain and then use them as political tools to extract demands.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

A recent has concluded that Israel is committing war crimes in Gaza, which include , , and the use of as a method of .

Not to forget using aid truck as the mean of military operations which is clearly made as a crime in Geneva convention.

Question is, will it have any impact on the favorable relationship between US, UK and EU with Israel? Or it's going to be one another crimes comitted by Israel that goes unpunished.

Video available on telegram:

@palestine @israel

seb_tmg , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel Breaking laws and getting punished is only possible for countries outside of NATO/EU and if not an USA satalite country.

faab64 , to palestine group

WTF story of the day: $University in has dismissed Professor Anne d’Aquino for assigning her students to explore the impact of "genocide in Gaza" on human health.

The University administration cited "objections from some students" who felt that introducing politics into a science class was inappropriate and considered the material "outside the scope" of the course.

D’Aquino has appealed her dismissal, contending that the assignment was relevant, especially considering concerns raised by scientists about the spread of infectious diseases in Gaza.

@palestine @israel

grumble209 , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel Wasn't the world's first man-made nuclear pile created at Univ of Chicago by Enrico Fermi? And now the students and administration say politics is outside the scope of science?

As much as these chuckleheads need science education, they need history education even more.

TruthSandwich , to israel group avatar
immibis ,

@TruthSandwich @plink @palestine @israel Why does your side kill hostages and free terrorists, then? I thought I blocked you and your whole Nazi site, did you change domain?

faab64 , to palestine group

Dr. Mendeleev living in Israeli mindset: Israeli doctors share prisoners’ medical information with interrogators to “greenlight” torture, teach interrogators how to inflict pain without leaving physical marks, and even actively engage in acts of torture themselves.

From organ trafficking, to doctors amputating hands and feet of prisoners because they were cut off circulation with zip ties for weeks and months to refusing care to injured and letting them bleed to death, Israel has shown the world that instead of learning a lesson from the horrors of holocaust, they have embraced their horrifying behavior and building up to new levels.

Israel as a state is a rogues state that needs to be treated as one. It has s not about Netanyahu or Ben-Gvir or militant settlers, the core foundation of state of Israel is written and needs to be treated as such.…

@palestine @israel

faab64 OP ,

This post turned into shit poster racism, islamophobe and antisemite magnet.

rad , avatar

@faab64 Crazy how that asshole isn't even suspended on Mastodon.Social. @Ck @palestine @israel

TruthSandwich , to palestine group avatar
omar_bayramoglu , avatar

@TruthSandwich @plink @palestine @israel And you're pro blood cult thirsty cheering to nuke Gaza?

Is that old man how you describe? Obviously. Please don't lump me with that idea. They is only him. ✌️

DropBear , avatar

@TruthSandwich is a troll. He proved so obnoxious that no other Mastodon instance would put up with him. He had to start his own instance. The fact that he could do that implies financial (and probably political) backing.

Don't waste your time. Just block and move on.

@plink @palestine @israel

plink , to palestine group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

@plink My understanding is the IDF killed 3 other hostages in the process as well @palestine @israel

figstick , to palestine group avatar

I'm so fed up with mods falling for the "holocaust inversion" bullshit, I'm going to start reporting all apologist posts as "supporting violent ideologies."

@israel @palestine

GM7077 , avatar

@figstick @israel @palestine I should do the same tbh

plink , to palestine group avatar

From [gift article below]
Thousands circle to demand enforce ‘red line’

Demonstrators said that if President Biden would not draw a “red line” after forces began an assault on , they would draw the red line for him.

@palestine @israel

LALegault , avatar
LALegault , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel @mikeblake

And you read that right*, it was American Jewish-organized to stop American support for Israel.

faab64 , to palestine group

She was healthy and unharmed after 8 months captivity, despite all the lies and take stories about how they are being held in Gaza.

While a large portion of the Palestinian population in Gaza starving because of Israeli blockade of food, the Israeli prisoners were well fed and in good health after their release.

Unlike every Palestinian who face unthinkable level of torture including sodomy, starvation, amputation of their hands and feet because of extensive use of military zip tie as handcuffs. None of the 4 Israelis released by IDF after slaughter of over 200 palestinians.

@palestine @israel

Ck , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel you have mistake her with Shani Louk.

faab64 , to palestine group
Tooden , avatar
faab64 , to palestine group
Miro_Collas , avatar

Tragically true.

@palestine @israel

Uneek , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel We are at the eight month mark & yet countries are still on the sidelines wanting to talk despite the inhumane conditions & treatment that the Palestinians have endured. Benjamin Netanyahu does not have an exist strategy. Eight months of killing for a grand total of seven rescued hostages is absolutely insane.

faab64 , to palestine group

Gaza Ministry of Health: 150 martyrs in the massacre of the occupiers in t#Nusriyat he central province of the Gaza Strip

@palestine @israel

Ck , avatar

@textbook @faab64 @palestine @israel Ich stimme zu, der Teufelskreis des Todes muss enden. Alles, was dazu nötig ist, ist, dass die Hamas die Geiseln zurückgibt und verspricht, dass sie nicht länger versuchen wird, Israelis zu töten oder zu entführen. Stattdessen erklärt sie ausdrücklich, dass sie am 7. Oktober bei jeder Gelegenheit noch viel mehr tun wird. (über Google Translate)

Ck , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel figures out an Aljazeera journalist held Israeli hostage at his home

plink , to palestine group avatar
William_The_Dragonborn , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel The problem isnt Israel, it is jews.

ViXY_DBC , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

ICC never indicted anyone in the west. This is first time it tries.

Blame "law-makers" all you want, they are just following the truth: ICC is suppose to be a tool for them, it never had any credibility to begin with.

faab64 , to palestine group

It was never about : 40% of Israelis want total control over Gaza after the war

According to a recent Israeli i24 News Channel survey, 40% of Israelis want total control after the "war" is finished.

@palestine @israel

jesuisgavroche , avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

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